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Chesapeake Public Schools - Weekly Math Collaboration & Lesson Plan

Teacher: School: Portlock Primary

Grade Level: 2nd Subject: Math- Probability
Week of: April 1 -5th Pacing Guide Week: 27
Things to Consider for Collaboration
Standards of Learning:

2.14 The student will use data from probability experiments to predict outcomes when the experiment is repeated.
Understanding the Standard
• A spirit of investigation and experimentation should permeate probability instruction, where students are actively engaged in investigations
and have opportunities to use manipulatives.
• Investigation of experimental probability is continued through informal activities, such as dropping a two-colored counter (usually a chip that
has a different color on each side), using a multicolored spinner (a circular spinner that is divided equally into two, three, four, six or eight
parts where each part is filled with a different color), using spinners with numbers, or rolling random number cubes.
• Probability is the chance of an event occurring.
• An event is a possible outcome in probability. Simple events include the possible outcomes when tossing a coin (heads or tails), when rolling
a random number cube or when spinning a spinner.
Essential Knowledge & Skill(s):
• Conduct probability experiments using multicolored spinners, colored tiles, or number cubes and use the data from the experiments to
predict outcomes if the experiment is repeated. C1 C2 C3C4
• Record the results of probability experiments, using tables, charts, and tally marks. C1 C3
• Interpret the results of probability experiments. C1 C5
• Predict which of two events is more or less likely to occur if an experiment is repeated. C1 C5
Essential Academic Vocabulary:
Probability, More or less likely

Literature to Include in Lessons:

˗ Probably Pistachio: Stuart Murphy
˗ Pigs at Odds- Fun With Math and Shopping: Amy Axelrod
˗ Dear Mr. Blueberry: David James
˗ No Fair: Caren Holtzman
˗ Heads or Tails?: Greg Roza
Objective(s) By the end of the lesson you should be able to …Record the results of probability experiments, using
tables, charts, and tally marks and predict which of two events is more likely to occur if an experiment is
Materials bags, colored cubesbears, brainpop, white boards, “More, Less, and Equally Likely”
Previous Lesson Review Part A TTW begin by distributing a pre-assessment about probability. TSW complete the pre-assessment and
Anticipatory Set Part B 10 Mins TTW review it in order to assess students’ needs for the rest of the unit.

TTW put colored bears into a bag (choose 2 colors-blue & Yellow) of different amounts to start). TT and
TSW discuss which color they think he/she will pick out (The color that has the more in the bag). Be
sure to ask about a color not in the bag (Impossible). TTW place one color in the bag and discuss
certain. TTW allow the students to discuss with a peer.
Input and Modeling Part A 15 Mins TT and TSW use the bears in a bag to conduct a probability experiment. TSW predict which color is
Check for Understanding Part B “most likely” to be picked. TTW choose a student to pull a bear from the bag 10 times (replacing the
bear each time) and record the results in a tally chart that is created on the smart board.
TTW show the brainpop video “Basic Probability”.
TTW discuss the terms more likely, less likely, probably, certain, impossible.
Guided Practice 20 Mins TTW give each table a bag with 6 red and 2 blue bears. TSW conduct a probability experiment as a
table and record results in a tally chart the student created on white boards. (Have the students pull 10
times). TT and TSW record the class results on a tally chart and discuss the outcome.
Independent Practice 10 Mins Below Grade Level - B Blooms Level R,U
TSW complete math book page 262 with the teacher.

On Grade Level - O Blooms Level R,U

TSW complete math book page 262

Above Grade Level - A Blooms Level R,U

TSW complete math book page 262

Closure 5 Mins TT and TSW discuss the outcomes from the experiments in the math book.

