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Back extensor training increases muscle

strength in postmenopausal women with
osteoporosis, kyphosis and vertebral fractures

Article in Advances in Physiotherapy · August 2011

DOI: 10.3109/14038196.2011.581696


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5 authors, including:

Ingrid Bergström Ann-Charlotte Grahn Kronhed

Karolinska University Hospital Local Health Care Services in the West of Öst…


Susanne Karlsson
Karolinska University Hospital


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Advances in Physiotherapy, 2011; 13: 110–117


Back extensor training increases muscle strength in postmenopausal

women with osteoporosis, kyphosis and vertebral fractures


1Department of Endocrinology, Metabolism and Diabetes, Karolinska University Hospital, Stockholm, Sweden, 2Stockholm
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School of Economics, Stockholm, Sweden, 3Rehab Väst,Vadstena Primary Health Care Centre, Local Health Care Services in
the West of Östergötland, Sweden, 4Social Medicine and Public Health Science, Division of Community Medicine, Department of
Medical and Health Sciences, Linköping University, Sweden, 5Department of Physical Therapy, Karolinska University Hospital,
Stockholm, Sweden

We determined the efficacy of a back muscle extensor strengthening program on the back muscle extensor strength,
kyphosis, height and thoracic expansion in women with at least one vertebral fracture, kyphosis and osteoporosis. Thirty-six
For personal use only.

patients were included and randomized to a control or a training group. The training focused on back muscle extensor
strengthening program for 1 h, twice a week for 4 months and was performed by a physiotherapist. The main outcome
measure was the back muscle extensor strength. In an intention-to-treat analysis no significant effects on back muscle
strength in the training group vs. controls could be seen (p ⫽ 0.74). In a per-protocol analysis (n ⫽ 28), the training group
increased back muscle strength from 290 ⫾ 87 to 331 ⫾ 89 N while the control group showed no improvement. After
adjusting for the strength at baseline, a significant effect of training could be demonstrated (p ⫽ 0.029). When comparing
the heights between the groups a significant group ⫻ time interaction was observed (p ⫽ 0.012) where the training women
increased their mean height with 0.3 cm (p ⫽ 0.101) and controls decreased 0.44 cm (p ⫽ 0.045). The training group
improved their thoracic expansion compared with baseline (p ⫽ 0.03). No effect of training on kyphosis was seen. In con-
clusion, a 4-months back extensor training program can improve back strength and seems to maintain height and thoracic

Key words: Back extensor muscle training, kyphosis, postmenopausal osteoporosis, vertebral fracture

in the spinal soft tissues (6). Vertebral fractures, the
Approximately one in four postmenopausal women most common clinical manifestation of spinal osteo-
are affected by one or more osteoporotic related porosis, are one of the main reasons for kyphosis
vertebral fractures (1). The vertebral fracture per se and have a significant and prolonged impact on
may cause acute pain and loss of function but health-related quality of life (2,7).
may also pass without serious symptoms (2,3). The Increased thoracic kyphosis may be associated
occurrence of one vertebral fracture signifies a 20% with local pain that might be caused by weak
risk for an additional vertebral fracture within 1 year ligaments, tendons and muscles and not by the
(4) and thus a risk for changing the body posture vertebral fractures per se (5). Increased thoracic
to kyphosis. kyphosis predisposes the individual to chronic pain
The presence of a kyphosis in the elderly is most and fatigue. With more vertebral fractures, a more
likely multifactorial (5) and among other things severe kyphosis develops and the height loss may
influenced by changes in the intervertebral discs and lead to iliocostal contact, resulting in costal–iliac

∗Shared last authors.

Correspondence: Ingrid Bergström, Department of Endocrinology, Metabolism and Diabetes, Karolinska University Hospital, Stockholm, Sweden, E-mail:

(Received 29 October 2010 ; accepted 12 April 2011)

