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I GATE - 2001 t oC'J


NG= ======:::J
ONE MARKS QUESTIONS (1-25) c. temperature. prossure. 311d liquid
composition "• only
This question consists or TWENTY f i VE sub- d. temperature. pressure, hquid

queslions (1 - 25) or ONT:l mark each. For each composIll on x;. and vapour
of tiJese sub-questi.OUS, (OUJ' possible 911SWI'I"$ composition y;.
(A, B, C a nd D) Zセイ・@ given, out of which only ·L High pressure steam is e.'lumcled
one is rorrect. A nswe.1· e.1ch sn.b-queslion by adiabatically tllld re1•ersibl) セイ ッ オ ァィ@ a well
darkening the appropriate bubble.- on the insulated turbin<l which produces some
OBJECTIVE RESPO 'SE SAEET (ORS) shnl) 1\0rl< If セQ ・@ cmthalpy change and

using a sort 1\-ID pl'llcil.. Do not use the ORS fo1· entropy change across the turbine are
:my rough work. You n1:1y like to use lf•e represented by AH and AS. respecto1ely.
Answer Book for any rou_gb wo1·k, if needed. for thos process:

(Marks: I " 25 = 25) a. 6 H = 0 and AS = (I
b. LI.H c: 0 and 68 ; 0
tィセ@ l'nlue of U1e follomng deiermmant c. セfi@'"' ll and aS ., 0
tl II () ll
ra I
-2 1 (I () () 5.
d, <l..H = fl and LI.S セ@ fl
For the case or a fuel gas undergoong
3 5 3 () IS combustion woth rur, i.f the air/fuel ratio 1s
increased, the adiabatic Onme temperature
-1 セ@ 7 セ@ I
-5 セ@ セ@ I a Increase
b decrease

b. 32 c. increase or decrease depending on the

c. ·112 fwl type
d. C) d . nol change

Tbe \ aJue Of{I + i)k, where I = .[-:1, IS G The Po\\er number for a Stirred tan!.
セ M 8 ; ..h becomes conslanl al h1sh Reynolds
number. Ill thiS liJJJJ1, the , ariatioo or
b. 8 -4i power .input wuh impeller rolntJOnaJ speed

c, 16 (N) is proportional to
d. 8 aNt
3, A イ・。ウッョ「エセ@ gerJeral ・セイウゥッョ@ for !J. Nl

\':tpour-Hquid phase eqwhbrfum at I0\1 to c. Nl

moderate pf\!SStrres IS
d. Nl

,P,y,E' = イ N クLス セ@
7 The opemtion of n Rota meier is based on
1\1\ere tj); is a vapour fugacit) coeJ:licienL y1 a vanable Oow area
is the liquid octov11y coeftic1enl. and IS r, b rotation of n turbine
the fugacity of pure component i l11e K: c. pressure drop across a no.ule
'alue (y, -= K;xi) セ セ@ 、 ャエAイ・ヲVセN@ m general. :t セ N@ pre.>-sure at a slngnnlion J>.Oint
funct1on of
8. Applyu1g a pressure drop :!(:ross capillary
a エ・ューイ only エセ オイ・@
イセウオャエ@ in a volumetric !low role Q w1der
b temperature and press11re Oil[)' lnmonar now condmons. The no" rate. for
the Silme pressure drop. in セ@ olllpiUory of heat t.mTUf.,- セッヲャゥ」・ョ エ N@ C; • he.,! 」セーオゥエケ@
the ッュセ@ length but half the r3dius is ofvnpQttr- f!i1i1 ュ lセiャ イ 」I@
u. Q/2 i セ@
l;i, Q/4
... -><--
k,c. セ@ J
セ@ Q/8
d. Q!J6 b. k,c; セ Q@
9. l11c bc:U セヲッイ@ by rndialiM from a milt!
セ ャ ・ ャ@ surface il In be redooed by reducing e,
the cmissMty of the surfuce. ヲィ セ@ Clln 「セ@ k,C.

hestachlcvcd by
3. pamtlng the surf•ce block d. ォZ ャ セ。@ = t
b. painting エィ セ@ surf.,,.. while
c. givtns the rur.l'ace a mirror finio1t 14. Tite conversion lor u ウセ」ッョ、@ order.
Irreversible -reoction (constant volume},
d. roughening the $Urface

