Migraine Features in Patients With Meniere's Disease

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The Laryngoscope

C 2015 The American Laryngological,

Rhinological and Otological Society, Inc.

Migraine Features in Patients With Meniere’s Disease

Yaser Ghavami, MD; Hossein Mahboubi, MD, MPH; Amy Y. Yau, MD; Marlon Maducdoc, BS;
Hamid R. Djalilian, MD

Objectives/Hypothesis: To better understand the features of migraine in Meniere’s disease (MD).

Study Design: Retrospective review of prospectively obtained surveys in an outpatient clinic of a tertiary medical
Methods: Detailed questionnaires on headaches and dizziness were given to consecutive patients presenting with dizzi-
ness. The responses were verified by the clinician with the patient. The data, in addition to the clinical history and audio-
gram, were used to diagnose patients with migraine headaches and MD using criteria set by the International Headache
Society (IHS) and the American Academy of Otolaryngology–Head and Neck Surgery, respectively. The prevalence of migraine-
like symptoms in those patients with MD, who did not fit the diagnostic criteria for migraine, was evaluated.
Results: Thirty-seven patients with definite MD were included. There was a predominance of females (female/male:26/
11). Mean age of patients was 52 6 14 years. Nineteen patients (51%) had migraine headaches. Fifteen patients fulfilled the
criteria for definite vestibular migraine. Of those who did not fulfill the IHS migraine criteria, a majority had characteristics
such as a family history of migraine, visual motion sensitivity, or lifelong motion sickness that were highly suggestive of a
migraine disorder.
Conclusions: A majority of patients with MD have migraine headaches as defined by the IHS. Sensitivity to visual
motion, light and sound, head motion, smells, weather changes, or medication was present in 95% of all patients with definite
MD and 82% of non-IHS migraine MD patients. This may suggest that MD may be an atypical variant of migraine.
Key Words: Meniere’s disease, migraine-related vestibulopathy, vestibular migraine.
Level of Evidence: 4
Laryngoscope, 126:163–168, 2016

INTRODUCTION distinguish the two conditions. Diagnosis is primarily based

Several studies have shown that there is significant on clinical criteria. MD is diagnosed by the American Acad-
overlap between the symptoms of vestibular migraine emy of Otolaryngology–Head and Neck Surgery (AAO-
(VM) and those of Meniere’s disease (MD).1–3 Patients HNS) criteria,4 and VM is diagnosed based on the criteria
with VM may experience symptoms of MD including epi- defined by the International Headache Society (IHS).5
sodic vertigo, tinnitus, constant or fluctuating sensorineu- The overlap of MD and VM has been described by a
ral hearing loss (SNHL), and/or aural fullness.1 Dizziness multitude of authors. Rassekh and Harker found a
attacks are seen in a majority of VM patients, and these migraine prevalence of 81% in patients with vestibular
attacks are independent of headaches.2 Therefore, some- MD compared with 22% in patients with classic MD.6
times patients with VM are misdiagnosed as MD These groupings of vestibular and classical MD, as well
patients.3 In these circumstances, differentiation of these as cochlear and vestibular MD, have fallen out of favor,
two diseases is often difficult. Currently, there are no and the Committee on Hearing and Equilibrium of the
known definitive diagnostic tests that can reliably AAO-HNS had recommended that these cochlear or ves-
tibular variants of MD be excluded from classical MD.7
The AAO-HNS suggested that this phenomenon of recur-
From the Division of Otology, Neurotology, and Skull Base Sur-
gery, Department of Otolaryngology–Head and Neck Surgery (Y.G., H.M., rent vestibulopathy without hearing loss was not related
A.Y.Y., M.M., H.R.D.), and Department of Biomedical Engineering (H.R.D.), to the same pathological disorder of classical MD of idio-
University of California, Irvine, Irvine, California, U.S.A. pathic endolymphatic hydrops. Parker also recognized
Editor’s Note: This Manuscript was accepted for publication
March 30, 2015.
that migraine occurs more often in patients with MD
Presented at the American Neurotology Society Annual Meeting at than in the general population, and that the classical
COSM, Las Vegas, Nevada, U.S.A., May 14–18, 2014. symptoms of MD and migraine may be related.8 A com-
The authors have no funding, financial relationships, or conflicts mon genetic and vascular origin of migraine and MD
of interest to disclose.
Yaser Ghavami, MD, Hossein Mahboubi, MD, and Amy Y. Yau, was proposed, where abnormal blood flow to the brain,
MD, contributed equally to this work. cochlea, and vestibule can cause paroxysmal cochlear
Send correspondence to Hamid R. Djalilian, MD, Director, Division
of Otology, Neurotology and Skull Base Surgery, Department of Otolar-
and vestibular symptoms. Minor et al. noted that there
yngology–Head and Neck Surgery, University of California Irvine, are similarities in the presentations of patients with
Otolaryngology-5386, 19182 Jamboree Road, Irvine, CA 92697. migraine and MD.9 There is clearly a significant overlap
E-mail: hdjalili@uci.edu
between VM and MD, which may suggest that the two
DOI: 10.1002/lary.25344 conditions may be variants of each other.

