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Topic 7: Environmental value systems (Questions)

1. (a) The table below shows estimates of worldwide population numbers of some whale

Species Estimated numbers Estimated Main food source

before 1750 numbers in 1999
(thousand) (thousand)
Blue 228 14 Plankton
Fin 548 120 Plankton, fish
Grey 20 21 Crustaceans
Humpback 115 10 Plankton, fish
Minke 140 725 Plankton, fish
Right 200 4 Plankton
Sei 256 54 Plankton, fish, squid
Sperm 2400 1950 Fish, squid

(i) Identify which species of whale shows the greatest percentage decrease over the
period 1750–1999.


(ii) Other than hunting of whales, suggest one other way in which humans may have
caused a decline in whale numbers.



(iii) List three characteristics that might make some whale species more prone to
extinction than others.



(iv) Outline two special difficulties found in the preservation of open-ocean species.





(b) The International Whaling Commission issued a ban on all commercial whaling in 1986.
Greenpeace has publicised whaling that is still carried out by Norway and Japan partly for
research purposes. Compare the role of Greenpeace as a non-governmental organization
(NGO) and UNEP as an international organization supported by governments in the
preservation of global biodiversity.










(c) For a named habitat, discuss the arguments for its preservation.








(Total 13 marks)

2. (a) It has been suggested that “extinction is a natural process therefore we should not worry
about the loss of biodiversity”. Give two reasons why you either agree or disagree with
this statement.






(b) List two advantages and two disadvantages of the role of captive breeding programs and
zoos in the conservation of endangered species.

(i) Advantages



(ii) Disadvantages



(c) Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the Convention on International Trade in
Endangered Species (CITES).



(Total 8 marks)

3. (a) Forests are sometimes described as being a form of renewable natural capital. Explain
what this means

(b) There are sometimes said to be different values associated with renewable natural capital.
For forests, or for any other type of natural capital, evaluate three of these.

(c) Describe how you would determine whether a particular use of a form of renewable
natural capital was sustainable.
Expression of ideas (3)
(Total 20 marks)

4. (a) In the context of human population growth, define the terms carrying capacity and
ecological footprint. Suggest how the ecological footprints might differ between an
economically more developed country and an economically less developed country.

(b) Suggest ways in which technological development may affect carrying capacity and the
ecological footprint of human populations.

(c) It is often argued that the solution to the world’s resource management problems is
population control. To what extent do you agree? Justify your views.

Expression of ideas
(Total 20 marks)

5. (a) Explain how a named organism can be used as an indirect measure of pollution levels
within the environment.

(b) Describe the main stages in an environmental impact assessment (EIA).


(c) Justify the importance of ecological monitoring and research for society.
Expression of ideas (3)
(Total 20 marks)

6. (a) Discuss the causes and timing of past extinction episodes within the fossil record.

(b) Describe the case histories of one species that is endangered and one species that was
endangered but has now been successfully removed from the endangered list.

(c) Evaluate the strengths and limitations of zoos in conserving endangered species and
justify your personal viewpoint.
Expression of ideas (3)
(Total 20 marks)

7. (a) With reference to a named case study, describe how water resources are being used

(b) Suggest the possible impact of global warming on global water resources.

(c) A variety of strategies exist for managing water pollution, such as

• monitoring quality

• setting and imposing standards

• water purification.

Discuss the human factors that affect the success of such strategies.
Expression of ideas (3)
(Total 20 marks)

8. “Protecting the environment is a luxury that only the most economically developed countries of
the world can afford.”

(a) State whether an ecocentrist or a technocentrist is more likely to agree with the statement
above. Justify your answer.

(b) Discuss the arguments for and against the statement above. In your answer you should
refer to examples from both more economically developed and less economically
developed countries.

(c) For an environmental issue you have studied, describe the roles of different groups in the
management of this issue. In your answer you could consider local, national and
international groups.
(Total 20 marks)

9. “… because of human activities, habitats are disappearing faster than they can be studied, and
simple stock-taking of threatened habitats is now an urgent task. It isn’t rational to use a
treasure-chest for firewood until you’ve checked inside for treasure, yet this is what is
happening to the Earth’s largely uncatalogued biological treasure-houses. Foremost among these
are the tropical rainforests.” (Silvertown 1990)

(a) Outline the relative importance of tropical rainforests in contributing to global

biodiversity, and explain why they have developed such high rates of biodiversity.

