Common Prepositions: Preposition Time Example Place Example

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Common Prepositions

about beside off

above between on
across by over
after during through
against except to
along for toward
among from under
around in until
at into up
before like with
behind of without

Preposition Time Example Place Example

year in 1942 country in Zimbabwe
in month in August state in California
season in the summer city in Chicago
time of day (not with night) In the afternoon

Preposition Time Example Place Example

day on Monday surfaces on the table
On dates on May 23 streets on 124th Street
specific days/dates on Monday modes of transportation on the bus

For Supporting Sentences

above all but for instance in particular moreover subsequently
also conversely furthermore later on nevertheless therefore
aside from correspondingly however likewise on one hand to begin with
at the same time for example in addition meanwhile on the

For Concluding Sentences

after all all things considered in brief in summary on the whole to sum up
all in all finally in conclusion on balance thus
Negative Words
never no hardly
nobody none scarcely
no one not barely
nowhere rarely
Common Helping Verbs
am is are
was were be
being been have
has had do
does did can
could may might
must will should
would ought to used to

Gerund Verb Followed by a Gerund

moving Denise considered moving to Paris.
cleaning I hate cleaning the bathroom.
winning Nate imagines winning an Oscar one day.
worrying Mom says she has stopped worrying.
taking She admitted taking the pumpkin.
Infinitive Verb Followed by Infinitive
to help Jessica offered to help her move.
to arrive Mick expects to arrive early.
to win Sunita wants to win the writing contest.
to close He forgot to close the curtains.
to eat She likes to eat late.

Sentences with Verbs Followed by Gerunds

Base Form of Verb and Infinitives
Begin 1. John began crying.
2. John began to cry.
Hate 1. Marie hated talking on the phone.
2. Marie hated to talk on the phone.
Forget 1. Wendell forgot paying the bills.
2. Wendell forgot to pay the bills.
Like 1. I liked leaving messages.
2. I liked to leave messages.
Continue 1. He continued listening to the news.
2. He continued to listen to the news.
Start 1. I will start recycling immediately.
2. I will start to recycle immediately.
Try 1. Mikhail will try climbing the tree.
2. Mikhail will try to climb the tree.
Prefer 1. I prefer baking.
2. I prefer to bake.
Love 1. Josh loves diving.
2. Josh loves to dive.

Independent Clause Coordinating Independent Clause Revised Sentence

I will not be attending the for (indicates a I have no one to go I will not be attending the
dance. reason or cause) with. dance, for I have no one to go
I plan to stay home. and (joins two ideas) I will complete an I plan to stay home, and I will
essay for class. complete an essay for class.
Jessie isn’t going to be at nor (indicates a Tom won’t be there Jessie isn’t going to be at the
the dance. negative) either. dance, nor will Tom be there.
The fundraisers are but (indicates a I don’t think many The fundraisers are hoping for
hoping for a record- contrast) people are going. a record-breaking attendance,
breaking attendance. but I don’t think many people
are going.
I might go to the next or (offers an I might donate some I might go to the next
fundraising event. alternative) money to the cause. fundraising event, or I might
donate some money to the
My parents are worried yet (indicates a I have many friends My parents are worried that I
that I am reason) at school. am antisocial, yet I have many
antisocial. friends at school.
Buying a new dress is so (indicates a result) By staying home I Buying a new dress is
expensive. will save money. expensive, so by staying home I
will save money.
Function Conjunctive Adverb Example
Addition also, furthermore, moreover, Alicia was late for class and stuck in traffic; furthermore, her
besides shoe heel had broken and she had forgotten her lunch.
Comparison similarly, likewise Recycling aluminum cans is beneficial to the environment;
similarly, reusing plastic bags and switching off lights reduces
Contrast instead, however, conversely Most people do not walk to work; instead, they drive
or take the train.
Emphasis namely, certainly, indeed The Siberian tiger is a rare creature; indeed, there are fewer
than five hundred left in the wild.
Cause and accordingly, consequently, I missed my train this morning; consequently, I was late for
Effect hence, thus my meeting.
Time finally, next, subsequently, Tim crossed the barrier, jumped over the wall, and pushed
then through the hole in the fence; finally, he made it to the

