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Pelaksanaan dan
Alat Berat
Metode Pelaksanaan
Bangunan Bawah Tanah

Fakultas Program Studi TatapMuka Kode MK DisusunOleh

Teknik Teknik Sipil W111700025 B. Detty Kussumardianadewi, ST, MT

Abstract Kompetensi
Modul ini membahas tentang metode Diharapkan setelah membaca modul ini
pelaksanaan bangunan bawah tanah mahasiswa dapat menjelaskan tata cara
dan proyek pembangunan konstruksi metode pelaksanaan pada pekerjaan
dan mengerti bagaimana proses pelaksanaan bangunan bawah tanah
Metode Pelaksanaan Bangunan Bawah Tanah
(Underground Construction Techniques)

The various underground construction methods discussed as options for the example
facility must be evaluated on a site-specific basis, since factors such as site geology will vary
significantly in different locales. The advantages and disadvantages of each option must be
weighed, and each alternative’s costs and energy use must -be evaluated. The most
effective options can .then be considered in terms of the various constraints posed by the
individual site.
The article summarizes the challenges and considerations during planning, execution
and commissioning of underground sections of metro. The work of fixing the alignment starts
with fixing up the location of the station box, availability of the land in the close proximity of
major origin/destination points or nodes which are dense passenger traffic junction is
important. There are the instances when separate vacant land at these locations is not
available, and in all such cases stations are planned below roads. Consideration of buildings
nearby, no. of trees affected, possible traffic diversion, soil strata, utilities, access to the
residents nearby are few points which are kept in mind the location of the station. Suitability
from point of view of traffic integration is also a main criterion for fixing station locations.
Stations are planned in such a way so as to be near established traffic interchange nodes so
that they fit in the existing transport network and provide seamless intermodal transfer.
Underground construction has been around for thousands of years, mostly developed
through mining and more recently through transport, housing and commercial industries. The
Channel Tunnel, London Underground, British Library, and various shopping centre are all
examples of underground construction. Underground housing (sometimes called earth
sheltered housing) refers specifically to homes that have been built underground, either
partially or completely. These subterranean homes have grown increasingly popular over the
last thirty years and are an important sector in the green building movement.
Thousands of people in Europe and America live in underground homes. In Russia
there is more development below the ground than above it. Countries like Japan and China,
where development space is at a premium, are particularly keen to build underground living
places. In the UK, the movement is much slower, with less than a hundred underground
homes in existence. This is partly due to a misinformed belief that underground homes are
dirty, damp, dark, claustrophobic and unstable places to live. But it is also due to a lack of

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guidance and information about building regulations and specifications, and a lack of
knowledge about their potential as a sustainable building practice.
A tunnel is an underground passageway, completely enclosed except for openings
for egress, commonly at each end. A tunnel may be for foot or vehicular road traffic, for rail
traffic, or for a canal. Some tunnels are aqueducts to supply water for consumption or for
hydroelectric stations or are sewers. Other uses include routing power or telecommunication
cables, some are to permit wildlife such as European badgers to cross highways. Secret
tunnels have given entrance to or escape from an area, such as the Cu Chi Tunnels or the
smuggling tunnels in the Gaza Strip which connect it to Egypt. Some tunnels are not for
transport at all but rather, are fortifications, for example Mittelwerk and Cheyenne Mountain.
In the United Kingdom, a pedestrian tunnel or other underpass beneath a road is called a
underpass subway. In the United States that term now means an underground rapid transit
system. The central part of a rapid transit network is usually built in tunnels. Rail station
platforms may be connected by pedestrian tunnels or by foot bridges.
The construction of underground tunnels, shafts, chambers, and passageways are
essential yet dangerous activities. Working under reduced light conditions, difficult or limited
access and egress, with the potential for exposure to air contaminants and the hazards of
fire and explosion, underground construction workers face many dangers. To help
employers protect the safety and health of underground construction workers, the
Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has prepared a number of guidance
documents, including the underground construction regulations, found in Part 1926, section
800 of Title 29 of the Code of Federal Regulations (29 CFR 1926.800).


The underground construction standard covers many topics of concern to those who
work in the challenging environment of underground construction. A sampling of items
covered by the standard includes requirements for safe access and egress routes, employee
training in hazard recognition, a “check-in or check-out” procedure, and emergency
procedures. This booklet summarizes all requirements of the standard. The standard
provides some flexibility in methods to control workplace hazards in underground
construction as long as appropriate precautions are taken to protect workers in a variety of
situations. OSHA requires that a “competent person” be responsible for carrying out several
requirements of the underground construction regulations. Situations that require
intervention by a “competent person” are identified in the following sections.
All employees involved in underground construction must be trained to recognize and
respond to hazards associated with this type of work. Training should be tailored to the
specific requirements of the jobsite and include any unique issues or requirements.

