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Appl Microbiol Biotechnol (2010) 88:585–594

DOI 10.1007/s00253-010-2775-0


Bioremediation of glyphosate-contaminated soils

Inna T. Ermakova & Nina I. Kiseleva &
Tatyana Shushkova & Mikhail Zharikov &
Gennady A. Zharikov & Alexey A. Leontievsky

Received: 31 March 2010 / Revised: 9 July 2010 / Accepted: 10 July 2010 / Published online: 31 July 2010
# Springer-Verlag 2010

Abstract Based on the results of laboratory and field experi- suitable for the efficient, ecologically safe, and rapid
ments, we performed a comprehensive assessment of the bioremediation of glyphosate-contaminated soils.
bioremediation efficiency of glyphosate-contaminated soddy-
podzol soil. The selected bacterial strains Achromobacter sp. Keywords Glyphosate . Bioremediation . Herbicide .
Kg 16 (VKM B-2534D) and Ochrobactrum anthropi GPK 3 Biodegradation . Microorganism degraders . Toxicology
(VKM B-2554D) were used for the aerobic degradation of
glyphosate. They demonstrated high viability in soil with the
tenfold higher content of glyphosate than the recommended Introduction
dose for the single in situ treatment of weeds. The strains
provided a two- to threefold higher rate of glyphosate Glyphosate (GP) is an organophosphonate compound that has
degradation as compared to indigenous soil microbial a very stable carbon–phosphorus (C–P) bond in its molecule.
community. Within 1–2 weeks after the strain introduction, It is an active ingredient in herbicides (Roundup, Roundup
the glyphosate content of the treated soil decreased and Ultra, Rodeo, Glycel, Ground Bio) widely used in agriculture
integral toxicity and phytotoxicity diminished to values of for the elimination of annual and perennial weeds. The
non-contaminated soil. The decrease in the glyphosate application of GP results in the yellowing and decay of leaves
content restored soil biological activity, as is evident from a within 5–10 days (sometimes 30 days) caused by the
more than twofold increase in the dehydrogenase activity of breakdown of aromatic amino acids synthesis.
indigenous soil microorganisms and their biomass (1.2-fold The studies conducted at the initial stage of Roundup
and 1.6-fold for saprotrophic bacteria and fungi, respective- production by Monsanto Chemical Co. (USA) showed a
ly). The glyphosate-degrading strains used in this study are relatively high GP degradation in the contaminated soils
not pathogenic for mammals and do not exhibit integral with a half-life period of degradation about 20 days
toxicity and phytotoxicity. Therefore, these strains are (Rueppel et al. 1977). However, the 30-year application of
the herbicide under different ecological conditions showed
that GP persists in the contaminated soil for a longer time
I. T. Ermakova (*) : T. Shushkova : A. A. Leontievsky
depending on soil type, processing technique, climatic
G. K. Skryabin Institute of Biochemistry and Physiology
of Microorganisms, Russian Academy of Sciences, conditions, and other factors (Cox 1998). The occurrence
142290 Pushchino, Moscow Region, Russia of GP in the contaminated soils 2 years after application
e-mail: shows its ability to accumulate in soils and cause negative
effects on human health and the environment (Eberbach
A. A. Leontievsky
Pushchino State University, 1998). It has been reported that the GP exposure may cause
142290 Pushchino, Moscow Region, Russia the degradation of liver cells, gene mutations, structural
changes in chromosomes, etc. (Rank et al. 1993).
N. I. Kiseleva : M. Zharikov : G. A. Zharikov
GP can alter natural ecosystem by affecting different
State Federal Enterprise for Science “Research Center
for Toxicology and Hygienic Regulation of Biopreparations”, components of soil microbial community. This compound
142253 Serpukhov, Moscow Region, Russia inhibits the growth and decreases the content of different
586 Appl Microbiol Biotechnol (2010) 88:585–594

