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Agriculture Pesticide sprayer


Chapter TitlePage

1.1 Status of agricultural mechanization in India

1.3 Sprayer
1.4 Description of Agriculture Sprayers
1.5 Agricultural Sprayers
1.6 BasicComponentsofSprayer


2.1 Spraying Methods:
2.1.1 Backpack (knapsack) sprayer :
2.1.2 Lite-Trac:
2.1.3 Motorcycle driven Spraying
2.1.4 Quadcopter Based Pesticide Spraying
2.1.5 Drone Mounted Sprayer
2.1.6 Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Sprayer

2.1.7 Solar Operated Sprayer

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2.2 Attachments of sprayer: Weeders

2.2.1 Exact definition

2.2.2 Weeding or Weed control

2.2.3 Effects on other plants

2.2.4 Methods of Weed Control

i. Manually pulling weeds

ii. Boiling water

iii. Vinegar

iv. Mechanically tilling around plants

v. Ploughing

vi. Crop rotation


3.1 Introduction

3.2 Objectives

3.3 Spraying technology

3.3.1 High volume spraying

3.3.2 Low volume spraying
3.3.3 Ultra low volume spraying
3.3.4 Electrostatic Pesticide Spraying System

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3.4 Parameters affecting spraying

3.4.1 Spray drift

3.5 Drift Management


4.1 Brief Description of Model

4.2 Working
4.3 Detailed Description
4.3.1 Reciprocating pump
4.3.2 Connecting link
4.3.3 Nozzles
4.3.4 Wheel
4.3.5 Crank


5.1 Selection Of Reciprocating Pump

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6.1 Advantages

6.2 Dis Advantages




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Table Title page no.

1 Specifications of Machine

2 Testing Results

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Figure Title Page

1 Sprayer

2 Backpack Type sprayer

3 Lite-Trace Sprayer

4 Motorcycle driven sprayer

5 Aerial Sprayer

6 Drone Mounted Sprayer

7 Unmaned Aerial Vehicle Sprayer

8 Solar Operated Sprayer

9 Manualy pulling Weed

10 Mechanically Tilling Around Plants

11 Ploughing

12 Boom Type Electrostatic Sprayer

13 Practical Model
14 Reciprocating pump

15 Connecting Link

16 Nozzle

17 Wheel
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18 Crank Mechanism

19 Working Model Of Agriculture Pesticide Sprayer


% Percentage
OC Degree Celsius

Rs Indian Rupees

a.i. Active ingredient

Cc Cubic centimeter

D b Dry basis

Fed Fadden (Egyptian unit for area)

Fig. Figure

H Hour

Ha Hectare

ha/h Hectare per hour

Ha/day Hectare per day

Hp Horse Power

Kg Kilogram

Kg/h Kilogram per hour

Kg/ha Kilogram per hectare

Km Kilometer

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Km/h Kilometer per hour

kN Kilo Newton

L Liter

L/h Liter per hour

Mm Millimeter

m2 Meter square

MJ/ha Mega Joule per hectare

m/sec Meter per second

N Namibian Dollar

No. Number

US$ US Dollars

T Ton

q/ha Quintal per hectare

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Abstr: Abstract

Agril: Agricultural

AMA : Agricultural Mechanization in Asia Africa & Latin America

BI : Knife cum peg type blade

82 : L-shaped cross blade

63 : Circular blade

84 : Cross shape blade

cc : cubic centimeter

CCS :ChoudharyCharan Singh

CD : Critical difference

CG : Chhattisgarh

CIAE : Central Institute of Agricultural Engineering

cm : centimeter

DAS : Days after sowing

db : dry basis

Dept : Department

DF : Degree of freedom

Dist : District

Dr.P.D.K. V. : Doctor PanjabraoDeshmukhKrishiVidyapith

Engg : Engineering

et al. :etalibi (and others)

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FAE : Faculty of Agricultural Engineering

Fig : Figure

h : hour

ha : hectare

hp : Horse power

Hz : Hertz

ICAR : Indian Council of Agricultural Research

i,e. : that is

IIT Indian Institute of Technology

ISAE : Indian Society of Agricultural Engineers

J : Journal

JNKVV : Jawaharlal Nehru KrishiVishwavidhyalaya

kg : kilogram

km : kilometer

kW : kilowatt

L : liter

m : meter

MJ : Mega Joule

ml : milliliter

mm : millimeter

M.P. : Madhya Pradesh

M.S. : Mean square, Mild steel

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N : Newton

NEH : North Eastern Hill

NS : Not significant

Pestic : Pesticide

P.I. : Performance Index

Res. : Research

RNAM : Regional Network for Agricultural Machines

rpm : revolutions per minute

s :second

Sci. : Science

SS : Sum of squares

S.V. : Source of variation

Symp. : Symposium

TNAU :Tamilnadu Agricultural University

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In India about 73% of population is directly or indirectly depends upon the
farming. Hence it is said that India is an agricultural based country. But till
now our farmers are doing farming in same traditional ways. They are doing
seed sowing, fertilizers and pesticides spraying, cultivating by conventional

There is need of development in this sector and most commonly on fertilizers

pesticides spraying technique, because it requires more efforts and time to
spray by traditional way.

Most of Asian nations are at developing stage and they are facing the problem
of high population and as compared to that agricultural productivity is much
lower as compared to developed nations. India is one of the nations who is
facing the same problem. This is caused due to low level farms, insufficient
power availability to farms and poor level of farm mechanization.

In order to meet the requirement of food of growing population and rapid

industrialization, there is a need of the modernization of agriculture sector. On
many farms production suffers because, delay in sowing, improper distribution
suffer because delay in sowing, improper distribution of pesticides and
fertilizers, harvesting.

Mechanization solves all the problems which are responsible for low
production. It conserves the input and precision in work and get better and

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equal distribution. It reduces quantity needed for better response, prevent the
losses and wastage of input applied. It get high productivity so that cost of
production will reduced.

To reach the requirement of production Agriculture implement and machinery

program of the government take steps to increase availability of implement,
pumps, tractors, power tillers, harvester and other power operated machines.

Special emphasis was laid on the later as more than 65% of the farmers fall in
small and marginal category. Generally mechanization of small forms are very
difficult and non-affordable but Japanese make it happens. They are by proper
mechanization they did farming and get more production than Indian. They are
using the modern time saving machine of required sizes to get more
production. Japanese led agriculture to new heights.

Crop yield is reduced by mainly due to attack of pests,diseases and weed.

Chemical control is the popular method adopted for controlling most insects,
weed and diseases. The chemicals are applied either by spraying, sprinkling or
On the crop with help of pumpor dusting. Spraying is one of the most effective
and efficient techniques for applying small volume of spray liquid to protect

In conventional methods, manually operated low and high volume hydraulic

sprayer and power operated hydraulic sprayer with long boom, long lances or
spray gun are used to carry fluid at different targets. In this method, the time
and labour required is more. It is difficult to spray the pesticide uniformly and
effectively throughout the tree by conventional method of spraying.

Though this method gives good pest control, it consumes large volume of liquid
per plant, great amount of time and labour are required. Also drip losses are
more. Owing to concern towards protecting environment from pollution by
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excessive use of pesticide and to economies the spraying method suitable

alternative should be identified.

In India, diverse farm mechanization scenario in country due to varied size of

the farm holdings and socio-economic disparities. Most of farmer in India are
small and marginal land holder.

