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Test Taker GS) PRAXIS. Score Report STACY L. SPIVEY Report Date: August 24, 2018 Institution Where Relevant Training Was Received: REGENT UNIVERSITY ‘Canaiate ID Number 11377493 Undergraduate Major ELEMENTARY EDUCATION. Socal Secunty Number (Last Four Digi): mi ‘Graduate Major: (i Oat em 03041087 Educational Level SENIOR (FOURTH YEAR) GPA'35t040 Your Most Recent Test Results Test Date: July 30, 2018 ‘ELEM ED: MULTIPLE SUBJ (500%) REGENT UMVERSITY (515) NCDP TEACHER LICENSURE (846) ELEM ED: READING & LANG ARTS SUBTES (5002) REGENT UNVERSTY (138) vresced NCOP TEACHER LICENSURE (786) ‘Net Reported + 00 0 ‘rage Petermance Range REGENT UNIVERSITY (128) Veaases NCOP TEACHER LICENSURE (7046) Net Reporoa + 100 | a REGENT UNVERSITY (5138) ©... NCOP TEACHER LICENGURE 7046) Not Rporea + Ane me ge REGENT UNVERSITY (135) Vrassed fa NCD TEACHER LICENSURE (7446) Net Repaid + ‘rage Permanoe Range con ELEM ED: MATHEMATICS SUBTEST (5003) ELEM ED: SOCIAL STUDIES SUBTEST (6004) ELEM ED: SCIENCE SUBTEST (5005) ters Revodiy,cnck Your gre Scares and Great Pasay Sin Seeion forourhghet scan pasa rations capeyed, Yous a selata sere +» average Permanca Range - The range of scale aes oaned bythe mc 5 percent haat tars aig tate roids tes Reage Prasmancs Ranges nt Gmutegwnen mer tan Steaks ate theo oe est “Hot Reporter nscatas ne aor was not eprted because neat a utes bth reson "Store autmataiy operate ste caren sone {iomason nt roves or ineareey grea Remini ear ee yc Pena ence Pea eco ane ee eee Enea recbereenremiren ys <1) Peart ETS wil retain your sor fo 10 yeas for eparing purposes. For mare inarmatin on irprting your eore, refer fo"Underslaning You Pras Scores" aval vats oftbraxe Pte mismatonon ena rsquemanta ao aval nine ‘Coprin © 2017 by Eoseatna: Toxin Seren Aight reserved. E13, fw ETS logo ard PRAXIS are repslaed ademas of Edvcatoral Tesing Secs (ETS) Page 1 of 3 Test Taker GS) PRAXIS. Score Report STACY L. SPIVEY August 24,2018 (D Number: {1977403 Your Highest Scores and Overall Passing Status Below are your highest test scores from the past 10 years and the overall passing status (fr any score recipients selected for your most recent tests). Passing status is basod onthe passing score in effoct onthe test date or on the date roported. Scores are not reported ites is nat required by the score recipient. Score recipients reserve the right to accep the reporting of scores but not necessary the Passod/Not Passed situs. Passed Not Passed Information fs not provded mare than ene qualiying sere le used fora fet i Qualivng score isnot avaiable, or tet aken is no used by te score REGENT UNIVERSITY (5135) recipient. VE: ELEMENTARY & SPECIAL EDUCATION (5306) 168 187 Yes W Passed May 42018 | ELEM EDUCATION MULTIPLE SUBJECTS (001) | eLeMeD:READWGALANG ARTS SUBTES (com) 109 ‘7 ar) 30,2018 ELEMED: MATHEMATICS SUBTEST (00) 19 ‘7 a ee) | ELEMED: SOCIAL STUDIES SUBTEST (000) ‘6 “mS ves wyeze | voz | ELEM ED: SCIENCE SUBTEST (008) 199 159 199 ves ~ NC DPI TEACHER LICENSURE (7846) ccs ELEM ED: READING & LANG ARTS SUBTES (6002) 0 Na no Na iy 20,2018 | ELEW Eo: MATHEMATICS SUBTEST (5003) 19 Na no Na ‘ly 20, 2018 _——— — —— : =| | even; Soci sTuDIEs SUBTEST (008) 10 Na No Na ‘uly 20,2018 ‘ELEM ED: SCIENCE SUBTEST (005) 190 NA No NA shy 30,2018 No NA Moy 42018 -RVE: ELEMENTARY & SPECIAL EDUCATION S308) 168 [serah ©2017 by Educ Tsing Soc Argh ara TS, Slog on PRAMS woe atom sual Tsing Sere (ETS) Page 2 of 3 Test Taker AS) PRAXIS. Score Report STACY L. SPIVEY ‘Repon Date: August 24,201 Canciate 1D Number 11377483 Details on Your Most Recent Test Results Test Date: July 30, 2018 ELEM ED: MULTIPLE SUB (5001) ELEMENTARY EDUCATION: READING AND LANGUAGE ARTS SUBTEST (5002) | READING 23outorst 19.24 _IL WRITING, SPEAKING, AND LISTENING 29outot a4 2127 ELEMENTARY EDUCATION: MATHEMATICS SUBTEST (5003) | NUMBERS AND OPERATIONS. 14 outot 16 10.14 ALGEBRAIC THINKING sO outet 12 610 _. GEOMETRY ANO MEASUREMENT, DATA, STATISTI s0 outot 12 69 ELEMENTARY EDUCATION: SOCIAL STUDIES SUBTEST (5004) | UNITED STATES HISTORY, GOVERNMENT, AND CITIZENSHIP 17 outof 25, 1319 lt GEOGRAPHY, ANTHROPOLOGY, AND SOCIOLOGY 12 outof 16 92 LLWORLDHISTORY AND ECONOMICS Boutot 14 710 [ELEMENTARY EDUCATION: SCIENCE SUBTEST (5005) |. EARTH SCIENCE 13.0utof 5 et 1LUFE SCIENCE, 1Seutot17 019 I PHYSICAL SCIENCE 1Soutof17 10.14 + Category level information indicates the numberof test questions answered correctly fr relatively smal subsets ofthe questions. Because they are based on small numbers of questions, category scores are less reldle than Ne oficial seal Scores, which aro based on the ful sts of questions. Furthermore, te {Questions n a category may vary In aficuly fom ane testo another Therelore, the ealogory scores of indvduals who have taken diferent forms ofthe test Sire not necessary comparable Far these reasons, celegory scores should not be considered presse reflection ofa candidates level ot knowecge In that Eategory and ETS recommends that category information not be used to ivorm any decisions affecting candidates wihout caret consigeraion of uch inherent ack of precision “The range of scores earned by the midale 60% of 2 group oes akers who took this form ofthe fest a the mos recent national administration or other ‘comparable tme perod NIC means that his rango was nol computed bocausa fewer than 30 tes takers 00k thi or ol he tst of Bocas than 8 questons athe category or, fora consiructedesponse module, Tower than 8 poms 0 ‘was not taken and, thereore the Information isnot eppicable, Page 3 of 3

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