Interview Questions For Chicago Friends School

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Roman Hreskiv,Tim Joseph, and Katie Sobun

Chicago Friends School Semi-Structured Interview Questions
1. How did you hear about Chicago Friends School?
2. What made you want to be part of this school compared to other schools that you could
have possibly taught at?
3. When you were applying to become a teacher at Chicago Friends School, did anything
seem to be repeated, like a particular value?
4. How does Chicago Friends School compare to other schools that you have taught at or
were part of?
5. What does the idea of diversity mean to you?
a. How is it beneficial to a classroom environment?
6. Were the schools you were part of racially diverse?
a. If so, what practices seem to increase diversity in that school?
b. Do you think that these practices can be done at Chicago Friends School?
7. Are there any practices that the school has implemented to increase diversity?
8. How much do the Quaker values mean to you?
a. How are they represented in how you teach?
9. Do you believe that if someone came into your classroom, that they would notice within
20 minutes that it is a Quaker school?
10. I​n what ways do you promote the idea of diversity in the classroom?
a. Are there any assignments/activities that promote the idea of diversity?
b. Do you think that these assignments/activities should be displayed to show
that Chicago Friends School is really welcoming to all people?
11. Considering Chicago is a highly diverse city, are there any steps taken by school and
implemented in the curriculum that prepare students for this diverse environment?
12. Do you have any suggestions/any necessary steps to address diversity in the school?
13. Do you think that being a Quaker School that sometimes that it might scare those who do
not have much knowledge of the Quaker life?
a. How would you describe the balancing act of showing that the school is unique,
but trying to show that anyone can come in and be part of the Quaker community?
Roman Hreskiv,Tim Joseph, and Katie Sobun
1. How did you hear about Chicago Friends School?
a. Do you believe you would have heard about Chicago Friends School if this way
did not arise?
b. Were you actively looking for a Quaker school in Chicago?
2. What was the main reason you chose CFS?
3. How do you feel about your child being in this school?
a. What do you like about it?
b. What would you change/improve?
4. Would you recommend Chicago Friends School to friends, or anyone else from your
inner circle?
5. Compared to your childhood, how does Chicago Friends School differ from what you are
able to observe and hear from your kids?
a. How did your school “look” in terms of diversity compared to Chicago Friends
b. Do you think that any practices that your school did to increase diversity?
6. What are your thoughts about being a newer and smaller school?
a. Advantages and disadvantages?
7. What role do you play in the school/community?
8. What do you think about diversity in the school?
a. Are you concerned? Would like it to change?
b. Or it is not that important?
9. What three words would you use to describe Chicago Friends School?
10. Are there any ideas that you have to try to increase diversity in the school?
11. How much does the Quaker values mean to you in this school?
a. Do you believe that it hurts or harms the school in terms of trying to recruit
diverse people?

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