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Article Review 3

Tittle: What is Gamification and Why Use It in Teaching?

Author: Macie Hall (2014)

This article tells us about the gamification and the reasons of applying it in
teaching process. Gamification is defined as the application of typical elements of
game playing (rules of play, point scoring, competition with others) to other areas of
activity, specifically to engage users in problem solving. Games are a form of active
In learning management, the idea of “active learning” is so important. As an 11th
grade teacher, I find it necessary to make lessons engaging and relevant. Gaming
can challenge players to tackle real-world problems at a planetary-scale. Creating
real-world scenarios for students is vital to their development as productive citizens
of a global world. Particularly, with 21st century Digital Learners, it is a challenge to
maintain students’ attention. Gamification can resolve that issue by adding
competition, fun and critical thinking to lessons. It is so true that students learn by
doing and gaming is a fantastic way to motivate and encourage student

Gamification in the classroom is able to motivate, capture and retain our

students’ attention. It challenges them, engages them and entertains them, and most
of all it teaches them using various modalities which is a critical part of preparing
them for 21st Century Learning.

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