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Brief the interview with Liz from APYE Thailand 2019 (from 12h- 12h30 on 25 April, 2019)

This afternoon, I had an interview for The Asia-Pacific Youth Exchange (APYE). If I pass the interview,
I can join the APYE event in Bangkok this August with about 200 young people in Asia- Pacific region.
My interviewer was Liz from APYE Thailand 2019. She spoke English very quickly and professionally.
I cannot guess where she comes from but I think she is not Thailand people.

At the beginning of the interview, she introduced herself to me.

Liz: My name is Liz from APYE. I am your interviewer today. The online Interview will take 30 - 45
minutes. Are you ready?

Mikka: Yes. I am ready.

Liz: Could you please tell me a little bit about yourself?

Mikka: My name is Mikka. I come from Vietnam and I am currently living in the Philippines. I am
formal intern at Vietnamese Overseas Initiatives for Conscience Empowerment (VOICE). At this time,
I am assisting some works at VOICE.

Liz: Where did you find our organization?

Mikka: Well, I have a friend (just shoot the breeze  ). She sent me a link of this event then I
clicked it. Wow. This event talks about SDGs which I really enjoin. So I know about your

Liz: Do you know anything about SDGs?

Mikka: Well. Luckily, I joined an event about SDGs in Cambodia last month so I know basis
knowledge about SDGs. SDGs were adopted by UN in 2015, including 17 universal GOALS. I really
focus on GOAL 16, talk about Peace and access to justice.

Liz: You said that you focus on GOAL 16. Could you please tell me about the relevant between your
work, the situation in your community and how you can apply GOAL 16 ?

Mikka: As an activist, I really care about the rule of law in Vietnam. I am working some projects
related to advocate for prisoners of conscience in Vietnam. Vietnam is still a dictatorship so the
government does not listen to us. I think SDG, especially GOAL 16 is one of the effective method to
advocate for human rights because SDGs is not too sensitive.

Liz: Have you worked in a group?

Mikka: Yes, of course. When I studied in the university, I often discussed with my classmates to do
excesses . I also worked with my colleges to come up with cases for 2 years in a law firm. Then I
came to VOICE. Here I had a chance to discuss with interns and staffs about human rights for 6
months. Sometimes, I join some events outside and I always have to to discuss and present.

Liz: Could you please tell me some difficulty when you work in a group?

Mikka: Well. I am working with some lawyers in UN and families in Vietnam to advocate for prisoners
of conscience. At first time, the family agreed to provide information but at the end, they changed
their mind. They were scared and they decided not to provide information anymore. At that time, it
was quite difficult for me to solve this problem because we already scheduled a lot of meeting, drafted
petitions. But that’s ok. We can solve any problem later.
Liz: If a member does not involve group work activities, what can you do?

Mikka: Well, I will not be angry. I will ask them the reason why they cannot join. I will be nice and
encourage them: “This is our group work. Please join. If your need any help, let me know.” If they
do not know how to do their part, I will guide them or share to them other parts that they can do.

Liz: In this event, there are many delegators from many countries in region. If you misunderstood
some cultures with some delegates, what can you do?

Mikka: I traveled many countries in Asia and known many culture in the region so I think that I can
handle it. I will ask my friend to explain more. For example, If I misunderstood with Thailand
delegator, I will ask the advice from my Thailand friend first then I will talk to Thailand delegator

Liz: If the condition in this program is not like you expect such as: the hotel is not clean, loose
electric, loose water, no air condition... What do you feel about it?

The most important thing to me is the people. I mean in this event, I can have chance to connect to
to other people. I can be easy to accept other things.

Liz: As a delegator from Vietnam, what will you share to everyone in this program?

If I have a chance to join this event, I will share stories about human rights situation in Vietnam. And
what I am doing for my community.

Liz: Please tell me some of your expectations in this program?

Firstly, I would like to learn more about SDG, specially GOAL 16;

Secondly, I would like to gain more knowledge and skills to promote civil society and rule of law; and

The most important is network. I would like to meet delegators, especially activists in region. Actually, I
am waiting for other internship. I am also working in some projects. And I believe that we have many
common things in our region. So that’s great if I can find more allies in the futures.

Liz: I will give you a case study. You have a minute to prepare and 3 minutes to present. Are you ready?

Mikka: Yes. I am ready.

Liz: A community in the north of Thailand was burned down by the wildfires/ forest fire what makes
many young people leave the town to the cities. This has led to the imbalance of the current workforce
there. If you were the community leader, what would you do to help the community in terms of solving
the environmental issue as well as to improve the workforce age balance?

Mikka: I am ready to answer the question. If I am a leader of the community, the first, I will organize
classes about environment. Then I make some campaigns to protect environment in that community.
Secondly, I will raise funds; make campaigns to call for help. I think that there are many rich people who
are ready to help the community. That’s my simple answer (  Actually my English is poor. I cannot
analyze deeply.)
Liz: Is there any problem if you come to Bangkok to join this event?

Mikka: I traveled to Bangkok some times. Everything was fine. So I think that I am okay to fly to
Bangkok to join this event.

Liz: Thank you for your time. Interview result will be sent to you in 5 days. If you have questions,
please do not hesitate to email me at or you may also reach out to me at….
Do you have any questions?

Mikka: Nope. Thank you so much for your time. It is the first time I had an interview in English like that.
The questions were very interesting. Even though I did not answer some of them well, I tried my best. I
really feel satisfied with the interview no matter what the result will be. I hope that I have a chance to
join this event and that I can meet you in a person.

Liz: Good luck!

Mikka: Bye bye. Have a nice day.

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