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Your Baby Deserves a Good Start in Life!!


Babies have a lot to learn,

but not all babies are learning as well as they can.

If your baby or toddler is not developing as expected,

there is help available through our state’s Birth to Three System.

Here are some examples of typical child development:

• • • • 1-2 months • • • • • • • • 3-4 months • • • •

able to suck and swallow holds a rattle and smiles
startled by loud noise holds head up well
pays attention to faces nearby shows gains in height and weight
• • • • 4-6 months • • • • • • • • 6-9 months • • • •
reaches for and grasps objects babbles and laughs out loud
moves toys from hand to hand sits up without help
smiles at others plays peek-a-boo and pat-a-cake
rolls from tummy to back and creeps or crawls forward on tummy
back to tummy by moving arms and legs
• • • • 9-12 months • • • • • • • • 12-15 months • • • •
pulls to a stand comes when called by name
picks up small objects drinks from a cup
waves “bye-bye” takes turns rolling a ball
• • • • 15-18 months • • • • • • • • 18-24 months • • • •
looks at picture books carries objects while walking
likes to push, pull, and dump things uses 2 or 3 word sentences
tries to talk and repeat words gives hugs and kisses
walks without help follows simple directions
• • • • 24-30 months • • • • • • • • 30 months and older • • • •
runs well, with few falls helps with getting dressed
holds a crayon, likes to scribble walks up and down stairs
turns door knob, unscrews jars sings simple songs
can eat without help understands right from wrong

If your baby or toddler is not yet doing most of the things expected for his age,

Don’t Wait!!
Talk with your child’s doctor about how early intervention can help. Or call:

Child Development Infoline 1-800-505-7000


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