soil microorganisms—bacteria, fungi, actinomyces, and Materials and methods

yeasts (Carlise and Trevors 1988). The GP impact on
plants makes them amenable to the infection by phytopath- Soil
ogenic microorganisms (Levesque and Rahe 1992). After
7 years of GP application, some researchers observed the Soddy-podzol (SP) loamy soil (clay 39.8%, sand 16.1%,
adaptation of weeds to this herbicide, as well as an silt 25.4%, organic matter 1%, exchangeable phosphorus
alternation of the species composition and the displacement 45 μg Р2О5 g−1, mobile potassium 80 μg K2O g−1, pH =
of perennial species from the cenosis (Protasova et al. 7.1) was used. The site intended for our bioremediation
2008). The GP transported to aqueous systems via surface studies was a part of a special soil territory free of any
runoff displayed toxic effects to some aquatic organisms pollutant. The absence of pollution was confirmed by the
(Alberdi et al. 1996). analysis of integral toxicity (Daphnia and earthworms
The main way of GP elimination in soils is its biodegra- mortality) and phytotoxicity assessment (inhibition of
dation by the enzyme systems of some microorganisms seed germs and roots of oat, pea, and radish) (data not
(Rueppel et al. 1977; Strange-Hansen et al. 2004). The shown).
intensity of herbicide mineralization in soils depends on
its bioavailability and on the size and the activity of Bacterial strains, cultivation conditions
microbial population containing indigenous GP-degrading
microorganisms (Sorensen et al. 2006). Bacterial GP degraders were isolated by the method of
The inactivation of GP is facilitated by its sorption on enrichment cultures (Ermakova et al. 2008) from soils
soil matrix. On the other hand, GP sorption makes the contaminated with organophosphonates. Initially, mineral
herbicide more persistent because it decreases its bioavail- salt medium (MS1) (Shushkova et al. 2010) supplemented
ability (Schnurer et al. 2006). The efficiency of GP with 0.5 g l−1 GP and 10 g l−1 sodium glutamate (Difco,
degradation can be altered because of its vertical mobility USA) was used for the selection of most active strains in
in soils as a result of strong watering or atmospheric batch cultures. The isopropylamine ammonium salt of GP
precipitations. This was confirmed by the detection of GP as a component of commercial Ground Bio herbicide
in the subsurface, groundwater, and in deeper soil (Technoexport, Russia) was used for the cultivation of
horizons, where it is not subject to biodegradation (Veiga microorganisms only as a source of phosphorus rather than
et al. 2001). carbon or nitrogen. The composition of Ground Bio was
The accurate assessment of remediation efficiency is similar to that of the Roundup herbicide with a GP content
impossible without reliable information on changes in the of 360 g l−1.
ecotoxicological characteristics of soil (Casable et al. At the next stage, the strains selected in batch cultures
2007). The reaction of test organisms may serve as a were tested in open microcosms. Two of them, Kg 16 and
criterion for the assessment of the actual exposure and GPK 3, with the maximal efficiency of GP degradation
environment risks posed by the contaminant. There are no were found to be non-toxic for the test organisms. They
universal test systems for the reliable detection of all were chosen for the complex assessment of soil remediation
possible toxicants. That is why various combinations of in laboratory and field experiments. Based on the analysis
different test organisms are usually used in the environ- of the primary nucleotide sequences of 16S rRNA genes
mental monitoring practice. In our research, we used (Ermakova et al. 2008), they were identified as Achromo-
Daphnia as the most sensitive test organism for the short- bacter sp. Kg 16 (VKM B-2534D) and Ochrobactrum
term bioassays of soil integral toxicity (ISO 2000) and oat anthropi GPK 3 (VKM B-2554D).
as a phytotest for the direct evaluation of soil purity after To be introduced to soil, the strains were grown in batch
the application of broad-host herbicide (ISO 2005). cultures in the MS1 medium with 250 mg l−1 of GP and
In order to prevent the accumulation of GP in soils, it is 10 g l−1 of sodium glutamate. Cells were harvested in the
important to develop a method for its rapid elimination after logarithmic growth phase by centrifugation (5,000×g for
the weed treatment. Moreover, bioremediation strategy 20 min), twice washed with MS1 medium without
should be developed to remove this herbicide in case of phosphorus source, suspended in the same medium supple-
spills or leakage during the GP manufacture, storage, mented with 10 g l−1 of sodium glutamate and incubated for
transportation, and application. 48 h to provide phosphorus starvation (Ermakova et al.
The present paper describes a complex study of the 2008). All procedures were carried out under sterile
bioremediation efficiency of GP-contaminated soils using conditions. Then the cells were centrifuged again, washed,
the introduced GP-degrading bacterial strains under labora- and suspended in the MS1 medium lacking phosphorus and
tory (in the microcosm) and field (in situ) experiment carbon sources. The cell density of the introduced microbial
conditions. suspensions was ∼108 CFU ml−1.
Appl Microbiol Biotechnol (2010) 88:585–594 587

