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“Conversion of Cocoa Shells

into Valuable Products”

Mr. Matthias Voigt

CEO, GK-Energy GmbH, Germany
“Conversion of Cocoa Shells into Valuable Products”


“Conversion of Cocoa Shells into Valuable Products”

Aims: total utilization of shells (cocoa, nuts,

conversion into valueable products

Method: Flash-Pyrolysis (low, medium and high


End-products: Activated charcoal

“Conversion of Cocoa Shells into Valuable Products”


Pyrolysis is a thermochemical decomposition of organic material at elevated

temperatures in the absence of oxygen (or any halogen). It involves the simultaneous
change of chemical composition and physical phase.

In general, pyrolysis of organic substances produces gas and liquid products and
leaves a solid residue richer in carbon content, char.
Source: Wikipedia
“Conversion of Cocoa Shells into Valuable Products”

Main technological princip

“Conversion of Cocoa Shells into Valuable Products”

View on pyrolysis-plant
“Conversion of Cocoa Shells into Valuable Products”

Flash- Gas generator (energy)

Cleaning Pyrolysis-
Milling Reactor

Non-condensing gas

condensing gas


Fuel tank

Activated Activation-
Charcoal Reactor
“Conversion of Cocoa Shells into Valuable Products”

Final products

- Different kinds of pyrolysis fuel

with water content less than 0.5%, О2 – less than 1%, with Q рн= 25 -
43 MJ/kg (useable as fuel for machines, heating devices or for

- Wood charcoal
powder with low ash content and high calorific value

- Active charcoal
sorbent with specific surface 800 m2/g and above

- non-condensable gas
for self-consumption of the installation and energy-production
“Conversion of Cocoa Shells into Valuable Products”

One plant – different methods – different results

Low temperature (Torrefaction/Carbonization): 250 -300 ˚ C

Main product: Charcoal = 65 – 75 %

Medium temperature (Vaporisation): 300 – 550 ˚ C

Main product: Pyrolysis fuel = 30 -50 %; Charcoal =25-35 %

High temperature (Gasifaciation) 600 – 1.000 ˚ C

Main product: Syngas = 60 – 80 %, Charcoal =15-20 %
Volume indication for final products (example) “Conversion of Cocoa Shells into Valuable Products”

Non condensable
gas 30 %

Charcoal: 38 %
= activated2CC: 28 %

Pyrolysis fuel Infeed: 1 t/h

32 % Result: 280 kg/h charcoal
320 l/h biofuel
Gas is used for autonomic
energy supply for the
“Conversion of Cocoa Shells into Valuable Products”

Gross calorific value

Product Calorific value

Natural gas 50.000 kj/kg

Stone coal 30.000 kj/kg

Wood 15.000 kj/kg

Cocoashells/Nutshells 10.000 kj/kg
Brown coal 9.000 kj/kg
“Conversion of Cocoa Shells into Valuable Products”

Price indication for final products

Activated charcoal: appr. 1.400 Euro/t.

Therming oil: appr. 650 Euro/t.

Energy value: 1,0 Mwh/1 t of shells)

(useable energy)
“Conversion of Cocoa Shells into Valuable Products”

Volume/Value indication for final products (example)

1 t/h 24 t/d 8.400 t/year 16.800 t/year
(350 working days) (2t/h infeed)

Volume activated 280 kg 6,72 t 2.352 t 4.704 t


Volume biofuel 320 l 7.68 t 2.688 t 5.376 t

Value activated 392,00 Euro 9.408,00 Euro 3.292.800,00 Euro 6.585.600,00 Euro
Value biofuel 208,00 Euro 4.992,00 Euro 1.747.200,00 Euro 3.494.400,00 Euro

Value total 600,00 Euro 14.400,00 Euro 5.040.000,00 Euro 10.080.000,00 Euro
“Conversion of Cocoa Shells into Valuable Products”

Price indication for equipment

Complete production line for 1 t/h infeed: appr. 6.500.000,00 Euro

Complete production line for 2 t/h infeed: appr. 9.000.000,00 Euro

- Price is for turn-key-solution including complete equipment for production of activated

charcoal, biofuel, gas and conversion of gas or biofuel into energy
- Price is including engineering, equipment, installation, 1 year service and guarantee
- Not included is transport, production hall
- Footprint production hall 1t/h: 30 x 15 m
- Footprint production hall 2t/h: 45 x 25 m
“Conversion of Cocoa Shells into Valuable Products”
“Conversion of Cocoa Shells into Valuable Products”

GK-Energy GmbH
Mr. Matthias Voigt (CEO)
Mr. Alexander Bönsch (CEO)
Alt-Köpenick 39
12557 Berlin
Tel: +49 30 65 49 40 20

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