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Jomuel Patrick D. Gueta 2nd Semester S.Y. 2018-2019 San Beda College Alabang - School of Law


SIMEX INTERNATIONAL (MANILA), The petitioner is a private corporation engaged in the Whether the respondent is TC/CFI: Awarded only Nominal Damages
INCORPORATED, petitioner , vs. THE exportation of food products. It buys these products from negligent and thus entitles CA: Affirmed in toto. The respondent court found with the trial
HONORABLE COURT OF APPEALS and various local suppliers and then sells them abroad, particularly the petitioner to damages court that the private respondent was guilty of negligence but
TRADERS ROYAL BANK in the United States, Canada and the Middle East. Most of its agreed that the petitioner was nevertheless not entitled to moral
exports are purchased by the petitioner on credit. damages. The essential ingredient of moral damages is proof of bad
It is required to exercise utmost diligence in faith. When the bank rectified its mistake and paid the dishonored
the handling of deposits. The petitioner was a depositor of the respondent bank and checks, it negated bad faith and negligence.
maintained a checking account. On May 25, 1981, the
BANK'S NEGLIGENCE IN THEIR DUTIES petitioner deposited to its account in the said bank the SC: It seems to us that the negligence of the private respondent had
TOWARDS THEIR CLIENTS WARRANTS AWARD amount of P100,000.00, thus increasing its balance as of that been brushed off rather lightly as if it were a minor infraction
OF EXEMPLARY DAMAGES; REASON THEREOF. date to P190,380.74. Subsequently, the petitioner issued requiring no more than a slap on the wrist. We feel it is not enough
— As a business affected with public interest several checks against its deposit but was surprised to learn to say that the private respondent rectified its records and credited
and because of the nature of its functions, the later that they had been dishonored for insufficient funds. the deposit in less than a month as if this were sufficient
bank is under obligation to treat the accounts repentance. The error should not have been committed in the first
of its depositors with meticulous care, always As a consequence, the California Manufacturing Corporation, place. The respondent bank has not even explained why it was
having in mind the fiduciary nature of their the Malabon Long Life Trading and the G. and U. Enterprises, committed at all.
relationship. sent a letter of demand to the petitioner and withheld the As the Court sees it, the initial carelessness of the respondent bank,
delivery of the order made by the petitioner. aggravated by the lack of promptitude in repairing its error, justifies
the grant of moral damages.
The petitioner complained to the respondent bank on June 10,
1981. Investigation disclosed that the sum of P100,000.00 In the case at bar, it is obvious that the respondent bank was remiss
deposited by the petitioner on May 25, 1981, had not been in that duty and violated that relationship. What is especially
credited to it. The error was rectified on June 17, 1981, and deplorable is that, having been informed of its error in not crediting
the dishonored checks were paid after they were re- the deposit in question to the petitioner, the respondent bank did
deposited. not immediately correct it but did so only one week later or twenty-
three days after the deposit was made. It bears repeating that the
The petitioner then filed a complaint in CFI of Rizal claiming record does not contain any satisfactory explanation of why the
from the private respondent moral damages in the sum of error was made in the first place and why it was not corrected
P1,000,000.00 and exemplary damages in the sum of immediately after its discovery. Such ineptness comes under the
P500,000.00, plus 25% attorney's fees, and costs. concept of the wanton manner contemplated in the Civil Code that
calls for the imposition of exemplary damages. After deliberating on
this particular matter, the Court, in the exercise of its discretion,
hereby imposes upon the respondent bank exemplary damages in
the amount of P50,000.00, "by way of example or correction for the
public good," in the words of the law. It is expected that this ruling
will serve as a warning and deterrent against the repetition of the
ineptness and indifference that has been displayed here, lest the
confidence of the public in the banking system be further impaired.
FINALS Case List Digest Set #10 COMMERCIAL LAW REVIEW Atty. Busmente
Jomuel Patrick D. Gueta 2nd Semester S.Y. 2018-2019 San Beda College Alabang - School of Law
GUINGONA, JR., ANTONIO I. MARTIN, and From March 20, 1979 to March, 1981, David invested with the whether public When private respondent David invested his money
TERESITA SANTOS, petitioners, vs. THE CITY NSLA the sum of P1,145,546.20 on time deposits, P13,531.94 respondents acted without on time and savings deposits with the aforesaid bank,
FISCAL OF MANILA, HON. JOSE B. on savings account deposits etc. David said he was induced jurisdiction when they
the contract that was perfected was a contract of
FLAMINIANO, ASST. CITY FISCAL FELIZARDO N. into making the aforestated investments by Robert Marshall, investigated the charges
LOTA and CLEMENT DAVID, respondents an Australian national who was allegedly a close associate of (estafa and violation of CB simple loan or mutuum and not a contract of deposit
petitioner Guingona Jr., then NSLA President, petitioner Circular No. 364 and governed by the provisions concerning simple loan
The officers of the bank cannot be held liable Martin, then NSLA Executive Vice-President and petitioner related regulations (Article 1980, Civil Code). Hence, the relationship
for estafa if they authorized the use of the Santos, then NSLA General Manager. regarding foreign exchange between the private respondent and the Nation
money deposited by the depositor. There transactions) subject Savings and Loan Association is that of creditor and
would be no liability for estafa under Article On June 1981, Guingona and Martin, upon David’s request, matter of I.S. No. 81-31938. debtor; consequently, the ownership of the amount
315(1)(b) of the Revised Penal Code even if the assumed the bank’s obligation to David by executing a joint
bank failed to return the amount deposited. promissory note. On July 1981, David received a report that
deposited was transmitted to the Bank upon the
only a portion of his investments was entered in the NSLA perfection of the contract and it can make use of the
records. amount deposited for its banking operations, such as
p319 On December 1981, David filed I.S. No. 81-31938 in the Office to pay interests on deposits and to pay withdrawals.
of the City Fiscal, which case was assigned to Asst. City Fiscal While the Bank has the obligation to return the
Lota for preliminary investigation. David charged petitioners amount deposited, it has, however, no obligation to
with estafa and violation of Central Bank Circular No. 364 and
return or deliver the same money that was deposited.
related regulations on foreign exchange transactions.
Petitioners moved to dismiss the charges against them for lack And, the failure of the Bank to return the amount
of jurisdiction because David's claims allegedly comprised a deposited will not constitute estafa through
purely civil obligation, but the motion was denied. After the misappropriation punishable under Article 315, par.
presentation of David's principal witness, petitioners filed this 1(b) of the Revised Penal Code, but it will only give
petition for prohibition and injunction because: rise to civil liability over which the public
respondents have no jurisdiction.
a. The production of various documents showed that the
transactions between David and NSLA were simple loans (civil
obligations which were novated when Guingona and Martin
assumed them)

