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This paper describes objective technical results and analysis.

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Power System Effects and Mitigation Recommendations for DER Cyber Attacks
Jay Johnson 1*, Jimmy Quiroz 1, Ricky Concepcion 2, Felipe Wilches-Bernal2, Matt Reno2

1 Renewable and Distributed Systems Integration, Sandia National Laboratories, P.O. Box 5800, Albuquerque, USA
2 Electric Power Systems Research, Sandia National Laboratories, P.O. Box 5800, Albuquerque, USA

Abstract: Extensive deployment of interoperable distributed energy resources (DER) on power systems is increasing the power
system cyber security attack surface. National and jurisdictional interconnection standards require DER to include a range of
autonomous and commanded grid support functions, which can drastically influence power quality, voltage, and bulk system
frequency. In this paper, we investigate the impact to the power system in scenarios where communications and operations of
DER are controlled by an adversary. The findings show that each grid-support function exposes the power system to different
types and scales of risk. Detailed case studies are performed for distribution system voltage regulation and transmission system
support during contingency events. Finally, recommendations are presented for minimizing the risk using engineered
parameter limits and segmenting the control network to minimize common-mode vulnerabilities.

increases significantly when extending communications to

1. Introduction DER devices because the utility supervisory control and data
The interconnection of power electronics-interfaced acquisition (SCADA) controls are now issued over public
distributed energy resources (DER)—like photovoltaic (PV) internet channels as opposed to using the traditional dedicated
inverters and energy storage systems (ESSs)—has been telecommunications lines. Some larger DER plant controllers
increasing worldwide for the last two decades due to connect to grid operators through fiber-optic cables, copper
renewable portfolio standards, environmental standards, and telephone lines, cellular modems, and microwave or other
customer preference [1]. These devices have traditionally been radio relays [13], so there are several access points to these
designed to not participate with grid operations and to systems.
disconnect from the grid when there are voltage or frequency Many utility-scale systems use DNP3, IEC, or RTU
disturbances, per the U.S. interconnection standard, IEEE communications to the PV plant [14-16]. Residential and
1547 [2]. However, renewable energy penetrations have commercial DER manufacturers typically communicate to
reached a point where challenges with voltage regulation, their equipment using a gateway device which in turn
protection, and bulk system control are becoming an issue communicates Modbus to the power equipment. The Modbus
because DER are displacing thermal plants with inertialess, maps are often proprietary but more recently there has been
non-dispatchable, variable sources of generation [3-5]. heavier adoption of SunSpec Alliance de facto standard
To mitigate these challenges, utilities, independent system information models [17]. The Modbus protocol does not
operators (ISOs), distribution system operators (DSOs), and provide confidentiality (e.g., native encryption), authentication,
transmission system operators(TSOs)are pushing for updated or authorization capabilities. For this reason, it is difficult to
DER interconnection standards which include DER grid- ensure data integrity between aggregators or utilities and the
support functions. For instance, the California Public Utilities DERs.
Commission (CPUC) updated Electric Rule 21 in early 2015 Other protocols—such as IEEE 2030.5 Smart Energy
[6] to include seven autonomous grid-support functions and Profile 2.0 (SEP2) [18], IEEE 1815 (DNP3) [19], or
Hawaii Rule 14 was updated to include new grid-support OpenADR 2.0 [20]—include encryption capabilities, but DER
functionality for DER [7]. Similar changes to interconnection vendors designed their equipment with limited computing
standards and grid codes have been occurring in Italy, power to minimize costs so these devices may not be capable
Germany, Austria, Australia and New Zealand, and other of encryption. An EPRI-led California Solar Initiative project
places around the world [8-10]. investigated the use of'bolt-on' protocol translator options for
In the majority of these regions, grid-support functions are DER devices (e.g., SEP2-to-Modbus)[21] and found that this
programmed before installation and operate with fixed settings was a method of providing greater levels of security to
for their lifetimes. However, a proposal in front of the CPUC communication networks [22]. The California Investor-
[11] and a draft revision to IEEE 1547 [12] require DER Owned Utilities have all committed to use IEEE 2030.5 when
communications. Interoperability allows commanded issuing communication commands to aggregators and DER
functions to be employed and autonomous function parameters devices, though they may use other protocols (such as IEEE
can be changed. The cyber security risk to the power system 1815 or Inter-Control Center Communications Protocol

