Questions On Race Gender and Class Discrimination: Bbhm-f15-014 Syed Raza Hussain

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Questions on

Race Gender and Class Discrimination

Bbhm-f15-014 Syed Raza Hussain

 How does inequality manifest in the workplace?
 How does social context influence our perceptions of race, class, and gender?
 How does discrimination work?
 How do people experience their age?
 How does sexuality relate to home, work, and family?
 What’s the difference between saying “racist or racism” and “racial bias”?
 What is race discrimination in the workplace?
 What is discrimination based on race?
 What does the Racial Discrimination Act do?
 What are the 4 types of discrimination covered under racial discrimination?
 Do you work for a public or a private employer?
 Among your colleagues are there mostly women or men?
 Would you like to have more women or men?
 What do you think was the reason for not getting the job you applied for?
 Do you feel you are treated equally within the workplace by your employer compared with male
 Do you feel as though male colleagues at your workplace progress their career quicker than
 Do you believe pay inequality exists between males and females with the same credentials in
your workplace?
 In what way (if any) would you say your gender has impacted your chances of receiving (or not
receiving) a promotion at your current workplace?
 Have you ever been a victim of gender discrimination in the workplace?
 Do you feel anything is being done about gender equality?
 Do you feel or know of men feeling they are more superior to women?
 Do you feel or know of women getting more limited opportunities than men?
 Have you ever lost a job opportunity to a man, just because he is of the opposite gender?
 Do you feel or know of women getting lower positions in your occupation because of their
 Is there any occasion at work where you feel you were harassed or bullied due to your gender?
 Based on your experience do you feel that men and women at your workplace are treated
 Have you ever been discouraging from participating in activities such as sports because of your
 What is the problem: racism or class?
 Do you consider that racism exists in the media that you know?
 Do both men and women get paid the same amount of money" for the same -o' at "our
 Do you feel that men get promoted more than women at "our workplace?
 What problems have you experienced because of your gender?
 What could be done to prevent gender inequality?
 Do you think Women should have the same rights as men?
 Do you think women are only good for cooking and cleaning?
 Do you think men should earn more money than their partners?
 Men are better leaders than women?
 Men and women are equal?
 Why do you think women might not try to change the culture of the workplace?
 Would you encourage gender equality in the workplace?
 Do you think Men are in charge, they are always at the top?
 Are Women better at raising children?
 Have you ever witness racial act?
 Have you ever preferred first on the basis of what your religion you belong to?

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