ISSN 1403-8196 print/ISSN 1651-1948 online © 2011 Informa Healthcare
DOI: 10.3109/14038196.2011.581696
Postmenopausal women with osteoporosis, kyphosis and vertebral fractures 111
impingement syndrome with pain in the lower back, fracture (older than half a year) related to osteopo-
which may radiate into the legs (3,8). rosis diagnosed with dual X-ray absorptiometry;
Furthermore, kyphosis limits the rib mobility. (ii) bisphosphonate medication for at least 4 months
Thus, the respiratory function is affected with before the study; and (iii) the ability and willingness
decreased vital capacity (9). The pulmonary function to participate in the training. Vertebral fractures
is found to be significantly reduced in patients were diagnosed with X-ray. The exclusion criteria
with osteoporosis and vertebral fractures compared were: medication or known diseases that could inter-
with patients without osteoporosis but with chronic fere negatively with bone metabolism or secondary
low back pain (10). In patients with osteoporosis, osteoporosis. Excluded were also patients with car-
the back extensor strength is significantly weaker diovascular disease and musculoskeletal disorders
than in healthy women (11). Weaker back extensors that could prevent them from participating in the
are associated with thoracic kyphosis (5,6). Back training intervention or test measurements, and
extensor strength decreases with age (5) and is neg- patients already performing training at the level or
atively correlated to the number of vertebral fractures above that of the intervention program. All women
(12). Back strengthening exercises have been shown received oral and written information by the investi-
to improve back extensor strength, decrease kypho- gator, and signed consent was obtained.
Adv Physiother Downloaded from by on 08/30/11

sis, decrease pain and improve the health-related We recruited and included 36 patients during
quality of life in patients with osteoporosis (13). 4 years, which was more than the required 32 sub-
Current medical practice of the kyphotic patient jects according to the power calculation, with the
is generally limited to pharmacological therapy notion that training subjects have a tendency for
addressing osteoporosis (8) and omits taking muscle dropping out (18). The subjects were randomized
training into consideration. There are only a few according to a standardized procedure where the
randomized prospective studies on the effects of women picked lottery tickets (C or T) out of a basket
physical training on osteoporotic women with pre- to a control (n ⫽ 16) and a training (n ⫽ 20) group.
existing vertebral fractures (14–16). Gold et al. (16) A study nurse prepared the lottery tickets and ran-
For personal use only.

could demonstrate improved trunk extension strength domized the patients. The groups did not differ in
and psychological symptoms in a group of elderly any baseline characteristics (Table I). No one was on
women after 6 months of physical intervention. There hormone replacement therapy.
seems to be a long-term protective effect of back
resistance training on the spine after its cessation in
estrogen-deficient women. A 10-year follow-up study Intervention
by Sinaki et al. (17) found that the relative risk of The group training program took place in an exer-
vertebral fracture was 2.7 times greater in a control cise hall in the Physiotherapy Clinic at Karolinska
group than in a back exercise group. University Hospital, Huddinge and was supervised
Studies with physical training intervention are by a physiotherapist. The women performed a 60-min
rare and with small cohorts. To compensate for this, group training program twice a week for 4 months.
it is of importance to add new studies although the The training program was performed to background
endpoint is similar. In the present study, we aimed music and consisted of a warm-up phase that lasted
to determine the effect of a back muscle extensor 10 min and included walking steps in a standing
strengthening program on the back muscle extensor position, scapular retraction, overhead arm raising,
strength, kyphosis, height and thoracic expansion and raising shoulders towards ears and rolling
in elderly women with established osteoporosis, i.e. backwards.
with at least one vertebral fracture, kyphosis and The strengthening training focused on back
osteoporosis. muscle exercise training using elastic bands (thera-
bands) or the woman’s body weight as resistance.
The resistance level was individualized for each indi-
Materials and methods vidual and was progressively increased according to
her capacity to improve back muscular strength. The
following exercises were performed in standing posi-
Postmenopausal women with kyphosis attending the tion with elastic band: (i) facing the wall bars the
osteoporosis outpatient clinic at Karolinska Univer- scapular retraction was done by double arm exten-
sity Hospital, Huddinge were invited to join a pro- sions pulling the arms backwards in a straightened
spective randomized study evaluating the effect of a position; (ii) scapular retraction was also trained
back muscle strengthening program on kyphosis, with the elastic band attached in front of the body;
height and thoracic circumference (Figure 1). The (iii) lateral pull down overhead was done with the
inclusion criteria were: (i) at least one vertebral back against wall bars; (iv) with the side against the
112 I. Bergström et al.