Soil bioremediation in the open microcosm horizon of 20–30 cm to estimate the herbicide mobility
through the vertical soil profile.
The soil sample free of roots and plant debris was grinded,
sieved (2-mm mesh), placed into plastic cups (h=15 cm, Microbiological analysis
d=10 cm, 0.5 kg of soil in each), and moistened. Then 12.5
or 25 ml of 0.33% (v/v) Ground Bio water solution (14.85 For counting viable cells of GP-degrading microorganisms
and 29.7 mg of GP, respectively) was applied to the soil in the soil population, serial dilutions of soil samples were
surface. These doses (equivalent to 50 and 100 l of inoculated on MS1 agar medium with 500 mg l−1 of GP
herbicide ha−1) were fivefold and tenfold higher than the and 10 g l−1 of sodium glutamate. CFU were determined
recommended dose for single field application. Carbon after the incubation of agar plates at 28°С for 48 h. In every
sources were not added. test, the total amount of GP-degrading cells was deter-
Microbial suspension in a volume of 25 ml (106 CFU g−1 mined. The CFU of the introduced strain was calculated as
of soil) was evenly introduced into the soil by drip irrigation the difference between the total amount GP-degrading cells
72 h after the GP application. In control 1 (non-inoculated and the amount of indigenous GP-degrading cells (the latter
soil), the same volume of MS1 medium was added instead of was determined in the control experiment 1).
the microbial suspension. In control 2 (non-contaminated Growth of microorganisms in liquid media was monitored
and non-inoculated soil), distilled water (25 ml) was added. by measuring OD560 on a Specol 210 spectrophotometer
Soil was incubated at the room temperature (22–24оС); its (Carl Zeiss, Jena, Germany). The OD data were converted to
humidity was maintained at 14–19% of total moisture the dry biomass weight by assuming that one OD unit
capacity. Soil samples were taken at the beginning and at corresponds to 0.5 g of biomass. This value for the bacteria
the end of the experiments. For analysis, total soil from studied was determined experimentally.
every cup was thoroughly mixed. The averaged soil samples To assess the biological activity of soil, indigenous
were immediately analyzed for the total content of GP, as bacterial cells were counted in soil suspensions stained with
well as separately dissolved and adsorbed GP, the density of an aqueous solution of acridine orange. The length of
introduced and indigenous GP-degrading microorganisms, fungal mycelium was measured in the soil preparations
the biomass of saprotrophic bacteria and fungi, integral stained with calcofluor white. The samples were examined
toxicity, phytotoxicity, and the dehydrogenase (DH) activity under a luminescent microscope. Biomass was calculated
of soil microbial community. The experiments were done by assuming that the weight of one dry bacterial cell is 2×
in triplicate. The data were re-calculated for the weight of 10−14 g and the weight of 1 m of dry fungal mycelium is
air-dried soil. 3.9×10−6 g (Zvyagintsev 1991).

In situ soil bioremediation Analytical determinations

The experiments were carried out on 1×2 m plots. The plots GP in the culture liquid and soil extracts was determined by
were dug and thoroughly loosened to the depth of 25 cm; HPLC using an LKB 2150 UV-detector (204 nm) and
roots, plant debris, and other foreign inclusions were removed. Repro-Gel H column, 9 μm (250×8 mm). The column was
Two blank soil plots with indigenous microorganisms served kept at 65°С, the mobile phase was 0.01 N sulphuric acid.
as control 1 (GP-contaminated soil) and control 2 (native non- The alkaline extraction of soil samples was used for the
contaminated soil). The herbicide was applied in the amount evaluation of the total GP content. The soluble fraction of
equivalent to 100 l of Ground Bio preparation ha−1. The GP was determined after the aqueous extraction of soil
experiment was carried out in July–August with night samples. Then, the GP adsorbed on soil particles was
temperatures of 12–17°C and day temperatures of 18–28°C. extracted by alkali (extractable GP). The non-extractable
Soil humidity varied from 7–9% to 18–21% after rain or GP (irreversibly bound GP) was calculated as the difference
watering. The procedures of GP application to soil, the between the total, soluble, and extractable GP (Shushkova
preparation and introduction of microbial suspensions, as et al. 2010). Aminomethylphosphonic acid and sarcosine
well as all analytical procedures were analogous to those were determined in the culture liquid by HPLC as acyl
used in the laboratory experiments. Soil samples were taken derivatives (Zelenkova and Vinokurova 2008).
weekly through 28 days from the soil horizon of 0–20 cm by The DH activity of indigenous soil microbial community
using a core auger tool with an inner diameter of 4.5 cm was measured under anaerobic conditions with glucose as
(AMS, Inc., USA). The soil samples taken from ten different the metabolized substrate and 2,3,5-triphenyltetrazolium
points of each plot were pooled and thoroughly mixed. Each chloride as the hydrogen acceptor. The DH activity was
averaged sample was analyzed at least in triplicate. At the calculated from the amount of triphenylformazan produced.
end of the experiment, soil samples were also taken from the The latter was measured spectrophotometrically at 540 nm.
588 Appl Microbiol Biotechnol (2010) 88:585–594