N i セ@ fl. in b•lch mode i• given 「 セ ᄋ@
10. l lcat transfer bv mslura1 con...·cction t.s
enbaqcod in ウセMエN[L ョ@ with a.
;&+ high viscosity J- k,C..,r

b. high cooffic.iont ortltenna1 expansion 1>. k.,C,.t
e... low l\o."Dtpc:rntorc gradients 1 k,C<Ill
d. Low d"lllity 」N「ョァセ@ with ャ、ー\ュセエオイ・@
ra (k,C«d
11. ' l11e • Nnewal ftetjucucy in
Danek\\ orl5' modd of moss tout! fer io 1-k,C.,l
given bY (kL; mass tr:msfer coefficient. d. k.,C ,.r •
( l+ kJC...,t)'
Gセ@ セ イ」 Zッセ@ 15 The reaction rate con$i:tnls at two differeni
b. ktD, ャ・ューッイ。エオセウ@ T, nnd 1 1 セ G B@ relutl!d by

c. k' I D
' .<
a. ャョ H セ Iセ e HG NA ⦅ NA I@
k1 R T, lj
d. kr I D_!
12 For £tiS absorption the ll"ight of a !mnsf.:r b. セエ H UN IZ@ £(..!. . _.. !. . )

uniL ba•ed on !h1> gas ph•••· i.• given b} I.; R T, T,

(G: !lllperlidal molar gas vdoc.lty: 1.:
supedicial ュッQセイ@ liquid velocity: F0 : mau c. '"P(k,k, J=R\_
!!._(..!..._.. !._)
Tj T

transfer- 」ッ・ヲゥ ゥ 」Mョセ@ ュッャ Q

セZ@ J: interfacial 1

exp(t,):1( I セ@
area per unit of tower)
a d. ;,)

16. The E·eul'\'1! for • non·itlcn1 l'l:>6UJr de lines
b. F;. Ute frai!'tion Of fluid havittJ! d.Sc btl\\ ecm I

Cia and I - dt
Gn • · at Ute inlet
b. al tltc: ouUet
/. c. .in tl1e rcJctoi'
d. owmgeil over Uteiululuud ouUet
17. The calibt"Jliou dal-. uf a tbetmooouple
1:1. llld Lcwi• ICbliOI1 rur ••1-1<41<>1
\\ itb its .-oJd juncUUU nt 0°(: MO gi\•en
l•umjd[ijc.,lion •• given by lkv; nt;lsi
bet ow
ャイセ ュ Aャゥヲ・イ@ cneJl1cien·l or Jtt01$tui'C in it ir. ho-:
J uf9
l11e hOI junction or Ihe thennorounle 15 21. l11c ends セ セ ᄋ@ a cvhndnllal vessel can be
placed m n bnU1 :n 80"C wbile its cold
closed by a hCIId,: ''hich can he line nf Ihe
junclion is m20'C. What is Ihe emf of lhe
fC)ur Uィエ ャヲ @セ For Jhc GBセ@ ャゥ」Nオセ@
1ht:m1orouple? 」ィッセ・@ tllC: one which cnn wnhstand the
a. 3.2(> mV ィゥァ・UQjIイウセ@
b 0,80 mV a tla1 plate
c. 2.'16 mV b hermsphencal

cl 143 mV C. IOrisr h,'l'IClll
IX. A process 1s mJball)• a1 stead} state wnh d ellipsoidal
1ts: outpul y - I for an mpol u - I l'he
1npu1 Is sudden!)' changed lo 2 n1 lime r セ@
:u. An mwslment of Rs, I00 lakhs is lo be
made for constructron ofa plant whrcb '" "
0 Th" outpul response IS Hll I -t :lr mke two vears to slurt produltmn. "[he

The lmn.-.Fer flmcuon o f the ー イ ッ」ウNセ@ is
an nun! profit lr01n operation of Uu: 1llml IS
Rs. 20 l11khs. Whm wdl 1J., !he payback

a. s ycor:;
b It:
b 7 year:;
c. 11 ycllt¥
c. iKセ@
ra ,\ d J0 }C31S
One of ャ ィ セ@ s11:11> t1uri11!l refiillnlJ of cnne

" QNHセ -· l
I@ ""Jlll'」。 Q QNセゥl@ of ndditlon of hydrated li1ne
to 1he sugar sy mp folll)"ed b)' 」セj「ッm エ@ ion
I !I I he mherenl clinractcfiSIICS or lUI C<jU!II of the resulting 50111\ion. ne purpose of'
pcrceptugc valve rclu.lllll! Ouw rnte q wHh dtls step ゥNセ@ to
vnl''" stem movement セ@ 11re dcscnl.led by 3. AdjUSLLhe pH oflbe syrup.
the equa!ion

b. Remove thu coloruig nlliilCJ lh>nl lhC

•Ill @セ k Syntp,
B セ カ@ c. セ、オ」\Z@r Ihe VI:>CI.lSily of the sylllp

b. <lq = kq d lmprO\oe the mre !lf cry5tail!muon or

エ ャセ M suysu.
1.' -=-
,., セ@ u. Stw.,ltl! Is protlureJ from ャAエィケ「ッュZゥセ@ by
セ⦅エL@ (/ ャィセ@ prD<:ess of

<1<1 I . ) u. DchydrogcnnlJOII
d. -=MJ b Oxidnuon
2(J A jJ<Irl\lraled plate. bas hnles ofdiiUtlc"'r d_., ,. Alkylnllon

urrnnged 1n n phGh, Pt• E.'!Ch hole h.'IS a d O.:hydrniiOil

tube of i,d . d,, pusslns 1hmu1,1h it tィセ@ 25. 111 1hc ntud cmnlvnc 」ュセ イ@ (FCC). lhc
ligament ・ヲエャ」セョェ@ i; wven by cracl. ing イ・。」 エゥ ッセ@

