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Article Review 1

Tittle: How Does Gamification Effect The Learning Process?

Author: Mathew Lyngh (2017)

This article tells about the effects of gamification in learning process. In the
context of education, the trend of using game elements in non-game contexts aims at
increasing the engagement and motivation of students, capturing their interest to
continue learning and influencing their classroom behavior.

Gamification in education can improve motivation and engagement. Game

elements such as immediate feedback and earning badges for completing the
challenges successfully are strongly influential on increasing the students’ drive in
engaging in these games even within the walls of a classroom.

Not only that, gamification in education may optimize the brain’s processing of
new information. This may be facilitated by the general aspects of gamified lessons,
with the audio-visual presentation, minimized bites of schematized information, short
time lapses, and often repetitive patterns.

In conclusion, we are at a time where both children and adults spend hours at a
time on games. There is evidence that this may have led to changes in the brain
functions. Thus adopting gamification in education to a certain extent may be a
healthy initiative to modernize education to go hand in hand with the new digital era.
Article Review 2

Tittle: Gamification Is A Key To Motivating Students

Author: Mathew Lyngh (2018)

This article is about how the gamification is able to motivate the students in study.

By applying the motivational power of gamification to the motivation problems in

learning, more effective learning can take place. One way to do this is by applying
rewards to the learning process. Incentives like good grades, virtual rewards and
leveling up encourage students to participate more often and keep them coming back
for more.

When teachers apply the principles of game design to the classroom, the
students no longer fear failure. Rather, they view it as a necessary part of learning. It's
an opportunity to learn from the mistake and improve. Effort, rather than mastery, is
rewarded in this type of a system. It reduces the stakes of each attempt and
minimizing pressure to succeed at first try, which changes the student's relationship
with failure.

These elements of gamification have been found to be extremely useful in

improving children's learning experiences. They allow teachers to create personalized
content that is specific to their environment and learning objectives. Furthermore,
games have been found to be effective in teaching children values and information
about the world around them that traditional methods might not effectively convey.

Article Review 3

Tittle: What is Gamification and Why Use It in Teaching?

Author: Macie Hall (2014)

This article tells us about the gamification and the reasons of applying it in
teaching process. Gamification is defined as the application of typical elements of
game playing (rules of play, point scoring, competition with others) to other areas of
activity, specifically to engage users in problem solving. Games are a form of active
In learning management, the idea of “active learning” is so important. As an 11th
grade teacher, I find it necessary to make lessons engaging and relevant. Gaming
can challenge players to tackle real-world problems at a planetary-scale. Creating
real-world scenarios for students is vital to their development as productive citizens of
a global world. Particularly, with 21st century Digital Learners, it is a challenge to
maintain students’ attention. Gamification can resolve that issue by adding
competition, fun and critical thinking to lessons. It is so true that students learn by
doing and gaming is a fantastic way to motivate and encourage student achievement.

Gamification in the classroom is able to motivate, capture and retain our students’
attention. It challenges them, engages them and entertains them, and most of all it
teaches them using various modalities which is a critical part of preparing them for
21st Century Learning.
Article Review 4

Title: Gamification in Education: 4 Ways To Bring Games To Your Classroom

Author: Suzanne Holloway (2018)

This article tells the ways how to bring game to the classroom. The first way is
gamification in grading. Lee Sheldon, a professor at Indiana University, who gamified
his course by abandoning grades and implementing an “experience points” system.
Students’ letter grades are determined by the amount of points they have
accumulated at the end of the course, in other words, by how much they have

The second way is award students with badges. For each assignment completed,
award students with badges. This may seem like a regression back to Kindergarten
stickers of gold stars. As students watch instructional videos and complete problem
sets, Khan Academy awards them with points and badges to track progress and
encourage perseverance. This will let the students more interesting sbout the lesson.

The third way is integrate educational video games into the curriculum. The use
of games allows students to fail, overcome, and persevere. Students are given a
sense of agency—in games, they control the choices they make, and the more
agency students have, the better students do. Instantaneous feedback and small
rewards (or big ones, like winning) are external motivators that work.

The forth way is stir up a little competition. Previously using iClicker to quiz her
students on the assigned reading, Celine found that the use of the tournament
function egged on some competition, boosted morale and got her students excited
about demonstrating their understanding. So the students can be more understand
the topic and will explore the topic by themselves.
Article Review 5

Title: "Gamification in Education," in Learning Theories

Author: David L (2016)

This article tell that gamification in learning involves incorporating game elements
to motivate learners. Elements to motivate learner are narrative, immediate
feedback, fun, “Scaffolded learning" with challenges, mastery (for example, in the
form of leveling up), progress indicators (for example, through
points/badges/leaderboards, also called PBLs), social connection and player control.

Benefits to gamification in education are students will feel ownership over their
learning. There are more fun in the classroom. Learning becomes visible through
progress indicators. The students may uncover intrinsic motivation for learning.
Students can explore different identities through different character and often are
more comfortable in gaming environments.

There are three main ways that gamification can be applied to a learning
environment. These include adapting grades, changing the classroom language, and
modifying the structure of the class. Instead of solely using letter grades, there might
be a ladder of experience points (XP) that the student climbs.
Article Review 6

Title: The Unstoppable Growth of Gamification and Digital Learning Games in


Author: Gamelearn (2016)

This article tell gamification in education has always been present with the goal of
boosting motivation and making learning a fun and effective process. In 2010, 47% of
teachers claimed to use online videos in their lessons, a figure that rises to 68% in
2015. The sudden rise of academic interest by teachers in the use of videogames and
game-based learning could mean a new awakening in digital learning.

In fact, to implement game-based learning remains a challenge in many schools.

Many educators and experts emphasize the long way to go to get teachers to change
their teaching methods. Experts agree that the key to finding the best games to learn
is to consider those who teach students in innovative ways, rather than those which
simply repeat traditional exercises in a digital environment.

Games are a great asset when it comes to providing students with multiple ways
of learning. Games are engages which improves retention of learned content by a
90%, thanks to the adventure aspect, which turns learning into an entertaining and
appealing activity for the student. Videogame can help students to relax and improve
their self-confidence improves by a 20% compared to other learning methods. It
improves performance. Game dynamics motivate the student, increasing their
performance and improving skill development by a 20%.

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