The spraying operation done by Knapsack sprayer which consumes more time
and energy. Tractor operated sprayers are difficult for adaption by the farmer
due to existing cropping patterns, available field size, field condition during the
rainy season.

To overcome these problem requirements for better adaptability. In the view

self propelled small engine operated sprayer is batter option due to its medium
cost and small size implying better manoeuvrability in the small land holding.
Self propelled walking type sprayers can full fill the mechanization gap to do
spraying operation at the faster rate.

This shows there is an urgent need to introduce mechanical sprayer in Indian

farm. The engine operated self propelled sprayer should be easily
manoeuvrable and less expensive for farmers or best source of power
mechanical spraying operation.

Present pattern of row cropping concept widely adopted by Indian farmer and
development of spraying vehicle type sprayer is the need of today. Keeping the
above point of view, the present investigation was under taken to evaluate field
performance of self propelled boom sprayer in the field crops and workout the
cost of spraying operation.

Mathew et al. (1992) studied test of power tiller operated boom sprayer. In this
study the experiment was conducted for varying pressure on the power tiller
operated boom sprayer provided with hollow cone nozzle. Also they illustrated

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the relationship between pressure and cone angle, where cone angle is the angle
subtended at the orifice by the edge of spray pattern.

It was also observed that the cost of operating the boom sprayer reduced 29%
as compared with the hand compression Knapsack sprayer. Padmananthan
and Kathirvel (2007) evaluated the power tiller operated rear mounted boom
sprayer for cotton crop. The performance of power tiller operated boom sprayer
was satisfactory at a pressure of 3 kg/ cm2 and could be adopted by the
farmers for spraying cotton crop and other row crops. it saves the cost and
time of operation by 51% power operated Knapsack sprayer.

Veerangouda et al. (2010) evaluated the performance of bullock drawn sprayers

for cotton crop. They reported that the bullock drawn traction sprayer was
capable to cover 6 rows at a stretch with an average field capacity of 0.66 ha/h
with a power output of 0.68 kW.

Also in this study average quantity of chemical solution sprayed per ha was
441.80 l/ha. The field capacity of bullock drawn engine sprayer was 1.19 ha/h
with a power output of 0.60 kW. Gimenes et al. (2012) evaluated the
performance of airassistance in spray booms which have different spray
volumes and nozzle types.

Two spray nozzles (flat fan nozzle and hollow cone nozzle) were tested,
combined with two air assistance levels in the spray boom (with and without
air assistance) and a treatment control. They showed that hollow cone nozzle
increased the spray deposit level on the corn plants compared with the flat fan
nozzle, at growth stage V4.

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1.1 Status of agricultural mechanization in India

Most of the developing countries of Asia have the problem of high population
and low level of land productivity as compared to the developed nations. One of
the main reasons for low productivity is insufficient power availability on the
farms and low level of farm mechanization. This is especially true for India.

It is now realized the world over that in order to meet the food requirements of
the growing population and rapid industrialization, modernization of
agriculture is inescapable.

It is said that on many farms, production suffers because of improper seedbed

preparation and delayed sowing, harvesting and threshing. Mechanization
enables the conservation of inputs through precision in metering ensuring
better distribution, reducing quantity needed for better response and
prevention of losses or wastage of inputs applied. Mechanization reduces unit
cost of production through higher productivity and input conservation.

Agricultural implement and machinery program of the government has been

one of selective mechanization with a view to optimize the use of human,
animal and other sources of power. In order to meet the requirements, steps
were taken to increase availability of implements, irrigation pumps, tractors,
power tillers, combine harvesters and other power operated machines and also
to increase the production and availability of improved animal drawn
implements. Special emphasis was laid on the later as more than 70% of the
farmers fall in small and, marginal category.

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The Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) is the main organization
looking after all agricultural research, including agricultural implements and

It coordinates a number of research projects with centers at different places in

the country. Some of the State Governments have also facilitated in setting up
of research organizations at state level. Each of the state has at least one
agricultural university.

A research program usually concentrates on the development of equipment

suitable to a given farming conditions. The objective is to improve upon the
performance of indigenous implements or develop a new implement that can
either enhance labor productivity or appropriately mechanize the operation
where a labor or power shortage hinders completing the task in time.

1.3 Sprayer

A sprayer is a device used to spray a liquid, where sprayers are commonly used
for projection of water, weed killers, crop performance materials, pest
maintenance chemicals, as well as manufacturing and production line
ingredients. In agriculture, a sprayer is a piece of equipment that is used to
apply herbicides, pesticides, and fertilizers on agricultural crops.

Sprayers range in size from man-portable units (typically backpacks with spray
guns) to trailed sprayers that are connected to a tractor, to self-propelled units
similar to tractors, with boom mounts of 4-30 feet up to 60–151 feet in length
depending on engineering design for tractor and land size.

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1.4Description of Agriculture Sprayers

Agriculture sprayers come in various design types, sizes, equipment and

performance specifications. There are small, spot spraying ag sprayers up to
very large sprayers with extensive land and plant spray coverage.

Agricultural sprayers have been engineered this way to optimize their

applicability and performance for the many scenarios, crops, vegetation, and
soil that sprayers are used on.

Agriculture sprayers are often used for applying water and water chemical
solutions containing acids or caustic materials, often as crop-
performance/pest-maintenance chemicals; i.e. fertilizers, pesticides, etc.

1.5Agricultural Sprayers

There are a number of agriculture sprayers designed for spraying applications

and designed to be versatile and suitable for various uses from spot
applications, gardens, crops, row crops, crop trees, fruit, groves, vineyards,
perimeter maintenance, livestock needs, weed control, pastures and rangeland.

Examples of general sprayer types include

1. Boom Sprayers
2. Boomless Sprayer Nozzles
3. Mist Sprayers
4. Three (3) Point Hitch Sprayers
5. Truck-Bed Sprayer
6. Towing, Hitch Sprayer
7. UTV Sprayer
8. ATV Sprayer
9. Spot Sprayer
10. Backpack Sprayer

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1.6 Basic Components of Sprayer


a) Pump:A pump is a piece of equipment used to move fluids, such as

liquids or slurries, or gases from one place to another.

b) Tank: It is the storage place of chemical solution. It is made up of PVC,

Brass, etc.
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c) Air chamber: In a reciprocate type pump, an air chamber is provided on

the release line of the pump to level out the pulsations of the pump and thus
given that an invariable nozzle pressure.

d) Pressure gauge:It is a dial gauge which shows the pressure at which the
liquid is delivering from the pump.

e) Pressure regulator:The pressure regulator use for some important

functions. It is the means of adjust the pressure is necessary for any spray job
within the pressure choice of the pump.

f) Strainer:It is a little circular plastic ring with nylon wire mesh to filter
any dust element coming with the chemical solution it is included in the
suction line connecting the chemical tank and the check valves.

g) Nozzles:It is the part which pull the fluid in to fine droplet.

Mechanization of spray fluid is usually achieved by releasing the liquid through
lips called nozzle under pressure.

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2.1Spraying Methods:
One of the more common forms of
pesticide application, especially in conventional agriculture, is the use of
mechanical sprayers.