Order Purpose
Chronological Order To explain the history of an event or a topic
To tell a story or relate an experience
To explain how to do or make something
To explain the steps in a process
Spatial Order To help readers visualize something as you want them to see it
To create a main impression using the senses (sight, touch, taste, smell, and sound)
Order of Importance To persuade or convince
To rank items by their importance, benefit, or significance

Topic Thesis Statement

Music piracy The recording industry fears that so-called music
piracy will diminish profits and destroy markets,
but it cannot be more wrong.
The number of consumer choices available in Everyone wants the newest and the best digital
media gear technology, but the choices are extensive, and the
specifications are often confusing.
E-books and online newspapers increasing their E-books and online newspapers will bring an end
share of the market to print media as we know it.
Online education and the new media Someday, students and teachers will send avatars
to their online classrooms.
Word Antonym Word Antonym
absence presence frequent seldom
accept refuse harmful harmless
accurate inaccurate horizontal vertical
advantage disadvantage imitation genuine
ancient modern inhabited uninhabited
abundant scarce inferior superior
artificial natural intentional accidental
attractive repulsive justice injustice
borrow lend knowledge ignorance
bravery cowardice landlord tenant
create destroy, demolish likely unlikely
bold timid, meek minority majority
capable incapable miser spendthrift
combine separate obedient disobedient
conceal reveal optimist pessimist
common rare permanent temporary
decrease increase plentiful scarce
definite indefinite private public
despair hope prudent imprudent
discourage encourage qualified unqualified
employer employee satisfactory unsatisfactory
expand contract tame wild
forget remember vacant occupied
Slang Word or Phrase Meaning
Check it out, check this out v. look at, watch, examine
Chocoholic, workaholic, shopaholic n. a person who loves, is addicted to chocolate/work/shopping
Stuff n. things (used as a singular, noncount noun)
Taking care of business doing things that need to be done
Pro n. a person who is a professional
Crack up v. to laugh uncontrollably
Veg (sounds like the veg in vegetable) v. relax and do nothing
Dude, man n. person, man
All-nighter n. studying all night
Cool adj. good, fashionable
Gross, nasty adj. disgusting
Pig out v. eat a lot, overeat
Screw up v. make a mistake
Awesome adj. great

Idiom Definition
a blessing in disguise a good thing you do not recognize at first
a piece of cake easy to do
pulling your leg making a joke by tricking another person
the sky is the limit the possibilities are endless
better late than never it is better to do something late than not at all
get over it recover from something (like a perceived insult)
I have no idea I don’t know
not a chance it will definitely not happen
on pins and needles very nervous about something that is happening
on top of the world feeling great

Transitions That Show Sequence or Time

after before later
afterward before long meanwhile
as soon as finally next
at first first, second, third soon
at last in the first place then
Transitions That Show Position
above across at the bottom
at the top behind below
beside beyond inside
near next to opposite
to the left, to the right, to the side under where
Transitions That Show a Conclusion
indeed hence in conclusion
in the final analysis therefore thus
Transitions That Continue a Line of Thought
consequently furthermore additionally
because besides the fact following this idea further
in addition in the same way moreover
looking further considering…, it is clear that
Transitions That Change a Line of Thought
but yet however
nevertheless on the contrary on the other hand
Transitions That Show Importance
above all best especially
in fact more important most important
most worst
Transitions That Introduce the Final Thoughts in a Paragraph or Essay
finally last in conclusion
most of all least of all last of all
All-Purpose Transitions to Open Paragraphs or to Connect Ideas Inside Paragraphs
admittedly at this point certainly
granted it is true generally speaking
in general in this situation no doubt
no one denies obviously of course
to be sure undoubtedly unquestionably
Transitions that Introduce Examples
for instance for example
Transitions That Clarify the Order of Events or Steps
first, second, third generally, furthermore, finally in the first place, also, last
in the first place, furthermore, finally in the first place, likewise, lastly

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