Laryngoscope 126: January 2016 Ghavami et al.: Migraine Features in Patients With MD
It has been observed that patients with VM gener- TABLE I.
ally had normal pure-tone average hearing, whereas The 1995 American Academy of Otolaryngology–Head and Neck
patients with definite MD had significantly worse pure- Surgery Diagnostic Criteria for Meniere’s Disease.
tone average hearing, especially in the lower frequen- Certain Meniere’s Definite Meniere’s disease plus
cies. Based on this observation, it has been recom- disease histopathologic confirmation
mended that SNHL be the main characteristic in
distinguishing the two disorders.10 However, it was Definite Meniere’s Two or more definitive spontaneous
disease episodes of vertigo 20 minutes
noted that there were several patients with definite MD or longer
according to the AAO-HNS criteria who presented with Audiometrically documented hearing
normal hearing, though a review of later audiograms loss on at least one occasion
identified a low-frequency sensorineural hearing loss.10 Tinnitus or aural fullness in the
Additionally, there were VM patients with hearing loss. treated ear
These patients with VM improved with migraine pro- Other causes excluded
phylactic medications. The cochlear symptoms of VM Probable Meniere’s One definitive episode of vertigo
include tinnitus, aural fullness, and hearing loss that disease
Audiometrically documented hearing
may fluctuate, as with MD. The vestibular manifesta- loss on at least one occasion
tions of VM are variable, ranging from true vertigo, with Tinnitus or aural fullness in the treated ear
episodic vertigo attacks, motion sensitivity, and chronic Other causes excluded
nonspecific vestibulopathy.9,10 Possible Meniere’s Episodic vertigo of the Meniere’s type
In our practice, we have found that the vast major- disease without documented hearing loss,
or sensorineural hearing loss,
ity of the patients with MD also have histories that are fluctuating or fixed, with disequilibrium
consistent with the presence of migraine. These patients, but without definitive episodes
however, may not completely fulfill the IHS criteria for Other causes excluded
migraine headaches with or without aura. In this study,
we set out to determine the prevalence of migraine head-
aches as defined by the IHS criteria in our Meniere’s dis- response to migraine prophylactic treatment was recorded. A
ease cohort. In addition, we specifically examined the positive response was considered as at least a 50% reduction in
the frequency and subjective severity of the attack.
characteristics of the MD patients who did not fulfill the
criteria for migraine to determine the frequency of other
migraine-related characteristics without the IHS defini-
tion of migraine. Statistical Analysis
The frequencies of patients, who fulfilled the criteria for
definite, probable, and possible MD, as well as patients who ful-
MATERIALS AND METHODS filled the criteria for migraine with and without aura and VM,
were calculated. The prevalence of migraine-related symptoms
Patients and clinical features were also determined in all patients and
All adult patients who presented to the neurotology clinic among those who did and did not fulfill the IHS criteria for
at our institution with a complaint of dizziness between April migraine (non-IHS migraine patients). v2 test was used to make
2013 and January 2014 were asked to fill out a questionnaire comparisons between the subgroups based on the IHS criteria.
detailing their dizziness, headaches (if any), and other Fisher exact test was used wherever the v2 test’s assumptions
migraine-related symptoms. Patients with a diagnosis of MD were not met. As a secondary analysis, three sets of migraine-
based on the AAO-HNS criteria were included in our study.4 related symptoms and clinical features that were similar to
Criteria were met using clinical evaluation, questionnaire, the each other were defined (Table IV). Category A included the
audiogram, and vestibular testing (when available) (Table I). If sensitivities and motion sickness; category B included family
a patient’s diagnosis remained uncertain, his/her record was histories of migraine, MD, or motion sickness; and category C
excluded from the analysis. Institutional review board approval included head and neck pain associated with various stimuli.
was obtained from our institution. Prevalence of these groups of symptoms was calculated. All sta-
tistical analyses were performed using PASW 18.0 (SPSS Inc.,
Chicago, IL). Because multiple comparisons were made on the
Data Collection same data, the Bonferroni correction was applied to reduce the
A written questionnaire was developed based on the crite- occurrence of type I errors. Therefore, a P value of <.002 was
ria set by the IHS for migraine with and without aura, VM, considered as significant.
and MD (Table II).5 In addition, a list of symptoms and clinical
features potentially related to migraine was determined
through a review of the literature. Data regarding these RESULTS
migraine-related factors were collected through the question- Sixty-nine patients with MD comprised our study
naire and on clinical evaluation (Table III). This questionnaire
sample. Twenty-seven had possible, five had probable,
was provided to patients as part of their clinical evaluation.
and 37 had definite MD. The mean age of the patients
Audiograms and vestibular testing (when available) were eval-
uated to assist in the diagnosis of MD. For each patient, the was 52 years 6 14 (range, 18–87 years). The female to
examiner confirmed the validity of their responses by recheck- male ratio was 26 (70%) to 11 (30%). According to the
ing the written responses with the patient. All diagnoses were IHS criteria, 19 patients (51%) had migraine headaches,
confirmed by the senior author during the patient encounter. nine (24%) without aura, and 10 (27%) with aura. Fif-
Patients were then followed up for at least 3 months, and their teen patients fulfilled the criteria for VM according to