2.1.1Backpack (knapsack) sprayer

One type of backpack sprayer is a compressed air sprayer with a harness that
allows it to be carried on the operator's back. Another type of backpack sprayer
has a hand-operated hydraulic pump that forces liquid pesticide through a
hose and one or more nozzles. The pump is usually activated by moving a lever.
A mechanical agitator plate may be attached to the pump plunger. Some of
these sprayers can generate pressures of 100 pounds per square inch (psi) or
more. Capacity of both these types of backpack sprayers is usually 5 gallons or

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Figure 2: Backpack type spraying

Hydraulic sprayers consist of a tank, a pump, a lance (for single nozzles) or
boom, and a nozzle (or multiple nozzles). Sprayers convert a pesticide
formulation, often containing a mixture of water (or another liquid chemical
carrier, such as fertilizer) and chemical, into droplets, which can be large rain-
type drops or tiny almost-invisible particles. This conversion is accomplished by
forcing the spray mixture through a spray nozzle under pressure. The size of
droplets can be altered through the use of different nozzle sizes, or by altering
the pressure under which it is forced, or a combination of both. Large droplets
have the advantage of being less susceptible to spray drift, but require more
water per unit of land covered. Due to static electricity, small droplets are able
to maximize contact with a target organism, but very still wind conditions are
required. But, in this type of spraying, the labor has to carry all the weight of
the pesticides filled tank which causes fatigue to labor and hence reduces the
human capacity.

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2.1.2 Lite-Trac
Lite-Trac is a trading name of Holme Farm Supplies
Ltd, a manufacturer of agricultural machinery registered in England and based
in Peterborough.The Lite-Trac name comes from "lite tractor", due to the
patented chassis design enabling the inherently very heavy machines
manufactured by the company to have a light footprint for minimum soil

Figure 3: Lite-trac spraying

Holme Farm Supplies Ltd agricultural products, sold under the Lite-Trac name,
include tool carriers, self-propelled lime and fertilizer spreaders, sprayers,
granular applicators and tank masters. Lite-Trac is currently the manufacturer
of Europe's largest four-wheeled self-propelled crop sprayers. The company's
products are identifiable by the combination of unpainted stainless steel tanks
and booms with bright yellow cabs and detailing. A Lite-Trac crop sprayer, or
liquid fertilizer applicator, mounts onto the SS2400 Tool Carrier centrally
between both axles to maintain equal weight distribution on all four wheels and
a low centre of gravity whether empty or full. The stainless steel tanks are
manufactured in capacities of up to 8,000 liters, whilst Pommier aluminium
booms of up to 48 meters can be fitted, making these Europe’s largest four-

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2.1.3. Motorcycle driven Spraying

In 1994, Mansukhbhai Jagani, developed an attachment for a motorbike to
get a multi-purpose tool bar. It which addresses the twin problems of farmers
in Saurashtra namely paucity of laborers and shortage of bullocks. This motor
cycle driven plough can be used to carry out various farming operations like
furrow opening, sowing, inter-culturing and spraying operations.
Mansukhbhai’s intermediate-technology contraption proved efficient and cost-
effective for small-sized farms.

Figure 4: Motorcycle driven spraying

It could plough one acre (0.4 ha) of land in less than

half an hour on just two liters of diesel oil. Using motorbike-santi, the cost of
weeding a typical field was found to be just Rs 8/ha because as much as 10 ha
land could be covered in a single day. But, this spraying equipment needs fuel
for its running and proper operation which increases its operating cost.

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2.1.4 Quadcopter Based Pesticide Spraying System

Aerial sprayer is another type of spraying; it
is beneficial for the farmers having large farms. This technique is not affordable
by farmers having small and medium farm. It is modern technique in
agricultural field. In aerial spraying the spraying is done with the help of small
helicopter controlled by remote. On that sprayer is attached having multiple
nozzles and sprayed it on the farm from some altitude. It is less time
consuming and less human effort required to spray fertilizers.

Figure:5: Aerial Sprayer

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Construction and working mechanism The process of
construction and mechanism involved in the operation of developed prototype
sprayer are discussed here.

Construction: As its prefix implies, a hexa-copter (“hexa” = six) is a type of

drone setup in which there are six arms and each arm is connected to a single
high-speed BLDC motor, These high speed motors are mounted at the outer
end of aluminium tubes (500 x 25mm) which in turn are fixed to the outer edge
of the glass fibre airframe (2mm thickness) using the arm mount.

Battery, high speed motor support tube, flight controller with GPS antenna,
ESC, FPV camera, sensors and other circuit boards are mounted on air frame
plate. A 5 l capacity fluid tank is fixed at the bottom of the glass fibre
supporting plate and outlet of the fluid tank pipe is connected to the inlet of the
spray motor. An aluminium pipe (14x1.5mm) is bent in an inverted U shape for
making supporting frame in which fluid tank, sprayer motor and spray lance
are mounted. Four nozzles are fixed on 1.3 m length of spray boom with 45 cm
spacing between two nozzles.

A 12 volts DC motor with pump is used to generate enough pressure to spray

the liquid. Inlet liquid pipe of spray motor is connected to the outlet of fluid
tank and outlet pipe is connected to sprayer nozzles. Landing gears are
mounted at the bottom of drone mounted sprayer unit, which helps in safe
takeoff and landing on ground surface before and after spraying operation. The
overall specification of the developed drone mounted sprayer and the
assembling and development of drone mounted sprayer

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Electrical power supply system: A 2 LiPo (Lithium polymer) batteries consisting

of six cells – 8000 mAh are used and they are connected in parallel system to
provide the required power for the operation of dronemounted sprayer. When
the drone mounted sprayer system is switched on, the receiver starts receiving
the transmitted frequency from transmitter/remote control.

The transmitter gives commands for takeoff and landing as well as left, right,
forward, backward and yaw movements. Electrical power is supplied equally to
all the 6 BLDC high speed motors and they will start to rotate at specified
speed which is controlled by the respective ESC, when the accelerator/throttle
is increased or decreased in the transmitter.
A 12 volts DC motor with pump is connected to the battery system through
sprayer motor speed controller board for generating the pressurized spray
liquid and also the outlet discharge rate can be directly controlled by changing
the sprayer motor governor in the transmitter.

Figure:6: Drone mounted Sprayer

2.1.6 Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Sprayer

The UAV selected that will ultimately serve as the platform for the
developed spray application system is Rotomotion's SR200 (Rotomotion, LLC,
Charleston, S.C.) (fig.7). The SR200 is a Vertical Take‐Off and Landing (VTOL)
unmanned autonomous helicopter powered by a two stroke gasoline engine. It
has a main rotor diameter of 3 m (118 in.) and a maximum payload of 22.7 kg

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(50 lb). An additional UAV helicopter, Rotomotion's SR20, which is

battery‐powered and has a main rotor diameter of 1.75 m (69 in.), was used to
develop control software familiarity as well as test and troubleshoot operational
software interface and routines.


System (AFCS) is an integrated module mounted on the Rotomotion
helicopters. The AFCS receives commands from a ground control station via a
wireless telemetry system and controls the actions of the helicopters. The AFCS
consists of five modular components: 1) a 3‐axis, 6 degree of freedom Inertial
Measurement Unit (IMU); 2) a 3‐axis magnetometer; 3) a GPS; 4) a proprietary
radio receiver with servo interface and safety pilot override; and 5) a
Linux‐based flight computer. An Application Programming Interface (API)
developed with C++ provided the capability to send messages from the AFCS to
the ground station and from the ground station as commands to the AFCS.

