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Statement of the Problem

The main problem of this study is to analyze the

Implications of excessive use of Gadgets to the Speech

Mechanism of Toddlers. Specifically, it attempts to answer the

following questions:

1. How does excessive use of gadgets affects the speech

mechanism of toddlers?

2. Is there any significant relationship between excessive use

of gadgets and speech mechanism of toddlers?

3. Based from the data gathered, what are the suggested ways on

how to limit the use of gadgets to the toddlers?


The objective of this study is to determine the

implications of excessive use of gadgets to the speech mechanism

of toddlers.

1. To determine how excessive use of gadgets affects the speech

mechanism of toddlers.

2. To find out if there is any significant relationship between

excessive use of gadgets and the speech mechanism of


3. To determine the suggested ways on how to limit the use of

gadgets to the toddlers.


Based from the different questions posited in the study,

hypotheses the deduced were:

1. There are no effects of excessive use of gadgets to the

speech mechanism of toddlers.

2. There is no significant relationship between excessive use of

gadgets and the speech mechanism of toddlers.

3. There are no suggested ways on how to limit the use of

gadgets to the toddlers.

Significance of the study

The study deals with the implications of excessive use of

gadgets to the speech mechanism of toddlers which is necessary

not only for the researchers but also for today’s generation.

Gadgets like tablets, smart phones and not-so-smart phones are

multiplying five times faster than we are, with our population

growing at a rate of about two people per second, or 1.2 percent

annually. For the first time ever there are people, including a

growing number that only communicate with other machines. The

number of active mobile devices and human beings crossed over

somewhere around the 719 billion mark.

To the parents: This study will help the parents to guide

their kids in using gadgets responsibly. Teaching their kids to

socialize to other people could improve their kids’ mental and

emotional health.

To the toddlers: This study may help the toddlers to be aware of

the consequences they may encounter if there is excessive use of

gadgets. They should understand that social interaction is

essential in order to grow and develop their capabilities as an


To the future researchers: This study may help the future

researchers to be guided about the implications of excessive use

of gadgets to the speech mechanism of toddlers. Future

researchers may also use it in some of their resources for their

future studies. This study is a big help for the future

researchers to be aware of the things related to their study.

To the researchers: This research may benefit them on

accomplishing their requirements in research. The result of this

study may be beneficiary for the researchers because it will

give them the knowledge about the implications of speech

mechanism to the toddlers and how it affects toddlers.

Conceptual Framework

Due to the excessive use of gadgets of toddlers, their

ability to socialize and interact may have a great impact to

their speech mechanism.

The first box shows the input which is the excessive use

of Gadgets of Toddlers.

The second box shows the process which is the surveys,

questionnaires and interviews.

The third box shows the output which is the Speech Mechanism of



Effective ways
Excessive Use Surveys,
of Speech
of gadgets of Questionnaires,
Mechanism to
Toddlers Interviews
the toddlers

Figure 1.1 Research Paradigm of the Implications of Excessive Use

of Gadgets to the Toddlers

Scope and Limitations

This study focuses on the implications of the excessive

use of gadgets to the speech mechanism of toddlers. This study

will undergo interviews and surveys to answer the questions about

on how can gadgets affect the speech mechanism of toddlers. The

study may be very helpful especially for the parents to be aware

of the possible outcomes if their children are exposed to too

much gadgets.

Definition of Key Terms

Toddler may be conceptually defined as a young child who is just

learning to walk. (Merriam-Webster Dictionary)

It may be operationally define as a child aging 1 to 4

years old.

Technology may be conceptually defined as the use of science in

industry, engineering, etc; to invent useful things

or to solve problems. (Merriam-Webster Dictionary)

It may be operationally defined as people’s lifestyle

and have been the common source of information and


Gadgets may be conceptually defined as a small mechanical or

electronic device with a practical use but often

thought of as a novelty. (Merriam-Webster Dictionary)

It may be operationally defined as the basic need for

everyday lifestyle.

Speech Mechanism may be conceptually defined as a spoken

expression of ideas, and opinions, etc. (Merriam-Webster


It may be operationally defined as verbal form of

communication used by humans.

Language may be conceptually defined as the system of words or

signs that people use to express thoughts and feelings

to each other.

It may be operationally defined as the whole system of

communication spoken or written, verbal and nonverbal.


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