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The Developing Reading Power - Enriched Combined Edition series

develops interest and love for reading and most especially

strengthens and instills in mind of the pupils the four basic
reading comprehension skills namely: noting details of the story
read, getting the general significance of the story, making
inferences and predicting outcomes, and following directions.

It contains additional 40 exercises that serve to assess the pupils'

speed and comprehension complete with charts, tables, and record
forms to give both the teacher and pupil a complete and ready-to-
use data for evaluation.
Going to a Doctor

Nestor felt very sick. His fever was very high . His mother took him to a
doctor .You’l have to e injected to get well, the doctor said. You won’t be
hurt at all. Come on Nestor . Be a good boy , mother said. Nestor smiled at
the doctor. Then he looked away as the doctor injected hi. See , did it hurt?
asked the doctor . Nestor said , Not at all . Thank you.

1. Who was sick?

a. Nestor
b. Mother
c. The nurse
2. Who took him to the hospital?
a. Mother
b. Father
c. The nurse
3. Who injected Nesstor?
a. Mother
b. The doctor
c. The nurse
4. Why should Nestor be injected?
a. To get well
b. To get a prize
c. To please her mother
5. Was Nestor hurt by the injection?
a. Yes .
b. No.
c. Perhaps.

Keywords: fever injection hurt

Independence Day

Tomorrow is June 12. It is our Independence Day. We shall not have classes,
mother, Norma told her mother happily. What do you want to do tomorrow
then?, Mother asked . Please mother let’s go to the Rizal Park. There will be a
parade. Many of my friends will be there, Norma said. All right. Tell Nelly and
Bella to get ready for tomorrow. We shall all go and see the parade, mother

1. What is June 12?

A . Christmas Day
b. All Soul’s day
c. Independence Day
2. Who will have no classes?
a. Norma
b. Mother
c. father
3. Where did Norma want to go?
a. To Escolta
b. to Nayong Pilipino
c. To Rizal Park
4. Who else will go to the Rizal Park?
a. Uncle Ben
b. Brother Jun
c. Nelly and Bella
5. What will they see?
a. a parade
b. a show
c. a dance

Keywords: parade tomorrow


Many children are good helpers at home. One such good helper is Josefa.
Josefa is a grade two like you. Before she goes to school in the morning
she does many things to help her mother. She fixes her bed. She buys read at
the store. She sets the table for breakfast. After coming from school, she takes
care of her baby brother. She waters the plants in the garden. Then she studies
her lessons.

1. What is Josefa?
a. A good cook
b. A good helper
c. A good washer
2. What grade is she in?
a. Grade two
b. Grade three
c. Grade four
3. What does she buy from the store ?
a. Bed
b. Plants
c. Bread
4. What does she prepare?
a. The bed for sleeping
b. The table for breakfast
c. The garden
5. When does she study?
a. In the morning
b. In the afternoon
c. At night

Keywords: fixes prepares

Early Morning

Gina woke up early. She looked out of the window. The sun was
shining brightly. The sky was clear and blue. It’s bright day. Gina
said as she jumped out of ed. She combed her hair then went to the
garden where father was working.
I’ll help you father, Gina said. No Gina, come here. Take care of your
baby sister while I go to the market, mother said.

1. What kind of day was it?

a. Rainy day
b. Windy day
c. Bright day
2. What was clear and blue?
a. The day
b. The sun
c. The sky
3. Who was in the garden?
a. Father
b. Mother
c. Baby
4. What Gina want to do ?
a. Help mother
b. Help father
c. Play in the garden
5. Where was mother going?
a. To school
b. To the market
c. To the garden

Keywords: early shinning bright


Books are good friends. They make us happy. Some tell ice stories
and poems. Others teach beautiful songs. Still others teach us about
many things in the world.
Books live along if we take good care of them. We should cover
them. We should not tear their pages. We should not write on their
pages, too.

1. What are good friends?

a. Books
b. Stories
c. Poems
2. What do books do for us?
a. make us cry
b. make us happy
c. make us sick
3. What are found in books?
a. Stories
b. Cars
c. Airplanes
4. What would make books live long ?
a. Good care
b. Decorating them
c. Coloring them
5. Which is not good for books?
a. Covering them
b. Tearing them
c. Reading them

Keywords: world long pages

To be a Pianist

You play the piano well Myrna, Miss de Leon said.

Myrna is eight years old She’s inn grade two. She loves to play the piano. What
do you like to be when you are big? Miss de Leon asked.
I would like to be a good pianist like my mother, Myrna said. I would like to
play at the Cultural Center.

