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Lesson plan

Cervical cancer


Priyanka Singh
M.Sc (N) 1st Year,
Aurovindo College of Nursing

Subject : gync

Unit :
Topic : cervical cancer
Group :

Place :
Date :

Time :
Teaching method :

Teaching aids :
The student develops in depth understanding of cervical cancer

The student is able to,
 define cervical cancer
 explain the causes of cervical cancer
 List the risk factors of cervical cancer.
 Explain the Pathophysiology of cervical cancer.
 List the sign and symptoms of cervical cancer
 List the stages of cervical cancer.
 Explain the type of cervical cancer.
 Explain the management of cervical cancer.
 Enlist the prevention of cervical cancer.
1. To introduce the INTRODUCTION: cervical cancer is the third most Chalk What do you
topic common cancer in woman worldwide, cervical cancer board Introduce the mean by cervical
is disease that develops quite slowly and begins with a topic. cancer?
precancerous condition known as dysplasia. Dysplasia
is easily detected in a routine pap smear and is
completely treatable. Cervical cancer is a malignant
tumor deriving from cells of the cervix.

2. DEFINITION: cervical cancer is a malignant tumour Define the topic Define cervical
To define the topic. deriving from cells of the “cervix uteri”, which is the cancer?
lower part, the “neck” of the womb, the female
reproductive organ.
To explain the CAUSES: List down and List down the
causes. Explain the causes?
Human papillomavirus- infection with the causes.
common human papilomavirus {HPV} is a cause of
approximately 90% of all cervical cancers. About
half of the sexually transmitted HPVs are Chalk
associated with cervical cancer. board

Sexual history: A woman has a higher-than-

average risk of developing cervical if she:

 Has had multiple sexual partners

 Began having sexual relation before the

age 18yr
 Has a partner who has had sexual contact
with a woman with cervical cancer.

4. Risk factors: Enlist the risk What all the risk

To enlist the risk factors. factors of cervical
factors. cancer?
Risk factors for cervical cancer include:
 Many sexual partners. The greater your
number of sexual partners — and the greater
your partner's number of sexual partners — the
greater your chance of acquiring HPV.
 Early sexual activity. Having sex at an early
age increases your risk of HPV.
 Other sexually transmitted infections
(STIs). Having other STIs — such as
Chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis and HIV/AIDS
— increases your risk of HPV.
 A weak immune system. You may be more
likely to develop cervical cancer if your immune
system is weakened by another health
condition and you have HPV.
 Smoking. Smoking is associated with
squamous cell cervical cancer
 Long term use of contraceptive pills
Explain the
5. pathophysilogy of Explain the
To explain the cervical cancer. pathopysiology of
Sexual activity
pathophysiology of cervical cancer?
cervical cancer.
Entry of HPV

Virus enters in the basal layer of cervix

HPV infects the basal cells

Damages the genetic material of the cells

Cells become pre cancerous

Damaged cells continue to multiply

6. Enlist the type of
Types of cervical cancer List the type of cervical cancer?
cervical cancer
To list the types of The type of cervical cancer that you have helps
cervical cancer. determine your prognosis and treatment. The main
types of cervical cancer are:

 Squamous cell carcinoma. This type of

cervical cancer begins in the thin, flat cells
(squamous cells) lining the outer part of the
cervix, which projects into the vagina. Most
cervical cancers are squamous cell
 Adenocarcinoma. This type of cervical
cancer begins in the column-shaped
glandular cells that line the cervical canal.

Sometimes, both types of cells are involved in

cervical cancer. Very rarely, cancer occurs in other
cells in the cervix
7. Symptoms: Early-stage cervical cancer generally
produces no signs or symptoms. List down the sign Enlist the sign
and symptoms of and symptoms of
To enlist the sign and cervical cancer. cervical cancer?
symptoms. Signs and symptoms of more-advanced cervical
cancer include:

