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Does being an in-state or out-of state student impact academic performance?

C10: Arianna Lee, Anna Donato, Karen Nazario

EDT 180C Tech Literacy; Section “C” Monday/Wednesday 1505-1620

Gary Lewallen

23 April 2019
Does being an in-state or out-of state student impact academic performance?

Our group decided to delve into the topic of whether being an in-state or out-of state

student significantly correlates to academic performance. To proceed with our research, we

devised a set of questions pertaining to the following:

1. What year of study are you currently?

2. What is your gender?

3. What is your GPA?

4. Are you coming from in-state or out-of state?

5. Are you an active member of any campus organizations (clubs, sports, greek life, etc.)?

6. Do you live on campus or off campus?

7. How many semesters have you been attending ASU?

We received a total of 90 responses from students also taking Tech Literacy. We utilized

Goggle Drive throughout our research project as it was group based and required all hands-on

board. It was a useful resource considering we could all contribute to the work through our

individual monitors. After a student sent their answers to the Google Form we created, the

responses were accounted for through Google Sheets in a Raw Data spreadsheet. With these results

we created another sheet consisted of basic results. With the ranges we named, it was quite simple

to fabricate formulas to find percentages and numbers to chart the information.

We further proceeded to apply the basic results on Microsoft Excel to compose visual

charts of our research. Moreover, we established a presentation through PowerPoint to share our

discovery with the class.

Does being an in-state or out-of state student impact academic performance?


We only received a total of 90 responses: 51 freshman, 21 sophomore, 13 junior, 5

senior. Unfortunately, most of our data received a high response of students coming from In-

State. Approximately, 71% of the results are from students who are from within the state.

Does being an in-state or out-of state student impact academic performance?

For the question of whether the student lived on campus or off campus we received a

mixed response. 54.29% of students from in-state and 45.71% from out-of state live on campus.

Furthermore, 81.82% in-state students and 18.18% out-of state students lived off campus.

A high percentage of in-state students are not involved in ogranizations. Perhaps given

that they do not have the time for outside of class involvment, lack of motivation, and shyness.

Does being an in-state or out-of state student impact academic performance?

If this study were to be replicated once again, we would physically approach students

who come out-of state as there was a high percentage of responses coming from in-state, making

it quite difficult to validate our case.

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