(b) With reference to a named area of biological significance you have studied, explain how
it has been or is being degraded by “human activities”.

(c) Silvertown describes biodiversity as “treasure”. Discuss the ways in which biodiversity
can be seen as a valuable resource to people.
Expression of ideas (3)
(Total 20 marks)

10. (a) Outline the factors that make some organisms less prone to extinction and the factors that
make others more prone to extinction. Use named examples to support your answer.

(b) List three Red Data Book categories and explain the criteria used to assess a species’
conservation status. Illustrate your answer with named examples.

(c) Justify your personal viewpoint on the best strategy for conserving a named protected

Expression of ideas (3)
(Total 20 marks)

11. (a) Describe the process of soil degradation and explain the direct and indirect consequences
to the environment.

(b) Explain, using a named farming system, how


(i) a technocentric approach can aid soil conservation.


(ii) an ecocentric approach can aid soil conservation.

Expression of ideas (3)
(Total 17 marks)

12. The figure below contains an ancient Chinese proverb.


If you are thinking a year ahead, sow seed

If you are thinking ten years ahead, plant a tree

If you are thinking a hundred years ahead, educate the


Chinese poet Kuan Tzu 500 BC

(a) The poet Kuan Tzu could be seen as an ecocentrist or a technocentrist. Justify whether
you think his views are ecocentric or technocentric.



(b) Outline two factors which may affect someone’s environmental philosophy.


(Total 6 marks)

13. The data in table 1 show the ecological footprints for people in various countries of the world. A
five hectare footprint would mean that five hectares of biologically productive space (including
land and sea) are in constant production to support the average individual of that country.

Available capacity is the total amount of biologically productive space for each country. If the
footprint exceeds the biologically productive area of the country, the country has an ecological

Table 1

Population in 1997 Ecological Available capacity / Ecological

footprint / –1 difference (deficit
hectares person
–1 if negative) /
hectares person
hectares person
Australia 18 550 000 9.0 14.0 5.0
Ethiopia 58 414 000 0.7 0.5 –0.3
Germany 81 845 000 5.3 1.9 –3.4
India 790 230 000 0.8 0.5 –0.3
Indonesia 203 631 000 1.4 2.6 1.2
Japan 125 672 000 4.3 0.9
Norway 4 375 000 6.2 6.3 0.1
Russian Federation 146 381 000 6.0 3.7 –2.3
Singapore 2 899 000 7.2 0.1 –7.1
United States 268 189 000 6.7 –3.6
United Kingdom 58 587 000 5.2 1.7 –3.5
Venezuela 22 777 000 3.8 2.7 –1.1
WORLD 5 892 480 000 2.8 2.1 –0.7

[Source: The Earth Council, Ranking the Ecological Impact of Nations,]

(a) (i) Calculate the ecological deficit for Japan.



(ii) Calculate the ecological footprint of a person in the United States.



(iii) If the Earth’s resources were equally shared, there would be a total of 2.1 hectares
of space available for each person. State how many countries in table 1 have an
available capacity greater than 2.1 hectares.


(iv) Suggest why Indonesia is not in ecological deficit despite the fact that its

population is so large.




(b) Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is a measure of the economic wealth of a country divided
by the number of people in that country. Table 2 shows the GDP for various countries.

Table 2

Country GDP per person in 1999 / US$

Australia 21 300
Ethiopia 560
Germany 22 100
India 1720
Indonesia 2830
Japan 23 100
Norway 24 700
Russian Federation 4000
Singapore 23 300
United States 31 500
United Kingdom 21 200
Venezuela 8 500

[Source: based on data from the 1999 CIA World Factbook,]

(i) Complete table 3, using the data from tables 1 and 2 to rank the countries according
to the size of their ecological footprints and GDP.

