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I am Benj Jamieson J.

Duag of Bachelor of Secondary Eduacation Major in

Mathematics student at Cavite State University Naic. This is the summary of my 60 days

experience at my cooperating school, Bucal National High School

On the first day of our student teaching experience as when I and my co-student

teachers headed to our cooperating school to start our immersion. We attended to the flag

raising ceremony and then went to the principal office to meet the principal. The

Head-Teacher of Mathematics Department, Ma’am Vicky Diño oriented us about the

rules and guidelines and gave us some pointers in the teaching world. I was assigned to

the Grade-9 Math Teacher, Ma’am Cynthia Diño but she is on leave because of important

matter. For the whole day I just observe other Grade-9 Math class with my co-student

teacher to gain information about the students of our cooperating school. I can associate

this experience with Edward Thorndike’s Law of Readiness where learning is dependent

upon the learner’s readiness to act. Like us, student-teachers we are highly motivated and

eager to learn how to be a professional teacher. At the end of the day, I learn that is takes

a lot to be a professional teacher. It just not teaching being a teacher is beyond the four

corners of the classroom.

On the first day of my teaching, I arrived at the school early and wait for my

class. At 9:00am. Ma’am Cynthia, my cooperating teacher, arrived at school and we have

some talk about classroom management and some techniques in handling the students. At

10:00am, she introduced me to Grade-9 Chico, one of my two classes, and observed me

for a while. I didn’t finish what on the lesson plan that’s why I told the student to present

the group work tomorrow. All lessons must abide SMART (Specific, Measurable,
Attainable, Relevant and Timely) goals my lesson for this day is not timely as the goal

was not finished with the given time. Ma’am Cynthia said that some of the lesson plan

was not suitable for just one day especially in mathematics. I just need to revise the

lesson plan to achieve specific competency. At the end of the day, I learned that it’s

important to master the fundamentals of lesson planning to make an effective lesson plan

that suits the needs of the learners.

Bucal National High School as my cooperating school was such an honor. They

provided enough support to us in terms of knowledge and skills including strategies they

taught to us. Every faculty and staff our generous. Our Head Teacher, Ma’am Vicky

Custodio and my cooperating teacher, Ma’am Cynthia Diño played important role in my

journey as a practice teacher.

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