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Technology Integration Form – PORTFOLIO

Selected Technology/Resource Name: Age/Grade Level: Technology/Resource Type:
Software / Application
Google Sites All ages Application Software Device Website
Source:​ (Web address, company name, etc.)

Google / download at the play store as an app.

Associated Learning Standard(s): ​The resource may be generally applicable, if so, simply state that. List any ISTE-S standards that
seem to naturally align with the selected resource.

Generally Applicable
Supported ISTE-S
● Digital Citizenship (2C) ​Students demonstrate an understanding of and respect for the rights and
obligations of using and sharing intellectual property.
○ Respect for the collaborative process when giving access to others
● Creative Communicator (6d) Students publish or present content that customizes the message and
medium for their intended audiences.
○ Grant and restrict access to an audience of their choosing aware of each stage of publishing
● Global Collaborator (7c) Students contribute constructively to project teams, assuming various roles and
responsibilities to work effectively toward a common goal.
○ The functionality of subsites allows for independent evaluation while working collaboratively while
supporting a larger project
■ (ex. budget site, marketing site, legal site) managed by different students
○ Access is only limited by internet connectivity allowing for local & GLOBAL collaboration

● Citizen (3a) ​Create experiences for learners to make positive, socially responsible contributions and exhibit
empathetic behavior online that build relationships and community.
○ Granting access to a community is possible
● Collaborator (4c) Use collaborative tools to expand students' authentic, real-world learning experiences by
engaging virtually with experts, teams, and students, locally and globally.
○ Teams only limited by internet availability allowing students, experts, and professionals access
● Analyst (7a) Provide alternative ways for students to demonstrate competency and reflect on their learning
using technology.
○ different subsites that organize content AND SUBMISSIONS can allow students different
perspectives to demonstrate mastery
■ essays, digital graphics, memes, blogs, and homemade videos can be uploaded and

Give a brief description of the technology/resource.
Google Sites is a wiki-style product that allows for document storage, blog posts, and hierarchy team capabilities
(subsites, workspaces, child-parent sites)


How might you use this resource in a lesson plan to promote students’ presentation/speaking/communication skills?

google sites is not a primary tool for instruction however is a good supplement for organizing documents material and
projects. The site “owner” can grant access to a site allowing for collaboration between multiple students via the
internet from different locations. Google sites also can be used by students as a “digital notebook” that can be shared
for optimal organization.

Value-Added Rating Scale

3 2 1

The integration idea described: The integration idea described: The integration idea described:

• aligns to content standards • aligns to content standards • aligns to content standards

• transforms a lesson in a way that would • enhances a lesson; likely to • serves as a nice supplement to a
be impossible or very difficult without it; increase student engagement and lesson but wouldn’t necessarily play a
very likely to increase student engagement support mastery of the concept(s) critical role within the lesson
and contribute to mastery of the
concept(s) • will most likely be used by the • will most likely be used by the teacher
students directly during a lesson (e.g., a demonstration)
• optimal in a student-centered
environment where students are active
and engaged in learning content

● Based on the “value-added rating scale” above, how would you rate the technology integration you described, using the
selected resource?
● Explain your rating based on the rubric indicators.

Although Google sites is not a must-have for lesson content delivery it does encourage collaboration and engagement with other
students. Google sites can be used by both the student and teacher directly. One of the most obvious uses would be a teacher
using it to deliver content to an online-only class. Similar BlackBoard and Canvas different subsites can be used for different parts
of instruction. (Test/assignment submission, readings, internal discussion boards, and blogs, etc.)
Students would use Google Sites collaboratively to work on projects or papers, and receive feedback from the teacher or fellow

With the addition of 3rd party and google made apps, such as calendars, reminders, and task managers there is an appeal that
would drive student usage, again as an organizer or digital notebook.

This template has been adapted from the following resources:

Christie, A., (2007). ​Dr. Alice Christie’s 6C Model for Evaluating Apps​. Retrieved from
ISTE, (2012). ​iste.nets•s Advancing Digital Age Learning​. Retrieved from
LearnZillion, Inc. (July 2014). TeachFest Guide | Mathematics. Retrieved from
Schrock, K., (2011-14). ​Critical Evaluation of a Content-Based IPAD/IPOD APP​. Retrieved from

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