Homework Blooms Level ___

TSW complete “More, Less, and Equally Likely”.
Formative: TSW take the pre-assessment. Also, TTW take note of the students that are struggling with this skill during GP and provide explicit
instruction as needed.
Objective(s) By the end of the lesson you should be able to Conduct probability experiments and use the data from
the experiments to predict outcomes if the experiment is repeated. AND
Interpret the results of probability experiments (e.g., the two-colored spinner landed on red 5 out of 10
Materials Spinners, Smartboard, Situational Probability Cards, Tag/Kickball Spinner, “We Are Spinning in
Second Grade”, “Dessert”, “Interpreting Outcomes of Games”
Previous Lesson Review Part A TTW have students recall the experiment with the bears from the previous lesson. TTW ask students
Anticipatory Set Part B 5 Mins which color they picked more/less and why that was the case. TTW use guiding questions to help
students describe the probability of each color using the correlating vocabulary words (more likely,
less likely, probably, certain, impossible).

Input and Modeling Part A 15 Mins TT and TSW create an anchor chart on probability, tying in the vocabulary words that were reviewed.
Check for Understanding Part B If time allows, TSW create the anchor chart in their interactive math NB.

Guided Practice 20 Mins TTW give each student the materials needed for the activity. Tag/Kickball Spinner (See Directions 1 – 3
on “We Are Spinning in Second Grade!”)
TT & TSW complete the activity as a class.

TTW emphasize how this spinner represents an equally likely probability.

Independent Practice 10 Mins Below Grade Level - B Blooms Level R,U,AN
TSW conduct the probability experiment “Dessert” using a spinner. (See Directions 4 – 6 on “We Are
Spinning in Second Grade!)

TTW again remark on how the students are collecting data, but in a different way than a tally chart.
TTW use this activity as an opportunity to practice writing the probabilities as fractions. Similarly, TTW
review what it means for a probability to be impossible and how this would be represented numerically
by a zero.

TS that seemed to struggle during GP will be called to the back table to work in a small group with the
On Grade Level - O Blooms Level R,U,AN
TSW conduct the probability experiment “Dessert” using a spinner. (See Directions 4 – 6 on “We Are
Spinning in Second Grade!”
Above Grade Level - A Blooms Level R,U,Create
TSW conduct the probability experiment “Dessert” using a spinner. (See Directions 4 – 6 on “We Are
Spinning in Second Grade!”
Closure 10 Mins TT and TSW discuss the dessert spinner outcomes. TTW ask, “How many times did the spinner land
on _____?” TTW lead the students to answer a number out of the total amount. For example: “5 out of
15” (See questions 2, 5, and 7 from the checkpoint test)
Homework Blooms Level ___
TSW complete “Interpreting Outcomes of Games” worksheet
Formative: during GP TTW take note of the students that are struggling with the skill. TTW pull those students to the back table during IP to
provide additional instruction as needed.
Objective(s) By the end of the lesson you should be able to …understand only this fractional representation of
probability (e.g., the probability of getting heads when flipping a coin is 1 out of 2 or 1/2.
Materials Pennies, tally sheet “Flip a Coin 100 Times”, brainpop, paper, math WB
Previous Lesson Review Part A TT and TSW review the anchor chart created in the previous lesson. Be sure to include the vocabulary
Anticipatory Set Part B 5 Mins (more likely, less likely, probably, certain, impossible). TSW explain what the vocabulary means.

Input and Modeling Part A 15 Mins TTW show the brainpop video “Probability”
Check for Understanding Part B
After the video, TTW click on the “Pop a Joke” button as a further way to engage learners.