Table 3

Rank Size of ecological footprint GDP

(country with largest footprint first) (country with highest GDP first)
1 United States
2 Australia Norway
3 Singapore
5 Russian Federation
6 Germany
7 United Kingdom

10 Indonesia
11 India
12 Ethiopia

(ii) State what relationship (if any) your ranking in table 3 shows between ecological
footprint and GDP.



(iii) Explain how it is possible for some countries, such as Singapore, to have such a
high GDP despite the fact that they have so little biologically productive space.





(c) (i) Using data from table 1 only, state whether or not the current global use of
resources is sustainable. Justify your answer.




(ii) Describe two ways in which a country might be able to descrease its ecological
footprint through technological development.









(iii) Compare the attitudes of an ecocentrist and a technocentrist towards ecological







(Total 20 marks)

14. “...loss of biological diversity around the world, from a multitude of causes, is correlated with
decreasing productivity, increasing fragility in systems and increasing exposure of farming
families to uncertainty, poverty and hunger. Reversing these trends will require a huge effort to
understand the ecological, economic and social problems, while at the same time educating
people from all walks of life – producer, consumer, scientist, policy maker and farmer.”
[Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)].

(a) With reference to examples of specific ecosystems you have studied, outline the factors
which can lead to a loss in biodiversity.

(b) Describe and explain the relationship between biodiversity and “increasing fragility” in

(c) Evaluate the importance of educating “people from all walks of life” in reversing the loss
of biodiversity.
Expression of ideas (2)
(Total 20 marks)

15. (a) Outline the factors which have led to recent animal extinctions. Illustrate your answer
with examples.

(b) State what evidence exists for past mass extinctions, and outline possible causes.

(c) Outline the arguments for conserving species, and evaluate captive breeding as a
conservation strategy.

Expression of ideas (2)
(Total 20 marks)

16. “The ecological footprint rests on a restrictive understanding of sustainability and it makes use
of questionable assumptions – the most serious being that we should raise forests in order to
solve the problem of carbon dioxide emissions.”
[Danish Environmental Assessment Institute (2002) Assessing the Ecological Footprint: A Look
at the WWF’s Living Planet Report]

(a) Explain the concept of the ecological footprint and evaluate the usefulness of the concept
in global conservation.

(b) Explain how societies can reduce their ecological footprint through technological

(c) Environmental philosophies can be classified as ecocentric (nature centred) and

technocentric (technology centred). Evaluate which environmental philosophy you think
is best suited to achieving long term sustainability.
Expression of ideas (2)
(Total 20 marks)

17. “Land belongs to one large family, few of whom are alive, many of whom are dead, countless of
whom are yet unborn.”
[Dr R S Mogoba on African land tenure, 1992]

(a) Explain the causes of exponential human population growth in the last 2000 years.

(b) Discuss the resource implications of this population growth with reference to the
statement above.

(c) Outline the ways in which human population growth can be reduced, and discuss the
obstacles that must be overcome.
Expression of ideas (2)
(Total 20 marks)

18. (a) Describe the purpose of an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA).



(b) At the time of construction of Glen Canyon Dam no EIA was undertaken. Outline, giving
reasons, three variables which should have been measured as part of a baseline study

prior to starting construction.









(c) With reference to Figure 5 and other resources in the booklet describe and explain how
water discharge and suspended sediment discharge changed as a result of the construction
of dams along the Colorado River.








(d) Use the resource booklet to complete the table below to show how abiotic conditions
have changed as a result of the construction of Glen Canyon Dam

Increased or decreased
Abiotic factor in the
after construction of Reason for change
Colorado river
Glen Canyon Dam
Replenishing sediment
Size of the beach and sand bar habitats decreased
held back behind dam

Riverine habitat diversity

Water temperature range

Nutrient content of water in river


(e) Identify a non-native species now present within the Colorado River because of the
construction of Glen Canyon Dam, and suggest possible impacts this might have on
native species.






(f) Discuss, using evidence from the resource booklet, why the decision to construct dams
along the Colorado River could be described as a “technocentric” approach to resource





(g) With reference to the checklist for “good” dams in Figure 8 and the information from the
resource booklet, justify to what extent you consider Glen Canyon Dam to be a “good”













(Total 25 marks)

19. (a) Evaluate the role of socio-cultural factors in the development of different food production

(b) Compare the attitudes towards the natural environment of two named contrasting
societies, and discuss the consequences of these attitudes to the way in which natural
resources are used.
Expression of ideas (2)
(Total 20 marks)

20. (a) Compare and evaluate the role of global and local approaches to environmental problem
solving. Support your answer with examples.

