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Discipline Plan

Mr. Sullivan
6th Grade Science

The following steps will be employed in the classroom to manage student behavior.

Step 1 -- Private "Signal"

Proxemics, pointing, and "the look" are all examples of signals used to let the student know his/her
behavior is unacceptable.

Step 2 -- Verbal Warning

Step 3 -- Quick Conference

This conference may occur quietly at student's desk, or at a more private location (teacher's desk, hallway,
etc.), depending on the severity of the misbehavior and/or the class activity at that point.

Step 4 -- Reflection Card/Possible Lunch Detention

Student will be instructed to fill-out a Reflection card [see page 5] answering the following questions:
1. What was I doing that was inappropriate? Why was this inappropriate?
2. What class principle was violated?
3. What are the logical consequences of my behavior? How can I make things right?
This card must be turned in to the teacher when completed.

If the student is asked to fill out a reflection card, he/she is may be assigned
one day of lunch detention (to be served that day, or the following day).
A reflection card may also result in a phone call home, and/or the card being sent
home to parents.

Step 5 – Alternative School

“Repeat offenders” in lunch detention for one or more of the Trailblazer classes will be assigned to the
Alternative Education School an as-needed basis.

Step 6 -- Office Referral

Administrative involvement

Parents, student and teacher will devise a consequence that repairs damage (if applicable) or relates directly
to the misbehavior. These plans are developed on an individual, situational basis, and involve a
parent/student/teacher conference.

While these steps are intended to work in a hierarchy, extreme circumstances may warrant
deviation from this order. In any case, parents will be notified as soon as their child's behavior
demonstrates a cause for concern. I hold high expectations for students' behavior; they will thoroughly
know and understand the rules of this classroom, and be held accountable for them. With these
expectations and consequences in place, and with students, teachers, parents, and administrators working
as a team, I feel confident that an orderly learning environment will result.

1. What was I doing that was inappropriate? Why was this inappropriate?

2. What class principle was violated?

3. What are the logical consequences of my behavior? What should I do to make things right?

Name: _____________________________________ Date: _______________________



1. What was I doing that was inappropriate? Why was this inappropriate?

2. What class principle was violated?

3. What are the logical consequences of my behavior? What should I do to make things right?

Name: _____________________________________ Date: _______________________


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