1s ·-<nl- and the

p. - d, regeneration ゥセ@ -(bl-
a (a I Exothermic (h) Endothem1ic.
, , - d,d,. 2
"· b, Ia) ExoJhemnc Cbl E.xo1herm1c
b c. (o\ Findoth(mlic Ch) Fndolhermk
d (al EndolbemliG fb) ExoU1ennio,
,,- ·1,
I u(9
d. (1'.S/ ol' )_ = (al> I &T)r
tィ quesllou rrousl>t• or n vENTY .FIVE sub·
ャ セ@ セHャ N@ AI 11109(' \\oter Gセi@ ュ ・ エィ ケ ャ セケ」|ッィ・ m ・@
questions (l6 - 50) or TWO marks each. For hnth hnve "npour ーイッZウセ@ ()r
I,1) Olrn.
tlldl ャ「セ or
」@ sub-<tuc." ions, four po.sible Aho at 1(\0"C. tlte latent bcru.:. of
BnSW('rs (A, B, C and I>) 。 イセ@ l:lvcn. out or .,.hlrh " apouril.ltlion of tlte;e ore
uuly ッョセ@ Is corr ect. tt!.Wer 1-.t<'h セ ihエオ\sゥqョ@ 40.63- kJ mol tor wat.:r and 3J 55 IJ mol
II) llurkcniug the pijGッーイゥオエセ@ 「オャセ@ "'' tho lor ュ」エィケャオ v 」ャオィNクZュセ N@ rhc vnpour
OB.IECTI\'1! reセpo nセe@ SHEl):T (ORS) pressure of IY;lc't nl 150"C is 4.69 Glrn. At
オ セゥオァ@ u セオ ヲエ@ HB JWnl'll, On nnt use エィ セ@ ORS fur 1so•c. the "''Ite"" f't""""''

B セ G@ rou gh worl<. Vou 111:1)' like to U$C the molhy lcyclohex:m" W<Juld he expe()tcd tQ
Answer Book ror any イッ オ セィ@ •1iork, ifu eodl'<l. be:
Hセ「ッイォウZ@ l >< ZS - 50) a, s ignifit:mtl} ャ ・セ@ th3J14.69 alln
h. ョNZセイャケ@ equal to 4,69 :>tm
25. ·ntc luocdm• rp·,t•) =.r·+ ッイMウケNjᄋセ@ c. セ ゥァョヲエャIG@ monnlr•n 4.69 ntm

ィャエ ゥェ ャィセ@ d. inde1e1mi:nnu:: due to セゥ@ lnck of 、ョQセ@
n. 1\lnximom at (I. I) 31. A Uingh•nt Ouid of 1-iscosity セ M 10 l>a セN@
b S:oild l<: pninl nt ( I. J セ@ and yield stress "to • 10 Jd'>a. セ@ sbe<Lred

c. Mll1jmum nt (1. 1) ィ・エキセ@ tlot ー。イセャ・ ャ@ plates separnled by a
dislilnc.! 1o·• m. l'ht lop ー ャ 。 エ セ@ i> moving
d. N"nnc of tho abo\la ol {1. 1).
with a ' 'clodty of j illls. Tho ウ ャエ セ。イ@ s tress
27. A Fair die i'l roUCIJ Jour tim.,. Find the on t.h c p late is
ra pmbabllity those si"' 5hom; up iwicc.
a. 10 kP<t
•• 2
b. 20 kP,,
C. 30Jd>;L
b. d. -10 kP:o
n. Air enl.;:rs an. Zセ、ゥNャ「。エ@ compressor at 300
I K. The .:lOt h:mpernlute for 11 compression

milo of 3, aliSUmlng nir to be :to ideol gas

25 (y = C,, 1C, = 7/S) and the prQCes• 11} be
d. reveno ible. is
28. A bulru!l! isnuu:ril.lltion pL'OCC'!IS ptoduccOc a, 5(1()( 3"")

70 ォュッセィ@ of pun:: ゥッェ「オエZュセ N@ A purga b

ウ エイ・Zセュ L@ removed continuoosly. 」ッョセQゥヲ@ c. 30tl{:lj )
n-but:mc and 15". impurity (mole "o). d. SH|Pセ LN @L
Thc:Jecd Slrtnm i.s ョM「オエセ」@ oontainiug 11)6

impurity lmole "·•) ' l'ho flow rnte of tho

33. The energy .l'C:q_u.i:rml por unit mAss to grind
pnrge s tream will be; ILm,.tone· p>ttides o( very lnr,!!l' ウセ@ to
)I)() um i• 12.7 セwィ O j^ エ ョ@ ••\n estim•ie
n. セ@ ォュッ ャ セ ィ@
HオウQァbッ、 Gセ@ wm) o!d1e energy to griud