Sandia National Laboratories is a multimission laboratory managed and operated by National Technology & Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC, a wholly owned
subsidiary of Honeywell International Inc., for the U.S. Department of Energy’s National Nuclear Security Administration under contract DE-NA0003525.
(ICCP)/IEC 60870-6) when communicating to utility-owned 3.1. Volt-var(VV)control
One of these most common distribution voltage regulation
functions is the "volt-vaC function, which adjusts the DER
2. Grid-support functions
reactive power based on grid voltage. When properly
DER grid-support functions and associated test protocols designed, the DER will absorb reactive power at high voltages,
were developed in early work at EPRI and Sandia National and produce (or inject) reactive power into the power system
Laboratories [23-25], and standardized in IEC 61850-90-7 [26] at low voltages. This reactive power compensation has been
and the forthcoming revision to IEC 61850-7-420 [27], IEEE studied extensively [31-32] and is required in European and
1547, UL 1741 [28], and other state, national, and American interconnection standards [9].
international standards. These functions provide grid operators Recently, Sandia National Laboratories developed a
new protection, voltage regulation, frequency control, and hierarchical control mechanism to shift a watt-priority VV
monitoring capabilities. Example functions from IEC 61850- curve for steady-state voltage control [33-34]. Unlike
90-7 are shown in Fig. 1. While there are slight differences in traditional VV, this controlled VV function dispatches new
these functions between standards [29], there are many VV parameters to the inverters regularly (every 1-20 seconds)
commonalities. In this work we will use the IEC 61850-90-7 to reduce the likelihood of exiting ANSI Range A voltages
naming convention. (0.95-1.05 p.u.).
Grid-support functions are principally designed to assist grid Multiple distribution system simulations of a rural 12 kV
operators with large frequency and voltage variations [30]. To distribution feeder serving a highly commercial load area (see
prevent interactions of the inverters with voltage regulation [33] for feeder details) were conducted for the controlled VV
equipment and avoid interactions with automatic generation function and compared to feeder voltages when the VV
control (AGC) and regulation generators, autonomous parameters were maliciously changed due to cyber-attack. In
functions are designed with deadbands around nominal one attack, the VV curve parameters of the default VV curve
voltage and frequency. Additionally, the response time, and were flipped about the zero reactive power line, as shown in
ramp rate of many of the functions can be programmed to blue VV curve in Fig. 2. This caused the inverter to drive the
prevent adverse interactions with the existing power system feeder away from nominal voltage by producing reactive
controls. If these parameters are misconfigured or changed power at high voltage and absorbing reactive power at low
maliciously, the orchestrated control interactions of power voltage. The second example considered an attack which
system regulation equipment may conflict. changed the VV curve so the DER always produced 42% of
the reactive power nameplate, as shown in dashed-red in Fig.
3. Distribution Cases 2. The resulting inverter behavior resulted in the reactive

Voltage Support Frequency Support Grid Protection

(Response to Disturbances)
• Adjust Power Factor(INV3) • Adjust Maximum Active Power (INV2)
• Connect/Disconnect (INV1)
r -
{ t
• Vott-Var Mode(VV11,W12. VV13) >
Request Active Power from Storage Low and High Voltage Ride
(INV4) Through (L/HVRT)
---> V
N \,/
• Dynamic Reactive Power (TV31)
> V, ,,

Signal for Charge/Discharge (INV5) Low and High Frequency
• Volt-Watt Mode (VW51: VW52)
t Ride Through (L/HFRT)^
f II

>1 f
Frequency-Watt Mode (FW21. FW22)
• Watt-Power Factor (WP41. WP42) PI
Temperature Mode Behavior

PFT _ > Te m p

Fig. 1 IEC 61850-90-7 grid-support functions. *L/HFRT was not originally included in the IEC report, but is a common
function in interconnection standards.

power production always driving a voltage increase on the profiles, like the snapshot shown in Fig. 4, illustrate the
distribution circuit. potential for dangerously high voltages, up to -1.12 p.u.
(134.2 on a 120.0 V base) when the inverters are improperly
0.5 programmed. U.S. utilities must keep service voltage levels
Reactive Power (pu)

below the ANSI C84.1 Range A upper threshold of 1.05 p.u.

However, in the inverted VV and constant VAr attack
simulations, the feeder voltage at the inverter point of
0 common coupling (PCC) was above that limit for 61.2 and
89.0 hours over the course ofthe simulated week.

3.2. Fixed powerfactor

0.94 0.97 1 1.03 1.06 The fixed power factor(PF)function is a useful tool for grid
Voltage (pu) operators to control voltage deviations from DER because the
reactive power scales with the active power from the devices.
-Unity PF -Default VV ----Inverted W - - Constant Var In cases where voltage deviations are caused by DER, the PF
Fig. 2 Volt-var plane comparisons for cases simulated. can be used to compensate with a proportional quantity of
reactive power. However, like the volt-var function, if the
adversary controls the DER PF settings, feeder voltages could
- Unity PF(42.5 hrs)
- Default W (24.9 hrs)
be increased significantly beyond ANSI limits. Fig. 5 shows
- Controlled W(0 hrs) the resulting maximum voltage when a watt-priority PF was
- Inverted W (61.2 hrs)
- - - Constant VAr(89 hrs)
fixed at 0.9 for one day. As is visible in the dip at solar noon,
the voltage in this case was limited near peak power
production as the reactive power was curtailed to allow the
inverter to generate the available active power without
c 1.08
'5 exceeding the apparent power limit ofthe DER.