Non-contaminated soil served as the standard of 100% DH filtrate of 3- and 7-day cultures in doses of 0.5 and 1.0 ml,
activity (Zvyagintsev 1991). respectively (four animals per dose). Control animals
received sterile liquid nutrient medium in the same doses.
Toxicological analysis To assess the dissemination of microorganisms in the internal
organs of animals, 30 days after the injection of microbial
The integral toxicity of the selected strains and GP- culture into the animals, they were euthanized by CO2, and
contaminated soil was evaluated through the vital samples of the blood and internal organs (lungs, liver,
activity of synchronized laboratory Daphnia magna kidneys, and spleen) were plated by replica method on MS1
culture (ISO 2000). The culture liquid of the GP- agar medium supplemented with GP.
degrading strains grown in Luria–Bertani (LB) nutrient
broth was taken in the stationary growth phase, diluted
to 106, 107, 108 cells ml−1 and assessed for Daphnia Results
survivability. After 96 h, the number of survived Daphnia
was counted, and percentage of their death was calculated Selection of active GP-degrading bacterial strains
as the difference with the control (LB medium instead of
the culture liquid). The integral toxicity of soil was At the initial stage of the study in batch culture, the criteria of
evaluated in the same way using aqueous soil extracts selection were: (1) biomass in the stationary phase not lower
instead of the culture liquid. D. magna loss was calculated than 0.5 g l−1 and (2) the biodegradation efficiency within
as the difference with control 2 (non-contaminated soil 20–50 mg of GP g−1 of dry biomass. Among the 25 bacterial
with a toxicity of 0%). soil isolates tested, 13 active strains were selected. Six
The phytotoxicity of strains and soil was assessed on oat cultures actively utilized the herbicide immediately after
sprouts (Berestetsky 1971). Oat seeds were soaked for 24 h isolation from soil, whereas seven other strains could utilize
in the diluted culture liquid prepared as for assessment of GP only after adaptation via several re-inoculations in the
integral toxicity (from 106 to 108 cells ml−1). Then the liquid MS1 medium supplemented with GP and glutamate
seeds were kept for 5 days at the room temperature on (data not shown).
moistened filter paper under a lid. Morphometric indices In order to assess the potential of these strains for the
(root and germ lengths) were determined in comparison bioremediation of GP-contaminated soils, we evaluated
with the same parameters in the control variants with LB their integral toxicity on D. magna. The results of this assay
medium and sterile tap water instead of the culture liquid. have demonstrated that these microorganisms at concentra-
To assess soil phytotoxicity, oat seeds were kept for 5 days tion up to 108 cells ml−1 (commonly used for microbial
on soil covered with moistened filter paper under the same introduction to soils) were not toxic for this test organism.
conditions as during the phytotoxicity assessment of the None of the 13 isolates displayed phytotoxic effect to oat
strains. To calculate the level of phytotoxicity, the charac- sprouts.
teristics of non-contaminated soil with a phytotoxicity of At the next stage assessment of the degrading activity of
0% were used. the selected strains, they were introduced into the SP soil in
The pathogenicity for mammals of GP-degrading strains the microcosm (Table 1). The initial GP content was 30–
was determined according to the recommendations of the 35 mg kg−1, the duration of the experiment was14 days.
Word Health Organization (WHO 1981) on laboratory Assuming that the intensity of GP adsorption in soil samples
outbred white mice and rats. Virulence (LD50), toxicity, is the same, the decrease in its content served as a criterion of
toxigenicity, and dissemination in the internal organs of the degrading activity of the strains. For ten cultures, the
animals were evaluated. The strain exhibiting even one decrease in the toxicant content was higher in comparison
unfavorable feature was considered to be pathogenic. The with the control containing only indigenous GP degraders.
microorganisms were cultivated in liquid LB medium and The study of their pathogenicity showed that only six strains
sampled in the stationary growth phase. For the determina- (MPK 7, MPS 10, MPS 11, GPK 1, Kg 16, and GPK 3) met
tion of LD50, 1 ml of suspensions containing 106–108 and the requirements to hazard class 4 (WHO 2004) and could be
108–1010 bacterial cells, respectively, was i/p and i/g used for introduction into contaminated soils. The decrease
administered in animals. Control groups were treated with in the GP content of soils due to the degrading activity of the
1 ml of physiological solution. Each group contained 12 introduced microorganisms diminished the integral toxicity
animals. The toxicity of the strains was assessed in mice by of soil samples to 3–9%, as compared to the toxicity of 24%
the i/p administration of 1-day microbial suspension inacti- in the control samples and 30% immediately after the
vated at 70°С. The doses were 108, 109, and 1010 cells per application of GP.
animal (four animals per dose). Toxigenicity was assessed in As a result of the screening, two strains were selected:
mice by the i/p and i/g administration of sterile cultural liquid Achromobacter sp. Kg 16 (VKM B-2534D) and O. anthropi
Appl Microbiol Biotechnol (2010) 88:585–594 589