 Vaginal bleeding after intercourse, between

periods or after menopause
 the most common warning sign of cervical
cancer is unusual vaginal bleeding or
discharge that may be heavy and have a
foul odor
 Pelvic pain or pain during intercourse
 Heavier and longer menstrual period
 Discomfort while urinating
 Pelvic pain, leg pain
 Weight loss constant fatigue.
 PHYSICAL SIGNS: the cervix bleeds on
 It is friable.
 It is fixed and lost it mobility.
8.  Induration of cervix. What all the
List down the diagnostic
Diagnostic evaluation: diagnostic evaluation of
To list the diagnostic evaluation. cervical cancer?
evaluation.  Physical examination
 PV Examination
 PAP test: routine screening for cervical
abnormalities can detected early stage
cancer and precancerous condition. In this
cells are scraped from the cervix and
examined under a microscope to check for
disease or other problem.
 HPV DNA test: like Pap test, the HPV DNA
test involves collecting cells from the cervix
for lab testing.
 Colposcopy: colposcope is use to
illuminates the cervix for biopsy.
 Cervical “PUNCH” biopsy- small tissue
samples are taken from the cervix and
examined for disease or other problem.
 Cold cone biopsy- a large area of tissue
around the cervix is excised for
 Other : CT scan, MRI, x-ray, pelvic
9. Explain the stages What all the
To explain the stages of cervical cancer. stages of cervical
STAGES: cancer is confined to the cervix.
of cervical cancer. cancer?
 Stage 1: cancer is confined to the cervix.
 Stage 2: cancer at this stage includes the
cervix and uterus, but hasn’t spread to the
pelvic wall or the lower portion of the
 Stage 3: cancer at this stage has moved
beyond the cervix and uterus to the pelvic
 wall or the lower portion of the vagina
 Stage 4: at this stage, cancer has spread
to nearby organs, such as the bladder or
rectum, or it has spread to other areas of Enlist and explain
To enlist and explain the body, such as the lungs, liver or bones. the management Explain the
10. the management. of cervical cancer. management of
Management : cervical cancer?

 Medical management:
 Chemotherapy: is the use of chemicals
{medication} to destroy cancer cells. Cytotoxic
medication prevents cancer cells from dividing
and growing.
 Radiation therapy: work by damaging the
DNA inside the tumor cells, destroying their
ability to reproduce.
 Surgical management :
 Laser surgery: a narrow beam of intense
light destroys cancerous and precancerous
 LEEP {loop electrosurgical excision
procedure}: a wire loop which has an electric
current cuts through tissue removing cells
from the mouth of the cervix.
 Cryosurgery: compressed nitrogen gas flows
through a cryo probe making the metal cold
enough to freeze and destroy the abnormal
cervical tissue.
Enlist the
 Hysterectomy
List down the prevention of
11. Prevention: To reduce your risk of cervical cancer: prevention of cervical cancer?
cervical cancer.
To list the
 Get vaccinated against HPV. Vaccination
is available for girls and women ages 9 to
26. The vaccine is most effective if given to
girls before they become sexually active.
Recommended schedule is 0, 1-2, 6
 4 week between doses 1 and 2
 12 week between doses 2 and 3
 24 week between doses 1 and 3
Administer IM
 Have routine Pap tests. Pap tests can
detect precancerous conditions of the
cervix, so they can be monitored or treated
in order to prevent cervical cancer. Most
medical organizations suggest women
begin routine Pap tests at age 21 and have
test annually
 Practice safe sex. Using a condom,
having fewer sexual partners and delaying
intercourse may reduce your risk of
cervical cancer.
 Don't smoke.
 Delay first sexual intercourse.
12. to explain the nursing
Nursing management:
Dietary management- flavonoids are chemical
explain nursing What all the
compounds in fruits and vegetables that are through to management nursing
be a leading source protection against cancer. The management?
flavonoid rich foods are apples black beans, broccoli,
Brussels sprouts, cabbage, garlic, onions, soy, and

 Folate {a water soluble B vitamin} reduces the

risk of cervical cancer in people with HPV. Food
rich in folate include avocados, breads, lentils,
orange juice and strawberries.
 Carotenoids, a source of vitamin A, are also
helpful in preventing cervical cancer risk. Food
such as carrots, sweet potatoes and pumpkin
are rich in vit.A.

Summary: today I deal with the topic cervical

cancer its causes, sign & symptoms, pathophysiology,
stages, managewment and its prevention.

 Fraser, M.Dave and loop, A manget (2009). Myles
text book, of the midwifes 13th edition Elsevier Ltd
 D.C. Dutta text book of gynecology including
contraception 5th edition
 Internet reference

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