Through use of a number of software and shell commands pushed from the
ground control system through unique Internet Protocol (IP) addresses for each
UAV, command routines such as Ground, GCS, Run‐Sim, and Flyto can be
used to control the UAV flight operations. The two most important commands
are “Ground,” which tracks and controls the flight of the UAV, and “Flyto”
which defines the waypoints of the flight and actuates the servos based on GPS
triggering. ON‐BOARD SPRAYER A spray system was designed and constructed
to be easily mounted onto the SR200. The spray system directly interfaced with
UAV's electronic control systems to trigger spray release based on specified
GPS coordinates and preprogram spray locations.

The spray system consisted of four key components: a boom arm with mounted
spray nozzles, a tank to house the spray material, a liquid gear pump, and a
mechanism to control spray activation. All of these components, along with fuel

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and chemical, had to weigh less than the maximum payload of the SR200,
which was 22.7 kg (50 lb). A routine was developed to guide component
selection and maximize available mission payload capacities for optimum spray
mission efficiency.

Figure:7: Unmaned Aerial Vehicle Sprayer

2.1.7 Solar Operated Sprayer

Solar pesticide sprayer can give less tariff or price in effective spraying. Solar
energy is absorbed by the solar panel which contains photovoltaic cells. The
conversion of the solar energy into electrical energy is done by these cells. This
converted energy utilizes to store the voltage in the DC battery and that battery
further used for driving the spray pump.

Solar energy obtained by the sun is converted into electrical energy using solar
panel by photovoltaic effect. The out put of the energy conversion is given to
charge a deep cycle lead acid battery through a charge controller.

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The charge controller limits the rate at which electric current is added to the
battery.preventing overcharging and protecting against over voltage. It employs
the Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) technique which gradually stops charging
the battery, The main advantage of PWM is that the power loss in the switching
device is very low.

Figure:8: Solar Operated Sprayer

2.2 Attachments of sprayer: Weeders

2.2.1 Exact definition
There is no universal definition for what
qualifies as an obnoxious plant. However, a plant is often termed weed when
it has one or more of the following characteristics:
Little or no value (as in medicinal, nutritional, or energy)
Very high growth rate and/or ease of germination
Exhibits competition to crops, for space, light, water and nutrients.

2.2.2 Weeding or Weed control

Weed control is the botanical component of pest control, using physical
and chemical methods to stop weeds from reaching a mature stage of growth
when they could be harmful to domesticated plants and livestock. In order to
reduce weed growth, many "weed control" strategies have been developed in

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order to contain the growth and spread of weeds. The most basic is
ploughing which cuts the roots of annual weeds. Today, chemical weed
killers known as herbicides are widely used.

2.2.3 Effects on other plants

Weeds can compete with productive crops or pasture, or convert
productive land into unusable scrub. Weeds are also often poisonous,
distasteful, produce burrs, thorns or other damaging body parts or otherwise
interfere with the use and management of desirable plants by contaminating
harvests or excluding livestock. Weeds tend to thrive at the expense of the
more refined edible or ornamental crops.

They provide competition for space, nutrients, water and light, although how
seriously they will affect a crop depends on a number of factors. Some crops
have greater resistance than others- smaller, slower growing seedlings are
more likely to be overwhelmed than those that are larger and more vigorous.
Onions are one of the crops most susceptible to competition, for they are
slow to germinate and produce slender, upright stems.

Quick growing, broad leafed weeds therefore have a distinct advantage, and
if not removed, the crop is likely to be lost. Broad beans however produce
large seedlings, and will suffer far less profound effects of weed competition
other than during periods of water shortage at the crucial time when the
pods are filling out. Transplanted crops raised in sterile seed or potting
compost will have a head start over germinating weed seeds. Weeds also
differ in their competitive abilities, and can vary according to conditions and
the time of year.

Tall growing vigorous weeds such as fat hen (Chenopodium album) can have
the most pronounced effects on adjacent crops, although seedlings of fat hen

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that appear in late summer will only produce small plants. Chickweed
(Stellaria media), a low growing plant, can happily co-exist with a tall crop
during the summer, but plants that have overwintered will grow rapidly in
early spring and may swamp crops such as onions or spring greens.The
presence of weeds does not necessarily mean that they are competing with a
crop, especially during the early stages of growth when each plant can find
the resources it requires without interfering with the others.

However, as the seedlings’ size increases, their root systems will spread as
they each begin to require greater amounts of water and nutrients. Estimates
suggest that weed and crop can co-exist harmoniously for around three
weeks, therefore it is important that weeds be removed early on in order to
prevent competition occurring. Weed competition can have quite dramatic
effects on crop growth. Harold A Roberts cites research carried out with
onions wherein "Weeds were carefully removed from separate plots at
different times during the growth of the crop and the plots were then kept

It was found that after competition had started, the final yield of bulbs was
being reduced at a rate equivalent to almost 4% per day. So that by delaying
weeding for another fortnight, the yield was cut to less than half that
produced on ground kept clean all the time." (The Complete Know And Grow
Vegetables, Bleasdale, Salter and others, OUP 1991). He goes on to record
that "by early June, the weight of weeds per unit area was twenty times that
of the crop, and the weeds had already taken from the soil about half of the
nitrogen and a third of the potash which had been applied".

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2.2.4 Methods of Weed Control

In domestic gardens, methods of weed control include covering an area of
ground with several layers of wet newspaper or one black plastic sheet for
several weeks. In the case of using wet newspaper, the multiple layers prevent
light from reaching all plants beneath, which kills them.

Saturating the newspaper with water daily speeds the decomposition of the
dead plants. Any weed seeds that start to sprout because of the water will also
be deprived of sunlight, be killed, and decompose.

After several weeks, all germinating weed seeds present in the ground should be
dead. Then the newspaper can be removed and the ground can be planted. The
decomposed plants will help fertilize the plants or seeds planted later. Typically
a combination of methods is used in organic situations.

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i. Manually pulling weeds

Laborers are used to pull weeds at various points in the growing process.

Figure: 9: Manually pulling weed

ii. Boiling water

Pour boiling water to weed, they will become more
green and then die in few hours. Best for weed in cracks or other hard to
reach locations.

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iii. Vinegar
Vinegar kills the visible part of the weed. They will
wrinkle and die next day, although the root will still be in place to continue
iv. Mechanically tilling around plants
Tractors are used to carefully till weeds around the crop plants at various
points in the growing process. Besides tilling, other mechanical weed control
methods also exist.

Figure:10: Mechanically tilling around plants

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v. Ploughing
Ploughing includes tilling of soil, intercultural
ploughing and summer ploughing. Ploughing through tilling of soil uproots the
weeds ssswhich causes them to die. In summer ploughing is done during deep
summers. Summer ploughing also helps in killing pests.

Figure:11: Ploughing

vi. Crop rotation

Rotating crops with ones that kill
weeds by choking them out, such as hemp, Mucuna pruriens, and other
crops, can be a very effective method of weed control. It is a way to avoid the
use of herbicides, and to gain the benefits of crop rotation.

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3.1 Introduction
In our country farming is done by
traditional way, besides that there is large development of industrial and
service sector as compared to that of agriculture. The spraying is traditionally
done by labor carrying backpack type sprayer which requires more human
effort. The weeding is generally done with the help of Bulls which becomes
costly for farmers having small farming land. So to overcome these above two
problems, we tried to eliminate these problems and designed the equipment
which will be beneficial to the farmer for the spraying and weeding operations.

