Ued495-496 Doxey Jianna Introductorystatement

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Welcome to my ePortfolio!

My name is Jianna Doxey and I am a teacher candidate at

Regent University.

I’d like to begin you with some background knowledge about me leading into my growth as

a professional. Beginning as a baby, I am the daughter and niece of public-school teachers. My love

for children blossomed there and never stopped. Throughout my childhood I knew exactly what I

wanted to be, just not how I was going to get there. As I got older, I was accepted into the Virginia

Teacher’s for Tomorrow Program as a Chesapeake Public School student and fell even more in love

with the field. Pushing through my last year of high school, I met my now husband. His

encouragement to never stop at limits that were traditionally set in education helped to push me

along. I was accepted and enrolled into a private university I had never heard of (what I know now

as Regent) and my life fell exactly into place. Regent and its’ family have not only helped to push

me along, but strongly encouraged my Christian faith in each sector of my life, including teaching.

Professionally, this ePortfolio will show my steps from the research of topics throughout my

educational career leading into my usage of the tools found. When I first began, I had minimal

detailed knowledge of what it meant to be a teacher from seeing my family. As I continued through

my general studies, I was able to enter into the public school system as an employee to double my

knowledge and learning experiences. Reading and researching interactions in my major classes and

then putting them to use as practice throughout the work day helped tremendously. I have learned

that not everything will work for each class because they are one in their own, and it goes the same

for each individual student. I have learned to value each moment and each day as a new day with a

fresh start. I have learned that it is more than okay to over plan and more than okay to switch things

around when they do not go according to plan. I have learned that I am not perfect and my students

do not expect me to be. I have acknowledged that my students will not be perfect and to show them

by my actions that it is normal and okay not to be.

This summative ePortfolio will appropriately show and acknowledge the work and growth

throughout my final phase and student teaching experiences, as well as classes throughout my

schooling. This ePortfolio showcases seven teaching competencies with evidence of my knowledge

and usage; however, it also evolves through meaningful student work and creative structures on my

part and learned from mentors in the field. The ePortfolio will show the process of each process

forming together to create the end result.

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