(b) Justify the importance of the scientific study of small-scale local ecosystems in
environmental problem solving. Support your answer with examples.
Expression of ideas (2)
(Total 16 marks)

21. (a) Describe some of the contrasting responses to the issue of global warming.

(b) Outline the reasons why people have such different opinions on the issue of global

(c) Describe what is meant by carrying capacity and evaluate the role that technology could
play in ensuring that the earth’s carrying capacity is not exceeded by human populations.
Expression of ideas (2)
(Total 20 marks)

22. Figure 1 below shows the estimated percentage weight for waste by sector for the United
Kingdom in 2001.

Figure 1

13 % 20 %
in d u s tria l a g ric u ltu re

24 %
d e m o litio n a n d c o n s tru c tio n

21 %
m in in g a n d q u a rry in g

6 %
c o m m e rc ia l 1 %
7 % 8 % s e w a g e s lu d g e
h o u s e h o ld d re d g e d m a te ria l

[Source: DEFRA, National Statistics, 2003]

(a) Suggest what type of material accounts for most agricultural waste.





(b) The total waste for the United Kingdom in 2001 was estimated at 430 million tonnes.
Calculate the weight of waste (to the nearest million tonne) for agriculture and industrial





Figure 2 below shows changing trends in recycling from 1984 to 2002 in kilograms per person
per year.

Figure 2
1984 1992 2000 2001 2002
Waste not recycled 394 417 455 455 455
Waste recycled/composted 3 11 52 58 65

Total Waste 397 428 507 513 520

[Source: DEFRA, National Statistics, 2003]

(c) (i) In which year was the greatest percentage of waste recycled?


(ii) What was the percentage of waste recycled in the year you have named in (c) (i)?


(d) Suggest two reasons why attitudes to recycling may have changed between 1984 and
2002 in more economically developed countries (MEDCs).





(e) Identify a negative environmental trend from the data in Figure 2.


(Total 8 marks)

23. Figure 1(a) — Location map of Mallorca relative to the Spanish mainland

B a rc e lo n a
M a d rid
M a llo rc a B a le a ric Is la n d s

L is b o n S PA I N

Figure 1(b) — Mallorca with Albufera marsh marked

T h e A lb u fe ra m a rs h
(a n in te rn a tio n a lly im p o rta n t w e tla n d re s e rv e ) P o lle n ç a P o rt d ’A lc ú d ia

In c a
Va lld e m o s s a A rtá
A lo ró
B u n y o la
S a n ta M a ria

V ila fra n c a M anacor

A n d ra tx P u e rto C ris to

S a n ta P o n ç a C a m p o s d e l P u e rto F e la n tix

C a la d ’O r
S a n ta n y l

Figure 2 — Mallorca background literature


Mallorca is one of a string of islands (the Balearic Islands) representing the most easterly corner of
Spain. The island chain represents approximately 1 % of Spain and is situated in the western
Mediterranean. The other islands, Menorca, Ibiza, Formentera and Cabrera along with Mallorca
form a chain some 200 km long.

Mallorca is dominated by three main geomorphic units, northern calcareous uplands, a central
lowland plain and moderately high southern uplands. The rock is Jurassic and Cretaceous in age and
composed of marine limestone and inter-tidal deposits.

The islands are presently separated from the Spanish mainland but over geological time have been
both attached to the Spanish mainland and to each other during periods of low sea level.


Mallorca has a Mediterranean climate characterized by moderate monthly temperatures with a mean
around 16°C. Winter is dominated by northerly winds and summer winds predominantly coming
from the east and southeast. Mallorca is exposed on its eastern margin to a cold dry wind known as
the “Tramuntana”.