1.05 -
-Default W
-Controlled W
1 02 •-t• -Attacked
0 1 2 3 4 5 8 7
Fig. 3 Maximum feeder voltage comparisons for simulation I 1.08
week with attack cases.


1.12 -Unity PF
-Default VV
-Controlled VV
1.1 -Inverted VV 1.02
- - - Constant VAr Day 7

S 1.08 Fig. 5 Maximum voltages for VV/SS-voltage distribution

system control case with attack case results.

Overvoltages of the magnitude demonstrated from both the

00 1.04
VV and PF attacks would result in DER tripping or possible
equipment damage. Generally, equipment is protected from
voltage excursions by voltage stabilizers, but some products
like air conditioners, refrigerators, or computer equipment
could be damaged by voltages deviations. Standards for
O 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 voltage limits are described in ANSI C84.1 for steady-state
Distance from Substation(km)
utility service voltages, in Information Technology Industrial
Fig. 4 Feeder voltage profile for different reactive power Council (ITIC)-superseding the Computer and Business
control modes. Equipment Manufacturer Association (CBEMA) curves-for
transient voltage requirements for computers, SEMI F47 for
the semiconductor industry [35], or IEEE Std 1668-2017 [36]
Fig. 3 shows the resulting maximum 10-minute average for general equipment.
voltages resulting from the attack cases simulated in However, those simulations assumed no restrictions on the
comparison to the fixed unity PF function, default VV-shifting maximum voltage level. Both legacy and new inverters
case, and uncontrolled VV function. The feeder voltage
compliant to CA Rule 21, HI Rule 14H, or the forthcoming
IEEE 1547 full revision will trip off with steady-state voltages
above 1.10 p.u. [37-38]. Per the IEEE Std.1547-2005, most z 60
inverters presently interconnected to the US power system 1=g
would disconnect when PCC voltages exceeded 1.1 p.u. In the 59.9
latest revision of IEEE 1547 (expected in 2018), this will not
change, as the voltage ride-through requirements state that
DER to cease to energize within 0.16 seconds and trip -30
between 12-13 seconds for voltages above 1.1 p.u.
Unfortunately, in cases of high penetrations of PV power 59.7 -40
0 10 20 30
production, this could cause grave system impacts; when the
Time [s]
inverters trip from high or low voltage events, the loss of this
(a) Conventional droop
generation and reactive power contribution could exacerbate
the voltage deviation or, from a transmission perspective,
threaten grid stability ifenough ofthe DER separated from the
electric power system, as discussed in the transmission case.
4 60

4. Transmission Cases
DER devices that interface with the larger grid through
power electronics, show promise in improving grid functions 59.8 -30
because of their ability to adjust output nearly instantaneously.
Contrary to traditional rotating mass generation, these 59.7 -40
inertialess sources must respond to disturbances through 0 10 20 30
intelligent control based on measured or communicated Time [s]
signals rather than physical means like electro-mechanical (b) Communication-enabled droop
coupling. As a result, these devices exhibit vulnerabilities to Fig. 6 System frequency response for the loss of generation
adversaries primarily through parameter adjustment or remote event. Top: conventional droop. Bottom: communication
signal manipulation. enabled droop [42].
In this section, we examine the extent of these
vulnerabilities for a selection of control cases. Because many This section studies the effects on the initial frequency
control cases are negative feedback-based, we identified that response of the system when the control action provided by
inducing positive feedback would be the worst-case scenario DER is corrupted by a malicious attack. The scenario
and would result in undamped or unstable oscillatory behavior. considered is when the control action is inverted, which means
The system used for the transmission case in this study is a that DER will decrease their power output when the frequency
reduced model of the US North-eastern interconnection. The drops, exacerbating the initial power imbalance. This action is
model has 140 buses and 48 generating units. In this model, achieved by using a negative droop gain (or inverting the
roughly 50% of the total generation produced by conventional frequency-watt function). Fig.6 shows the frequency response
generation was substituted to stem from DER. A loss of of the system for the loss of generation event described above
generation event was considered and corresponded to the loss when the proportional gain of the DER included in the system
of a unit producing 655 MW or nearly 2.3% ofthe total power has different negative values ranging from -1 to -40. Fig. 6a
in the system. shows the results when the feedback signal to the droop
control of the DER is the local bus frequency. These results
4.1. Frequency Droop show that the decrease in system frequency is exacerbated by
the DER action, as anticipated. With negative values of droop
DER are increasingly responsive to frequency fluctuations gain of -25 and beyond, the system loses synchronism which
and can participate in the primary frequency regulation of the is observed in Fig. 6Fig. a as the average frequency becomes
system [39-40]. Typically, the control mechanism they use to underdamped. Note the time it takes the system to go unstable
provide this type of regulation is a proportional control action decreases as the negative gain increases. Fig. 6b shows the
similar to the governor droop found in conventional results for the case when the feedback signal of the DER is an
generation [41]. This type of control is also known as the average signal of the system. These results show the same
frequency-watt function when the function is linear. behavior as those in Fig. 6b with the system losing
Traditionally, the signal the DER control and respond to is a synchronism for gains of-25 and below.
local measurement of frequency on the bus they are
interconnected. Previous research has shown that using a 4.2. Synthetic Inertia
global (or average) system frequency instead of a local one is
beneficial to the regulation provided by DER [42]. Synthetic inertia enables DER to participate in the primary
frequency response by emulating the inertial response of
traditional generators. The active power output of the DER is