Postmenopausal women with osteoporosis

and vertebral fractures passing the clinic
examination and consented to the study
(2003-2006) (n=36)

Randomized (n=36)

Allocated to control (n=16) Allocated to physical intervention (n=20)

Received allocated intervention (n=15) Received allocated intervention
Adv Physiother Downloaded from by on 08/30/11

Lost to follow-up (n=1) Lost to follow-up (n=2)

♦ Discontinued because of diagnosis of ♦ Discontinued because of personal reasons

sarcoidosis and withdrew consent
For personal use only.

Analysed (n=13)
Analysed (n=15)
♦ Excluded from analysis due to protocol
♦ Excluded from analysis due to protocol
violation with extensive back muscle
violation with insufficient back muscle
training (n=2)
training (n=2)

♦ Excluded from analysis due to accurate

measurement problems (n=1)

Figure 1. Flow-chart.

wall bars a single shoulder horizontal abduction there was a cool-down phase with head and shoulder
was performed with the elastic band attached at movements.
shoulder level at the opposite side. Without the elas- The physiotherapist carefully instructed the
tic band: (v) standing facing a wall straightening of participants to perform all exercises with a proper
the back by raising the arms supported by the wall; posture. Bent positions or trunk flexion exercises
(vi) back muscular strength was trained standing were strictly avoided. The number of repetitions, 30,
with the back as straight as possible against the was constant and was performed while the physio-
wall while pressing the thoracic spine backwards; therapist supervised and counted the repetitions. As
(vii) push-ups at wall bars were also performed; the woman’s strength increased, her elastic bands
(viii) positioned on hands and knees the women were exchanged with bands with greater resistance.
raised one leg and the opposite arm in a diagonal
plane. The training program also included exercise
with squats and heel rises. The women trained in a
sitting position: (i) extension of the spine by lifting a Height was measured with the Harpenden Stadio-
pole over their head; (ii) thoracic spine extension was meter (Holtain Ltd, Crosswell, UK). The patient was
also trained by straightening the trunk over the back positioned with her heels, buttocks and scapulae in
of a chair; (iii) isometric press of the shoulder blades, contact with the stadiometer. If the spinal deforma-
one at a time, against the back of a chair. Finally tion prevented this, the most posterior part of the
Postmenopausal women with osteoporosis, kyphosis and vertebral fractures 113
Table I. Baseline data.

Control, n ⫽ 16 Training, n ⫽ 20 Comparison, (p-value)a

Age, years 74.1 (6.0) 73.2 (8.9) N.S.

Menopause ⬎10 years ago 16 20 –
Height, cm 159.6 (6.0) 158.9 (7.8) N.S.
BMI, kg/m2 25.0 (2.9) 25.5 (4.1) N.S.
Vertebral fractures, n
1 5 5 –
2 5 6 –
3 4 4 –
ⱖ4 2 5 –
Other fractures, n
Hip 2 4 –
Proximal arm 2 1 –
Fore arm 5 10 –
Pelvis 1 0 –
Calcium and D-vit. usage, n 16 20 –
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Cumulative bisphosphonate usage, months 21 (8–51) 31 (10–55) N.S.

BMD, T-score
L1–L4 ⫺2.8 (1.0) ⫺2.2 (0.9) N.S.
Hip total ⫺2.2 (0.6) ⫺2.1 (0.8) N.S.
Back strength, N 236 (108) 296 (84) N.S.
Kyphosis, cm
Kyphometer 45.7 (8.8) 38.1 (11.9) N.S.
C7–wall distance 6.5 (5.8–7.5) 5.5 (4.4–8.1) N.S.
Thoracic expansion, cm 3.0 (2.5–4.0) 3.0 (2.0–4.5) N.S.

n, mean or median (SD or 25–75th percentiles). aT-test or Mann–Whitney U-test. BMD, bone mineral density; N.S., not significant.
For personal use only.

