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SPE 96870

Strength Analysis of Liners for Horizontal Wells

J.C.R. Plácido, SPE, Petrobras; I.P. Pasqualino, COPPE/UFRJ; and C.E. Fonseca, Petrobras

Copyright 2005, Society of Petroleum Engineers

tension/bending loading. In order to generalize, the model
This paper was prepared for presentation at the SPE Annual Technical Conference and input data is parametric.
Exhibition held in Dallas, Texas, U.S.A., 9 – 12 October 2005.

This paper was selected for presentation by an SPE Program Committee following review of
information contained in an abstract submitted by the author(s). Contents of the paper, as
Model Geometry
presented, have not been reviewed by the Society of Petroleum Engineers and are subject to Figures 1, 2 and 3 present three basic geometries with
correction by the author(s). The material, as presented, does not necessarily reflect any
position of the Society of Petroleum Engineers, its officers, or members. Papers presented at slots and holes used in the tests.
SPE meetings are subject to publication review by Editorial Committees of the Society of
Petroleum Engineers. Electronic reproduction, distribution, or storage of any part of this paper
for commercial purposes without the written consent of the Society of Petroleum Engineers is Figure 1 shows longitudinal sets of slots located around
prohibited. Permission to reproduce in print is restricted to an abstract of not more than 300
words; illustrations may not be copied. The abstract must contain conspicuous the circumference. Besides the dimensions of pipe diameter
acknowledgment of where and by whom the paper was presented. Write Librarian, SPE, P.O.
Box 833836, Richardson, TX 75083-3836, U.S.A., fax 01-972-952-9435.
and thickness, the parametric input file allows the definition of
the parameters LESP, CR, LR and number of slots in a set (N).
As the slot has normally a taper shape, internal and external
widths can be provided. Other dimensions, such as CESP and
Liners with slots or holes are broadly employed to
ESP, are calculated automatically.
increase the production of horizontal wells. However, as these
openings at the casing wall can reduce its strength under
mechanical loading, such as radial compression, axial tension
and bending, the structural response of the liners must be
properly studied. A numerical and experimental procedure has
been developed to optimize liner geometries. Different liner
conceptions, with varied arrangements of slots and holes have
been proposed to study its structural response under
mechanical loading. The proposed conceptions were analyzed
with the aid of nonlinear three dimensional finite element
models incorporating metal plasticity, contact behavior and Figure 1 – Sets of Longitudinal slots (Case 1)
large rotations. Experimental tests of liners with slots under
radial compression and bending were accomplished. The finite Figure 2 shows longitudinal slots around the
element models were calibrated through the correlation of circumference. Beside the basic dimensions, the input file
experimental and numerical results. allows the definition of the parameters LR, LESP and the
number of slots (N) in a set.
Develop a numerical model to evaluate the structural
integrity of liners with different pattern of slots, rectangular
and circular, and compare to the strength of an intact pipe.

Normally, time consuming laboratory tests are done to

verify the strength reduction of an intact pipe after being
submitted to machine or laser cutting. This model, after being
validated, can replace the results from laboratory tests,
providing a more flexible and complex analysis of different
slot patterns.
Figure 2 – Slots around the circumference (Case 2)
Model Description
Figure 3 shows the liner with holes. The input file allows
A total of eight numerical models were developed using
the definition of number of holes (N) around the perimeter, the
the commercial software ANSYS™ v6.1 [1]. Such models
diameter of a hole (D), and the spacing LESP and CESP. In order
were done to analyze intact pipes and also three different
to simplify the nomenclature, the different types of liners
geometries of slotted liners under radial compression or
described in Figs. 1-3 will be called as Cases 1, 2 and 3,
2 SPE 96870

respectively. There is also the Case 4, which refers to an intact always generated for the slotted liners (Cases 1 and 2).
pipe. Quadrants 3 and 4 of Fig. 7 represent the contact elements
TARGE170 and CONTA174, respectively, used to simulate
the radial compression load. The element type TARGE170,
with four nodes and three degrees of freedom per node,
simulates a rigid surface. The FE model always generates
these surfaces along the whole pipe length, comprising an arc
length defined by the user. The contact element CONTA174,
with eight nodes and three degrees of freedom per node, is
generated on the loading area. These elements have the same
refinement of the solid elements and transfer the contact forces
Figure 3 – Liner with holes (Case 3) generated by the rigid surfaces.