proportionally adjusted in response to the measured frequency
derivative using the curtailment for PV inverters or the active 0
power setpoint for energy storage systems. Because of the
60 -20
control law's negative feedback nature, synthetic inertia is also
vulnerable to parameter adjustment via negation ofthe inertial -40
gain. Fig. 7 shows the system frequency response with -60
synthetic inertia deployed having different inertial gain values -80
59.9 —
in the range of 0 to -125. Simulation results indicated system
cn -100
instability with gains beyond -125. Comparing to the case
without any feedback controls enabled, the negative gain 59.85 120
0 10 30 40
values adversely affect the system response, more so as the
magnitude of the gain increases. However, the system does
remain robust against this type of parameter adjustment within Fig.8 System frequency response with communication-
this range of gains. On the other hand, if the controller gain enabled synthetic inertia using different controller gains.
were aggressively tuned to higher values for a stronger
response, then negation of it could lead to instabilities after
system disturbances. 60 0
The concept of communication-enabled synthetic inertia N -20
(CE-SI) was found to have promise in improving the system -40
inertial response [43]. This variation on synthetic inertia uses a Es 59.95
G-1 -60
system-averaged frequency for its control law, like that of the
similarly named droop scheme in the previous section. This -80
system frequency must be computed using remotely 59.9 -100
— No control
communicated information and introduces potential latency -120
and vulnerabilities through the communication channels 0 10 20 30 40
Fig. 8 shows how the system response changes with CE-SI Time [s]
deployed—note the range of stable gains for CE-SI is slightly
Fig.9 System frequency response with communication-
smaller than that of SI. Fig. 9 shows the results for when 500
ms of communication latency is considered; the latency can be enabled synthetic inertia plus 500 ms of communication
observed by the shifted frequency nadir locations. Contrary to latency for the system frequency signal.
intended performance, the introduction of communication 4.3. Feedforward control: Communication-Enabled
latency increases system robustness to parameter adjustment, Fast-Acting Imbalance Reserve
allowing for higher magnitude controller gain before
experiencing instability. DER can also participate in the primary frequency
regulation of the system using a feedforward control strategy
named Communication-Enabled Fast-Acting Imbalance
Reserve (CE-FAIR) using the curtailment function [44]. In
this approach, DER are controlled with an order that is
constructed based on power imbalances. Once a significant
-40 power imbalance has been detected, DER in the system are
s.s 59.95 redispatched to reduce the power imbalance and its effect on
-80 d the frequency of the system. In CE-FAIR, the amount of the
t 59.9 power imbalance to be provided by DER is determined by a
parameter, rl, known as the power compensation level. An ri
value of 1 means all the power imbalance is compensated by
10 20 30 40
Time [s]
the DER action commanded by CE-FAIR. The redispatch and
identification of power imbalances in this method occurs
Fig. 7 System frequency response for different inertial gain through communication networks and hence are vulnerable to
values. attacks. If the power imbalance is misidentified or the
command order to the DER is reverted, the CE-FAIR action
may act to further increase, rather than reduce, the power
In this work, the effect that CE-FAIR has on the frequency
regulation of the system when its action is corrupted is
investigated. Fig. 10 shows the frequency response of the
system for the loss of generation event for cases when the
power compensation level (n) ranges from 0 to -1. The case
when ri is zero is the same as the no control case. The case