back touched the stadiometer. The patient was asked components were recorded and thus the same
to stand up as straight as possible and to hold her positioning after 4 months could be easily redone.
head up so that the junction of the ear and scalp, the After positioning, the patient was asked to make a
posterior angle of her eye lined up horizontally smooth maximal extension of the trunk against the
parallel to the floor. The head-block was slowly transducer at a uniform level, sudden explosive force
moved down so that it rested on the patient’s scalp. production was not allowed. The signal from the
The patient was instructed to take a deep breath and transducer was amplified by the help of a DC ampli-
stand up straight. At this point, the observer applied fier and the peak force produced during each trial
pressure to the mastoid process to hold the position was shown in a numerical display. The woman was
that the subject lifted to by breathing deeply. The given verbal encouragement during the effort with
height was recorded to the nearest completed milli- the same phrase, word by word, for all women. She
meter. The patient was asked to step away from was allowed two to three practice trials before testing
the stadiometer and the measurement was repeated where the best result of three to five maximal efforts
twice. If any of the three height measurements dif- was recorded. The number of repetitions was indi-
fered by four or more millimeters from the other two, vidualized dependent on how well the woman techni-
the height measurement was repeated twice (total of cally performed the measurement. She was told to
five). The best result was used. Quality control of the rest between the measurements.
Harpenden Stadiometer was performed every day a The kyphosis was measured by a kyphometer:
patient was seen but not less than once a week. The the patients were asked to stand straight up and “be
coefficient of variation for the Stadiometer according as long as possible”. The kyphometer was placed
to Coles et al. (19) ranged from 0.9 to 1.7 mm. between the spinous processes of Th2–Th3 and
Back extensor strength was measured when the between the spinous processes of Th11–Th12. In
patient was in a standing position with an isometric those cases when the chest was deformed and the
dynamometer according to Viitasalo et al. (20). The measuring points thus uncertain, the measuring
dynamometer “Good Strength” (Metitur Oy, Finland) points were instead indicated in the protocol as cen-
was used. The vertical and sagittal locations of the timeters in relation to C7. The patients were then
transducer as well as the pelvic support components asked to make a maximum bending backward – an
were set according to anatomical landmarks for extension. The extension was repeated three times and
each patient. The locations of these adjustable in three extended positions the measurements were
114 I. Bergström et al.
performed. This procedure was repeated once after a these three women, we used the principle “last obser-
short rest and the best result was recorded (21). vation carried forward” (i.e. baseline measurements
Thoracic expansion is defined as the difference at 4 months) in the intention-to-treat analysis on the
in chest circumference between maximal inhalation main outcome variable, back extensor strength.
and exhalation. Measurements were done by placing Mean (⫾SD) back extensor strength at baseline was
a tape measure around the chest at the level of the 236 ⫾ 108 N for controls and 296 ⫾ 84 N for the
xiphoideus process. The process was repeated three training group. After 4 months, it had increased
times and the best result was recorded (22). to 254 ⫾ 85 N and 302 ⫾ 108 N, respectively.
All measurements were performed at baseline No significant group ⫻ time interaction was observed
and after 4 months and were blinded as to the when comparing the changes in back strength,
participant. The study nurse examined and evaluated F ⫽ 0.12, p ⫽ 0.74.
all women.
Per-protocol analysis
Statistical analysis The effect of the back extensor training program
A power calculation was performed during the was evaluated by statistical analysis of the 28 women
Adv Physiother Downloaded from by on 08/30/11

design of the study for the change in back extensor who complied with the study protocol of at least
strength between control and intervention after 90% attendance in the training group. Two women
4 months of training based on estimates from other (training) were excluded because of inadequate
studies. A two group t-test with a 0.05 two-sided training (less than 50% attendance) because of a
significance level will have 80% power to detect the myeloma diagnosis and a severe back pain period not
difference between a control group mean, of 0.0 connected to the intervention. The controls were
and a training group mean, of 10.0 kg, assuming interviewed after study cessation concerning their
that the common standard deviation is 13.0, when physical activity. Two women were excluded because
the sample sizes in the two groups are 16 each (9). of extensive back extensor exercising. Another woman
For personal use only.

