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Abortion for better or for worse?

Abortion is a surgery where the main goal is to prevent a female from giving birth a baby.
Some first world nation and fast developing countries are able to sustain growth in part because
women were given the power of choice and easy access to reproductive technologies. In North
America and Europe, 73 percent of governments allow abortion upon a mother’s request. In the
Philippines our country do not considered abortion as a prevention of population because for
many Filipinos abortion is a crime.

Even countries like Bolivia and Ghana that legalized abortion noticed that abortion is
unsafe and causing maternal deaths. Even in a simple mind abortion is killing someone that
cannot fight for himself. The fetus is innocent and helpless, abortion is a method of preventing
conception endangers the life of the mother. Abortion can stop the fertility of a woman
permanently and it can cause complications. Many young generations will be irresponsible
because they will though that at early age they can have sexual contact because they can have
abortion. A female that experience abortion have more chances of having a cervical cancers.
Remember that the first human rights of the Philippines is the right to be alive and the first right
of a child is to be birth according to Building Child. Friendly communities we can still promote
population control by using other family planning like Cycle Beads, Lactational Amenorrhea
Method (LAM), Symptoms-Base Methods, Pills, Condoms, Progestin-only Injectable, Progestin
Sub dermal Implant, Intra-Uterine Device(IUD), Bilateral Tubal Ligation (BTL) and No Scalpel
Vasectomy (NSV). Add the fact that most of the family planning are now covered by philhealth.
It is more safe than abortion and it’s free. Abortion can cause hemorrhage or extreme bleeding. It
is true that in our 17 sustainable goals the main cause of problems is over population growth but
it also state the fact that 17 sustainable goals also state the good health and wellness and bender
equality. Abortion is humiliating women and child.

In Conclusion abortion should be not considered as family planning. A mother can still
support population control by using more safe and less expensive family planning. Let’s be
responsible on our action. Abortion is a crime its dangerous it is a practice of killing. We should
always start to say no for ourselves in abortion.

Bibliography (Annotation)
Understanding Culture (Movement and Sustainability) page 101-104

Kimberly Mameng I-BEED

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