Finite Element Meshing

The finite element meshing was developed with three-
dimensional solid element with twenty nodes and three degree
of freedom (three displacements) per node, SOLID186,
incorporating finite strains and large rotations. This element is
appropriated to discretize irregular geometries. Figures 4, 5
and 6 present examples of FE mesh showing the solid
elements for Cases 1, 2 and 3, respectively. The contact
elements, which are needed for loading, will be shown
hereafter. The models were generated according to a Cartesian
global reference system, where z axis corresponds to
longitudinal direction. According to the liner geometry and
loading, the plane x-z was adopted as the symmetry plane,
which allows representing only half section of a pipe.
Figure 5 – Finite element mesh for Case 2
The FE mesh of Cases 1 and 2 comprise the modeling of
the regions described in Figs. 1 and 2, respectively, i.e., the
slot set plus two regions of intact pipe, with axial length equal
to LESP/2, at each side of the slots. Such simplification
assumed that the strength results for the analyzed section can
determine the strength of the liner per unit length.

Figure 6 – Finite element mesh for Case 3

Figure 4 – Finite element mesh for Case 1

The first quadrant of Fig. 7 presents the complete mesh

for Case 1, while quadrants 2, 3 and 4 represent the contact
elements separately. For contact simulation between the slot
internal faces, it was used the element CONTAC49, with five
nodes and three degrees of freedom per node. Each element
confers contact between a surface, represented by four nodes,
and one point represented by the fifth node. At the second
quadrant of Fig. 7 are shown the contact elements of the slot
internal faces. Regardless the applied load, such elements are Figure 7 – Complete mesh with contact elements for Case 1
SPE 96870 3

The rigid surfaces that simulate the radial load and the
support are always centralized in relation to the symmetry
plane, i.e., only half surfaces are modeled. For Case 1, there
are two different situations of radial compression load: punch
on the intact area or punch on the slot area. Therefore, when
the radial load is applied on the slots, only one punch centered
in relation to plane y-z is generated (Fig. 10).

Boundary Conditions and Loading

Loading and boundary conditions were generated
according to a nodal cylindrical coordinate system. Therefore,
displacements and rotations on x, y and z correspond to radial,
circumferential and axial directions, respectively.

There are two options for edge boundary conditions when Figure 9 – Deforming history during radial compression
radial loading is applied: free or restricted edges. The free
condition simulates experimental tests performed at
PETROBRAS, and the axial restriction simulates a long pipe
under constant radial load along the liner length. To simulate
symmetry condition, the circumferential nodal displacements
of the nodes located in the plane x-z in y=0 are restricted. For
tension and bending loads, it is assumed a symmetry plane in
z=0 and the nodal displacements in axial direction are

Figure 10 – Deforming history during radial compression on

the slots of Case 1

Radial Compression
The movement of the rigid surface representing the
loading puncture is defined by a control node, which belongs
to the surface itself. During the loading process, the support
surface is fixed, avoiding any translation or rotation. To apply
radial compression, the control node is submitted to negative
Figure 8 – Deforming history during bending displacements in radial direction x. Figure 9 shows the
superposition of deformed (blue) and non-deformed
Tension and Bending geometries during radial compression. It can be verified that
Tension and bending are applied by coupling the nodes of only the right side of the pipe is displaced, while the other side
the free edge to a control central node, imposing a rigid body rests on the fixed surface.
behavior to the node set. In the control node is generated a
beam element with high stiffness (control stick), which allows For Case 1 models, it is possible to choose the position for
the rotation or translation of the free edge. Bending is applied application of radial compression, since in view of its
through rotation around the y axis while tension is applied geometry, the collapse force can be changed. Figure 10
from the prescription of either forces or displacements in z presents the case of loading the slot region, which implies the
direction. In this way, it is also possible to generate a generation of only one loading surface. The convergence for
compressive load in the axial direction. this loading case is hard due to the model curvature inversion,
represented in Fig. 10. As it can be observed, the contact
Figure 8 shows the superposition of deformed (blue) and forces are located at the corner of the loading surface, slowing
non-deformed geometries along with four increments of down the analysis convergence.
rotation at the control node. It can be verified that the control
node rotates in relation to its initial position. In the fourth Material Characterization
quadrant of Fig. 8 was added an amplified detail of the beam The finite element models were defined in the elastic
translation. regime according to the linear isotropic behavior adopting
elasticity modulus of 205,000 MPa and Poisson ratio of 0.3. In
the elasto-plastic regime, it was used the potential flow law
4 SPE 96870

