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Copyright Law


The market for video games has increased dramatically in the past decades. As the market for video
games grew so did its challenges. In this project the author specifically focuses on the copyright issues
relating to producing movies through video games. The research paper specifically deals with copyright
and trade mark law.

Copyright is a concept intended to protect and honour the creation of a particular person, Without
copyright or trademark law there is no way of honouring or or giving credit to a person for his dedication
and hard work. Till the recent times copyright was only applicable to dramatic and literary works, but
due to the tremendous growth of IT(Information Technology) industry, government in several countries
over the recent years have started to adapt websites, video games and make them registered under the
umbrella of copyright, So that they can be protected.

Parts of videogames that is copyrightable

To put things in perspective under copyright for a videogame is intended to protect the art, the true
story of the game, while it is not necessary for the copyrightable product to be registered; there are
several advantages of registration of the copyrightable product1. The code2 written for the specific game
can be protected as literary work under copyright, while at the same time the artwork and the sound
work can be copyrightable under audio-visual work.

The main intension behind profesation of the dichotomy which is intended in protecting the core sense
of the idea and not the idea of one’s own conception

Gangjee, Dev S. “Copyright Formalities: A Return to Registration?” What If We Could Reimagine
Copyright?, edited by REBECCA GIBLIN and KIMBERLEE WEATHERALL, ANU Press, Acton,
2017, pp. 213–252. JSTOR,
Cisco v. Arista, Case No. 5:14-cv-5344-BLF (N.D. Cal. NC)

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