b. 4 kmol/h the p>tticles .from a Vet') large si2o to Su

c. 5 kmoLh fUU j$

d. 6 kmollb a. 6.35 k\Vlt/ton

29. Th<= M>.-.wcll relation deri\'cd .froro tlt<' b. 9.0 1:''1%/ton
、ゥャA・イエセ@ ッZNセーイBGウゥョ@ for the Rclmhol12. c. 1!1 ォwiセ G エッョ@
freeener!!Y(d..-\) 1>1· d. 25.4 kWbiton
n.. (i'T i o/')1 - (iJP as), 34, '11te S tcder-'rnte o:orrelntion ror !ten!
ャイッョウセ@ in turbulent llow 10 セ@ pャ ・@ giW>
b. (i"S nP). - (N' i'T),
N11 <t> Rc•·•. wltett Nil Ill !he Kusor:ll
セ M H gv i \GsI LM Hイ セイ O n ^ I Z@ number andRei.> tl1e l{.:ynold.< number for
the tJuw. 1\ssuroing tbnl lhls rclotion ;;.
3 ur9
volid. tho hoat lr.lnsfo:r coefficient , .ru;es 39. In P single sl!lge extl'3ction process. 10 kg
with pipe ,Hameter (I) ) as of pure. solvent S (containing no s<l lutc A)
n. JY"" is mixed with 30 kg of t¢cd F ounrainin(l A
h, dNLセ@ Rl ll uisセ@ ヲイ。 セ エ ゥッョ@ ·Yf : 0.2, Tioe mixture
split$ into an エセイNッ」 エ@ ph••c H anrl •
セ@ dセ@
rn flinote phi'-'" R. containing A a( Xp- = 0.5
tL DL8 ar1d )(JI. = 0.05. イ」Zウー・セエゥカ、ケ ⦅@ The !Qt.' I mruo<
3 5. !bu ovcr:ill ィ」セエ@ I.J'Jiru,[or L'Ocmcienl1or u oflbe extract pltnlrcls (in kg)
• hell and lube heol 1!1<l:hanger for ele•n セM 6.89
ウ オイャG。 」・セ@ i!; L'o c: 400 W!m'K. rho fouling

b. 6.89
ll•<tm' nflor f/00 year or upcrnliun ;•. li)\lnd セ M 1(1
ID be hdo セ@ '2000 Wlm1K. 1ltc OYCl'OII heat
trans fercoeffi.oient at this lime is tL 8.25
11. l200 Wlm'K -Ill, •11:1t; me-an cvn,·ersi.o n lfl [he:- {;i<i"t slremn,
for a sccond-<)rdcr, liquid plra:<a rc<tction tn
b. 894 Wim1 K
u non-ideal Dol' re:t<>IOJ' セAャゥカ・ョ@ by

"- 333 Wim2K
tl. 287 \V!ltl K •· r A,C,,t E( l) til
• l+ k,t.,,l
36, Tite heot lltL't (from outside 10 inside)

across nn JJ.. ubting wall wi01 thermal
conduotn'1ty k セ@ 0.04 \Vhn 1( nnd
r b. I
" 11 k1c,./
1!( セ@
thickness 0.16 m セ@ IowBGセ@ lne
I<:TJ\III:Tlltw:e nf the imide w• ll ゥセ@ -s•c The
nuts ida \lOll tempotlllUt'c ;,
c.. fo 1+ /;I(' t セ ッイ@
tHI(r )r)dl
n, 25"C r• ecxp( - k.,C...,r) ( )
b. 31)"C d.J, Ettlt
u 1- k,C.,,r
e. Js•t -II. f't•r J '"lM ーャセ^ セ・@ e•tblylit rctoction (. \ セ@ B
d. 40"C > F) '' hloh fo llow' the Ride;tl ュ lGc ィセョ@ ism
"!-7, rbe Jn(Cftacial ;lre:t per llni l YOhnne of •nd the n:llction step ゥ セ@ r:otc: conlrolling. ャィセ@

dispersion. in n gas-liquid cont3ctor, for rnlc nf reacli()n ill given by Hイ・ 。セエゥッョ@ s tep Is
froclinnill hold-up of gas 0.1 ;tno ga. to \nZヲャゥ セjゥ ッN@ prqduc1 abo a<horm l
bubble diameter - 0.5 mm is given hy (in kpAf.r
m 1 1mJ) n. -r,
I+ K ,p,+K1,p,

n. 500
b. ] 2J)0 b. - r, - kp! - Pr
.:..900 1+ K. p, + K1 p,

d" soo c. -r - kp p
38. 200 kg of solid (on dry bosis) is セ オ 「ェ」 ャセ、@ ' I+ K.tJI,+ K11p.-+ K, p
to a drying process for a period of 5000s.