Table 1 Selection of GP degraders in open microcosm In control 1 without the introduced strains, the total GP
Strain degraders GP decrease, Strains Integral soil content decreased only by 23.3% (14.3 mg kg−1). The
mg kg−1 of soil pathogenicity toxicity, percent largest portion of the utilized herbicide (20%) was in the
for mammals of Daphnia death liquid soil fraction, and only about 3% was desorbed from
the soil matrix.
Indigenous microbial <6 nd 24±0.4
community, control The elimination of GP via its biodegradation by the
R1 <6 nd nd introduced strains decreased the integral toxicity of soil
P 15 <6 nd nd to the values close to those of non-contaminated soil
MPK 7 12±3 − 5±0.2 (1.3% and 5.3%), while in control 1 with indigenous
MPK 8 <6 nd nd microorganisms, this value decreased only from 36.7% to
KM 11 10±3 + nd 16.7%.
GPK 1 15±3 − 3±0.3 The phytotoxicity assessment of GP-contaminated soil
GPK 3 19±4 − 9±0.4 demonstrated that, in control 1, the inhibition of the oat root
Kg 16 23±5 − 7±0.3 length had slightly decreased (from 44% to 37%). At the
B5 11±3 + nd same time, in the presence of Achromobacter sp. Kg 16 and
G4 10±3 + nd O. anthropi GPK 3, this value decreased to 14% and 24%,
SM 51 10±3 + nd respectively. The germ lengths changed in the same
MPS 10 12±3 − 5±0.2 proportions.
MPS 11 16±4 − 8±0.3 GP contamination leads to a threefold reduction of the
Values are means ± standard error
DH activity of soil microbial community. At the end of the
nd not determined; − negative result; + positive result
experiment, this activity in control 1 remained almost
unchanged (34%), while the introduction of Achromobacter
sp. Kg 16 and O. anthropi GPK 3 caused a twofold increase
GPK 3 (VKM B-2554D). These strains possessed maximal in the enzyme activity (from 30% to 62–64%).
degrading activity towards GP (23 and 19 mg GP kg−1 of Following the addition of GP, the biomass of saprotro-
soil). Possible GP degradation products (aminomethylphos- phic soil bacteria and fungi decreased by 42% and 62%,
phonic acid and sarcosine) were not detected in the growth respectively. Due to the herbicide elimination by the
media of both strains (data not shown). introduced GP degraders, the biomass of indigenous soil

Soil bioremediation in the open microcosm

In laboratory-scale experiments, the efficiency of GP biodeg-
radation by the introduced Achromobacter sp. Kg 16 and O. 70
anthropi GPK 3 strains was estimated in comparison with
the indigenous microbial community (control 1). The
duration of the experiment was 21 days under controlled 50
conditions (temperature and soil humidity).
The evaluation of GP adsorption demonstrated that up to
80% of the initial herbicide dose was adsorbed by the soil 30
matrix within 72 h and only 20% remained in the soluble
phase. The adsorbed GP could be fully extracted with
NaOH (extractable GP). It was available for bioutilization 10
by microorganisms as a phosphorus source. At the end of
the experiment, soluble GP was utilized in all the 1 2 3 4 5 6
experimental variants. The residual GP was extractable
fraction. The non-extractable fraction (irreversible bound Fig. 1 Change of toxicological and biological characteristics of GP-
contaminated SP soil during the bioremediation in open microcosm: 1—
toxicant) was absent. GP decrease of initial content (100%), 2—integral toxicity, 3—
The results are shown in Fig. 1. At the initial GP content phytotoxicity (2, 3 of control 2 with non-contaminated soil, 0%), 4—
of 58–61 mg kg−1 of soil, the degree of elimination reached DH activity, 5—saprotrophic soil bacteria biomass, 6—soil fungi
65.8% (38.6 mg kg−1) with Achromobacter sp. Kg 16 and biomass (4–6 of control 2 with non-contaminated soil, 100%). Error
bars indicate the standard deviation. All values at the beginning of
49.5% (29.5 mg kg−1) with O. anthropi GPK 3. This means experiment after 72 h following GP adding. The values at the end of
that 20% of the soluble and 45.8% and 29% of the adsorbed experiment: control 1, indigenous microbial community; with
GP were bioutilized by the GP-degrading microorganisms. Achromobacter sp. Kg 16; with Ochrobactrum anthropi GPK 3
590 Appl Microbiol Biotechnol (2010) 88:585–594

microorganisms during the experiment increased by 20– a 80

26% and 56–60%, respectively, as compared to control 1.

