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Teacher Candidate Lesson Planning Sheet

Urban Institute of Teacher Education

Teacher Name Hillary McBride

Grade Level 5th grade
Subject Writing
Date 1/16/19

Part One: Lesson Focus – “The What”

Thinking Points: What am I expecting students to learn? What materials and resources am I
planning to utilize? What will I accept as evidence that my students have learned?
Content Objective: Students will be able to look to another author’s memoir to
What do I want my students to discover how they add depth to their writing through
know and be able to do? questioning, adding examples, and finding connections.
Students will be able to …… Students will be able to apply another author’s writing
strategies to their own memoirs.
Standard : 5th Grade Writing Standard 3:
What is the CCSS that Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or
corresponds with this objective? events using effective technique, descriptive details, and clear
event sequences.
Language Objective: Lesson vocabulary: memoir, memories, theme, pattern,
What will my students do to connections, significance, interpret
learn and/or demonstrate their
mastery of the lesson by
reading, speaking, writing, or
Assessment: Students will use hand signals during read-aloud to show
What assessments will I utilize understanding of discovering the ‘theme.’ Students will put a
to determine that my students completed sticky note on the number board (sentence frames
have learned and met the will be given.) Students will have their writing checked off in
objective? their writing journals.

Materials and Resources: Writing journals, sticky notes, example list, sentence frames,
What materials and resources example of student writing (from manual)
will I utilize to facilitate student
Part Two: Lesson Implementation – “The How”
Thinking Points: How will I teach to ensure learning for all students? How will I engage my
students in the learning process? How will I check for understanding throughout the lesson?
How will I make instructional adjustments for students that are in need of additional support?
Lesson Components with Teacher Expectations: Student
Estimated Timeframe Instructional Strategies/Activities/ Expectations
Lesson Introduction: I will discuss the teaching point with the Students will sit on
5 minutes students on the carpet. “Today we will the carpet with their
How will I clearly communicate look at a few writing passages of authors writing partners,
the objective and purpose for re-reading their ideas to find patterns, writing journals,
learning? How will I provide connections, and other ways to interpret sticky note, and
background knowledge? How the theme of their ideas. By doing this, a pencils.
will I “hook” the students? writer can add more depth to their
Check for Understanding: I will ask students to discuss the vocab that Students will offer
How will I know that all will help us meet our objective ideas and discuss
students know the objective and (significance, theme, interpret) *Write them out loud to the
purpose of the lesson? these on the easel* whole group.
Instructional Strategy: Teacher I will read a student writing example to the Students will listen to
Modeling –“I Do” students. This example is in the manual the read-aloud.
10 minutes and shows how a student re-read their
What will I say and do as I memoir idea and discovered new
demonstrate the demonstrated meanings behind their theme. I will
the concept? introduce the sentence frames to be used.
““When I used to read my entries, I
thought the theme was about….., but now
I realize that the theme is about…...”
Check for Understanding: I will ask students to put fingers in the air Students will put
How will I know that the for the number of themes that they hear fingers in the air
students have a clear during the read-aloud – there will be two. once they hear the
understanding of the concept? themes come up in
We will discuss the passage and make a list the passage.
of strategies used.
Students will offer
ideas for the list of
Instructional Strategy: Guided I will refer back to my list of personal Students will work
Practice – “We Do” memoir ideas that we made and discussed with me as we talk
10 minutes yesterday. We will look to the list of through the steps.
How will I engage my students strategies when we put together my Students will work
instructionally with the sentence frames. “I will re-reread my list, with their writing
concept? look for patterns, question my theme, and partners to fill out
interpret it in different ways.” I will use their own sentence
the sentence frame like the author: “When frame of their ideas.
I used to read my entries, I thought the This will be done on a
theme was about Montana, but now I sticky note and
realize that the theme is about family.” placed on their
I will ask students to do this with their own number board in the
memoir ideas with their writing partners. front of the room.
Instructional Strategy; I will give students the writing goals: Write Students will go back
Independent Practice or re-write their memoir ideas on a new to their desks and
20 minutes sheet of paper and work on adding write on their own.
How will I provide my students examples, new themes, or patterns. Students will follow
with the opportunity to engage directions and
in independent practice? What complete the writing
will the students who have goals.
finished early do?
Check for Understanding I will check off student work for Students will show
How will I know that the accountability. me their work and
students have a clear give me feedback on
understanding of the concept? how they felt it went.
Lesson Closure I will ask students to reflect on their Students will reflect
5 minutes favorite part of writing their memoirs thus on their favorite part
How will I review and clarify the far. of writing their
concepts taught? memoirs. They will
share with their table
partners and then
whole group if they
would like.

Part 3: Post Lesson Analysis – “The What’s Next”

Data Analysis: After seeing this lesson play out and

What will I do next based on meeting with my mentors for feedback, it
analysis of the assessment was clear that students need a review on
results? theme vs. moral. I will discuss these
topics and their differences before our
next writing lesson.
Reflection: After writing this lesson, I conferenced
What components of the lesson with my STE teacher and I decided to
went well? What components change the lesson. I felt that this lesson
will I modify? was not as engaging as I would have liked.

I kept the objective and focused the

lesson on determining what strategies
were used in writing to create depth or
more layers in a memoir. We began with
table discussions of what does it mean to
write with depth. I was excited to hear
tables share their ideas of “deep” or
“layers” in figuring out what depth would
look like in writing.

After students shared their ideas, we

reviewed the week’s examples of
memoirs and their structures. We also
reviewed writing strategies that could be
referenced during the read-aloud. I used
a read – aloud video of “My Rotten Red-
Headed Older Brother.” The students
love books by this author and enjoyed her
writing structures so we continued with
this example to spark engagement. The
read-aloud was fun and was engaging.
Students were interested to know more
about this author’s life – which aided in
our purpose of writing memoirs.

During the read-aloud, students were

asked to write down writing strategies
that the author used on sticky notes for
accountability. Students then shared
their ideas with their groups and then to
the whole group. I have learned that this
group does really well with sharing out
ideas when they have discussed their
thoughts with their groups first. Because
of this, I try to have them share with their
tables or partners before discussing. This
worked for this lesson and we had
students sharing out wonderful ideas –
this was one of the most successful
discussions that I have led!

After the discussion, students worked on

their own to re-read their ideas and re-
work their themes. They also went over
their ideas to connect writing strategies
that would make their memoir more
detailed. I checked in on students while
they were working to see what they
choose and why. I tried to have a
conversation with every student.

The biggest thing that I have been

working on when teaching writing lessons
is to give them 25-30 minutes of writing
time. I was not successful with this lesson
in giving them the full time to write – our
discussion went a little long. Next time I
will make sure to set a timer for myself in
order to make sure that students get
enough time to write. My mentors and I
discussed that in this lesson, students
could go back and re-work their memoir
idea list and change/confirm their

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