Laryngoscope 126: January 2016 Ghavami et al.: Migraine Features in Patients With MD
The International Classification of Headache Disorders, Third Edi- (Continued)
tion, Criteria for Migraine With and Without Aura, and Vestibular
Migraine. Migraine without A. At least five attacks fulfilling
aura criteria B–D
Migraine without A. At least five attacks fulfilling
aura criteria B–D iv. Aggravation by routine physical
B. Headache attacks lasting 4–72 hours 2. Photophobia and phonophobia
(untreated orunsuccessfully treated)
3. Visual aura
C. Headache has at least two of the fol-
lowing fourcharacteristics: E. Not better accounted for by another
ICHD-3 diagnosis or by another vestibu-
1. Unilateral location lar disorder.
2. Pulsating quality
ICHD-3 5 International Classification of Headache Disorders, Third
3. Moderate or severe pain intensity Edition.
4. Aggravation by or causing avoidance
of routine physical activity (e.g., walk-
ing or climbing stairs)
D. During headache at least one of the the IHS criteria (41% of all patients and 79% of those
following: with migraine according to the IHS criteria).
1. Nausea and/or vomiting The symptoms and clinical features related to
2. Photophobia and phonophobia migraine among patients with MD include scalp allody-
E. Not better accounted for by another nia; family history of migraine; facial, head, or neck pain
ICHD-3 diagnosis when exposed to cold stimuli; and aura-like or dizziness
Migraine with A. At least two attacks fulfilling criteria B symptoms when having a migraine (Table III). Sensitivity
aura and C to visual motion, light and sound, head motion, smells,
B. One or more of the following fully weather changes, or medication was present in 95% of all
reversible aura symptoms:
patients with definite Meniere’s and 82% of non-IHS
1. Visual
migraine MD patients. Among these, head motion
2. Sensory sensitivity was the most common (84% of all patients
3. Speech and/or language with definite MD). Fifty-nine percent of all and 50% of
4. Motor non-IHS migraine patients had motion sickness. Head-
5. Brainstem ache was also present in 65% and 39% of all and non-
6. Retinal IHS migraine MD patients, respectively. Comparing those
C. At least two of the following four who fulfilled the IHS criteria for migraine and those who
characteristics: did not, only neck stiffness was significantly different in
1. At least one aura symptom spread incidence (Table III). There were no other significant dif-
gradually over 5 minutes, and/or ferences after applying the Bonferroni correction.
two or more
symptoms occur in succession Thirty-two (87%) patients of the definite MD cohort
2. Each individual aura symptom lasts had at least one of the symptoms in category A, 19
5–60 minutes (51%) patients had at least one of the family histories in
3. At least one aura symptom is category B, and 33 patients (89%) had at least one of the
unilateral symptoms in category C. All 37 definite Meniere’s
4. The aura is accompanied or followed patients in our study sample (100%) met at least one of
within 60 minutes by headache
the above features, had at least one of the symptoms in
D. Not better accounted for by another category A, one of the family histories in category B, or
ICHD-3 diagnosis, and transient
ischemic attack has been one of the symptoms in category C.
Vestibular A. At least five episodes fulfilling criteria C
migraine and D
B. A current or past history of migraine
without aura or migraine with aura We found that 51% of the 37 patients with defi-
C. Vestibular symptoms of moderate or nite MD had migraine headaches according to the IHS
severe intensity, lasting between 5 criteria. Additionally, 48% of the overall MD patients
minutes and 72 hours had VM based on the IHS criteria. Of the 28 patients
D. At least 50% of episodes are associ- who fulfilled the AAO-HNS criteria for MD but did not
ated with at least one of the following
three migrainous features: fulfill the IHS criteria for migraine, all had symptoma-
1. Headache with at least two of the fol- tology that was highly suggestive of a migraine
lowing four characteristics: background.
i. Unilateral location The pathogenesis of the vestibular dysfunction in
ii. Pulsating quality both disorders is still unclear. Endolymphatic hydrops is
iii. Moderate or severe intensity considered as the main histopathological correlate of
MD, which may have been caused by another patho-
physiologic mechanism. VM is thought to be related to