GP content, mg kg-1 of soil

In situ soil bioremediation 60

Soil bioremediation under field conditions was studied in 50

dynamics for 28 days. All parameters were evaluated for 40

the arable soil horizon (0–20 cm from the surface).
Within 72 h after GP application, 88.8% of the herbicide
was adsorbed by the soil matrix (extractable GP), and 20
11.2% remained in the liquid fraction (soluble GP).
Residual GP at the end of the experiment was found only
in the extractable fraction. No movement of the herbicide 0
down soil profile to the depth of 20–30 cm with
atmospheric precipitations was observed. b 60
The experimental results shown in Fig. 2 demonstrate that
the GP biodegradation rate was maximal during the first week 50

Integral toxicity, %
after the introduction of the GP-degrading strains. The GP
content decreased by 33.3 mg kg−1 (56.3%) in the case of 40
Achromobacter sp. Kg 16, and by 21.6 mg kg−1 (35%) in the
case of O. anthropi GPK 3 (Fig. 2a). Cell density in this
period slightly changed; namely, from 3.5±0.2×106 to 3.0±
0.2×105 for Achromobacter sp. and from 12±0.9×106 to 15±
0.7×105 CFU g−1 for O. anthropi. Taking into account the 10
insignificant decrease in the GP content in control 1, we
evaluated the biodegradation efficiency by the introduced 0
strains. The efficiency was equal to 18±3 μg GP 106 cells−1
for Achromobacter sp. and 3.0±0.8 μg GP 106 cells−1 for O. c
anthropi. In batch cultures, the degrading activity of Achro-
mobacter sp. Kg 16 was equal to 10±2 μg GP 106 cells−1 70

during the growth phase (96 h) and that of O. anthropi GPK 3 60

DH activity, %

was equal to 20±5 μg GP 106 cells−1 (72 h). 50

The degradation of GP by the introduced strains sharply
decreased by day 14, when cell density was 2–3 orders
lower (103–104 CFU g−1). By that time, soluble GP had 30

been completely utilized. By the end of the experiment, the 20

total GP content decreased by 44.5 mg kg−1 (75.2%) in the 10
case of Achromobacter sp. Kg 16 and by 37.9 mg kg−1 0
(61.5%) in the case of O. anthropi GPK 3 (Fig. 2a). 0 5 10 15 20 25 30
At a lower density and activity of indigenous GP degraders, Time, days
the GP content decreased gradually to 17.9 mg kg−1 (29.3%)
Fig. 2 Dynamics of GP content (a), integral toxicity (b), and DH
during the experimental period (28 days). activity (c) during the bioremediation of GP-contaminated SP soil in
The integral toxicity of soil decreased to the level of field conditions: (filled circle)—control 1 (with indigenous GP
non-contaminated soil 2 weeks after the introduction of the degraders); (filled square)—with introduction of Achromobacter sp.
degrading strains. In control 1, the integral toxicity of soil Kg 16; (filled triangle)—with introduction of O. anthropi GPK 3.
Error bars indicate the standard deviation
decreased twofold by the end of the experiment (Fig. 2b).
As a result of the GP contamination of soil, the
morphometric parameters of oat sprouts decreased 1.5 times
as compared to non-contaminated soil. By the end of the Similar to the data obtained in the microcosm, the DH
experiment, the phytotoxicity of soil could not be detected activity of soil microbial community increased from 30%
probably due to the herbicide degradation by the GP- to 64–66% during the experiment (28 days) in the case
degrading strains. In control 1, the phytotoxicity of soil of the introduced strains, whereas in control 1, this
decreased to a level of 14%. activity declined to 38% (Fig. 2c). Changes in the
Appl Microbiol Biotechnol (2010) 88:585–594 591