TTW talk about coins: How many sides are there? What’s on them? How likely are you to land on
heads? Tails? (equally likely) Allow the students to turn and talk with a peer.
Guided Practice 20 Mins TSW come to the carpet. TTW call a student to flip a coin and repeat 9 more times, laying out the result
as you go (use two coins one side up and one side down). TSW perform this under the document
TTW model how to shake and drop the coin for the experiment rather than flipping it. TTW “flip” the coin
10 times, creating a tally chart to show the results. TTW remind students that the tally chart is used to
record their data from their experiments so that they can determine the probability and predict
outcomes (what is more likely, less likely, or equally likely) (See Question 3 on the Checkpoint Test)
Independent Practice 10 Mins Below Grade Level - B Blooms Level R, U, AP
TSW us the tally sheet “Flip a Coin 100 Times”. TSW flip a coin 100 times and record their results in a
tally chart.
*To save time/accommodate less-proficient learners, students may work in partners or the teacher may
reduce the amount of times the students flip the coin. If additional remediation is needed, the teacher
may pull certain students to work with in a small group at the kidney table.
On Grade Level - O Blooms Level R, U, AP
TSW us the tally sheet “Flip a Coin 100 Times”.TSW flip a coin 100 times and record their results in a
tally chart.
Above Grade Level - A Blooms Level R, U, AP
TSW us the tally sheet “Flip a Coin 100 Times”.TSW flip a coin 100 times and record their results in a
tally chart.
Closure 10 Mins TT and TSW discuss the outcome of the coin flipping experiment. TTW ask, “How many times did the
coin land on heads?” “What did you think would happen?”
Homework Blooms Level R, U, AP
TSW complete HW book page 123
Formative: TTW monitor the students during IP and call the students to the back table that need small group instruction.



Objective(s) By the end of the lesson you should be able to …use clues to figure out what is the likely outcome.

Materials Smarties, “Activity: Predicting Outcomes”, “Toying with Probability”, “Math with Smarties”, “Take a
Chance!”, Animal spinners,

Previous Lesson Review Part A TT and TSW review the anchor chart. TSW discuss the vocabulary words.
Anticipatory Set Part B 5 Mins
TTW engage learners with situation cards about probability (i.e. “It will snow in Virginia in July”). This
activity will help students better understand the concept of probability as the likelihood of an event
occurring. It will also help them draw connections to its real-world application and how it can be used in
ways other than with numbers.

TTW provide directions for each of the stations. TTW set the timer for 15 minute stations.
*Review how to create a tally chart. Emphasize that one tally represents one trial/counter/etc.
Remediate as needed with students when working at Station 2
Independent Practice 45 Mins Station 1
(15 minutes/station) TSW complete “Toying with Probability”
*TTW work with students at Station 2
Station 2
TSW Complete “Activity: Predicting Outcomes”
Station 3
TSW complete “Math with Smarties” (this may need to be done as a class based on the results of the
formative assessments of the class.)
Closure 10 Mins TTW display 4 spinners and ask, “Which spinner would you want to use if you got a prize for landing on
Dog?” TSW Think-Pair-Share. TTW the spinners and they choose. TTW ask different questions
relating the the spinners. TSW use their dry erase board to record their answers.

The spinners will be saved for use in the post-assessment. Instead, if time allows, TSW Think Pair
Share about what strategies they used at each station to find the probability. TSW also discuss what
they still wonder about probability.
Homework Blooms Level R,U,AN
TSW complete “Take a Chance!”
Formative: TTW monitor the students during IP and call the students to the back table that need small group instruction.



Objective(s) By the end of the lesson you should be able to …determine outcomes
Materials “Explore: Probability”, BDW “Gumballs, SOL Teacher: Balloon Probability

Previous Lesson Review Part A TT and TSW review the anchor chart.
Anticipatory Set Part B 10 Mins
TTW display “Explore: Probability” and TSW Think-Pair-Share
TTW say: If you were picking an animal, what is the probability that you would pick a horse? A chicken?
Input and Modeling Part A TT & TSW play “Balloon Probability” on SOL Teacher. TTW explain as the game is played. If time
Check for Understanding Part B allows, other games can be played.
10 mins
Guided Practice 10 mins TTW give each student a copy of the BDW “Gumballs”. TTW discuss completing the activity. TTW
explain that each student will complete the gumball machine and using that data complete the rest of
the BDW.
Independent Practice 20 Mins TSW complete the BDW “Gumballs” independently.

Closure 10 mins TSW complete their post-assessments and turn them in for review.

TTW have additional worksheets available for higher-achieving students to continue practicing their
skills if they finish the BDW or post-assessment before the teacher closes.

If time allows, TTW review and discuss the BDW with the class. TSW share their answers with the

Summative: TSW complete a post-assessment. TTW collect and grade the post-assessments, using the data to evaluate the students’
comprehension and the effectiveness of instruction.


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