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Acrostic Poem for Tina Hameed

T is for Tomorrow, we love you each and every day

I is for Interest, you've surely captured mine

N is for Nifty, you're talented at what you do

A is for Articulate, you have the gift of expression

H is for Hooray, I am glad you are here with me!

A is for Attributes, you have too many to list

M is for Magical, you make the impossible happen

E is for Elegant, you're so full of grace

E is for Exciting, you're so full of joy

D is for Daring, you're bold and unafraid

Write a letter to someone whom you love and respect the most in ICLET

style. Include the following in your letter.

Dear Ma’am Tina,

It made me sad and worried after listening from you that you are not well.

May Allah bless you with a sound health. I will try to give some moments of

joy and happiness through my silly way of expressing my love and respect

for you.

I was a common noun before meeting you but you have made me a proper noun

now. My love for you is like an abstract noun, you cannot touch it but you

believe that it is there all the time. If I start counting your attributes, I can’t

count them because they are an uncountable noun.

You are full of positive adjectives and whenever you join a common noun like

me you raise its value; you make it more valuable; you always add more to it.

But I am happy to have an adjective like you.

If I am a verb then you are an adverb. You always make more expressive and

meaningful when you join me. After some time, when I will become an

adjective or even an adverb even then I will seek you because you are the one

who will still modify me. But, unlike three forms of verbs I don’t have three
forms. I am a special kind of verb that has the same three forms like, cut, hit

and let etc.

You act like a preposition between me and my teaching because it is because

of you that I have understood and improved this relationship so well.

You are a conjunction that joins teachers from different areas. You adopt

different forms to join different kinds of educators depending upon their unique


You are my interjection as well because you express my emotions and feelings

far better than me. Your expressions always make me laugh, happy, motivated

and excited.


You are also ABCD of my life just like ABCD of objectives. But for me

A is not for audience A is for: Asset of my life

B is not for behavior B is for: Beauty of my life

C is not for condition C is for: Colours of my life

D is not for degree D is for: Destination of my life


I have planned all the activities (above mentioned) because, “Being deeply loved and

respected by someone gives you strength, while loving and respecting someone

deeply gives you courage.” (Lao Tzu). As psychologist and author Melanie

Greenberg (2013) says, there’s something special about the feeling of two hearts

beating as one. In that moment, there’s a deep connection where you’re moved by

how the other person is feeling and inspired to make him or her feel good. In general,

there’s a deep sense of caring.


You are like a reliable assessment because whosoever will assess you; you will give

the same result because your behavior and attitude are firm not flexible.


I am assuming that ma’am Tina will like my way expressing love and respect for


Anticipated problem:

She may not come to teach us on 14-02-2019 because of her health issues.


Then I will post it via mail or email.

Wrap up activity:

I will say sorry to ma’am for all what I say.


I admit that I have many grammatical errors like WW, WWO, SP, error of

omission, over generalization errors etc. in my personality but I believe that a

mentor like you, will make me an error free article one day.

Your common noun

Usman Malik

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