Mean annual precipitation is approximately 600 mm, concentrated mainly in late summer and
autumn. October is a particularly wet month. Rainfall is strongly related to topography:

Mountainous areas may have rainfall in excess of 1400 mm per year whereas lowland coastal
margins may have less than 200 mm. Summer rainfall is almost non-existent. Cyclones occasionally
deliver over 200 mm of rain in twenty-four hours leading to flash floods. In general Mallorcan
weather patterns appear to be becoming dryer and warmer.


Mallorca has a distinctive biogeography controlled by underlying calcareous geology and the nature
of the climate. The area has fewer species and lower biodiversity (than mainland Spain) but has a
greater number of endemic species. Holm Oak (Quercus ilex) covers 22 % of the island and Alopa
Pine (Pinus halep) covers a further 28 % of the land area. Scrubland represents approximately 13 %
of total land cover. Wetland areas are dominated by Phragmites australis or Juncus maritimus,
depending on the quantity of water and background salinity.

Cultivated land represents approximately 50 % of the total land area. Urban and tourist driven
development continues to invade more and more habitats.

Figure 3 — Background to the Albufera marsh

The Albufera marsh is an internationally important reserve. It represents the largest and most
important wetland area in the Balearics. The marsh is contained behind an extensive costal dune
system. The marsh and dunes cover an area of some 1708 hectares. The site represents the greatest
biodiversity in the Balearics. The water feeding the marsh is derived from seasonal rainwater and
underground springs.

The marsh formed around 10 000 years BP (before present) during the Holocene. The sand dune
system fronting the marsh was formed as a result of rising post glacial sea levels.

The biology of the site is dominated by phragmites reed and saw sedge. Flooded areas are
dominated by pondweed, fennel and hornwort. More brackish (salty water) areas support rush and

The dominant tree species in the marsh are poplar and elm.

There are twenty-nine species of fish, mostly marine. There are eel and several species of mullet.

The marsh also holds water snake, terrapin and frog.

There are some two hundred species of birds with numbers climbing above 10 000 over winter.

Birds include waders, ducks, passerines and raptors.

The Albufera marsh became a national reserve in 1988, making it the first nationally protected area
in the Balearics. The underlying ethos of the reserve is:
• the conservation and restoration of the reserve’s natural and cultural value
• empowerment of educational and scientific research activities
• contact between man and nature
• a venue for rest and relaxation.

In 1989 the Albufera de Mallorca was registered as an internationally important wetland site with
special reference for birds under the Ramsar Convention.

The site is now viewed locally and nationally with pride by the Mallorcan people. Local people and
pressure groups from outside Mallorca have protected and continue to protect the site from

Figure 4 — Map of Albufera marsh and sand dunes

p o w e r s ta tio n

a g ric u ltu ra l la n d

s ite 4

fre s h w a te r
m a rsh
s a ltw a te r m a rs h
s ite 2
s ite 3

S ite 5

s ite 1 B a y d e A lc ú d ia
m a tu re
sand d une


fre s h w a te r m a rs h e c o s y s te m S ite 1 – m a tu re s a n d d u n e
S ite 2 – fre s h w a te r m a rs h
s a ltw a te r m a rs h e c o s y s te m
S ite 3 – s a ltw a te r m a rs h
s a n d d u n e e c o s y s te m S ite 4 – a g ric u ltu ra l la n d

riv e r S ite 5 – d e v e lo p e d s a n d d u n e

ro a d

H o te l b u ild in g

a g ric u ltu ra l la n d

Figure 5 — Generalized Mallorcan rainfall statistics




R a in fa ll / m m 60



Jan Feb M ar A pr M ay Jun J u ly A ug Sept O ct N ov D ec
M o n th

[Sources 6(a) and 6(b): King TJ (1989) Ecology. Second Edition. Thomas Nelson & Sons.]

Figure 7(a) — Banded snail shell morphology types from saltwater marsh and sand dunes

K ey: san d d u n e s a ltw a te r m a rs h



F re q u e n c y 150



no bands so m e b and s m o d e ra te b a n d s m u ltip le b a n d s
Ty pes

Figure 7(b) — Images of banded snails and non-banded snails

banded non-banded

Figure 8 — Wetland management

“Wetland management is necessary for populations of water birds, fish, amphibians, aquatic
plants and a host of other species. Yet parks become direct competitors for water resources
with irrigation projects, flood control schemes and hydroelectric dams.”