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The following topics should be part of an underground construction employee training
• Air monitoring and ventilation
• Illumination
• Communications
• Flood control
• Personal protective equipment
• Emergency procedures, including evacuation plans
• Check-in/check-out procedures
• Explosives
• Fire prevention and protection
• Mechanical equipment

Useful references on underground construction technology were identified from
journals and government reports. Report subjects included methods of excavation,
tunneling, underground structure lining, waterproofing practices, security, survivability, and
cost and energy considerations. Much of the literature presented application of different
construction methods to specific structures, such as civil’ defense shelters, subways,
tunnels, schools, and libraries.
The papers surveyed discuss underground construction methods used in the United
States and 11 other countries.. Each article is designated by country and reference number.
This reference number corresponds to the complete list of references found in the appendix.
Many other type of construction methods listed below
I. Cut –and –cover method
II. Wall-cover construction method
III. Conventional underground tunneling
IV. Machine driving
V. Open cut methods
VI. Underground driving methods
VII. Immersed tube method
VIII. Box jacking

Many Department of Defense hardened structures such as those found at munitions

storage facilities are constructed above ground, some with earth cover. An example of such
a structure is the standard storage igloo. These facilities are often quite old, and the set of
requirements on which they were designed and built differ from those considered important

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today. These facilities were based mainly on safety, with less attention given to security,
Survivability, and operational and environmental considerations. In Europe, where security
and survivability are important in facility design and construction, many NATO military
facilities are built either underground or in the sides of mountains. Many of the installations
are tunneled into rock in the mountainsides which is relatively fault-free and is not prone to
flooding during construction., Often, the rock is so strong that the tunnel walls do not have to
be lined. The Scandinavian countries have built many underground or mountainside
structures for civil defense. The mountainous terrain provides a very hardened personnel
shelter compared to what could be built above ground. In the United States, under the
direction of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, much work, including a great deal
by the Corps of Engineers, has been done recently to design underground or earth-covered
key worker shelters. The earth covering provides both over pressure hardening and radiation
and thermal protection. Several options are available for hardened facility construction.
Typically, above ground structures are made of thick reinforced concrete and can provide
only limited protection. The structure can be shallow-buried, using the cut and cover
construction method. This removes the structure from the surface, so it is not directly
exposed to threats; however, it is still vulnerable to penetrating weapons and bombs.
Tunneling, down.(shaft) or into mountainsides can provide a very safe environment, but
multiple entrances must be provided. Also, the local geology is an important factor. Deep
excavation, another option, which has excellent security and survivability potential, but which
requires multiple entrances. Problems encountered with deep excavations include shoring,
water table, and bedrock level.

Cut and cover method

Cut and cover is the most commonly used underground, construction method. This is
essentially an open excavation in which the structure is supported by retaining walls while it
is built and then backfill placed above the completed facility. Raja gopalan provides an
excellent discussion of the basis for designing a cut and cover excavation His paper cites
extensive use of the cut and cover technique -for underground railway construction n India.
Structures butt d at relatively shallow depths are generally well suited for cut and cover
techniques, off ring a fairly low-cost. excavation approach . The major drawback of cut and
cover meth Ids is the large work area it required. The designer must’ make a decision based
not only on construction costs, but also on the relative merits of other types of construction,
such as tunneling , which are greatly reduce surface traffic interference. Conventionally
braced excavation support systems consist of a web of walkers, rakers, posts, and lateral
support lacing. The walker is a horizontal member used to support formwork stds and a
raker is a sloping area. A major problem with this system is that the support structure often

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conflicts with the excavation and placement of the permanent structure Excavations which
use tieback.

Box jacking method

Box jacking is similar to pipe jacking, but instead of jacking tubes, a box shaped
tunnel is used. Jacked boxes can be a much larger span than a pipe jack with the span of
some box jacks in excess of 20m. A cutting head is normally used at the front of the box
being jacked and excavation is normally by excavator from within the box.

Pipe jacking method

Pipe Jacking is a method of tunnel construction where hydraulic jacks are used to
push specially made pipes through the ground behind a tunnel boring machine or shield.
This technique is commonly used to create tunnels under existing structures, such as roads
or railways. Tunnels constructed by pipe jacking are normally small diameter tunnels with a
maximum size of around 2.4m.

Conventional underground tunneling

After the trench has been backfilled, but before any surface construction begins,
certain plastic conduits can become oval-shaped, pierced or broken. Accordingly, it is
necessary to check for duct deflection before any cable installation. Each duct should allow
the passage of a test mandrel consisting of a rod carrying a solid disc. The test mandrel is
sized to be smaller than the inside diameter of the duct so that some deflection of the ducts
is allowable. The test mandrel can be attached to a pneumatic duct cleaner as shown in
Figure 1a. It is possible to perform this operation by simply blowing it inside the duct; it will
reach the other end of the duct if no restrictions or obstructions are present. Ducts may also
be examined by test mandrels as shown in Figure 1b. A test mandrel is pulled through the
duct by means of a rope or cable. If the mandrel can be pulled through the tested section,
then the section is considered acceptable. If deformations are present and the mandrel gets
stuck, the blocked area of conduit can be repaired.
The mandrel, however, would have difficulties in checking multiple defective parts if it
became stuck as a result of the first defect and could not continue its passage through the
duct. In this case, the mandrel is pulled out, and the test is repeated using a smaller one. If
the mandrel cannot be pulled through the entire length of the duct, there are several possible
reasons. Firstly, the duct may have deflected beyond what the mandrel will tolerate.
Secondly, the mandrel may have become caught in the sleeve due to a tight radius.
Conventional tunneling often called incremental or cyclic tunneling, is the alternative to
continuous tunneling

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• small advance steps (longitudinally and transversely)
• the step length and the surface of excavation face are important design parameters:
the freshly excavated space has to remain stable until the support has been installed.
• can be executed in full face or partial face.

One benefit of locating a structure underground is the increased protection provided from
threats of force as compared with an above ground sitting. This has been the driving
consideration behind the use of underground construction for many military facilities. Threats
of force can come in many forms, including, but not limited to, the following:
• Terrorists or subversives
• Chemical-biological weapons
• Air-delivered munitions
• Artillery fire
• Fuel-air explosions
• Well-armed military troops.

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