theory under the von Mises yield function with isotropic According to Table 1, the average yield stress for grade
hardening. L-80 is equal to 564 N/mm2 (81,801 psi) for 5 ½” liners, and
592 N/mm2 (85,865 psi) for 6 5/8” liners. The average
In the numerical-experimental correlation were used ultimate strength is 735 N/mm2 for 5 ½” liners and 750
mechanical properties of the steel grade L-80. Such properties N/mm2 for 6 5/8” liners. The average curves of real stress
were obtained from uniaxial tension tests carried out at versus logarithmic plastic strain obtained for the 5 ½” and 6
Submarine Technology Laboratory (LTS) of COPPE, using 5/8” liners are presented in Figures 11 and 12, respectively.
samples manufactured by PETROBRAS. To characterize the
steel grade L-80, six samples were machined. They were Numerical-Experimental Validation
extracted from liners with 5 ½” and 6 5/8” in longitudinal The numerical models for Cases 1, 2 and 3 were validated
direction. The samples dimensions were established according with experimental results provided by PETROBRAS. The FE
to ASTM standards, maintaining the original thickness of the models are capable to work with tension, bending and radial
pipe. They were prepared avoiding any process that could compression loads. However, Cases 1 and 2 were validated
introduce residual stress. Tension tests were performed using using experiments of radial compression while Case 3 has
servo-hydraulic frame with capacity of 250KN at deformation used experiments of bending limit load.
rate of 1 mm per minute. Table 1 presents the mechanical
properties obtained for the six samples, where σo is the yield Case 1 – Liner with set of longitudinal slots
stress and σu is the ultimate strength. Case 1 was validated using twelve large scale grade steel
L-80 models, which were tested under radial compression at
Table 1 – Mechanical properties for steel grade L-80 PETROBRAS Research Center. Two different diameters of
Sample σo (N/mm2) σu (N/mm2) liners were considered, 5 ½” pipes with 0.304” of wall
CPT512A 549.6 734.6 thickness and 14 slots per set and 6 5/8” pipes with 0.352” of
wall thickness and 16 slots per set. The length of the slots (LR)
CPT512B 568.2 734.3
of both geometries is equal to 100 mm. The main
CPT512C 574.2 737.4 characteristics of the tested large scale models are presented in
CPT658A 591.6 753.2 Table 3.
CPT658B 594.2 748.3
CPT658C 590.2 747.3 Table 3 – Main characteristics of large scale Case 1 models
900 Model Load
(in) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
CPC1 5 1/2 13,80 179.4 40 44 Intact
800 CPC2 5 1/2 13.80 179.4 40 50 slot
CPC3 5 1/2 13.80 179.4 40 53 Intact
True Stress (N/mm 2)

700 CPD1 5 1/2 12.26 159.4 60 50 Intact

CPD2 5 1/2 12.26 159.4 60 44 slot
600 CPD3 5 1/2 12.26 159.4 60 50 Intact
CPG1 6 5/8 13.62 204.3 60 47 Intact
CPG2 6 5/8 13.62 204.3 60 48 slot
CPG3 6 5/8 13.62 204.3 60 55 Intact
CPH1 6 5/8 12.29 184.3 80 48 Intact
0 5 10 15 20 25
CPH2 6 5/8 12.29 184.3 80 52 slot
Logarithmic Plastic Strain (%) CPH3 6 5/8 12.29 184.3 80 48 Intact
Figure 11 – Stress-strain curve for 5 ½” liners

True Stress (N/mm 2)