where 71 is -1 corresponds to the case where DER reduce their Fig. 11 System frequency response when ri = —1 for
power to match the original drop; the total drop experienced different cases of delay in the control action.
by the system doubles from the original. These results show
ISO-NE references NERC Reliability Standard PRC-006-
that the frequency of the system experiences a much larger
NPCC "Automatic Underfrequency Load Sheddine [44], as
drop and both the settling frequency and the frequency nadir
its operating procedure [45], which states that Distribution
of the system are reduced with respect to the no control case.
Providers and Transmission Owners in the Eastern
It is important to note that even though the overall response of
Interconnection must implement their first stage of
the system is affected, the system does not lose synchronism
underfrequency load shedding (UFLS) at 59.5 Hz. Therefore,
even for the worst case ofn = —1. This result contrasts with
the manipulation ofthe CE-FAIR controller would not cause a
the results outlined in the two previous sections where the
loss of load, unlike the unstable cases for CE-SI and
controls acting contrary to their intended action can make the
frequency-droop (i.e., FW). However, balancing regions with
system lose synchronism. The reason for this difference is the
less inertia or greater penetrations of inverter-based DER,like
two previous control strategies are based on feedback control
Hawaiian grids, could experience load shedding in these
and the compromised control strategies correspond to positive
scenarios [46-47].
feedback where even small events can drive the system into an
unstable regime. CE-FAIR, being a feedforward control action,
5. Power System Risks and Mitigations
cannot be exploited in the same manner and is therefore less
deleterious to the system when its action is corrupted by an Based on the findings in distribution and transmission case
attack. studies, it is possible to predict the influence of adversary
Since CE-FAIR relies on communications, it is reasonable control of DER networks for many different grid support
to expect that its action is subject to a certain latency. The functions and defend against these types of attacks. In this
effects of this latency when the control CE-FAIR control section, we present the anticipated effects of malicious control
action is harmful to the system are presented in Fig. 11. In over DER advanced grid-support functions and then provide
these results, the power compensation level was set to -1. The two potential defense-in-depth security elements to minimize
results in Fig. 11 show that because the control action is the power system impact. The first is a set of device-level, pre-
delayed, the initial change in the frequency is not increased programmed firmware or software rules designed to prevent
and the initial negative effect of the CE-FAIR action to DER from entering unsafe operating regions; and the second is
RoCoF is reduced. a methodology for architecting the DER control network such
that the power system impact from common-mode attacks are
minimized, i.e., a means of isolating the extent of the attack.
These two defensive mechanisms should be implemented in
60 10
'CT - - -No control additional to other standardized cyber security principles of
keeping DER equipment available, ensuring the integrity of
the data packages, and keeping data-in-transit confidential
4c.r 59.95 -0.5
through access controls and encryption.

5.1. Power System Risksfor Grid-Support Functions
cip 59.9 Based on the power system studies in the previous sections
-1 and knowledge DER control behaviors, the estimated
0 10 20 30 aggregated control risk from each DER function is presented
Time [s] in Table 2. The risk presented due to improper programming
Fig. 10 System frequency response for different power ofthe grid-support function was evaluated using the following
compensation level values. criteria:
• Low risk: limited power system impact
• Medium risk: regional voltage effects or localized
= -1 loss ofload (brownouts)
N - - -No control • High risk: bulks system power outages
Functions which adjust the DER active power (FRT, VRT,
RR, SS, FW, VW, connect/disconnect, and curtailment) all
4 59.95 could result in blackout situations, if the lost solar generation
occurs quickly and was providing power greater than the
contingency reserves. In those cases, the risk is high. The
. 59.9 functions which adjust reactive power (PF, VV, WP, and set
reactive power) are medium risk to the power system because
0 10 20 these could cause localized high or low voltage issues or trip
Time [s] off some DER devices (as described in Section 3). However,
one can imagine that if the DER penetrations are high enough,

the risk will increase because large portions ofthe grid will be limit the trip settings ranges of adjustment would prevent this
disconnected. type of attack.

5.2. Engineering Controls 5.2.2 RR and SS: Normal and soft start ramp rates
determine the maximum change in active power of the DER
While there are many cyber security guidelines and
during normal operation and start-up. In general, these
recommendations for industrial control systems (ICS) and
functions are unlikely to be configured in a manner to cause
operational technology (OT) equipment—e.g., NIST 800-82
power system disturbances. One potential exception to that
[49]—there are few standards that apply for DER [50-51].
generalization is a case where there is a disruption to the bulk
Therefore, DER vendors are not held responsible to any
system and all inverters are disconnected from the system.
requirements. In rare cases, DER equipment undergoes formal
When the system re-energizes, if the inverters all start
cyber security assessments (e.g., UL 2900-2-2 [52]) prior to
exporting power after the reconnection delay (typically 5
being fielded.
minutes) with a high soft start ramp rate, it could cause a high
We offer an engineered mechanism to reduce the risk
frequency event. To avoid this risk, maximum ramp rates
presented by interoperable DER equipment with grid-support
could be established, as they have been in CA Rule 21, and
functions. As shown previously, power system quality of
enforced in the DER when they are issued a command.
service may be impacted by improperly set grid-support
parameters, so it is recommended to include software or
5.2.3 FW: Frequency-watt functions provide grid stability
hardcoded firmware rules in the DER that reject the grid-
during over-frequency events(or under-frequency events [55]).
support settings if they fall outside of an allowable range.
However, if these functions are programmed with no
These engineering control rules could largely prevent PV
deadband and steep slope, the DER would rapidly change its
systems from causing adverse power system effects through
output with minor over- or under-frequency events. Since
adversary actions or accidental misconfiguration, as shown
frequency is system-wide, there would be a high correlation of
previously. For each of the advanced grid-support functions
power changes between DER, which could lead to bulk
(e.g., volt-var, freq-watt, specified power factor, etc.),
system effects such as a blackout.
parameters that define these functions would be checked
against simple mathematical rules to ensure the function will
5.2.4 VV.• The volt-var pointwise curves are defined by(V, Q)
provide desired behaviors. When parameters are set outside of
points. To prevent the type of attack presented earlier, rules
these limits, the communication module or inverter
could be enforced to ensure the points are assigned to be in Q2
microprocessor can verify the setting and reject the update if
and Q4 in the V-Q plane and rejected otherwise, as shown in
necessary. These types of rules are currently implemented in
Fig. 12.
some PV inverters, but not mandated or standardized.
Defining ranges of values for each of the parameters in the
information models (e.g., California Smart Energy Profile Volt-Var Function Parameter Ranges