3.2 Objectives
• Decrease the operational cost by using new mechanism.
• Work reliably under different working conditions.
• Decrease the cost of machine.
• Decrease labor cost by advancing the spraying method.
• Machine can be operated in small farming land (5 acre).
• Making such a machine which can be able to perform both the operation
(spraying and weeding).

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So considering these points related to spraying and weeding an attempt is

made to design and fabricate such equipment which will able to perform both
the operations more efficiently and also will results in low cost.

3.3 Spraying technology

I. High volume spraying
II. Low volume spraying
III. Ultra low volume spraying

IV. Electrostatic Pesticide Spraying System

3.3.1High volume spraying

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3.3.2 Low volume spraying

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3.3.3 Ultra low volume spraying

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3.3.4 Electrostatic Pesticide Spraying System

An electrostatic spray charging device (ESCD) was designed for high-volume
application, and it incorporated an outer annular induction charging electrode
around a hydraulic nozzle with a high flow rate .

Efficient induction charging was achieved at low voltage in a high humidity and
dusty environment. The open section on the side of the ESCD generated an air
stream via suctioning at the nozzle tip. This air stream protected the electrode
against adhesion by spray droplets that could cause undesirable corona

In order to evaluate the charging performance of the ESCD, we measured the

charge-to-mass ratio (CMR) of spray droplets. When the voltage applied to the
electrode was gradually increased to +4 kV, the CMR of spray droplets
increased without discharge or electric leakage from the electrode.

Conversely, the CMR decreased when the applied voltage exceeded +6 to 8.5
kV. The CMR was constantly higher when using hollow-cone spray nozzles
instead of flat-fan spray nozzles .

The CMR decreased by 13 to 18% when the gap between the spray cone and
electrode was increased by 1.6 mm. The CMR obtained by this system was -
0.20 to -0.45 mC/kg at +4 kV with the hollowcone nozzle having a high flow
rate of 0.56 to 2.6 L/min

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Figure:12:Boom-type electrostatic sprayer

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3.4 Parameters affecting spraying

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3.4.1 Spray drift

Physical movement of pesticide droplets or particles through the air at the time
of pesticide application or soon thereafter from the target site to any non- or-
offtarget site.
There are two kinds of drift:-
 Particle drift is off-target movement of the spray particles
 Vapor drift is the volatilization of the pesticide modules and their movement off

3.5 Drift Management

 Choose appropriate nozzle which can have better converge on surface with
optimum size droplet
 Reducing the distance between target and nozzle is useful for decreasing
 Some additive can be used at spraying chemical for reducing
 The reduction in drift used electrostatic force on smaller droplets than the
gravitational force

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3.6 Desine Of Agriculture Sprayer


computer-aided three-dimensional interactive application) is a multi-

platform software suite for computer-aided design (CAD), computer-aided manufacturing
(CAM), computer-aided engineering (CAE), PLM and 3D, developed by the French company
Dassault Systèm


CATIA started as an in-house development in 1977 by French aircraft

manufacturer AVIONS MARCEL DASSAULT, at that time customer of the CADAM
software[1] to develop Dassault's Mirage fighter jet. It was later adopted by the
aerospace, automotive, shipbuilding, and other industries.

Initially named CATI (conception assistée tridimensionnelle interactive

– French for interactive aided three-dimensional design), it was renamed CATIA in 1981
when Dassault created a subsidiary to develop and sell the software and signed a non-
exclusive distribution agreement with IBM.

In November 2010, Dassault Systems launched CATIA V6R2011x, the latest release
of its PLM2.0 platform, while continuing to support and improve its CATIA V5 software.

In June 2011, Dassault Systems launched V6 R2012.

In 2012, Dassault Systems launched V6 2013x.

In 2014, Dassault Systems launched 3DEXPERIENCE Platform R2014x [10] and

CATIA on the Cloud, a cloud version of its software.

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Commonly referred to as a 3D Product Lifecycle Management software suite,

CATIA supports multiple stages of product development (CAx), including conceptualization,
design (CAD), engineering (CAE) and manufacturing (CAM). CATIA facilitates collaborative
engineering across disciplines around its 3DEXPERIENCE platform, including surfacing & shape
design, electrical, fluid and electronic systems design, mechanical engineering and systems

CATIA facilitates the design of electronic, electrical, and distributed systems

such as fluid and HVAC systems, all the way to the production of documentation for


CATIA enables the creation of 3D parts, from 2D sketches, sheet metal, composites, and
molded, forged or tooling parts up to the definition of mechanical assemblies. The software
provides advanced technologies for mechanical surfacing & BIW. It provides tools to complete
product definition, including functional tolerances as well as kinematics definition. CATIA
provides a wide range of applications for tooling design, for both generic tooling and mold &
die. In the case of Aerospace engineering an additional module named the aerospace sheet
metal design offers the user combine the capabilities of generative sheet metal design and
generative surface design.

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CATIA offers a solution to shape design, styling, surfacing workflow and visualization to
create, modify and validate complex innovative shapes from industrial design to Class-A
surfacing with the ICEM surfacing technologies. CATIA supports multiple stages of product
design whether started from scratch or from 2D sketches (blueprints).


CATIA can be applied to a wide variety of industries, from aerospace and defense,
automotive, and industrial equipment, to high tech, shipbuilding, consumer goods, plant
design, consumer packaged goods, life sciences, architecture and construction, process power
and petroleum, and services. CATIA V4, CATIA V5, Pro/ENGINEER, NX (formerly Unigraphics),
and Dassault Systems' own Solid Works platform are the dominant systems

File compatibility and CATIA V4 /V5 /V6 conversion

Dassault Systems provides utilities to convert CATIA V4 data files so they are
accessible to CATIA V5 and CATIA V6. Still, cases show that there can be issues in the data
conversion from CATIA V4 to V5 from either difference in the geometric kernel between CATIA
V4 and CATIA V5 or by the modeling methods employed by end users. The percentage loss can
be minimized by using the appropriate pre-conversion clean-up, choosing the appropriate
conversion options, and clean-up activities after conversion.

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Conversion from CATIA Version 4 to Version 5 created construction problems for the
Airbus A380 aircraft. These problems resulted in $6.1B of additional costs due to years of
project delays when aircraft wiring was too short to make connections.

Transition from V5 to V6 is facilitated because they are sharing the same

geometric kernel. Third-party file translators also up-convert CATIA files between versions.


CATIA competes in the high-end CAD/CAM/CAE market with Siemens NX



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Sketcher Module

The Sketcher workbench is a set of tools that helps you create and constrain 2D geometries.
Features (pads, pockets, shafts, etc...) may then be created solids or modifications to solids
using these 2D profiles. You can access the Sketcher workbench in many ways. Two simple ways
are by using the top pull down menu (Start – Mechanical Design – Sketcher), or by selecting the
Sketcher icon. When you enter the sketcher, CATIA requires that you choose a plane to sketch
on. You can choose this plane either before or after you select the Sketcher icon. To exit the
sketcher, select the Exit Workbench icon.

The Sketcher workbench contains the following standard workbench specific toolbars.

• Profile toolbar: The commands located in this toolbar allow you to create simple
geometries (rectangle, circle, line, etc...) and more complex geometries (profile, spine, etc...).

• Operation toolbar: Once a profile has been created, it can be modified using commands
such as trim, mirror, chamfer, and other commands located in the Operation toolbar.

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• Constraint toolbar: Profiles may be constrained with dimensional (distances, angles, etc...)
or geometrical (tangent, parallel, etc...) constraints using the commands located in the
Constraint toolbar.