600 Figure 13 – Large scale models of series G after the radial

compression test

500 The models were manufactured comprising two

0 5 10 15 20 25 diametrically opposed sets of slots (Figure 13), cutting the
Logarithmic Plastic Strain (%)
Figure 12 – Stress-strain curve for 6 5/8” liners liner transversely at middle span between slots. As the LESP
SPE 96870 5

corresponds to the intact region (without slots) of the liner, when the loading rate (force/displacement) was reduced to
this parameter must be correctly evaluated after cutting, zero.
because of the correlation between numerical and
experimental results. The column “Load” of Table 3 specifies Table 4 compares the compression limit load of
the position were the radial load is applied, being or on the experimental and numerical results. With the exception of
slots either on the intact region. This can be observed in model CPD2, a good correlation for series C, D and H was
Figure 13 as function of the residual ovalization inferred. obtained. Discrepancies between the analyzed geometry and
the actual one may have caused the difference obtained for
Figures 14 and 15 present the finite elements results of the model CPD2. The material properties may vary from 10 to 20
failure modes of models CPG1 e CPG2, respectively. In the % between different pipe strings. As the coupons cut out for
first mode (Figure 14), when the load acts on the intact region, the uniaxial tensile tests were not obtained from each pipe
the liner bends at its weakest portion (region with slots), tested, it may explain the discrepancy obtained for the models
spanned 90 degrees from the loading point. In the second of series G.
mode (Figure 15), the punch is acting directly on the slots,
causing local deformation and reversed curvature. Figures 14 Table 4 – Comparison of results for model Case 1
and 15 also show the iso-surfaces of von Mises stress obtained Limit Load (Kgf) Difference
at the post-collapse regime. The resulting finite strains can Model
Experimental Numerical (%)
also be verified at the bottom right corner of Fig. 15, being CPC1 4816.9 4854.9 0.79
higher at the edges of the slots. CPC2 5780.4 5723.6 -0.98
CPC3 5783.9 5751.8 -0.55
CPD1 5475.0 5702.9 4.16
CPD2 5038.0 5625.7 11.67
CPD3 5611.9 5702.9 1.62
CPG1 4981.9 5594.8 12.30
CPG2 5338.1 5964.7 11.74
CPG3 5545.2 6443.1 16.19
CPH1 6031.3 6157.5 2.09
CPH2 6515.7 6559.5 0.67
CPH3 5978.7 6157.5 2.99


Figure 14 – Resulting von Mises stress at the post-buckling

regime of model CPG1 5000

Force (Kgf)




0 10 20 30 40
Displacement (mm)
Figure 16 – Applied load versus radial displacement of CPC2
Figure 15 - Resulting von Mises stress at the post-buckling
regime of model CPG2

The correlation between numerical and experimental

results is presented through graphs of applied load versus
radial displacement showed in Figures 16, 17 and 18. It can be
verified that the numerical analysis were conducted along the
post buckling regime while the experiments were stopped
6 SPE 96870

6000 material. The corresponding total logarithmic strains are

shown at the bottom right corner of the figure 20, where the
maximum value of 8.89% corresponds to the maximum true
stress obtained, if Figure 12 is examined.

4000 Table 5 – Main characteristics of large scale Case 2 models

Force (Kgf)

Experimental Model
(in) (in) (mm)
Numerical CPB1 5 1/2 0.304 50
CPB2 5 1/2 0.304 48
CPB3 5 1/2 0.304 48
CPF1 6 5/8 0.352 55
1000 CPF2 6 5/8 0.352 48
CPF3 6 5/8 0.352 46
0 10 20 30 40
Displacement (mm)
Figure 17 – Applied load versus radial displacement of CPD3



Force (Kgf)

3000 Figure 19 – Finite element mesh of model CPB1



0 10 20 30 40
Displacement (mm)
Figure 18 – Applied load versus radial displacement of CPH1

Case 2 – Longitudinal slots around the circunference

Case 2 was validated using six large scale grade steel L-
80 models, which were tested under radial compression at
PETROBRAS Research Center. Two different diameters of
liners were considered in this case, 5 ½” pipes with 0.304” of
wall thickness and 6 5/8” pipes with 0.352” of wall thickness. Figure 20 - Resulting von Mises stress at the post-buckling
Both the liners used 23 slots around circumference with length regime of model CPF1
(LR) equal to 100 mm. The main characteristics of the tested
large scale models are presented in Table 5. The correlation between numerical and experimental
results is presented through graphs of applied load versus
Figure 19 shows the FE mesh used to correlate the radial displacement showed in Figures 21 and 22. The
experimental results, where the detail of the slot termination is numerical analysis were carried out beyond the collapse load,
represented at the bottom right corner. In order to simplify the while the experiments were stopped after the first unloading of
FE mesh generation a square edge was not used. Instead, the the liner. The difference between the numerical and
slot tapers to a single line (pyramidal shape). experimental limit loads is shown in Table 6. With the
exception of model CPF2, all the analysis presented good
Figure 20 presents the resulting von Mises stress at the correlation with the experiments. From Table 5 it can be
post-buckling regime of model CPF1, in which are verified verified that the numerical results are according to the
true stress levels beyond the engineering ultimate stress of the parameter LESP, while the experimental result of model CPF2
SPE 96870 7