b. David's principal witness testified that the duplicate

originals of the instruments of indebtedness were all on file
with NSLA.

A TRO was issued ordering the respondents to refrain from

proceeding with the preliminary investigation in I.S. No. 81-

Petitioners’ liability is civil in nature, so respondents have no

jurisdiction over the estafa charge. TRO CORRECTLY ISSUED.
FINALS Case List Digest Set #10 COMMERCIAL LAW REVIEW Atty. Busmente
Jomuel Patrick D. Gueta 2nd Semester S.Y. 2018-2019 San Beda College Alabang - School of Law
Vitug v. CA Spouses Dolores and Romarico Vitug entered into a Whether or not the funds NO. The conveyance in question is not, first of all, one of mortis
G.R. No. 82027, March 29, 1990 survivorship agreement with the Bank of American of the savings account causa, which should be embodied in a will. A will has been defined
NationalTrust and Savings Association. The said agreement subject of the survivorship as “a personal, solemn, revocable and free act by which a
ROMARICO G. VITUG, petitioner, vs. THE contained the following stipulations: agreement were conjugal capacitated person disposes of his property and rights and declares
HONORABLE COURT OF APPEALS and partnership properties and or complies with duties to take effect after his death.” In other
ROWENA FAUSTINO-CORONA, respondents. (1) All money deposited and to be deposited with the Bank in part of the estate words, the bequest or device must pertain to the testator. In this
their joint savings current account shall be both their property case, the monies subject of savings account No. 35342-038 were in
Joint accounts may be the subject of a and shall be payable to and collectible or withdrawable by the nature of conjugal funds In the case relied on, Rivera v. People’s
survivorship agreement whereby the co- either or any of them during their lifetime; and Bank and Trust Co., we rejected claims that a survivorship
depositors agree to permit either of them to agreement purports to deliver one party’s separate properties in
withdraw the whole deposit during their (2) After the death of one of them, the same shall belong to favor of the other, but simply, their joint holdings.
lifetime and transferring the balance to the and be the sole property of the surviving spouse and payable
survivor upon the death of one of them to and collectible or withdrawable by such survivor There is no showing that the funds exclusively belonged to one
p.321 party, and hence it must be presumed to be conjugal, having been
Dolores died naming Rowena Corona in her wills as executrix. acquired during the existence of the marital relations.
Romarico later filed a motion asking authority to sell certain
shares of stock and real property belonging to the estate to Neither is the survivorship agreement a donation inter vivos, for
cover his advances to the estate which he claimed were obvious reasons, because it was to take effect after the death of one
personal funds withdrawn from their savings account. Rowena party. Secondly, it is not a donation between the spouses because
opposed on the ground that the same funds withdrawn from it involved no conveyance of a spouse’s own properties to the other.
the savings account were conjugal partnership properties and
part of the estate. Hence, there should be no reimbursement. It is also our opinion that the agreement involves no modification
petition of the conjugal partnership, as held by the Court of Appeals,
On the other hand, Romarico insists that the same are his by “mere stipulation” and that it is no “cloak” to circumvent the law
exclusive property acquired through the survivorship on conjugal property relations. Certainly, the spouses are not
agreement. prohibited by law to invest conjugal property, say, by way of a joint
and several bank account, more commonly denominated in banking
TC: upheld the validity of the agreement parlance as an “and/or” account. In the case at bar, when the
CA: survivorship agreement constitutes a conveyance mortis spouses Vitug opened savings account No. 35342-038, they merely
causa which "did not comply with the formalities of a valid will put what rightfully belonged to them in a money-making venture.
as prescribed by Article 805 of the Civil Code," 8 and secondly, They did not dispose of it in favor of the other, which would have
assuming that it is a mere donation inter vivos, it is a arguably been sanctionable as a prohibited donation.
prohibited donation under the provisions of Article 133 of the
Civil Code. The conclusion is accordingly unavoidable that Mrs. Vitug having
predeceased her husband, the latter has acquired upon her death a
Rivera v Peoples Bank and Trust Co. vested right over the amounts under savings account No. 35342-
that they were joint (and several) owners thereof; and 038 of the Bank of America. Insofar as the respondent court ordered
that either of them could withdraw any part or the whole of their inclusion in the inventory of assets left by Mrs. Vitug, we hold
said account during the lifetime of both, and the balance, if that the court was in error. Being the separate property of
any, upon the death of either, belonged to the survivor. petitioner, it forms no more part of the estate of the deceased.
FINALS Case List Digest Set #10 COMMERCIAL LAW REVIEW Atty. Busmente
Jomuel Patrick D. Gueta 2nd Semester S.Y. 2018-2019 San Beda College Alabang - School of Law

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