“The Ramsar Convention on wetlands was established in 1971 to halt the continued
destruction of wetlands; to recognize the ecological, scientific, economic, cultural and
recreational value of wetlands.”

“The Ramsar Convention includes sites covered by national legislation and assists in their
protection by giving them international status.”

Richard B Primack (1993)

Essential in Canservation Biology

24. (a) With reference to the resource booklet suggest why biodiversity within the Albufera
marsh is so high.






(b) With reference to the resource booklet, outline four threats to the wildlife or habitats
within the Albufera marsh.




(c) (i) With reference to Figure 4, describe how you might expect plant species at site 1
and site 5 to differ.






(ii) Suggest reasons for the differences you have described in (c)(i).






(d) With reference to Figure 4 suggest, giving a reason, what results you might expect to find
if Simpson’s Diversity Index was applied to insect data collected from site 2 and site 4.






(e) The Albufera marsh represents an important reserve in the Mediterranean. Discuss the
criteria used to design reserves. Support your answer with evidence from Albufera and
other case studies you have studied.








(f) With reference to the resource booklet deduce how the Albufera marsh’s future, as an
important wetland environment, has benefited from national and international





(g) (i) With reference to the resource booklet deduce how the management of the
Albufera marsh represents a holistic view of conservation and ecosystem






(ii) Explain why a holistic approach to ecosystem management is so important.






(h) What biological process does the data in Figure 7(a) suggest has taken place due to the
presence of the main road dividing the ecosystems at the marsh.







(i) Suggest what impact increased tourism may have on the Albufera marsh.




(Total 25 marks)


“loss of biodiversity threatens human well being”

[Source: Hamdallah Zedan, Secretary of the Convention on Biological Diversity, 2003]

(a) Explain how human well being is threatened by the loss of biodiversity.

(b) Evaluate the role of local support, government agencies and research in the protection of
a named protected area you have studied.

(c) Evaluate species based conservation as an approach for preserving biodiversity and
suggest why trophy hunting (i.e. hunting animals for sport) may represent an acceptable
method of achieving this goal.
Expression of ideas (2)
(Total 20 marks)

26. (a) Explain the increasing global demand for water and discuss the problems this causes for
managing water resources sustainably. Support your answer with reference to examples.

(b) Describe the concept of an ecological footprint and evaluate its role as a model for
assessing the demands of humans on their environment.

(c) Compare the approaches of technocentric and ecocentric resource managers to the issue
of an increasing demand for water resources.
Expression of ideas (2)
(Total 20 marks)

27. The Gaia Hypothesis proposes that our planet functions as a single organism that maintains
conditions necessary for its survival by feedback mechanisms. It was formulated by James
Lovelock in the mid-1960s. In his recent book The revenge of Gaia, he suggests that we have
passed the “tipping point” on global warming and that feedback mechanisms will speed up the
rate of global warming.

(a) State what type of system the Earth is and what the inputs and outputs are

(b) Using positive and negative feedback models explain the process of climate change.

(c) Scientists use computer simulations to model the effects of changes in the temperature of
the Earth. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this modelling.

(d) Describe your personal viewpoint on the global warming issue and justify your position
based on the evidence.
Expression of ideas (2)
(Total 20 marks)

28. (a) For a named example of pollution that you have studied, describe and evaluate the
pollution management strategies that may be used to reduce the impact of the pollutant.

(b) Describe and explain the impact of changes in ozone concentration on ecosystems and

(c) Justify whether you believe that sustainable development is possible on Earth in the long
(Total 20 marks)

29. (a) Define the term pollution. With reference to a named pollutant (other than solid domestic
waste) describe the impact it can have on the structure and functioning of an ecosystem
you have studied.

(b) Describe and evaluate pollution management strategies for the pollutant you have named
in part (a).

(c) State and justify your personal viewpoint on the success of different strategies for
managing solid domestic waste.
Expression of ideas (2)
(Total 20 marks)

30. (a) Outline the concept of sustainability


(b) Evaluate the importance of global summits in shaping attitudes towards sustainability.
Refer to specific summits in your answer.