(CSIP) [53], DNP3 Application Note [54], SunSpec Modbus 60

Models, IEC 61850) or interconnection standards would

Reactive Power (%nameplate)

standardize the acceptable ranges or rules for DER Acceptable D isallowed
parameters.' At that point vendors could write code to enforce VV points VV points
the standardized limits for each function. In this section, we
describe theoretical cyber attacks and suggest parameter
constraints for grid-support functions to minimize the risk of 0
adversary manipulation.
Disallowed cceptable
5.2.1 FRT and VRT.• Frequency and voltage ride-though and VV points V points
trip requirements determine when the DER will cease to
energize (often called gate blocking) and disconnect from the
power system. IEEE 1547a, IEEE 1547 full revision, Rule 21, 90 95 100 105 110
and Rule 14 have default values and ranges of adjustability for Grid Voltage(% nominal)
these parameters. There is variability in the power system
voltage and frequency naturally. These variations are typically Fig. 12 Example engineering control rules for VV curve
small and occur as the load and generation mix changes on the parameters.
power system. One risk of this function is that if the voltage or
frequency magnitude were adjusted to commonly occurring
levels (such as nominal frequency or voltage), the FRT and 5.2.4 VW: The volt-watt function is designed to reduce the
VRT function would disconnect the DER. Simple rules to active power during high voltage events. The same risks that
exist for the FW function, exist with the VW function. If the
function is programmed such that nominal voltages generate
1 Note the IEEE 1547 full revision does include required ranges of zero power, this function would produce the same effect as a
adjustability for certain parameters, but this is a minimum range of disconnect command To protect against this type of attack,
adjustment, not a maximum range of adjustment.
required deadband sizes and nominal production values could function, except the reactive power is not reduced at low DER
be instigated. power. Depending on the use case, any number of reactive
power levels could be used, so there is no engineering control
5.2.4 PF and WP: As shown above the fixed power factor to minimize the power system risk from this function.
function can be manipulated to increase the local grid voltage.
It is unlikely any engineering controls can be placed on this 5.1. Cyber Security Reference Architecture
function for general operations, however for the use case of
The second option to reduce the power system cyber
reducing voltage as active power increases, the power factor
security risk is through well-designed communication
could be limited to the reactive power absorption quadrant
networks. Network segmentation is a technique to minimize
common-mode vulnerabilities, whereby enclaves are isolated
The watt-power factor risks are the same as those from the
with firewall rules, VPNs, proxies, or other networking
fixed power factor function because a horizontal line could be
technologies so that traffic between them is only allowed by
programmed so that regardless of the DER power production
exception. Extensive research on segmentation for military
the DER would operate at a fixed PF. Since this function has a
microgrids has been completed previously[56]. The downside
relatively limited use case, a region could be blocked off, as
of this approach is the additional network administration and
shown in Fig. 13, where the DER could not produce reactive
communication latency. There are technical challenges to
power above a set active power output level. This reduces the
segment DER networks because networking equipment will
risk presented in Section 3.2 where the DER PF drove the
not necessarily be owned and operated by a single entity. It
PCC voltage even higher. It is unlikely that there would be a
may be possible to enclave the devices if communications are
use case for this function where the DER would source
passed directly to the DER through networks that are owned
reactive power at high DER power.
by the grid operator, e.g., through an advanced metering
infrastructure (AMI) mesh radio or dedicated SCADA
A Overexcited (producing reactive power) network to DER systems. However, in the majority of
PF limit
commercial and residential PV systems, communications will

11.1g., 50% of
1 DER Power

be established through wired or wireless networks via the
public internet, as shown in Fig. 12. In those cases, it is more
difficult to enclave the networks because internet service
providers (ISPs) control the network routing and firewall rules
Underexcited (absorbing reactive power)
cannot be implemented easily without assistance from the
ISPs. Therefore, the use of VPNs, proxies, or some other
PF limit technology would be required to logically isolate the enclaves.
Three options and their pros and cons are presented in Table 3.
Fig. 14 Engineering control to minimize WP overvoltages These include using firewall rules—which will only work
due to misprogramming. when operating over a private network, using hardware
proxies to hide traffic, and using encrypted VPN tunnels.
5.2.4 Fixed Reactive Power.• A fixed reactive power

