PCM CMM Abstract

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4th Polish Congress of Mechanics and

23rd International Conference on Computer Methods in Mechanics

PCM-CMM-2019, Kraków, Poland, September 8-12, 2019



First A. Author1∗ , Second B. Author2 and Third C. Author3

1 Affiliation (institution only, see example), e-mail address or URL
2 University of Mechanics, Warsaw, SBAuthor@UMech.warsaw.pl
3 Institute for Computer Methods, Cracow, www.icomm.edu.pl/∼TCAuthor

Keywords: Dynamics, Impact Experiment, Meshless Method

Authors are invited to submit electronically a one-page abstract through the Congress website
before March 1, 2019. Abstracts should summarize the main concepts of the work, results and
conclusions, and contain relevant references (Bibtex style plain is advised). Formulae, figures
and tables should not be included.
The abstract must be written in English following the template provided. Times Roman font
12pt must be used, with the exceptions of the title (14pt), affiliations and references (11pt).
The text width is 160mm. The file must be converted into PDF format, other formats are not
accepted. Authors will have a possibility of replacing the file by an updated version after the
acceptance notification.
The abstract must contain full name(s) and affiliation(s) of the author(s). In the case of joint au-
thorships, the name of the author who will present the paper at the Congress should be indicated
with an asterisk.
Papers are accepted assuming they will be presented at the Congress. Preliminary acceptance
of the paper will be announced to the corresponding author by March 31, 2019. The acceptance
can be conditional and a revision can be requested.
The final acceptance of a paper for publication and presentation requires the reception of the
(corrected) abstract in the right format and the payment of the presenting author’s registration
fee until June 30, 2019.
The submission of full papers is not mandatory. Only one presentation per delegate is allowed.
In case of doubts, please contact the PCM-CMM-2019 Secretariat via e-mail to

[1] R. Hill. A general theory of uniqueness and stability in elastic-plastic solids. J. Mech. Phys. Solids,
6:236–249, 1958.
[2] J. C. Simo and T. J. R. Hughes. Computational Inelasticity. Interdisciplinary Applied Mathematics
Vol. 7. Springer-Verlag, New York, 1998.

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