f he dryins occurs in the const:ml role d. r - kp.e•

period wltlt Ute <frying rate as Nr = P N セ@ ' • 1 I K. p,
I0 kg/mzs. Tho initial moistul'e C:OJ!lont of -12. The t:ina-o rder. reactoon ga• phase

tl1" solid is ll.2 kg moistullllkg dry •olid. aセ@ 28 is ccmductc!CI i.•Qthermallv i11
rhe inll....-faoi•l area •vai lable for drying jy
balch nwde. Tho イ。jセ@ oJ' chnnge IJI'
-l rn: / LOU 1.-g of dry solid. J'he rntusture
c.Orwcr.sibu with lime _is givcu. h.>'
coutcul セ@ the ,;ud of the dry-mg peo iod i..
(i11 kg moisture/kg tlty solid ) u. IL"i, ] ォLHャ M x Nセ OGH Q MZ^|B@ J
·- o.s
b. 0.05
c. 0. 1
11. ll.J 5

セ N@
a/ =/;j (t-,r.,) b. LOOO(l+ O.I0) 10

d, d.t' = .l;{l - X, )I(I+XJ

c. 1000( 1-.-
43. Alt ideal PID
セッオエュ u ・イ@

[ 1+ li(0.5s)+0.2s]
has -the エイ。ョセ・@

II- IOOQ(J+ qセi j@
.frequenc_'Y .a l wfuclt セエ・@ Magnitll(le RaLi<' or •17. P is the iuvestmeptmade on rut eqoipmen:t:,
U1e conU:oller is J,js S is ils sillvage value 311d ii is the life qf

0.5 tlto equipment m.years The depreciation
セM for !he m'h year ·by the Surn-of-Years-
Digill! mediod will be
b. ().2
o. 0.2 .I 0,5


cL b-
../0.2 . 0.5

111. The block di!lgfllln of11r1 integrating level c. E!..( P-S)
process is given below. !'or unit step 1)
clcmge in U1e set ivセNL ]@ l ,v; ill
d, 2 ("-m+l\P-S)
l!.d = O, the offi;et exlubited by the セケウエ・ュ@
ra f.I(IHl)
48. In a cy.lindrical yeysel spbjected lo inlemal
pressure, the longitudinal stress PL- 81ld,the
circmnferential stress, <rt., 。イ・ ᄋ イ・ ャ 。セ・、@ by
a. Vj, = 2-vt.

a. _..!it_

I+ K, d. Nil relation exists
c, 0 49. In tl1e converter of t11e conmct process for

2K., tltemanufacturc uf EL,..SQ_., tlte equilibrium

cL conversion \Z^ヲso セ MH。I ᄋ@ witlt increase in
1+ 2K,
tlte temperature and ···(b)- with lnorcase
15 A second ッイ、・セ@ system can. be obtained. by in the mole ratio ofS02. to air.
w two first order systems

a. (a) increases (b) decreases.
lf(t ts + I) and lJ('t1S + 1) b1. series. 'llte
drunping ratio of tltc rcsultrutt seCO!ld order b. (a) decreases (b) irlcroases.

system for ll1e case i'i "' t 2 will be c. (.'1) increases (b) ュ」セ。ウ・ N@

a. > I d. (a) decreases (b) deet"ases.

For セエ・@ hydrogenation of oils, --(a)-·· is-

b. = I 50
c. < 1 commonly IJSed as 」。ャケウセ@ ad.d ·-(b)--is
a catalystpoisoiL
cL = , ,,,,
セ N@ (a) Plat.lnUnl (b) Sill firr.
46. An Investment of lts. I000 is C.1J1Ying an
b. (a) Plllladinm (b) oクケァ・イセ@
utlerest of I0% compounded quarterly,
'T'he value of Ott! investment at the end of c. (a) Nickel (b) SnlfiiT.
liveyeurs,viO be d. (a) Nickcl (b) Oxygen.

11 QPセI H QK@ セ[i ヲ@

1 0 1 'I

SECTION· B 54 100 m1 of carbon dioXIde lrunally at 413 K

and 50 bar (50 10' Pal is to be
FIVE MAIIK1I QUEST10NS (!51·70) fs6ihcr'mnlly compressoo in a fncluJOlcs:>
l'h iS セ・」エゥッョ@ con>ists of 'I WENT Y quesiioos or piston nnd cylinder 、・Lセ」@ to n final
f iVE marks each. A.'I\' FLFTEEI\ Out of these preSsure of 300 bar (300 QP Q j^オ セ@
q オ イウャゥッ オ セ@ ha"e lu be aDSIH'red on lhr Answer Assunung ideal gas behaviour (R 8.3 14
Book provided. 102 l>ur tn' II.Jnol KJ,
(Marks: 5 x 15 = 75) a. \\<me セ@ general uxpn:ssmn lor the
energy balnnce lOr uオ セ@ セエョウ@ wttlun the
ptston 11t1d cylinder de'licc 115 the