Laryngoscope 126: January 2016 Ghavami et al.: Migraine Features in Patients With MD
Prevalence of Symptoms and Clinical Features Related to Migraine Among Patients With Definite Meniere’s Disease and Comparison of Dif-
ferences Between Those Who Fulfilled IHS Criteria for Migraine and Those Who Did Not.
All Patients With Patients Not Fulfilling IHS Patients Fulfilling IHS
Definite MD Criteria for Migraine Criteria for Migraine
P Value*
Clinical Feature Frequency, N 5 37 % Frequency, N 5 18 % Frequency, N 5 19 %

Visual-motion sensitivity 19 51% 9 50% 10 53% .99
Light sensitivity 20 54% 8 44.4% 12 63% .25
Sound sensitivity 19 51% 9 50% 10 53% .87
Head-motion sensitivity 31 84 7 39% 11 58% .89
Smells sensitivity 11 30% 4 22% 7 37% .33
Weather-change sensitivity 12 32% 6 33% 6 32% .9
Medication sensitivity 8 22% 4 22% 4 21% .93
Any of the above 33 89% 15 83% 18 95% .63
Motion sickness 22 59% 9 50% 13 68% .25
Mental confusion (head fog) 25 68% 10 55.5% 15 79% .12
Family history
Family history of migraine 12 32% 5 26% 7 39% .56
Family history of Meniere’s disease 3 8% 2 11% 1 5% .52
Family history of motion sickness 3 8% 1 5% 2 11% .58
Any of the above 19 51% 8 44% 11 58% .32
History of using medication for migraine 12 32% 4 22% 8 42%
Sinus pain, facial pressure, or headache when 11 30% 2 11% 9 47% .01
exposed to wind or air conditioner
Pain in scalp or face from unusual stimuli 5 13% 0 0% 5 26% .02
History of getting headache when eating ice cream 25 68% 12 67% 13 68% .91
History of sinus headaches 22 59% 8 44% 14 74% .07
Neck stiffness 20 54% 7 39% 13 68% .07
Hearing loss
Sensorineural in at least one ear 35 95% 12 67% 13 68% .91
Mixed hearing loss % 6 33% 9 47% .39
All types of hearing loss 35 95% 16 89% 19 100% .14

