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The Detailed Design Study of the Metro Manila Subway Project

in the Republic of the Philippines

Minutes of Meeting
Project The Detailed Design Study of the Metro Manila Subway Project
Subject Coordination Meeting with BCDA, BESC, AYALA, Market Market, SSECC(M2) and FBDC
Date and Time March 12, 2019, 2018 from 11:00 am –12:30 am
Venue BTC Building, BGC Taguig City
Org Name Org Name
Mr. Kent Ocenar Mr. Ed Pascual
Mr. Jim Petate Mr. Anthony T. Luto
FBDC Ms. Myra Ocampo Ms. Craziela Febelin
ALI Ms. Ana Margarita Dy Mr. Romeo Monis
Ms. Aileen Anunciacion R. Zosa Mr. Marc Estrivo
Attendees BCDA Mr. Jansen S. Lim Mr. Raymond Sunga
Mr. Mark Torres Mr. Satish Bhagat
Market Mr. Benny Basilio Jr. Ms. Tomoko Abe
Market Mr. Patrick Henry R. Mendo Jr. JDT Mr. Toshiya Matsuda
SSECC(M2) Ms. Sherlene Cruz Mr. Kenjiro Numazawa
Mr. Serapion B. Naig, Jr.

I. Agenda
1. Kalayaan Avenue Station Location
2. FAR Compensation for the Primer Property
3. Layout of BGC Station
4. Construction Yard for BGC Station
5. Layout Plan of BGC Station Plaza (Preliminary)
6. Required Agreement and Data from BCDA

II. Notes

Meeting started with the introduction of attendees.

• Kalayaan Avenue Station's Location

JDT Mr. Satish discussed the basic issue of the (2) Stations: Kalayaan and BGC Station
1. For Kalayaan Station – JDT Mr. Satish described the proposed location of Kalayaan Station which
will be located along 11th Street with an approximate length of 240.0 m. The road width is
approximately ranging from 12 -14 m wide which is practically not enough for the width
requirement for Subway Station. Therefore, JDT required to widen the spaces for the Station of
35 m wide x 96 m long.

8th Floor Rockwell Business Center Tower 3, Ortigas Avenue, Ugong, Pasig City, Philippines
+63-2-6571-874, +63-2-6571-875
The Detailed Design Study of the Metro Manila Subway Project
in the Republic of the Philippines

From the layout of Kalayaan Station, Entrance/Exits are proposed to be located within the
properties of Megaworld and a Primer Co. Property.

From the previous meeting with Megaworld they agreed to avail spaces for the Entrance and Exits
of Kalayaan Station and for the Entrance/Exits at Primer Company it needs to be discussed and
confirmed. The required area for Entrance and Exit along Primer Co. is (25 m x 14 m) with the
total land area of 350 m2. The property of Primer Company is smaller compared to the
BCDA asked the DOTr if they had already talked to the Primer Co regarding this matter

JDT replied that they had a meeting a couple months ago with the Primer Co. but not on this

BCDA also asked the status of the proposed Entrance/Exits along the TOYOTA premises.

DOTr explained that the Entrance/Exit along Toyota premises is currently under negotiation with
the Megaworld and initially assumed will be located at the parking lot just to avoid the building
structure of TOYOTA and the detail of the Entrance/Exit is to be finalized.

 FAR Compensation for the Primer Property

JDT stated that the area needed along the Primer Co. for Entrance /Exit and Ventilation space is
25 m x 14 m where the overall lot area of Primer Co. is 25 m x 40 m approximately 1000 m2.
During the previous meeting with the Primer Co., they were quite concerned about the merits
of allowing to use their property for the construction of subway.
During the meeting with USec. of Transportation for Railways, JDT was instructed to have a
discussion with BESC and BCDA asking if there is possibility of providing an additional FAR
maintaining the same Gross Floor Area (GFA) from the allowable FAR of BCDA on that particular
area of Primer Co. If BESC and BCDA will allow for that, JDT may start to discuss with the Primer
Co. and lay down the option for the design of Entrance/Exits and Ventilation space along the
BCDA/BESC stated that they will study it first since they have no precedent of this case.
DOTr will finalize the request of JDT and will submit to the Primer Co.

 Layout of BGC Station

JDT presented the proposed BGC Station located along the McKinley Parkway between 26th
Street and 32nd Street specifically at the center of rotunda of Market-Market and Serendra.
Since BGC is highly populated area, it is predicted to have a higher passenger demand. JDT
presented the proposed 4 locations of Entrance/Exits and 2 locations for Ventilation.
For Entrance/Exit No.1, it was located on the pedestrian walkway on the side of Market Market
and it will be used for emergency entrance and exit and also be used during normal time.
For Entrance No.2 it is proposed to be located along the open space of Market Market.
For Entrance No.3 it is proposed to be located along the side of Serendra specifically at the green
meadows. BCDA requested the effects on the passenger and vehicle flow in the dropoff lane
8th Floor Rockwell Business Center Tower 3, Ortigas Avenue, Ugong, Pasig City, Philippines
+63-2-6571-874, +63-2-6571-875
The Detailed Design Study of the Metro Manila Subway Project
in the Republic of the Philippines

after the station is constructed.

For Entrance No. 4 it is proposed to be located along the parking lot of BCDA with the proposed
location of Power Station (Substation) and Ventilation area with a total area of 46 m x 35 m =
1,610 m2
The area that will be used for substation will be used to the full depth i.e. up to the track level.