biomass of saprotrophic bacteria and fungi in the field the native microbial community reached 30% in compari-
experiments were similar to those observed in the son with 2% in the case of a sandy soil with high sorption
laboratory experiments. capacity (Newton et al. 1994; Strange-Hansen et al. 2004).
The bioavailability of GP depends on its degree of sorption.
As soluble GP is consumed, extractable GP desorbs from
Discussion the soil matrix. The adsorbed GP is degraded considerably
slower than soluble GP. This effect enhances the persistence
GP degraders, belonging mostly to the genera Pseudomonas, of GP in contaminated soils. The irreversibly bound (non-
Arthrobacter, and Alcaligenes, were isolated from different extractable) GP is not accessible to microbial degradation
sources, including soil, water, as well as GP-containing and accumulates in contaminated soils (Eberbach 1999;
household and industrial wastes. Their physiological proper- Zablotowicz et al. 2009; Shushkova et al. 2009). Under
ties were studied in batch cultures (Balthazor and Hallas some conditions, extractable GP can gradually convert to
1986; Pipke et al. 1987; Dick and Quinn 1995). However, no non-extractable GP (Al-Rajab et al. 2008; Getenga and
data is available on the degrading activity of such bacteria in Kengara 2004).
natural soil ecosystems contaminated with GP-containing In our studies, the screening of bacterial strains isolated
herbicides. by the method of enrichment cultures from soils contam-
In earlier studies, the biodegradation of GP in soil was inated with organophosphonates allowed us to select some
quantitatively assessed only for indigenous microorganisms cultures with a high survivability in the environment and
with different levels of adaptation to GP. The biodegradation maximal degrading activity towards GP. Two most active
of GP was found to be low and dependent on the conditions GP-degrading strains Achromobacter sp. Kg 16 (VKM B-
and duration of the process. The maximum value of GP 2534D) and O. anthropi GPK 3 (VKM B-2554D) (Table 1)
biodegradation did not exceed 11% for a period of 50 days (in did not exhibit pathogenicity, integral toxicity, and phyto-
that experiment, GP dose was 100 mg kg−1 of soil) (Getenga toxicity, and according to safety requirements, can be used
and Kengara 2004). In clay soils, the GP biodegradation rate for the bioremediation of GP-contaminated soils. The
varied from 9.3% to 14.7% for a period of 3 months bioremediation potential of these isolates was studied in
(Sorensen et al. 2006). In sand soil contaminated with GP at the laboratory microcosm and under field conditions with a
a dose 1 mg kg−1 of soil, GP was mineralized by only 2% for Ground Bio dose of 100 l ha−1. The recommended dose of
a month (Strange-Hansen et al. 2004). this herbicide applied singly in the field is no more than
The mobility of GP down the soil profile and its 10 l ha−1 (3.6 kg of GP). In our experiments, we increased
sorption by soil matrix promotes the accumulation of GP this dose tenfold in view of its possible accumulation in soil
in the studied SP soil. When applied in a dose of as a result of multiple treatments of weeds and due to GP
50 mg kg−1 soil, the GP content in the 0–10 cm soil sorption and mobility.
horizon decreased during 21 days by 29% in the case of O. anthropi has already been known capable of GP
indigenous GP degraders and by 56% in the case of O. degradation (Gard et al., 1997). Among bacteria of the
anthropi GPK 3. In these experiments, some amount of Achromobacter genus, a unique strain Achromobacter sp.
GP (18% and 14%, respectively) was revealed in the soil LW9 was described, which utilized GP in batch cultures
horizon 10–20 cm, where cells of O. anthropi GPK 3 were as a carbon source in the presence of orthophosphate.
absent and the cell density of indigenous microorganisms This strain transformed GP into aminomethylphosphonic
was very low. The total biodegradation of GP made up acid without cleavage of the С–Р bond; therefore, it did
11% in the control and 42% in the case of the introduced not use GP as a phosphorus source (McAuliffe et al.
strain. Intense watering (an imitation of rainfall) washed 1990).
out 26–28% of GP down to depths of 10–30 cm, and, We evaluated the bioremediation efficiency of GP-
consequently, reduced the amount of bioavailable toxicant contaminated soil not only through the decrease in the GP
in the upper soil horizons (Shushkova et al. 2010). Similar content of soil but also through changes in the toxicological
results were obtained with other types of loamy soils: and biological characteristics (integral toxicity and phyto-
intense irrigation or precipitations washed out GP down to toxicity), as well as in the DH activity and the biomass of
the sub-arable layer (30 cm deep), where it could not be saprotrophic bacteria and fungi.
attacked by GP degraders for a long time (Veiga et al. SP soil is known to have high sorption capacity. When
2001; Barrett and McBride 2007). Ground Bio was applied to this soil at a dose of 100 l ha−1, 80–
The distribution of GP between liquid (soluble GP) and 89% of GP was adsorbed by the soil matrix and only 20–
solid (adsorbed GP) soil phases depends on its sorption 11% remained in the liquid phase 72 h after the GP
capacity. In soil with high levels of gravel, where the application. The irreversible binding of the toxicant to the
degree of GP sorption was the lowest, GP mineralization by soil matrix did not take place. It means that all adsorbed GP
592 Appl Microbiol Biotechnol (2010) 88:585–594