• Sketch tools toolbar: The commands in this toolbar allow you to work in different modes
which make sketching easier.

Part Design Module

Part design environment is used to create 3D models from the basic 2D sketches created in
sketcher environment.

Some of the commands in workbench explained below

PAD command

In most CAD software, the equivalent of this is called EXTRUDE, but in CATIA we call it PAD. This
command adds material in the third direction, a direction other than the sketch.

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POCKET command

The POCKET commands somehow the opposite of PAD command. It simply helps remove
geometry belonging to an already create part. On the figure below the POCKET command is
helping to create the cylinder hole in the middle of the cube.

SHAFT command

It is like revolve command in other CAD software, the SHAFT command is mostly used to make
shaft like parts. It requires an axis, around which the sketch will be resolved.

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RIB command

This command which is usually known as SWEEP is called RIB IN CATIA. It adds material along
a guide curve. RIB is used to make components like springs, pipes etc.

SLOT command

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SLOT removes the material along a guide curve. Here is an example of slot. While using SLOT, I
have used the same guide curve that was used for RIB. This ensures that the cross section will
be uniform throughout.

1. Step 4: Assembly Module

Assembly environment is used to provide mating to two or more part models to from complete

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We have two approaches in assembly

Top -down approach

Bottom -up approach
Entire design structure will be created in product environment in Top - down approach whereas
in bottom - up parts will be created separately and will be mated using mating or constraint

2. Step 5: Drafting Module

Drafting is a process of generating 2D machine drawing for the 3D part models to send it to the

Catia drafting is of two types

1. Interactive Drafting

2. Generative Drafting

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The Assembly Design used to create an assembly starting from scratch. Here is illustration of the
several stages of creation you may encounter for an assembly.

Creating an Assembly Document

This task will show you how to enter the Assembly Design workbench to create a new assembly
from scratch. Select the Start -> Mechanical Design -> Assembly Design command to launch the
required workbench. The Assembly Design workbench is opened. You can see that “Product1” is
displayed in the specification tree, indicating the building block of the assembly to be created. To
create an assembly, you need products. The application uses the term “product” or “component”
to indicate assemblies or parts. You can use parts to create products. Those products can in turn
be used to create other products. The product document contains: a specification tree to the left
of the application window, specific toolbars to the right of the application window, a number of
contextual commands available in the specification tree and in the geometry. Note that these
commands can also be accessed from the menu bar.

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Inserting a Components

This task will show you how to insert a component into an existing assembly. In the specification

tree, select Product1 and click the New Component icon The structure of your assembly now
includes Product1 (Product1.1).

Inserting a New Product

This task will show you how to insert a product in an existing assembly. In the specification tree,

select Product1 and click the New Product icon. The Product2 (Product2.1) is created in the
specification tree.

Inserting a New Part

This task will show you how to insert a new part in an existing assembly. In the specification

select Product1 and click the New Part icon . If geometry exists in the assembly, the New
Part: Origin Point dialog box is displayed, proposing two options to locate the part: Click Yes to
locate the part origin point on a selected point, on another component for example. Click No to
define the origin point of a component based on the origin point of the parent component.

Defining a Multi-Instantiation

This task shows you how to repeat components as many times as you wish in the direction of

choice. Select the component you wish to instantiate. Click the Define Multi-Instantiation icon .
The Multi-Instantiation dialog box is displayed, indicating the name of the component to be
instantiated. The Parameters option lets you choose between the following categories of
parameters to define: Instances & Spacing, Instances & Length and Spacing & Length. To define
the direction of creation, check x-axis. The application previews the location of the new
components. Click OK to create the components.

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Fast Multi-Instantiation

This task shows you how to repeat components using the parameters previously set in the Multi
Instantiation command. You will use the Fast Multi-Instantiation command to quickly repeat the
component of your choice. The operation is very simple. Select the component you wish to

instantiate. Click the Fast Multi-Instantiation icon . The result is immediate. Three components
are created according to the parameters defined in the Multi-Instantiation dialog box.

Using Assembly Constraints

This section describes the notions and operating modes you will need to set and use constraints
in your assembly structure. Constraints allow you to position mechanical components correctly
in relation to the other components of the assembly. You just need to specify the type of
constraints you wish to set up between two components, and the system will place the
components exactly the way you want. Setting constraints is rather an easy task. However, you
should keep in mind the following: You can apply constraints only between the child
components of the active component. You cannot define constraints between two geometric
elements belonging to the same component. You cannot apply a constraint between two
components belonging to the same subassembly if this subassembly is not the active component.
The active component is blue framed (default color) and underlined. Double-clicking activates it.
The selected component is orange framed (default color).

Creating a Coincidence Constraint

Coincidence-type constraints are used to align elements. Depending on the selected elements,

may obtain concentricity, coaxiality or coplanarity. Click the Coincidence Constraint icon Select
the face to be constrained. Select the second face to be constrained. Green arrows appear on the
selected faces, indicating orientations. The Constraint Properties dialog box that appears displays
the properties of the constraint. The components involved and their status are indicated. You can
define the orientation of the faces to be constrained by choosing one of these options: Undefined

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(the application finds the best solution), Same, opposite. Click OK to create the coincidence
constraint. This constraint is added to the specification tree too.

Creating a Contact Constraint

Contact-type constraints can be created between two planar faces (directed planes). Click the

Contact Constraint icon . Select the faces to be constrained. As the contact constraint is created,
one component is moved so as to adopt its new position. Green graphic symbols are displayed in
the geometry area to indicate that this constraint has been defined. This constraint is added to the
specification tree.

Creating an Offset Constraint

When defining an offset constraint between two components, you need to specify how faces

should be oriented. Click the Offset Constraint icon . Select the faces to be constrained. The
Constraint Properties dialog box that appears displays the properties of the constraint. The
components involved and their status are indicated. You can define the orientation of the faces to
be constrained by choosing one of these options. Click OK to create the offset constraint.

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Creating an Angle Constraint

Angle-type constraints fall into three categories: Angle, Parallelism (angle value equals zero),
Perpendicularity (angle value equals 90 degrees). When setting an angle constraint, you will

to define an angle value. Click the Angle Constraint icon . Select the faces to be constrained. The
Constraint Properties dialog box is displayed with the properties of the selected constraint and
the list of available constraints. Keep the Angle option. Enter angle in the Angle field and keep

Sector 1. Note that four sectors are available: . Click OK to create the angle constraint.

Fixing a Component

Fixing a component means preventing this component from moving from its parents during the
update operation. There are two ways of fixing a component: by fixing its position according to
the geometrical origin of the assembly, which means setting an absolute position. This operation
is referred to as “Fix in space”. By fixing its position according to other components, which
means setting a relative position. This operation is referred to as “Fix”.

Fix in Space: Click the Fix icon . Select the component to be fixed, that is the light blue
component. The constraint is created. A green anchor is displayed in the geometry area to
indicate that this constraint has been defined. Fix:Double-click the fix constraint you have just
created to edit it. In the dialog box that appears,click More to expand the dialog box. Uncheck
the Fix in space option to the left of the dialog box.The lock symbol is no longer displayed in the
specification tree, meaning that the component is positioned according to the other components
only. Move the fixed component. Click OK toconfirm. Update the assembly: now the component
remains at its location.