Wilcoxon matched-pairs tests and Mann– had severe flank pain making adequate measuring
Whitney U-tests were used for simple significance impossible. Mean (⫾SD) back extensor strength at
testing for normal and non-normal (thoracic expan- baseline was 260 ⫾ 101 N for controls and 290 ⫾ 87
sion) distributed variables respectively. In compari- N for the training group. After 4 months, it had
sons between control and training patients, an increased to 263 ⫾ 79 N and 331 ⫾ 89 N, respec-
analysis of variance (ANOVA) for repeated measures tively. No significant group ⫻ time interaction was
was performed. Simple main effects tests were used observed when comparing the changes back strength,
to evaluate heterogeneous effects in presence of a F ⫽ 2.73, p ⫽ 0.11 (Figure 2a). However, after
significant interaction. For variables where the homo- adjusting for the strength at baseline, a significant
geneity of baseline values was doubtful, an analysis effect of training could be demonstrated, F ⫽ 5.37,
of covariance (ANCOVA) was used with baseline p ⫽ 0.029. The estimated difference between the
values as the covariate. Means and adjusted means groups was 44 N (95% CI 5–83) (Figure 2b).
and 95% confidence intervals (CI) were estimated When comparing heights between the groups a
from the ANOVA and ANCOVA models. Correla- significant group ⫻ time interaction was observed
tion between the outcome variables, with respect to suggesting different divergent changes, F ⫽ 7.28,
changes from baseline, was calculated with Pearson’s p ⫽ 0.012 (Figure 3). Training women increased
product moment correlation coefficient; p ⬍ 0.05 their height on average 0.30 cm (95% CI ⫺ 0.06 to
was considered statistically significant. The Ethics 0.66), which was not, however, significant (p ⫽ 0.101),
Committee of Karolinska Institutet approved the whereas women in the control group lost on average
study. 0.44 cm (95% CI ⫺ 0.87 to ⫺ 0.01) (p ⫽ 0.045).
Thoracic expansion was measured at baseline
and after 4 months (Figure 4). The medians (25–75th
Results percentiles) for the control group were 3.5 cm
(2.0–4.0 cm) and 4.5 cm (3.0–5.0 cm) and for the
Intention-to-treat analysis
training group 3.2 cm (2.0–4.7 cm) and 3.7 cm
Out of the 36 included and randomized women, (3.0–5.0 cm), respectively. No difference was observed
two women (training) ceased training and withdrew between the groups after intervention (p ⫽ 0.90).
from the study, and one woman (control) was diag- However, the training group significantly improved
nosed with sarcoidosis and was started on corticos- their thoracic expansion after 4 months compared
teroid medication; these three women were lost to with baseline, p ⫽ 0.03, whereas the control group did
follow-up. Since only baseline data was available for not (p ⫽ 0.06). No significant changes were found in
Postmenopausal women with osteoporosis, kyphosis and vertebral fractures 115

400 165

Strength (N)


280 161

Height (cm)
240 160


baseline 4 months
Adv Physiother Downloaded from by on 08/30/11

340 0
baseline 4 months
Figure 3. Height for controls (filled circles) and training group
Strength (N)

300 (open circles) before and after physical intervention. Means and
95% confidence intervals.

260 exercise when the proportion of non-adherents to

study protocol is usually larger than normal (23).
For personal use only.

In this clinical setting, the per-protocol analysis guar-

antees a proper evaluation of the intervention effec-
Control Training tiveness, whereas an intention-to-treat analysis may
Groups provide an excessively conservative estimate of the
treatment effect.
Figure 2. Mean changes and 95% confidence intervals for back
extensor strength (a) before intervention, controls (filled circles)
The subjects in the training group maintained
and training group (open circles), and (b) after 4 months of body height, in contrast to the control group, maybe
intervention adjusted for the mean of the covariate (baseline). because of stronger back muscles achieved by the
training program. Strong back muscles can counteract
the gravitational pull and help kyphotic women to keep
the measurements of kyphosis measured with a
a more adequate posture for ordinary activities. An
kyphometer or C7-to-wall distance (data not shown).

Our study suggests that a short-term back muscu-
Thoracic expansion (cm)

lar extension training program can be effective in

increasing the back muscle strength in a group of
elderly women with at least one vertebral fracture, 7
kyphosis and osteoporosis. The result is comparable 6
with the result from Gold et al. (16) with regard to 5
increase of strength. Gold et al. (16) present, in their 4
study of 185 postmenopausal women with at least 3
one vertebral fracture randomized to training three
times a week during 6 months, that training improves
the trunk strength and leads to better physical mobil-
ity. The statistically significant results in our study Control Training
were obtained in a per-protocol analysis but were Groups
not seen when analyzing data according to the inten-
Figure 4. Thoracic expansion of controls and the training group
tion-to-treat method. Although the latter is consid- before and after physical intervention. Measurements at baseline
ered as the gold standard, a per-protocol analysis (open boxes) and after 4 months (gridded boxes). Box-whisker
can be relevant in intervention studies with physical plot indicates median, 25–75th percentiles and min–max values.
116 I. Bergström et al.
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