can be used as a phosphorus source by the introduced microbial attack to the desorbed GP. The availability of GP
microorganisms. to biodegradation depends on the rate of its desorption
In the microcosm (Fig. 1), indigenous microorganisms (Eberbach 1998; Getenga and Kengara 2004; Sorensen et
degraded GP (control 1) by 23.3% (20% was soluble GP al. 2006). The fast phase of degradation lasts from 2–5
and only 3.3% was extractable GP). More than 75% of GP (Zablotowicz et al. 2009) to 40 days (Eberbach 1998),
remained adsorbed to the soil matrix. Within the same time depending on the activity of soil microbial community and
period, the biodegradation efficiency of O. anthropi GPK 3 environmental conditions.
and Achromobacter sp. Kg 16 was 2–3 times higher (49.5% The intensity GP biodegradation by O. anthropi GPK 3
and 65.8%, respectively). In this case, the degradation of in batch culture increased 1.5 times when bacterial cells
adsorbed GP by these two strains comprised 29.5% and starved of phosphorus and contained no more 2% of this
45.8%, respectively. compound were used for inoculation (Ermakova et al.
In control 1, the integral toxicity of soil decreased from 2008). Taking into account these data, the high rate of GP
36.7% to 16.7%, and its phytotoxicity from 44% to 37% consumption in the first phase of soil remediation can be
(control 1). Following the introduction of O. anthropi GPK due to the introduction of microbial cells starved of
3 and Achromobacter sp. Kg 16, the integral toxicity of soil phosphorus.
decreased to levels close to those of non-contaminated soil, The decrease in the intensity of GP biodegradation in the
and the inhibition of oat roots and germs decreased by 2–3 field experiments 2 weeks after introduction can be
times. Generally, the decrease in the integral toxicity and explained by the decrease of the number of introduced
phytotoxicity of soil correlated with the intensity of GP cells by 2–3 orders of magnitude. Cell lysis may result from
elimination from soil due to the degrading activity of the the exhaustion of some nutrition sources, in particular,
two GP degraders. carbon source in soil, as well from unfavorable temperature
GP was found to suppress the development of indigenous and humidity conditions. As was shown in experiments
microbial community in the contaminated soil. Indeed, the with batch cultures, the growth of O. anthropi GPK 3 and
DH activity (as a characteristic of the metabolic activity of the the consumption of GP was arrested as the result of
microbial complex), as well as the biomass of saprotrophic glutamate exhaustion as carbon source. In this case, the
bacteria and fungi, considerably decreased after the applica- number of viable cells in the presence of GP drastically
tion of GP. It should be noted that soil fungi were more decreased because of cell lysis (Ermakova et al. 2008).
strongly inhibited by GP than soil bacteria. Due to the intense Similar effects were observed in the case of phosphorus
degradation of GP by the introduced strains, the biological limitation and the excess of carbon source (data not shown).
activity of soil was restored. By the end of the experiment, In SP soil, the biomass of O. anthropi GPK 3 cells
total DH activity, bacterial biomass, and fungal biomass introduced to soil without additional carbon source
increased by 2, 1.2, and 1.6 times, respectively, in comparison increased twofold within the first week after introduction
with the contaminated soil in control 1. The high residual and then decreased. In this case, the content of GP in soil
content of GP (over 70%) in this control soil was still remained at a rather high level. (Shushkova et al. 2010). In
inhibitory to indigenous soil microorganisms, as is evident water suspensions of the same soil, the initial increase in
from the following results: by the end of the experiment, the the O. anthropi biomass was even higher, probably due to
DH activity was almost unchanged, bacterial biomass extraction of available carbon source(s) from the soil
increased only by 6% and fungal biomass by 20%. (Shushkova et al. 2009).
In the field experiments (Fig. 2), changes in the basic It is noteworthy that the amount of adsorbed GP utilized
bioremediation parameters were similar to those in the by the introduced bacteria was 4–6 times higher than that of
microcosm experiments. The maximum rate of GP biodeg- soluble GP. This can be explained by the fact that the GP
radation in the contaminated soil was observed 1–2 weeks degraders isolated from organophosphonate-contaminated
after the introduction of Achromobacter sp. Kg 16 and O. soils acquire ability to utilize directly the GP adsorbed on
anthropi GPK 3. These strains utilized soluble GP by the soil matrix (that is, without the stage of GP desorption
11.2% and a considerable part of adsorbed GP (61.4% and into the soluble phase). Such a situation was described for
37.8%, respectively). In the following period, the degrada- phenanthrene-degrading microorganisms (Tang et al. 1998).
tion of GP drastically fell. In control 1, the GP degradation rate by indigenous soil
The two-phase dynamics of GP degradation in soils by microorganisms (unlike the introduced strains) did not rise
indigenous microorganisms was described by a number of through the whole experiment. Presumably, they need quite
authors. The initial fast phase of degradation was due to the a long period of adaptation to GP as the phosphorus source.
bioutilization of soluble GP. The decrease in the soluble GP The intensity of GP biodegradation with the indigenous
content promotes the desorption of GP from the soil matrix. microbial community is low in comparison with the
The slower second phase of GP degradation is explained by introduced strains. This fact makes the natural remediation
Appl Microbiol Biotechnol (2010) 88:585–594 593

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