51 The parnmetric equotion nf o curve is
S)Stem. nnd define nllthe terms
- l-
r(l ) = rl r - f 1\ hdro lis the pll!lllllclof. b. Cah::ulole エ ィセ@ セッ ャ オQZ@ of lhc
eompi'I!SScd carbon dtoxid.:. IJ<1S at 30U
11, What type uf co111c (parnbolu, cucle, l>ar.
・ャゥ ャ Zエs セ N@ llnd II)' IJ<'rbolul does the oorve c. Calculate the work done to compress

the carbon dto<tde gus.
b Find the unit lllnJ,,.mt to the 」オ エ G|Qセ@ nt 1 d Calculate the ィ・。セ@ now on
I 」ッューイセウ ゥ ッョ@

c. Pmd the unll normal to the curve ot r • Normnl p<:nume is tsomenzed w
tsopentan<: and neop.:mnoe at SOO K and
52. l..aplsce o:nnsforms. atmospltenc pressure Determme tbe
a. Show that the I aplace エQ ョセヲ\ャイュ@
ra of e"1 equilibnum composirlon (mole % ) of the
is lhrec 」ッュー ョ ・ョセ@ St.tte an,v ussumpttons
made. Constder the re<lctwns to be:
.t[.-].. _1_ L Q
S- Ill a. 11-( Q jO PQ H セ I@
b Show from !gJ lhol b. II- ( 5 H" (X) (:::) Qセ QMH@ セ Q Q Q@ (.\l)
.t{alnh{Oilt)j a , Ill , 8quilibnum セGHュ ュョエ@ for rcaclion (:t l Ut
• - OJ
SOOK. K1 = |セ Q Y@

セ N@ Sh<lW Oum lb! thot

Equilibnufll c<msnmt for nmtl•on l b) ut
Nエヲ ゥョH」NセIェ@ • "'· ,
, . +41 500 K, K1 = 0.682.
The mlet セ \ャ ャ HI\Aイᆬ@ of wuter (n 1000
l'be proc<!Ss sc.hemauc of 11 propone
kgltn') in a til!ltl onjjled bend· rcdt•<Cr" v,

dt'hydrogcnatton plnnl is shown bclol\ lt

Is deslrc:J ld set up u sitnphlitd セ」イ ウ ャッョ@ of • I mls, '"' sbowo bel01\ The mlcl
the ma lctiitl balance for tins plant Assume diameler セ@ Dt - t) 8 m and lhe oullel
that the ooly rencuon il> the: d.tameler Is Dl = OA m The 11011 Ts

duhydrog.,nauou of propane to propy lene. turbulem and the veii'Cny prolilcs 01 the
there ure no std.: f'C<lctions. The ytcld of mlc1 und outlet ""' flat 1plug now )
gイ。セエョッュ ャ@ ヲオセ@ are ョ ・ァャセ 「ャ ・@
prupy lenc per pu.s IS 3U0 'o (I セ L@ 3Q•,. of the

pmpane entcnng (he r;:actor L' c.onvcrted

to propylene), Assume dlllt the amount or
c:,lrbon fom1ed on rhc catni)'Stts ncglitliblc

Th<l product now mt" (strcnn• S ; ) is 50

lrtnol h. Caltulnte the Oow rates of all the streams N01icc thut all stre:uns

a. Fend the pressure drop ll't - 1'2) noross

tbe bend assumm¥ ncglli!Jblc cイャ・セ エ ッョ@
oセ ... ᄋ@ ャッセBs N@
8 uf'l
b If tho actual prcssw'e drop is (P, - P>) GO For ll counter-current, multistage contact,
= 3.25 kPa, find the friction loss factor show that it' the drrving force for ウ ッャエセ@
(K,) bnsed on the veloc1ty v 1 transfer IS constant lnr all trays, then the
57 l'he wlumctrie now rate duru1g constant number of stases 1s grvcn by
pressure filirat1on 1S N, )•.Lセ@ - I;
til" I 1; - IILY 0
eft K,l. I lq, Y1 .._ j X,
where V セ セ@ the total volumc or filtl'!ltll
collected m ume. r. <md K, and '!<• are

a. Integrate. the above equatton to obtain
a relat ion between V and l
b. M@ke セ@ sketch of t/V versus V rrom
イセNᄋ ᄋ@ • "' ^エセN@
your results. (I l A sugary subslance A 1s added lo a pol of
milk (inlually c.;unammg no AJ and stirred

c GIVen V セ@ 1.0 litre all セ@ 41J sand V - vtgorously by a spO<.m so that the
2,0 liternt.t - IOSJ s, und .K.. concentratton of A, C A, IS unifom1
58. A :!00 W heater has a spbencaJ casiJ1g of everywhere. The mass transfer cocflic,cnt

diameter 0,: m, ille beat IJ:ansfer for the. trnn$fer of A mto the liqt;Ud is k,J セ@
coel'ficoenl fur conduct 1011 and COII\'IlClJon I • lcr" m/s, Soltd t\ is 11dded 1n great
from the castng lo the nmb1cnt a.r 1s eltCess compared ro the. saturation•capacity
obtamecl from N•I = :::.+O6 Re11 Pr1 1 with
ra of milk to dissolve A. Assume セュ エ@ tho
tl e セ@ 1D' anu Pr = o 6<J, 'The temperature soluj-ltq111d mterf.1cml area SIJIYS constant
of the ambieot ;111' is Jo•c and the the1mal throughout the dissol1ttion process nnd Qセ@
」ョ ョ、 オセエョッケ@ of air IS k = 0.02 Wlm K. given セケ@ s : tOOO em· Den ve the
expressiQn fo1· CA versus time, t Pind the
a. Find the heat Jlux from tho sutface at
steady state time laken for('' 1 /C ·: セ P N YU@
b. Find the steady state sttllace I·,; : 5•1 o- kmtllm"; V1 = 1000 cm1