Fixing Components Together

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This task consists in fixing two components together. The Fix Together command attaches
selected elements together. You can select as many components as you wish, but they must
belong to the

active component. Click the Fix Together icon . You can select the components in the
specification tree or in the geometry area. The Fix Together dialog box appears, displaying the
list of selected components. In the Name field, enter a new name for the group of components
you want to create. Click OK. The components are attached to each other. Moving one of them
moves the other one too.

Using the Quick Constraint Command

The Quick Constraint command creates the first possible constraint as specified in the priority

Double-click the Quick Constraint icon Select the two entities to be constrained. The possible
constrain between these will be according to list specifying the order of constraint creation:
Surface contact, Coincidence, Offset, Angle and Parallelism. The first constraint in the list can
now be set. A surface contact constraint is

Changing Constraints

Changing a constraint means replacing the type of this constraint by another type. This operation
is possible depending on the supporting elements. You can select any constraints, not necessarily
inthe active component. Select the constraint to be changed. Click the Change Constraint icon
The Change Type dialog box that appears, displays all possible constraints. Select the new type
of constraint. Click Apply to preview the constraint in the specification tree and the geometry.
Click OK to validate the operation.

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Deactivating or Activating Constraints

Deactivating or activating constraints means specifying if these constraints must be taken into
account during updates or not. Select any activated constraint. Right-click and select the
Deactivate contextual command. The constraint is deactivated. The graphic symbol representing
the deactivated constraint is now displayed in white. Repeat step and right-click to select the
Activate contextual command to activate the selected constraint.

Updating an Assembly

Updating an assembly means updating its components as well as its constraints. The application
lets you choose between updating the whole assembly or the components of your choice. The
constraints are in black, indicating they need an update. The default color is black, but the
application allows you to redefine the colors you want. To do so, refer to Customizing Constraint
Appearance. Select the Tools -> Options command, then expand the Mechanical Design section
to the left to access Assembly Design options. You can choose between two update modes within
the Assembly Design workbench: Automatic or Manual. Check the Manual option in the Update

frame. Click OK to confirm and close the dialog box. Click the Update icon

to update the whole assembly. The assembly is updated.

Using a Part Design Pattern

This task shows you how to repeat a component using a pattern created in Part Design. Select the
rectangular pattern in the tree or in the geometry. Control-click to select the component to be

The Instantiation on a pattern dialog box is displayed, indicating the name of the pattern, the
number of instances to be created (for information only) and the name of the component to be
repeated. There are two work modes: Using associativity with the geometry: the option “Keep
link with the pattern” is on, Using no associativity: the option is off.

To define the first instance of the component to be duplicated, three options are available:

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Reuse the original component, create a new instance, cut & paste the original

Click OK to repeat the second component. The new component “xxx on

RectPattern.xx” is displayed in the tree. An entity “Assembly features” has been created in the
tree. “Reused Rectangular Pattern.1” is displayed below this entity. If you use the option
“generated constraints”, the Reuse Constraints section displays the constraints detected for the
component and makes all original constraints available for selection: You can define whether
you wish to reproduce one or more original constraints when instantiating the component.

Moving Components

6.8.1 Manipulating Components

Snapping Components

The Snap command projects the geometric element of a component onto another geometric
element belonging to the same or to a different component. Using this command is a convenient

way to translate or rotate components. Depending on the selected elements, you will obtain

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Different results.

First Element Last Element Result

Selected Selected

point point Identical points.

point line The point is projected onto the line.

point plane The point is projected onto the plane.

line line Both lines become collinear.

line plane The line is projected onto the plane.

plane line The plane passes through the line.

Smart Move

The Smart Move command combines the Manipulate and Snap capabilities. Optionally, it creates
constraints. The Quick Constraint frame contains the list of the constraints that can be set. This
list displays these constraints in a hierarchical order and can be edited by using both arrows to
right of the dialog box. The application creates the first possible constraint as specified in the list
of constraints having priority.


This task you will create section planes, orient the plane with respect to the absolute axis system,

invert the normal vector of the plane. Click the Sectioning icon. The section plane is
automatically created. The plane is created parallel to absolute coordinates Y, Z. The center of
the plane is located at the center of the bounding sphere around the products in the selection you
defined. Line segments visualized represent the intersection of the plane with all products in the
selection. The Sectioning Definition dialog box contains a wide variety of tools letting you

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position, move and rotate the section plane. A Preview window, showing the generated section,
also appears. 3D section cuts cut away the material from the plane. Click the Volume Cut icon in
the Sectioning Definition dialog box to obtain a section cut. You can position section planes with
respect to a geometrical target (a face, edge, reference plane or cylinder axis). You can view the
generated section in a separate viewer.

Assembly Features

Prior to creating assembly features, keep in mind the following. You can create assembly
features only between the child components of the active product. The active product at least
must include two components, which in turn must contain one part at least. You cannot create
assembly features between two geometric elements belonging to the same component. The
different assembly features you can create are: Split, Hole, Pocket, Remove, Add, Perform a

Assembly Split

The dialog box that appears when you click Assembly Split, displays the names as well as the
paths of the parts that may be affected by the split action. Move the parts to the list ‘Affected
parts”. Arrows in the geometry indicate the portion of parts that will be kept after splitting. If the
arrows point in the wrong direction, click them to reverse the direction. Click OK to confirm. To
edit an assembly split, double-click ‘Assembly Split.X’ in assembly features available in history

Creating Scenes

Scenes enable you to: work on the evolution of an assembly in a separate window from the
actual assembly and to impart updates to the assembly as you see fit. Save a copy of an assembly
in a separate window, work on the evolution of that assembly directly on the assembly. You can
modify the following attributes either in the scene or in the assembly without the modifications
being replicated in the other: the viewpoint, the graphical attributes of the components, the
“show” or “hide” state of the components, the “active” or “not-active” state of the components.
Scenes are identified by name in the specification tree and by a graphical representation in the
geometry area.

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The Edit Scene dialog box and a scene representation in the document window are displayed.
Click Ok to end the scene creation. You are now in a scene window: The background color turns
to green. Scene 1 is identified in the specification tree. Perform the required modifications. For
instance modify: viewpoint, graphical attributes, show-no show. Within a scene, click the Reset
selected products icon to reposition the components as they were in the initial product. Note that
color attributes and the show-hide specification are not taken into account when using the Reset
selected products icon. Click the Exit From Scene icon

to swap to the initial window. Double-click Scene 1 either in the specification tree or in the
geometry area to swap to the scene window.

Exploding a Constrained Assembly

This task shows how to explode an assembly taking into account the assembly constraints. This
Explode type is applicable only to specific cases. When the assembly is assigned coincidence

constraints: axis/axis & plane/plane. Click the Explode icon . The Explode dialog box is
displayed. Wheel Assembly is selected by default, keep the selection as it is. The Depth
parameter lets you choose between a total (All levels) or partial (First level) exploded view.
Keep All levels set by default. Set the explode type. 3D is the default type. Keep it. Click Apply
to perform the operation.

Detecting Interferences

Checking for interferences is done in two steps: Initial computation: detects and identifies the
different types of interference. Detailed computation: computes the graphics representation of
interferences as well as the minimum distance. Two interference types are available: Contact +
Clash, Clearance + Contact + Clash. Results differ depending on the interference type selected
for the analysis. Four computation types are available: Between all components, Inside one
selection, Selection against all, Between two selections. Click Apply to check for interferences.
A progress bar is displayed letting you monitor and, if necessary, interrupt (Cancel option) the
calculation. The Check Clash dialog box expands to show the results. Clash: red intersection
curves identify clashing products. Contact: yellow triangles identify products in

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contact. Clearance: green triangles identify products separated by less than the specified
clearance distance.

