TOR Social Protection Support

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Terms of Reference

Social Protection Policy Engagement and Capacity Building

Contract #: (to be provided by PSU)

1. Background:

Social protection is a potentially powerful tool in helping UNICEF realize its vision of a world where the
rights of every child are realized – as a right in itself and in its role for supporting the realization of other
rights. Social protection systems have the potential to act as a key catalyst in achieving greater progress in
child outcomes, particularly for vulnerable and disadvantaged children and families. Across a number of
countries including Brazil, Mexico, South Africa and Malawi, social protection programmes have been
shown to have significant positive impacts on crucial outcomes for the MDGs and beyond. In many cases,
these effects are more sizeable among the most disadvantaged, even within programmes already reaching the
poor and disadvantaged.

There is growing recognition by national governments and international policy makers of the importance of
developing social protection systems as part of strategies to increase equity combat multidimensional poverty
and vulnerability, and to anticipate and respond to shocks. Nonetheless, policy makers and practitioners
working on social protection in developing countries are increasingly confronted with new challenges as they
institutionalize and expand the scale and scope of programs.

Assisting in the expansion of social protection coverage and the development of child sensitive social
protection systems has therefore been key area of work for UNICEF in recent years (under Focus Area 5 of
the Medium Term Strategic Plan), and this work has been increasing. As of 2009, UNICEF’s engagement in
social protection spans 124 programmes in 76 countries. This reflects a growing number of country
programmes engaging on social protection policy, cash transfers, and family and social support including for
OVCs, as well as longstanding work on education user fee abolition, health insurance, nutrition
supplementation, etc as part of broader social protection system.

The strengthening of UNICEF’s focus on equity underscores the importance of the social protection in
reaching vulnerable and disadvantaged populations, and in complimenting sector interventions to ensure
access of all to services. The increased focus on equity has also increased demand for the Social Policy &
Economic Analysis Unit to support cross-sectoral work on social protection. There are also a number of
related initiatives, including the Global Out of School Children Initiative and UNICEF’s active participation
in the UN Social Protection Floor Initiative.

As UNICEF’s work in this area grows, there is a need to strengthen the conceptual and practical links with
other areas of UNICEF work; continue to strengthen our engagement with government and development
partners, and provide relevant policy tools, materials, state of the art updates, and technical support to
UNICEF staff and partners.

2. Purpose:

Under the guidance of the Social Protection Specialist (DPP-SPEA), and in consultation with senior staff, the
main objective of this assignment is to support the DPP-SPEA’s ongoing work on social protection, with a
particular focus on strengthening UNICEF’s policy engagement with partners and supporting exchange and
learning among UNICEF staff and partners.

The consultant will support two major initiatives to consolidate and strengthen UNICEF’s policy
engagement on social protection, including UNICEF’s role as a convener/facilitator of diverse partners to
support the strengthening of social protection systems which maximize the realization of children’s rights.
Specifically, the consultant will a) work closely with social policy colleagues globally to organize a cross-
regional policy conference for developing country government staff on social protection which is tentatively
set for May 2011: ‘Expanding social protection coverage and strengthening social protection systems –
meeting the challenges'; and (b) support the Social Protection Specialist in the development and
dissemination of UNICEF’s Social Protection Framework. A third area of work will be environmental
scanning on new developments and analytical support in the area of social protection in order to respond to
the high internal demand for technical and policy inputs, e.g. circulating key articles or synthesizing
emerging findings and lessons to UNICEF networks. In addition, the consultant will backstop the Social
Protection Specialist in supporting internal capacity-building and exchange.

3. Expected Results (Measurable results):

In carrying out the various tasks outlined in this TOR, the consultant will provide analytical inputs, technical
capacity-building support, and produce empirical studies and other outputs for DPP-SPEA research on social
protection. The main outputs are successful organization of the cross-regional workshop for partner
government staff, ‘Expanding social protection coverage and strengthening social protection systems –
meeting the challenges' and analytical inputs to the production and dissemination of UNICEF’s Social
Protection Framework publication.

4. Duration: 11 months full-time; from 1 December 2010 to 31 October 2011. The consultant will
work on-site, although there is some flexibility to work part of the time off-site.

5. Activities, resources, deadlines:

Outputs/deliverables Duratio Deadline Amount payable

n (US$)
(person breakdown
The consultant will provide support to DPP-SPEA (Division for Policy and Practice, Social Policy and
Economic Analysis Unit) work on the following:
In close collaboration with the Social Protection Specialist, June 2011
lead organization of cross-regional policy workshop on social
protection ‘Expanding social protection coverage and
strengthening social protection systems – meeting the
challenges'. This includes:
- Identification of participants, working closely with
country offices.
- Facilitating the development of workshop content and
agenda, and identification of speakers and resource
people as necessary.
- Development of workshop materials and
- Overseeing workshop logistics.
- Draft synthesis note on key discussion points and
outcomes of the conference.
Support the Social Protection Specialist in the development Final draft
and dissemination of UNICEF’s Social Protection Framework. - January
This includes: 2011
- Writing sections and research assistance, as necessary.
- Strategically seeking input and feedback from
UNICEF staff and external partners; consolidation of On-going,

Outputs/deliverables Duratio Deadline Amount payable
n (US$)
(person breakdown
feedback and revisions. end of
- Development of a dissemination strategy. contract.
- Tailoring relevant sections for input to the Global
Child Poverty Report.
Environmental scanning on new developments and analytical On-going,
support in the area of social protection: end of
- Circulating key articles, new resources, and synthesis contract.
emerging findings and lessons to UNICEF networks,
including Social Policy Community of Practice.
- Technical inputs to UNICEF Policy and Practice
deliverables (e.g. briefing notes, policy briefs, and
research papers)
Backstop the Social Protection Specialist in supporting On-going,
internal capacity-building and practice exchange on social end of
protection and its links to UNICEF’s strengthened focus on contract.
equity. Organize events and produce materials to engage
UNICEF staff in moving forward internal thinking and
policy/programme work on social protection, and to promote
UNICEF work with external actors. This includes:
- Organization of a social protection brown bag series
in NYHQ, in collaboration with Programme Division
and Emergencies colleagues.
- Contribution and facilitation to social protection
discussions on intranet-based Community of Practice.
- Development of specific technical notes, based on the
UNICEF Framework and Social Protection
Programme Guidance papers, as necessary.
- Technical assistance to regional and country
colleagues as needed.
Provide assistance in the day-to-day management of social
protection workstream related to social protection and
end of
providing support to the Social Protection Specialist while she
is on mission.
TOTAL months
full time

6. Key skills, technical background, and experience required:

• Advanced university degree (Masters or PhD) in economics, social sciences, public policy and/or
international development policy;
• Three to five years professional work experience in policy, technical assistance, capacity building
related to social welfare/social protection.
• Expert knowledge on social protection policy debates and evidence required.
• Previous experience in social welfare/ social protection policy development or programme
implementation at national level is a plus.
• Excellent networking and interpersonal skills required.
• Previous research experience on poverty and/or development. Experience in quantitative or
qualitative data collection and analysis a plus.
• Excellent written and oral communication skills in English required; skills in another UN language
• Ability to work independently and respond to feedback in a timely and professional manner;
• Excellent organizational skills, attention to detail, and ability to contribute to a team.

Proposed by:

Jennifer Yablonski, Social Protection Specialist, UNICEF DPP-SPEA

Signature: Date: .

Authorized by:

Signature: Date: .

Consultant’s Name:

Signature: Date: .

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