*Based on the Bonferroni correction. P values <.002 were considered statistically significant.
IHS 5 International Headache Society.

the neural input of the trigeminal nerve on the vascula- blockers and tricyclic antidepressants), have provided
ture to the inner ear.11 In addition, central vestibular relief in a significant group of patients with MD.
abnormalities, neurogenic inflammation, and possibly Based on similarities in cervical and ocular
changes in blood flow may contribute to the effect of vestibular-evoked myogenic potential (VEMP)
migraine on the inner ear or the symptoms seen in responses,13 Zuniga et al. found that there was no one
patients with VM. Specific effects on the peripheral end VEMP test that distinguished the two diseases. They
organ other than increase in vascular permeability have theorized that patients with VM might have end-organ
not been elucidated.11 Therefore, MD is thought to be a injury in the inner ear, causing endolymphatic hydrops.
vestibular end-organ disease, and VM is a central or They recognized that certain VM patients might actually
peripheral vestibular dysfunction caused by a central be MD patients who do not have large enough of an
phenomenon. Some MD patients have characteristics audiometric loss to meet the AAO-HNS criteria for MD.
and features that correspond to the VM criteria, and Similarly, it has been found that neither a motion sensi-
more interestingly, these patients respond to the same tivity questionnaire nor caloric testing could distinguish
medications that are used for VM patients.12 The evi- MD and VM patients.14 We believe that clinical testing
dence for this treatment effect is currently observational. cannot distinguish MD from VM, possibly due to the
Even though this appears to support a similar underly- common origin of the two conditions.
ing cause for VM and MD, it could also be partially due The pathophysiology of migraine headaches is par-
to medication effects that potentially control dizziness tially understood. Migraine aura is believed to be due to
where the two disorders could have different pathophysi- the release of neuropeptides, such as substance P, neuro-
ologic mechanisms. In our experience, medications with kinin A, and calcitonin gene-related peptide into the
no apparent effect on dizziness (e.g., calcium channel dural circulation,15 with the activation and sensitization