Home Feeder\o
PV Contto\
ata and
cAl D

Delivery WAN DER

EV I Inverter

Inverter k...
ISP Switch

PV Data and Control over Public Internet

Home Area Network(HAN) Field Area Network(FAN) Local Area NilaN) Local Area Network(LAN)

Fig. 13 Different DER control network architectures in which DER data is exchanged over public internet or AMI radio
function presents nearly the same risks as a fixed power factor
ensure that only traffic desired from the DERMS to a specific
Firewall rules have been used in the past for military HAN is allowed to transit the network, and all other traffic
systems [56], but these are not effective when operating with (potentially malicious) is dropped.
internet connected devices because the network traffic Another option would be for the utility to provide each
channels are not consistent and ISP systems are designed for physical site with a hardware proxy between the ISP
speed, not security. This method becomes an option when the connection and HAN or facility LAN. A hardware proxy is
utility or other grid operator is communicating to DER simply a small device similar to a cable/DSL modem that
equipment through a network that they own. In that case, they would have two primary connection. One connection would be
may apply specific firewall rules to create enclaves. Blocking to receive the general ISP connection, and the other would be
all connections initially and then allowing specific ones is to output to the HAN. Additional connections would be
considered a best practice with firewall rules. When the required if the device were intended to connect directly to an
network is privately controlled, this approach will allow a inverter—in that case, the hardware proxy would route traffic
utility to whitelist traffic from a DERIVIS to each respective identified as intended for the inverter before passing it off to
HAN (or commercial/utility DER LAN or enclave), and all the HAN. This proxy would monitor for traffic specific to the
other traffic would be dropped. This can be easy to manage if inverter and pass that traffic directly to it; all other traffic
the number of HANs is small; however, if that number is would be passed unmonitored to the HAN. Controlling
extensive and continually changing, it would become a specific traffic between the DERMS and an individual (or
difficult operational management issue. Constantly changing group) HAN would be similar to the firewall option over a
firewall rules can also introduce a greater chance for the private utility network. There would be potential privacy
dropping of legitimate connections by mistake thereby causing concerns if the proxy were compromised by an adversary who
significant ongoing support concerns. The advantage—almost could then manipulate the network traffic for their benefit. A
necessity—of using a firewall on a private network is to challenge with the hardware proxy will be to install and