Customizing Assembly Design

6.14.1 Customizing Assembly Design Settings

This task will show you how to customize Assembly Design settings. Select Tools -> Options.
Click the Mechanical Design category, then the Assembly Design subcategory. The General tab
appears, displaying the following options: Update, Access to geometry, Move components.

Customizing General Settings

Select the Tools -> Options… command. Click the Infrastructure category, then the Part
Infrastructure subcategory. The General tab appears, containing three categories of options:
External References, Update and Delete Operation

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4.1 Brief Description of Model

Figure:13: Practical model

 Handle for controlling.
 Reciprocating pump.
 Connecting link (bar).
 Flexible pipes.
 Nozzles.
 Wheel.
 Crank.
 Supporting wheels.
 Storage tank.

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The machine shown in figure is designed to perform the two operations

namely “Spraying”. For Spraying pesticides, the reservoir tank contains
pesticides is attached to the reciprocating pump. The outlet of the pump is
connected to the spraying nozzle through flexible pipe. A cutting plate is
attached just below the reservoir tank for the weeding purpose.

4.2 Working
When the equipment is push forward by
using handles, front wheel rotates and the gear is mounted at the axle of wheel
is start to rotate and its rotation is then transferred to the pinion through the
chain drive.

The rotary motion of the pinion is converted into the reciprocating motion by the
single slider crank mechanism, due to this arrangement the connecting rod
moves upward and downward which then reciprocate the piston of single acting
reciprocating pump mounted at the top of storage tank.

During the upward motion of the connecting rod the pesticide is drawn into the
pump and during the downward motion of connecting rod the pesticide is forced
to the delivery valve, the delivery is connected to the pipe carrying the number
of nozzles.

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4.3 Detailed Description

It consists of the following parts

4.3.1 Reciprocating pump

These types of pump operate by using a reciprocating piston. The liquid enters
a pumping chamber via an inlet valve and is pushed out via an outlet valve by
the action of the piston or diaphragm.

Reciprocating pumps are generally very efficient and are suitable for very high
heads at low flows. This type of pump is self priming as it can draw liquid from
a level below the suction flange even if the suction pipe is not evacuated. The
pump delivers reliable discharge flows and is often used for metering duties
delivering accurate quantities of fluid.

Figure:14:Reciprocating pump

4.3.2 Connecting link

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Which connects piston and crank rod

Figure:15: Connecting link

4.3.3 Nozzles
The nozzle is a critical part of any sprayer. Nozzles perform three functions:
 Regulate flow.
 Atomize the mixture into droplets.
 Disperse the spray in a desirable pattern.

The hydraulic spray nozzle used in the application of pesticides has several
functions. One of its main purposes is to convert the spray solution into
droplets for efficient target coverage. The target may be foliage, bark, stumps,
soil or insects.

In association with other variables, e.g. height above target, travelling speed,
operating pressure, the nozzle also has a role in spray pattern delivery, volume
rate delivered and sprays quality produced. Various nozzle types are required
to accomplish these roles within a range of operating variables.

Nozzles are generally best suited for certain purposes and less desirable for
others. In general, herbicides are most effective when applied as droplets of
approximately 250 microns; fungicides are most effective at 100 to 150
microns, and insecticides at about 100 microns.

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Nozzles determine the rate of pesticide distribution at a particular pressure,

forward Speed and nozzle spacing. Drift can be minimized by selecting nozzles
that produce the largest droplet size while providing adequate coverage at the
intended application rate and pressure.

Nozzles are made from several types of materials. The most common are brass,
plastic, nylon, stainless steel, hardened stainless steel, and ceramic. Brass
nozzles are the least expensive but are soft and wear rapidly. Nylon nozzles
resist corrosion, but some chemicals cause thermoplastic to swell. Nozzles
made from harder metals usually cost more but will usually wear longer.

Figure:16: Nozzle

4.3.4 Wheel
Wheel is a circular component that is intended to rotate on an
axial bearing. The wheel is one of the main components of the wheel and axle
which is one of the six simple machines. Wheels, in conjunction with axles,
allow heavy objects to be moved easily facilitating movement or transportation
while supporting a load, or performing labor in machines. Wheels are also
used for other purposes, such as a ship's wheel, steering wheel, potter's wheel
and flywheel.

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Figure:17: Wheel

Common examples are found in transport applications. A wheel greatly

reduces friction by facilitating motion by rolling together with the use of axles.
In order for wheels to rotate, a moment needs to be applied to the wheel about
its axis, either by way of gravity, or by the application of another external force
or torque.

4.3.5 Crank
A crank is an arm attached at right angles to a rotating shaft by which
reciprocating motion is imparted to or received from the shaft. It is used to
convert circular motion into reciprocating motion, or vice-versa. The arm may
be a bent portion of the shaft, or a separate arm attached to it.

Attached to the end of the crank by a pivot is a rod, usually called a connecting
rod. The end of the rod attached to the crank moves in a circular motion, while
the other end is usually constrained to move in a linear sliding motion.

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Figure:18:Crank (mechanism)

The term often refers to a human-powered crank which is used to

manually turn an axle, as in a bicycle crank set or a brace and bit drill. In
this case a person's arm or leg serves as the connecting rod, applying
reciprocating force to the crank. There is usually a bar perpendicular to the
other end of the arm, often with a freely rotatable handle or pedal attached.

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5.1 Selection Of Reciprocating Pump

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Specifications of machine

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The machine is tested on the farming land and got the satisfactory results and
then it is compared with traditional method

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As shown in result, it reduces the labor cost by resolving the two days work in
a single day. So the proposed machine not only saves the money but also the
time. The proposed machine takes Rs. 10700/- for spraying 1 acre of land in
one day whereas traditional method takes Rs. 11300/- in two day.

In India, diverse farm mechanization scenario in country due to varied size of

the farm holdings and socio-economic disparities. Most of farmer in India are
small and marginal land holder.

The spraying operation done by Knapsack sprayer which consumes more

time and energy. Tractor operated sprayers are difficult for adaption by the
farmer due to existing cropping patterns, available field size, field condition
during the rainy season.

To overcome these problem requirements for better adaptability. In the

view self propelled small engine operated sprayer is batter option due to its
medium cost and small size implying better manoeuvrability in the small land

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holding. Self propelled walking type sprayers can full fill the mechanization gap
to do spraying operation at the faster rate.

6.1 Advantages

 Cost effective
 Spraying is better
 The cost is lower
 Operation safety
 Less human effort
 Easy to operate

6.2 Disadvantages
 Output pressure is low compared to power sprayers
 Spraying can be done at minimum heights
 More effective only at dry lands

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The equipment is purposely design for the farmers having small farming land
say 5-6 acre. It is suitable for spraying as well as weeding at minimum cost for
the farmer so that he can afford it. The equipment will results more beneficial
when it is subjected to moist soil for weeding purpose, due to moist soil the
weed cutter can easily penetrate and dig out the soil and hence will easily
accomplished the weeding process.

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Figure:19:Working model of agricultural pesticide sprayer

The performance of the equipment will increase when it is operates on the

smooth surface or less uneven surface and also it will be more effective when it
is used on the crops having nearly similar height and having the less space
between two crops


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