エセ ュ ー・イ。ャ@ of the casmg. 1>2. The. concentration versus botch tome data

c. Find the temperature of the casutg at ror a COrlSUWI VOIWlle. ISOthermal batch
Steady State ro1• SWgualll tlJIC \Vby IS reactor lS given 111 the Table below.
this sitwtllon ーィケセエ」オャ@ utfCliSihle? 1\ssumlllg the reacuon to be tirst order m
59 A 1-2 shell. and tube lte;n exchanger has A find the best value of l<t by least

Jlqutd (specific heat Cv) llowmg at a mass squan.<s regression

flow nne. til 10 the tubes and saturated , (&) 0 30 tJU 90 120 QAセ@ 1$0
steam \temperature T.l condeusmg oa lhe LC,(1<mol/mf i i.OO 10.9110,&9 10;11 10;16 10,12 0:70

セィ ・ャ@ 63. A CSTR and a PfR of equal volume V


Sld O.
ot Gall)' out a 、 エQ・イ ョセャ@ energy 「ョ ャ セョ 」・@ !each) are セゥ ・ョ@ カ for セQ ・@ condl1ct or a
on u smgle tuf?e to sho"'' lllllt second-order, ISOthermal, ltquid phase
reac.t10n 1l1e reactors are 10 be arranged

r m ur -
N , J=
Jr!JI ' ('r -1')
• scquc!lllally (iu sertcs) Find U1e vnluas of
where T 1S tbe ternpemrure ol' lh<t the converswnr for 1he rwo possthle
reacror arrnngemenl.$

llquid, N is lbe nuUlber of tubes 1U a

pass, z IS ャ「セ@ 、ゥッエ。ョセ・@ ulong U1o tube, D A ....!L.. B,k, = tm' /k.rnol s. r 1,. = 0. 1
ts the mner dmn<eter oft he tubes and U kmolitn1s and t = 5 s \lor volun1e V)
is tho overall heat b·anst'cr 。ッ 」ャゥエセョ@ f>4 ftnd the ・セーイウ Q Pセ@ f'or the effec11 veness
based no the ms1de surface area factor of a cataly st pellet· 111 the form of a
b O.btmn an ex.press1011 for the thin slab such tl\at the area oftW\) opposite
temperature of the Iiqutd at 1he cx1t of faces ゥセ@ much larger than the area of the
the heat exch:mgsr, T 1 The length ,,r other four faces Material A can diffuse
the. tube« is L qnd ャ ゥアセエ、@ entero the ィ・セエ@ l'rorn both the ャ 。イァセ@ faces. Assume a first
exchanger at tempernture T11 order r<!<Jttion and isolbol1'11lll, trtevcrs1ble
ll<lndiliOnt. 111C (1\0 lal'gO ヲセcs@ are
"' - L {E:
separnle..l h)' a 、Qセu」・@
<lill\JSI\-il\ llf A in the セャッィ@
21\, lht e1l'cc1ivc
i1 0,, an<J the a vJJ:
role l)(>uslonl ;. donolcd h\' セ Q @ C'otculate the diameter ッヲエャセ・@ conbctor.
65. The hnl juncJiun nf • ィセョオャ クZッ オイャ」Z@ hi\ ing 08. A plant designer bas to cbou.c bd\\..CO
1;mc 」ョセオャ@ r mm Gセ@i miti:a1l\ at room equipment l Md equipment L Equipment
lcmllefOIUI-.: nf セo G c N@ •\I 11mt 1 .:_ (I min.. it 1 L< made of special maten•l •ncl rcqui""'
il pLl•ed 1R • h3th held 31 IOO'C tィセ@ no mamten•nce. I he cost or the equ ipment
1hcrmocouplc: i• cunn<eted 10 • n:corder セ@ Rt. 3.00.000 Eqwpmc:nt 2 rs of • lo\\ a
1\luch ha1 fMt 、セョ。ュゥ」ウ@ ,-\tt - '2 ュゥョNLャィセ@ cost DlJitcri•l lllld costs Jb. 1.50.000. for

