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TRAINS AND BOATS AND PLANES, ETC = ction toys have always held a fascination for youngsters, and this project continues that tradition in fine style. As the child pulls the toy forward, a drive wheel at the bottom of the rotor shaft spins the main rotor. That special someone will love you even more when you sur- prise him or her with this great Uitte 64x94" gift. Let's start with the body 1. Rip and crosscut @ 11#-thi pine block to 31x92 for the whirlybird body (A). (We cut urs from a scrap 2x4,) Cut a second 1/¢-thick block to 3x4" 56 ‘or the angled-support block shown opposite. 2. Lay carbon paper and the body's Side View pattem (see page 59) on the larger block, align it and trace the body pattern, includ- ing the hole center-points. Using the dimensions on the Front View drawing (also page 59), mark the centerpoint of the 4" hole for the pull cord. Measure and mark the dowel hole centerpoints and the main rotor shaft hole centerpoint on the whirlybird bottom, referring 1o the Body Block’rawing ‘opposite, op right. 3. Referring to the Making and Using the Angled-Support Block drawing opposite, lay out the location of the block's angled potch, Te lo this, strike a hor: vital fine chown fron te top Fave of the support. Measure in along the fine. andl mark «point Math a second! point near the te lelthand comer of the block where shown, Hold st square to the poi with the insicke commer of the square direelly over the lower point. Now strike a line along the seuare’s pside alge, Using at band Siw 4. Rest the body block (A) up: Jule down in the angled suppor ‘on ness table. Using a bit daill the four "leep holes in th pody, Remove the support, and daill "deep hole for the re rotor, and aX -deep bole for he pull-vord pin. Change ti bit, and dill the vertical hole hrough the whirlybied body: for fhe main rotor shaft, Switeh to a 12 hole saw or bit, and cut out the window. Back the body with scrap wood to prevent chip-o 5. Cut the body to shape, fallow- ing the pattern line. Sand off any saw marks as well as splinters around the holes. And now for the landing skids 1. Rip and crosscut two Xx 1x64" pine blocks for the skids (B) 2. Referring to the Landing Skid drawing opposite lay out the hole center points for both skids, You'll need" holes 4 deep for the wheel axies, angled * holes "deep for the dowels connecting, the skids to the body, and, on the inside left skid only, a centered “42 hole Y deep for the drive: wheel axle. Drill the angled holes, using the angled support block. Sand the skids smooth, 3. Paint the 1/¢-diameter wheels (see the Buying Guide for ‘our source of toy parts). While the paint is drying, cut four * dowels to 2" long. Apply glue to the dowel tends, and insert them into the body block. Now, add the landing skids, checking that the bottoms are parallel 4. Thread the axle pegs through the five skid wheels, apply glue to. their tips, and insert'in the skids remaining holes. (Be careful not to pinch the wheels berween the pegs and skids; this would prevent the wheels from tuning freely.) Here’s how to make and install the rotors and pull cord 1. Using the full-size half patterns fon page 59, trace the tail and main rotors (C, D)—including the dowel hole centerpoints—onto " stock, and cut them to shape on a band saw. Sand the two rotors smooth. (We drum-sanded the curved sur faces and hand-sanded the rest.) AAKING AND USING THE ANGLED- ‘SUPPORT BLOCK Body. 1+, SIDEVIEW | : ou VIEW hole in the tail rotor and a hole in the main rotor. 2. Paint the rotors and the 2" diameter main rotor-drive wheel, And while these dry, cut the ¥" main rotor shaft dowel 10 5 inches long, 3. For a smooth-rotating main rotor, apply paraffin to the sections of the rotor shaft dowel that will be in contact with the whielybird body. Apply glue to one end of the main rotor shaft, and insert it into the pole in the large rotor. Fit the shaft through the vertical hole in the body, add glue t the lower end, and slip on the 2'-diameter wheel. 4. Insert the tail rotor's axle through the * hole in the tail rotor, and glue and insert its tip into the appropriate hole in the whirlybird body hole, centered from edge to edge %"hole * deep on inside Of left skid only, 2u 5. Clamp a 1" wooden ball in a wood handscrew, and drill a Je hole 2 deep in it, (We did this ona drill press.) Insert one end of the pull cord in the ball’s hole, and. re it with an axle peg glued in place. Secure the cord’s other end. in the body the same way Buying Guide *Whirlybird kit. Catalog no. 3401. Includes enough wooden ‘wheels, balls, axle pegs, dowel stock, and cord to make four toys For current prices, contact Meisel Hardware Specialties, P.O. Box 70, Mound, MN 55364-0700, or call 800-441-9870. continued BODY BLOCK holes X* deep drilled at a 20° angle, using the angled-support block % hole 1" ep tor pull cord 47 hole deep at a 20° angle Ha*holo 7 deep on outsige | ofskids = FRONT 57 TRAINS AND BOATS AND PLANES, ETC. WHIRLYBIRD ON A STRING ef ge EXPLODED VIEW Civaeoe x14" axle pegs Thole "deep: %X14" ane peg trimmed led ata 20° angie {9 X"long 1" wooden ball hole 4"deep sprainaseise Bill of Materials Pat __Finined Set tial Oy T woe Project Too! List Note: We built the project using _Abeag ik 3 oe Pa Tablesaw the tools listed. You may be able io “Bale "or Pa Bandsaw substitute other tools or equipment _Ciainiw 1 3p 4 Drill press {for listed items you don't bave. Dnanwere we TP 4 Sanding drum ‘Additional common tools and * Cupar iarger aly, ad han Hn fo 1, holesaw lamps may be required 10 complete Wed ze, Pease rade instore Bits: 1, Yo", X, Zs the project. esto aia, Finishing sander Matar Kay: P-pne . Supple: carton pane, XX18F ron od, onto paint or dyes, 3° and dows stock 58

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