1. Who plays the piano well?

a. Myrna
b. Miss de Leon
c. Myrna’s sister
2. How old is Myrna?
a. Seven
b. Eight
c. Ten
3. What would Myrna want to be?
a. A good teacher
b. A good doctor
c. A good pianist
4. What is Myrna’s mother?
a. A pianist
b. A teacher
c. nurse
5. What grade is Myrna in?
a. Grade one
b. Grade two
c. Grade three

Keyword: pianist
Saving Money

Miss Sanchez and her upils were takig about saving money. It was Thrift
Week . Who among you are saving money?, Miss Sanchez asked. Many
of her children raised their hands. Where do you keep the money that
you save?, Miss Sanchez asked. In a piggy bank, Ma’am, Elsie said. In a
milk can, Lucio said . I keep my money in a bamboo shell, Lito said.

1. What was the lesson of Miss Sanchez’ pupils?

a. Saving money
b. Piggy bank
c. Spending money
2. What week was it?
a. Christmas Season
b. Animal Week
c. Thrift Week
3. Who keeps his money in a can?
a. Lito
b. L ucio
c. Elsie
4. Where does Elsie keep her money?
a. Milk can
b. bamboo shell
c. Piggy bank
5. Who keeps money in a bamboo shell?
a. Lucio
b. Elsie
c. Lito

Keywords: thrift saving bank


Let’s talk about what we do for our pets, Miss Perez said to her grade two
children. I give y pet dog clean water to drink, Jose said. Scot is my dog’s
name. I give him fish, Lita said. My cat is white. She‘s big and fat because I let
her drink milk, Zeny said. I clean the pen of our pig very well. It doesn’t smell
bad, David said. I don’t have any pet but if I’ll have one I will love it, Ben said.

1. What was the class talking about ?

a. About flowers
b. About books
c. About pets
2. What is Jose’s pet?
a. A dog
b. A cat
c. A pig
3. Who gives milk to his pet?
a. Zeny
b. David
c. Lita
4. Who doesn’t have any pet?
a. Lita
b. Jose
c. Ben
5.Who has a pig?
a. David
b. Ben
c. Zeny

Keywords: pet pen small

School Materials

Tomorrow we should go out to buy your school materials. You must all
wake up early, mother said. The next morning, Pina, Mario and Lorna were up
early. They went to the town with their mother. This store is very big. It’s full
of school materials, Mario said. Pina bought notebooks, paper and ball pen.
Mario ought a box of crayon, bottle of paste and pencil. Lorna bought
notebooks and a ball pen.

1. What would the children buy?

a. Uniforms
b. Shoes
c. School materials
2. Where did they buy them?
a. In the town
b. In the market
c. In the city
3. What were in the store?
a. Fruits and vegetables
b. School materials
c. Eggs and canned goods
4. Who bought pencil and crayons?
a. Pina
b. Mario
c. Lorna
5. Who went with children?
a. Father
b. Mother
c. Sister

Keywords: tomorrow full

On Food

Miss Benigno asked her children to write the food that they eat
nearly every day. These are some of what the children wrote.
Nita- rice , ice cream, eggs, bananas
Luz - rice, meat, eggs, milk,
Bert - rice , fish , vegetables, eggs
Fred - rice , fish, vegetables
Ana- rice, eggs, bananas, vegetables,

1. Which food do al children eat?

a. Vegetables
b. Rice
c. Fish
2. Who is Miss Benigno?
a. Nita’s mother
b. Fred’s sister
c. The children’s teacher
3. What did Miss Benigno asked the children to do?
a. That they eat food they like
b. That they list down the food they eat often
c. That they buy the food they like to eat
4. Which food does Nita not eat that others do?
a. Eggs
b. Rice
c. Vegetables
5. Which is true about the children?
a. They don’t eat.
b. They eat good food.
c. They eat poor kind of food.

Keywords: nearly wrote

Meat and Milk

Meat is a good food. It builds the body. But meat is very expensive
now. What food can take place of eat?, Miss Domingo asked. Mongo,
fish and beans, Helen said. Very good. So you see children, there a lot
of food that we can eat in place of meat, Miss Domingo explained.
Coffee is good for us too, Melba said. No coffee is not good for you.
Milk is the best drink for children. Milk makes you healthy and
strong, Miss Domingo said.

1. Which one of these can take place of meat?

a. Candy
b. Mongo
c. Bananas
2. Which of these drinks is good for children?
a. Milk
b. Coffee
c. Tea
3. What helps build the body?
a. Soft drinks
b. Chocolate
c. Meat
4. What food is very expensive?
a. Beans
b. Meat
c. Mongo
5. Is coffee good for children?
a. Yes.
b. No.
c. Always.

Keywords: expensive builds healthy

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