(c) Discuss the factors which affect the choice of contrasting energy sources adopted in two
societies you have studied.
Expression of ideas (2)
(Total 20 marks)


While much attention has been focused on the impending planet-wide oil shortage, a far greater
problem awaits us. Arguably the next world war will be fought over water resources not oil

[Source: adapted from]

(a) Describe the Earth’s water budget and explain why the distribution of water resources
could be a source of conflict in the future.

(b) Discuss how ecocentric solutions to water resource needs can be applied on a local scale.

(c) Describe and evaluate the role of technocentric solutions in meeting the demand for food.
(Total 20 marks)

32. (a) Discuss how gross productivity, net productivity and diversity will change over time as a
habitat goes through succession. Illustrate your answer with a named case study.

(b) Explain the present distribution of desert and tundra and discuss the factors controlling
their relative productivity.

(c) Outline the components of an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and justify your
personal viewpoint on the value of EIAs in the environmental decision making process.
Refer to a specific EIA in your answer.
Expression of ideas (2)
(Total 20 marks)

33. (a) Suggest two ways in which the buffer zone of the “Man and the biosphere model”
(Figure 3) may contribute toward achieving effective conservation of the forest






(b) Identify one way in which the Kibale National Park differs significantly from the model
on which it was based, and state how that difference may influence the success of
conservation within the park.





(c) (i) Calculate (to the nearest whole number) the percentage of Ficus species trees
(Figure 4) that have a diameter of 50 cm or less in unlogged and in logged forest.
Show your calculations.

Unlogged: .........................................................................................................



Logged: .............................................................................................................



(ii) Suggest two reasons why logging may have caused the differences in abundance of
size classes in the populations of Ficus.






(d) From an ecosystem you have studied, identify another species that, like Ficus, may be
described as a “keystone species”. Justify your answer.






(e) (i) Outline the differences in abundance of primate species between mechanically
logged and undisturbed parts of Kibale National Park forest (Figure 5).




(ii) Suggest an explanation for the difference of abundance in Black and white colobus
between the two areas.




(iii) Assuming that the recording of data in the study was completely reliable, state one
other assumption that must be made in order to conclude that the differences found
in primate abundance between the two areas is due to logging activity.




(f) From your own study, or from the information provided in the resource booklet, state one
way in which logging may not be considered a truly sustainable activity even when
harvesting is kept to below maximum sustainable yields.


(g) Four parishes are specifically referred to in Figure 8 as entering into agreements with the
UWA. From an examination of the location of these four and the other parishes on the
map, suggest two reasons why other named parishes may be less willing to enter into
such agreements.





(h) Identify one cause for indigenous people to have negative attitudes toward the
establishment of the Kibale National Park, and explain how one of the strategies adopted
by the park management may help to overcome it.




(i) In the study reported in Figure 10, identify one role in which the three groups show a
significant difference in their contribution and suggest a reason for this difference.




(j) From the information given in the resource booklet, identify and discuss two pieces of
evidence that could be used to suggest the Kibale National Park has achieved a degree of
success in its conservation aims. (Use the figure numbers to refer specifically to any
evidence you identify.)






(Total 25 marks)


“We have driven the rate of biological extinction, the permanent loss of species, up several hundred
times beyond its historical levels, and are threatened with the loss of a majority of all species by the
end of the twenty first century.”

[Source: Peter Raven (past President of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, states in the
foreword to their publication AAAS Atlas of Population and Environment)]

(a) Explain, with reference to examples, why some species are more likely to become extinct
in the future than others.

(b) Explain how the mechanisms of evolution have led to an increase in biodiversity in the
past, and how human activities now seem to be reversing this trend.

(c) Discuss why scientists may differ in how optimistically they view future extinction rates.
Expression of ideas (2)
(Total 20 marks)

35. (a) Outline the process of photosynthesis and explain how different limiting factors will
determine productivity in two contrasting biomes.

(b) Suggest why agreement has not yet been reached on the role of human activity in global
warming. Justify what measures you think a named country should adopt in response to
the threat of climate change.

(c) Identify two landmarks in the development of the modern environmental movement, and
justify why each one is significant.
Expression of ideas (2)
(Total 20 marks)


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