Table 2 Anticipated power system risk from adversary control ofDER aggregations, assessed for each grid-support function.
Grid-support Risk with
Risk Cause Mitigation Plan
function Controls
Enforce IEEE 1547, CA Rule 21, HI Rule
Frequency Ride- Tight FRT trip settings would cause
14 or other standards' ranges of
Through (FRT) High DER power loss with minor frequency Low
adjustability for each point will prevent the
Trip Settings deviations
DER from prematurely tripping.
Enforce IEEE 1547, CA Rule 21, HI Rule
Voltage Ride- Tight VRT trip settings would cause
14 or other standards' ranges of
Through (VRT) High massive power loss from minor voltage Low
adjustability for each point will prevent the
Trip Settings deviations
DER from prematurely tripping.
Normal Ramp High (fast) RR requires faster regulation Set maximum ramp rate to reduce
Low Low
Rate(RR) but minimal power system impact frequency regulation requirements
High (fast) SS may require faster down-
Soft-Start Ramp Set maximum SS to prevent frequency
Low regulation but minimal power system Low
Rate(SS) overshoot during black start
Improperly programmed FW curves Requiring parameter and deadband
High would cause DER power loss, possibly Low constraints will prevent DER power
resulting in blackout reductions.
Improperly programmed VW curves Requiring parameter and deadband
High would cause DER power loss, possibly Low constraints will prevent DER power
resulting in a blackout reductions.
Connect or None. Requiring a randomization time
Aggregate DER power loss could cause
Disconnect High High window could prevent step changes in
(INV1) production.
Limit Max Real Aggregate DER power loss could cause None. Only limits on settling time or ramp
High High
Power (INV2) blackout rate would prevent under-generation.
Extreme voltage conditions could be None. Applying ramp rates would slow the
Power Factor
Medium generated on feeders, leading to Medium control action so other voltage regulation
localized outages equipment could react.
Extreme voltage conditions could be Requiring the reactive power sign to
Volt-Var mode
Medium generated on feeders, leading to Low provide negative feedback to the voltage
localized outages deviation will prevent voltage excursions.
Extreme voltage conditions could be
Watt-Power Constraining the W-PF curve will prevent
Medium generated on feeders, leading to Low
Factor(WP) voltage excursions.
localized outages
Extreme voltage conditions could be None. Applying ramp rates would slow the
Fixed Reactive
Medium generated on feeders, leading to Medium control action so other voltage regulation
localized outages equipment could react.
support a physical hardware device at each site; this could specific rules for cleaving the devices must be decided. There
present additional support and maintenance cost to the utility. must be a balance: too many enclaves mean higher likelihood
It may be possible to provide each facility with an ISP- of mistakes in the firewall, VPN, proxies, or router
friendly switch/modem in place of what the ISP has provided configurations, slower communication times, and more
(most markets have few ISPs to pick from, and so it might be difficulty deploying more DER; but at the same time, there
easy to provide an ISP-friendly hardware device). The must be a certain number of enclaves to prevent control of a
hardware proxy would also allow for priority traffic specific to critical magnitude of generation. Here we offer two basic
the inverters, i.e., priority over regular HAN traffic. Finally, approaches:
the hardware proxy would need to update the utility through a 1. A segmented network with DER placed in one of three
dynamic-DNS-like service so that the utility was always aware enclaves at random or convenience
of the (potentially changing) publicly routable IP address of 2. A critically segmented network where no more than 20%
the home or facility. ofthe total capacity can be in a single enclave
Alternatively, the utility could maintain an ongoing virtual Examples ofthese segmentation strategies on a collection of
private network (VPN) connection directly to the inverters DER is shown in Figs. 13 and 14. These approaches are
through the existing ISP network and corresponding similar to those explored in a Virtual Power Plant project at
switch/modem. A VPN is an encrypted tunnel for Sandia National Laboratories [57]. The placement ofDER in a
communication between two systems over a network. This specific enclave could be done based on geography, power
would provide the utility with a direct, secure connection system topology, nameplate capacity, or other metadata. More
between the DERMS and each HAN over a public network sophisticated methods of determining the number of enclaves
based on well-established open standards. Communication and which DER should be placed in each should be considered
encryption prevents eavesdropping or manipulation by an an area of future research. Co-simulations of power systems
outside party. Traffic specific to each HAN could be and DER control networks should also be conducted to
communicated through the VPN tunnel with the assurance that investigate the ease and effectiveness of the enclaving
it remains secured from any malicious actors along the techniques, and the degradation communication network
communication path (this would be similar to traffic sent over performance—if any—when applying these techniques.
a private network). Additional support and maintenance
requirements would be necessary from the utility similar to the
hardware proxy. Additional support from a HANs ISP would
not necessarily be required as most ISPs support VPN tunnels
for their customers without any additional service changes.
However, the ISP is the one providing the network on which
the VPN connections traverse and could impact the quality of
service and thereby impact the reliability of any DERMS
interactions with the inverters. To initiate a new connection,
each inverter would initiate the VPN to a known utility IP
address providing a "plug-and-play" deployment. An
alternative to an inverter initiated connection would be to
deploy a facility gateway where the VPN connection could be
originated to each respective HAN.
Once the method of generating the enclaves is selected, the

Table 3 Methods of enclaving DER networks.

Enclave mechanism Pros Cons
Firewall rules (whitelist DER-to-headend - Private network - More costly
connections)for grid operator or - Extends grid operator or aggregator - More management
aggregator-owned networks (e.g., AIVII local area network(LAN)to the field - Complex
networks). area network(FAN)or home area - Potentially less data bandwidth or speed
network(HAN) - RF interference, etc. with using
Use hardware proxy, which monitors for - Works well for aggregators - Relies on 3rd party(ISP)to manage network
DER/utility traffic and exchanges it. - Traffic send via ISPs using RESTful (could have more latency if QoS is an issue)
HTTP or TLS connections - Need maintenance contracts
- Privacy concerns(for unencrypted traffic)
- Less flexibility
Virtual private networks(VPNs) between - Direct connections between DER and - VPN management and maintenance difficult
DER and grid operator utility - Could burden facility/home bandwidth
- Reduced latency
- Grid operator controls and easily
changes segmentation

networks. This eliminates the ability of an adversary to
execute a common attack on all the devices if they have
defeated perimeter security mechanisms and gained access to
the system. These solutions taken as part of a larger defense-
Residential Batterie in-depth approach to DER cyber security will increase the

Domain A
difficulty of executing malicious cyber attacks on power
Domain B DER
Enclave B 7. Acknowledgments
Enclave A
Sandia National Laboratories is a multimission laboratory
managed and operated by National Technology and
Domain Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC., a wholly owned
Domain C subsidiary of Honeywell International, Inc., for the U.S.
Domain 'vane
Department of Energy's National Nuclear Security
HMI Engineering
Administration under contract DE-NA-0003525. This work

Grid Operator DER was funded by the U.S. Department of Energy Solar Energy
Enclave Enclave C Technologies Office, SunShot Initiative, under Agreement No.
HMI Enclave
Fig. 15 Segmented network with DER placed in random This paper describes objective technical results and analysis.
enclaves. Any subjective views or opinions that might be expressed in
the paper do not necessarily represent the views of the U.S.
Department ofEnergy or the United States Government.
Enclave 3
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