The other proposed Ventilation is located along the children play zone of Market Market near
the crossing of 32nd street and McKinley Parkway.
JDT presented sample images of Ventilation Tower with assumed height of 6 m to 9 m from the
ground level.
JDT asked BCDA, BESC and Market Market representatives if they agree to the presented
proposed locations of Entrance/Exit and Ventilation structure.
JDT stated that they need their decision as soon as possible so that they can finalize the design
for Entrances/Exits and Ventilation Structures.
BCDA replied that they need to study and review the proposal presented regarding the location
of Entrances and Exits. BCDA requested for a copy of the presentation so that they can further
study it especially the traffic flow during the construction stages.
JDT/DOTr will give BESC and BCDA the Traffic Plan Proposal for BGC Station.

 Construction Yard for BGC Station

JDT presented the proposed temporary space for construction yard of BGC Station located along
BCDA parking lot for the confirmation and approval of location during construction phase which
requires dimension of 25 m width and 111 m length with a total area of 2675 m2. From the
inquiry of BCDA, the timeline for the construction will start from year 2020 to 2024.
BCDA asked if the construction would last for 4 years, it means the roads will be closed for 4
JDT replied that the road will not be totally closed to the traffic during the 4-year construction
period because the traffic flow will be greatly affected including the Mall goers. JDT
recommends to maintain a (1) lane open so as not to jeopardize the traffic flow and besides
that there is a Traffic Management Plan.
BCDA, BESC agreed to the location of Construction Yard.

 Layout Plan of BGC Station Plaza

JDT stated that the construction yard will be developed later to Station Plaza as what had been
discussed with BCDA from the previous meeting. Since BGC Station is surrounded by the
commercial and business establishments, it is necessary to enhance the accessibility and
comfortability of MMSP users. JDT presented the Station Plaza Plan where it will be an intermodal
facility for passengers of Jeepneys, cars, taxi and buses, a large parking area will no longer be
required since many commuters can access to BGC by using the MMSP trains.

DOTr stated that during the past discussion it was mentioned that AYALA was planning to develop
the area for Transport Hub so DOTr and JDT are also trying to co-develop that property with AYALA
if that is possible. The only requirement they have is a ground level only to provide intermodal
8th Floor Rockwell Business Center Tower 3, Ortigas Avenue, Ugong, Pasig City, Philippines
+63-2-6571-874, +63-2-6571-875
The Detailed Design Study of the Metro Manila Subway Project
in the Republic of the Philippines

facility and pedestrian facility for the passenger of Station.

JDT asked the BCDA if AYALA are still using the said land.
BCDA stated that Ayala are still leasing the said land up to 2027 and are currently using it with no
future development as what they knew. According to JDT from the previous meeting with BCDA,
JDT was brought to a knowledge that had a plan to develop that area into Transportation Hub
where JDT also proposed to make a planning based on their requirement. BCDA replied that the
land being used is a multi-modal Station.

JDT asked BCDA if they agreed on the presented proposed Station Plaza so they can finalize the
design of Station Plaza.
BCDA couldn’t decide yet but they will inform DOTr once they have reviewed.

 Required Agreement and Data from BCDA

JDT stated the required Agreement and Required Data from BCDA

Required Agreement
1. Location and Size of Construction Yard at BGC Station
2. Location of Entrance/Exit especially at the Senate Building
3. Location of Ventilation Tower with 6-9m high from ground level and will be placed
BCDA - requested if they can change the position of Ventilation No.1
4. Space for Substation with dimension of 46 m x 25 m
5. Size and Layout of Station Plaza
BCDA suggested that they will coordinate with JDT/DOTr on how to developed the Station Plaza.

Required Data
1. FAR limitation at the proposed station location
2. FAR compensation for Primer Co.
BCDA – suggested to DOTr and JDT to try to talk first to the management of Primer Co. so that
they may know the current situation.
DOTr will set a meeting and an agreement with Primer Co. before submitting the request to BCDA.

• Received Requested Data

JDT explained that they received the requested plan (Two Serendra, Red oak and ASTON) at BGC.
Currently they're still reviewing and studying it to determine the clearances of the buildings to subway
JDT also wants to have the Utility Plan and facilities for BGC and Kalayaan Station (upper and
underground utilities) either of the electrical or water line, so that JDT designer may have a reference
on how deep or high the utilities are located. JDT recently received the CAD data and plans for
drainages has not been received. Besides this, other utilities not received are the large box culvert in
the McKinley Parkway and also the sewer lines (partially received).
8th Floor Rockwell Business Center Tower 3, Ortigas Avenue, Ugong, Pasig City, Philippines
+63-2-6571-874, +63-2-6571-875
The Detailed Design Study of the Metro Manila Subway Project
in the Republic of the Philippines

JDT asked BCDA regarding on the traffic if it is possible that both ends of McKinley Parkway road can
be blocked during the construction stages.

BCDA replied that they can’t decide right now since they haven't received yet the Traffic Management
Plan to review.
DOTr stated that the Traffic Management Plan will be done by the contractor and he will ask his source
if they can provide the plan.
JDT Ms. Abe got back to the topic regarding the design of roundabout (rotunda) stating that if the
original design and improve the bay area and adjoin the entrance/exits of subway station is to be kept
maybe it may lessen the passenger to cross the road.
BCDA explained why they cannot decide right away because of its effect to the residents of Serendra.


1. JDT/DOTr will give BESC and BCDA the Traffic Management Plan Proposal for BGC
2. DOTr will finalize the request of JDT before conducting a meeting with Primer Co.
3. DOTr will provide a copy of JDT's presentation to BCDA, BESC and FBDC to study and
review the request of DOTr and JDT.

DOTr: Accepted by JICA Study team: Accepted by

Signature ___________ Signature ___________

Name in block: Name in block:

( ) ( )

8th Floor Rockwell Business Center Tower 3, Ortigas Avenue, Ugong, Pasig City, Philippines
+63-2-6571-874, +63-2-6571-875

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