hot junohon i. Q|ゥエィ、イjセ^ョ@ liurn the ィセエャ@ matnlel\.ln<:e of equipment 2. •
ond held in the: •ir \\ hi.:h セ@ •I ;lO (" From maintenance Cffil nf Rl< I O,t]()() h3< lo he
11M: n:cmded d••• Ihe uluc of d I ell •• 1 セ@ p•KI >1 l,hc end of ach '""'· 1,11c of
2 mtn. 1> Xセco@ IO \OU ell dt - - equipment 2 i$ four >=• "hile that of
2.5°C min. AI I 2· m10. Js llu> 11<111 equipment l"' S Y""r> Interest r•te is 15°o
•uffident lo c:.akulolo tho llmc contllnt of ""'mpounded annllllll\ <"•lculat<: the

the thcmlOCO\lplc? lr so. SliSjil'll a ーョZッセ\ャゥh^ヲィ@ of ゥョャエセオZ@ to 1><: uoallc for
pto«dure fol eolc:ubhon or ltmc II•• cocb equipment and cho<,.e the upti<on
c.onstnnt 't. セィゥ 」ィ@ h;,• 1he lo\\er presen1 \\Orth

66. ll1c trunsli::r function of o "Y'I<:tn Fqu.ipmc:nt I has 3 •3hage •·alue 1)1 R1
30.000 |ャィセ・@ equipment '2 hM n<) ウ。 ャ カッウセ@
coNmting of • th.:nnal カZセャ・@ P"''"''"·
\'Q ャオ セ N@
mcasurmg 'ysk:m ゥセエ@ gl\"tn by
69 ャ イ セGゥョA@appmpriillc nrucwral fonnulac.
ra t.T(.r) 5
1>Titc lhc Cljllllti011! rt:pn:.,mtlng the
V(o) HsウN ャ Iャo N sセ@ r ii(O. I• 1) follo11 ing o·eaelio"" uo the
lniliolly " pmpm1ionnl c<IIHI'HIIcr \lith sloidtiometriC<ltlv babnced fonn.
pro1wo1innn I Bエョセゥ オカゥャ ケ@ f., i• オセ ・、@ l'hc a. Oehydrogen..'lion nf ISopropanol 10
.:oolroll•1· Q(IUMlon I• a.:.:(C)IId.
6/(• |M k LN H at N セD Q@ .ar( •·J) where r.., I• b. II) dtofonnylalion of propylom. lo
the Set poinl l'ind the Volue o f h., - !{.,,.,..
c. Nil111tlon ofloluene tu ッMョャエュ・セ N@

>h<>vc wludo U1e cloocd loop "ill be

urulllblc:. Cnn you us' 1l1c イッセオャウ@ oJ tl1c d. lhidalion u[ " urncne lo c umcnc
K, to tunc byclroparoxidc us in!\ oxygen.
dO<cocl loo1lrt1ponsc 31 f...,...,.
3 PID conLmller 10 @ セ ィ u\cd in ptuco of the e. lsomonsallon of n·hntane to ISO\>I<Ione
proportiollJII conlrollc• 'IIJ oo. @ Z N ィ ・ エ セ ャ オ ォ ョ 」 70. t\Mwer each of the Jollowmg questions ln

one ⦅[L」ョj・セN@
tuning pnrnmctctli of tho ccnltotlcr
•· \\lhol function doc. the mcc'10bnnc
6 7. i\ pad-ed sa. llquod contactor employ,
p<:rfonn in the membnlne cell lor the
ccl'3mlc ijッセ@ uddlt:s (38 mm). TI1c ga1
ntanufacture of 1\aoH?

ャオセ\@ raie. G U セs@ • and l!" d•11sitv. 1111

b. \\'Jut is the J!<DcDe clu:cnieal nJtnc rur
- l .S kwn1 '. TI1c t.quMI llo" rate. L 30
the class of ーッャセョオZ@ whicl> ano
k!! • and liquid dcnsol) l't. IOOU ksm 1

i;nol' n •• nylon•?
fhc column i• to be dc:sogned for a fur
c. "Name the COmmonly U.'«:c.l ーイッセ@
(lr>::S.<UI't dmp ul セR@ m1n II:(), No1to11't ll1e mdJiufactUfC of •)nth,.,;. g.. liu111
com:lotion for lloi.s pr<J.<Un: drop;.
the n•lllnl gu .

•• d \\ h31 cllan!!¢ in the d""il!ll of the

pSQgセ@ セ i@ 6)ntllcsis ァ[セ\@ comf"'e8S<>n. ba!
K- fl.
=olulio>nW:d Inc セュッョゥ@
, (p, p )
ュャオヲセイ・@ during the recent )CArl'/
wheN " no\\ .:oc;llidc:nl ,.... tiquod e Slate the m;tior 3d\ :mt•gc: of the f...n ll
\ iscosity 11)'1 :-.s m2, 0,. @AJ iJOW rotC pro<.'es.> Ill cr liter Olhcr pf(I<...,SC> (or the:
l"'r nn11 CI'Q'" •ceuor1.3l 3rc3 kg (mJ• セ@ Fp = m•nuf•olurc or r'pcl' pulp?
packing foetor • 170m f... is given by QセZ@

cquotion: K 0.62 • O.S(m • O.Sj for O.S _

m _ 1.0 1\ hcac

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