Laryngoscope 126: January 2016 Ghavami et al.: Migraine Features in Patients With MD
TABLE IV. We theorize that MD is most likely a variant of VM
Migraine-Related Symptoms and Clinical Features Categorization. and that the symptoms are a consequence of a migraine
etiology and not an intrinsic inner ear disorder. We
Category A Motion sickness
hypothesize that involvement of a combination of the
Sensitivity to head motion anterior vestibular artery, vestibulocochlear artery, its
Sensitivity to light and sound individual branches (cochlear and vestibular arteries),
Sensitivity to visual motion and the spiral modiolar arteries are affected. The var-
iance in the hearing loss may be due to the difference in
Sensitivity to smells
anastomotic patterns among individual patients.26 Some
Sensitivity to weather changes
patients may develop low-frequency hearing loss, some
Sensitivity to medication*
high, some low and high with preserved mid frequencies
Category B Family history of migraine (peak shaped audiogram),27 and some flat.28 A reversible
Family history of Meniere’s disease vasospasm of the spiral modiolar artery alone would
Family history of motion sickness cause only a low frequency sensorineural hearing loss,
Category C Sinus pain, facial pressure, or headache and no vestibular symptoms as has been described in
when exposed to wind or air conditioner what was previously termed cochlear hydrops. Addi-
Pain in scalp or face from unusual stimuli tional involvement of the cochlear artery can lead to
History of getting headache when eating ice cream high-frequency hearing loss seen in the high- and low-
History of sinus headaches frequency hearing loss.28 The involvement of the ante-
Neck stiffness rior vestibular artery, which supplies the superior canal,
horizontal canal, and the utricle can lead to the more
*Defined as significant side effects to low doses of many significant vertigo attacks. Finally, the vestibular artery
involvement can cause dysfunction of the posterior canal
and saccule, which may potentially be the cause of posi-
tional vertigo seen in MD.29 Although this hypothesis
of the trigeminal vascular system,16 and subsequent for the pathophysiologic mechanism of this disorder is
spreading cortical depression.16,17 Vasospasm in the pos- unproven and untested, further studies are warranted to
terior circulation has been proposed as a mechanism for elucidate this mechanism. Potential studies in animals
migraine-associated damage to the inner ear18–20 and modeled after the study by the Vass et al. group11 to
may underlie some forms of migrainous vertigo. Addi- selectively stimulate or partially occlude the various
tionally, it has been proposed that imbalance and motion arteries of the inner ear with subsequent histopathologic
intolerance may result from abnormal central process- examination will help in understanding the pathophysi-
ing, possibly from vasospasm or spreading depression to ology. For example, if changes in vascular flow or recur-
the vestibular cortex.21 Stimulation of the trigeminal rent stimulation of the trigeminal nerve were found to
nerve with noxious stimuli in guinea pigs caused affect hearing in the animals and cause endolymphatic
changes in vascular permeability in the cochlea and bas- hydrops, it could help support the above hypothesis.
ilar artery with orthodromic and antidromic activation All the patients with Meniere’s disease in our
of trigeminal sensory fibers.11 From this animal model, cohort responded to the migraine lifestyle/dietary
the authors proposed that vertigo, tinnitus, and hearing changes and migraine prophylactic therapy with control
deficits associated with migraine could arise by excita- of their vertigo and stabilization of their hearing. Our
tion of the trigeminal nerve fibers in the cochlea. recommendation is that patients with MD and migraine
Endolymphatic hydrops is a histopathological diag- receive treatment for their migraine disorder. Other
nosis that is not confined to MD, and MD is a clinical patients, who do not fulfill the criteria for migraine
diagnosis that is not always associated with hydrops.22 headaches or VM, should be treated with migraine pro-
Other factors, including autoimmune reactions,23 food phylactic agents prior to surgical or destructive intra-
sensitivities, and vascular disturbances may play a role tympanic therapy. We believe that there may be several
in MD.22 As of yet, there is no clear explanation of why separate types of VM: one that causes hearing loss and
the hearing loss in MD is in the low frequencies. The has clinical manifestations of MD via a centrally modu-
labyrinthine artery, which is usually a branch of the lated dysfunction of the cochlear and vestibular arteries
anterior inferior cerebellar artery, then branches into and possibly end organs, and one that does not cause
the end-organ arteries of the cochlear and vestibular hearing loss (selective dysfunction of the vestibular
arteries.24 The cochlear artery supplies the basal turn artery or anterior vestibular artery). This second group
primarily and the spiral modiolar artery supplies the of patients is also prevalent in our practice, but is not
apex and the middle turn. A drop in blood flow to the described in this study.
cochlea via the spiral modiolar artery has been proposed
to cause a low-frequency hearing loss.25 We conjecture
that endolymphatic hydrops may be the end result of CONCLUSION
recurrent assaults to the cochlea from recurrent vaso- A majority of patients with MD have migraine
spasms of the spiral modiolar artery, which primarily headaches as defined by the IHS. Of those who do not
supplies the apical turn of the cochlea26 and not an fulfill the IHS migraine criteria, a majority has charac-
intrinsic cochlear disorder. teristics such as a family history of migraine, visual

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Laryngoscope 126: January 2016 Ghavami et al.: Migraine Features in Patients With MD

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