is not. The length of the intact region contributes a lot to the span. Latter, finite element models under the commercial
ultimate strength of the liner. framework ABAQUS were used to correlate the experiments.
The large scale models tested are 5” external diameter steel
Table 6 – Comparison of results for model Case 2 grade P-110 pipes with wall thickness of 0.362” and nominal
Limit Load (Kgf) Difference weight per unit length of 18 lb/ft.
Experimental Numerical (%)
CPB1 5494.3 5207.4 5.22 Table 7 – Main parameters of the large scale models
CPB2 5180.2 5015.6 3.18 (Meniconi et al. [2])
CPB3 5222.3 5015.6 3.96 Diameter of the
Model Holes per foot
holes (inch)
CPF1 5640.0 5801.1 -2.86
TB01 Intact -
CPF2 4669.5 5205.4 -11.48
TB03 12 3/4
CPF3 4720.4 5013.6 -6.21
TB04 18 1/2
6000 TB05 24 1/2
TB06 18 5/8
TB07 24 5/8

The FE models developed to simulate the experimental

4000 tests of Meniconi et al. [2] were loaded through the
prescription of edge rotations until the limit load. Figure 23
Force (Kgf)

Experimental shows a deformed configuration after the collapse (ultimate

Numerical strength) of the liner.



0 10 20 30 40
Displacement (mm)
Figure 21 - Applied load versus radial displacement of CPB2



Figure 23 – Superposition of deformed and endeformed mesh

Force (Kgf)

3000 90
Bending Moment (KN.m)


50 TB01
0 40 TB04
0 10 20 30 40 50 30 TB05
Displacement (mm) TB06
Figure 22 - Applied load versus radial displacement of CPF3 20 TB07
Case 3 – Liner with holes
The model of Case 3 was validated using the results of a 0
numerical and experimental study carried out by Meniconi et 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35 0.40
al. [2]. There were tested several types of liners with holes as Rotation (rad)
showed in Table 7. The large scale models were supported at Figure 24 – Applied bending moment versus edge rotation
the edges and bent with the aid of concentrated load at mid
8 SPE 96870

The graphs of Figure 24 show the curves of applied

bending moment versus edge rotation for the six analyzed FE
models. The maximum bending moments obtained were used
to compose a ratio (reduction factor) in relation to the
maximum bending moment of the intact pipe. Table 8 presents
the comparison of these reduction factors with those obtained
by Meniconi et al. [2]. As verified at the last column of Table
8, the differences between the experiments and the FE models
of Case 3 are smaller than 3%. The model developed
improved the finite element results obtained in Meniconi et al.

Table 8 – Numerical and experimental results of the reduction

Meniconi et al. [2] Model Difference (%)
Exp. Num. Case 3 Exp. – Case3
TB03 0.819 0.880 0.797 2.68
TB04 0.850 0.910 0.836 1.64
TB05 0.828 0.900 0.815 1.57
TB06 0.788 0.870 0.800 1.52
TB07 0.775 0.850 0.771 0.52

The work developed generated a nonlinear finite element
tool to calculate the ultimate strength of liners with slots or
holes under radial compression, axial tension or bending
loads. The parametric finite element models developed are
useful to the design of optimized configuration of liners,
capable to provide the required strength and to keep the slot
width within the tolerances.
The FE models developed were validated with the aid of
experimental tests carried out at the PETROBRAS Research
Center (CENPES). The correlation between numerical and
experimental results is within engineering precision. Some
discrepancy verified are probably due to poor evaluation of the
material properties.
The next step of the ongoing research project is to
investigate the reduction in strength of the liners with
openings, in relation to intact pipes of same nominal
dimensions. This study can optimize the design of future

The authors would like to thank Petrobras for the
permission to publish this paper.

[1] ANSYS, “Ansys User’s Manual (Release 6.1)”, Ansys
Inc., USA, 2002.
J.H.B., “Análise de Integridade de Tubos Perfurados”, IV
Seminário de Engenharia de Poço, Rio de Janeiro, 2003.

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