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EDU-218, Integrated Lesson Plan. 4.6.


Integrated Lesson Plan Format

Name: Mallorie Shonehair

Date:April 16 2019
School: PCM


1 Descriptive Title of Lesson

Biological Evolution: Unity and Diversity
2 Date of Lesson

3 Grade Level being Taught

3rd Grade
Core Subject: Science Core Lesson: Biological Evolution: Unity and Diversity

Fine Arts Subject: Sculpting Fine Arts Lesson: Sculpting

Brief description of how you will blend the two lessons together:
Students will be learning how fossils impact the world and why they are important to us. We will
go into talking about dinosaurs and the fossils they made and how they help us today and how
to make them and then they will actually make them in small groups.

5 Duration: Length of Lesson - may be one session or continued for several days with different
This lesson will take place over two days. On day one we will be learning all about fossils and
how they are formed and we will even look at some fossils. At the end of day one we will start
mixing the flour, salt, and water together and then they will pick and item that they want to
fossilize, and the item will be put in the mixture to harden overnight. On daytwo we will pull the
two pieces apart and take the object out and then we will analyze each others fossils.

6 Objective for each Subject: Students will be able to . . .

1. Objective/s: Students will be able to
1) Students will be able to read a understand what fossils are.
2) Students will be able to work together in groups and discuss what fossils are and how to
make them.

2. Fine Arts Objective/s: (Dance, Media, Music, Theatre, Visual Arts) Students will be able to…
1) Students will be able to mix flour, salt, and hot water together to make a fossils of their
2) Students will be able to use the mixture they made to make their own type of fossil.

7 Iowa Core Standard:

● Science and Math are listed by subject and grade
● Technology is listed in 21st Century Skills (Located under Browse by Subject)

Fine Arts Standards: National Core Arts Standards

EDU-218, Integrated Lesson Plan. 4.6.2019

(Complete listing of all labels, numbers and wording is required)

Create personally satisfying artwork using a variety of artistic processes and materials.

8 Vocabulary words/terms and definitions

Fossils- the remains or impression of a prehistoric organism preserved in petrified form or as a mold or
cast in rock.

Fossilized- Preserved to become a fossil.

Analyze- Examine methodically and in detail the constitution or structure of something.

Evolution- The process by which different kinds of living organisms are thought to have
developed and diversified from earlier forms during the history of the earth.

Preserve- Maintain (something) in its original or existing state.

9 List of all Materials used in lesson: (specify what type of handouts, books, ipads, pencil, paper,
A handout about what fossils are and how to analyze them that goes with a video that will be
shown in class they will use the handout as a guide.
Flour, salf, and warm water.
An object like a dinosaur, leaf, rock ect.

10 Anticipatory Set (Hook) Quick introduction - How will you grab your students’ attention about
this lesson?
(Show them a fossil that a previous student has made) Have you ever wanted to know how to
make a fossil of your own? We are going to look at how they impacted the world and even
some fossils that dinosaurs made.


11 Instructional Input: Brief summary of lesson - What are you going to teach the students?
What activity are the students going to do? What will their assessment consist of?
The students will learn what fossils are and what they are made of and why they are important
in today's world. They then will be put into small groups and we will be making them and putting
our own things in fossils.
EDU-218, Integrated Lesson Plan. 4.6.2019

12 Checking for Understanding/Questioning Strategies: Teacher asks questions from the

Instructions he/she just presented to check if all students understand the concepts. Teacher
may review parts of lesson to reinforce particular confusing concepts. Teacher can tell if some
students still need additional small group or individual assistance.

13 Teacher Modeling: (I DO) Teacher demonstrates how to do activity (Use as many steps as
Example of a list:
1.First we will learn about fossils.
2. Next we will look closely at fossils in class as a big group.
3.Then we will analyze them in small groups.
4. Next they will be given different ingredients and instructions.
5. Then they will follow the directions to make the mixture for the fossils.
6.Next they will pick an object that I have brought in like a leaf,flower, coins, or a plastic toy and
they was put it in the mixture that they made and press it in.
7. Finally we will pull the object out and analyze the fossil.
14 Guided Practice: WE DO (Teacher and students do together) Can ask individual student(s) to
volunteer or have short all-class “rehearsal”.
I will ask them questions about what makes something a fossil and then we will go over the
directions on how to mix the flour, salt, and warm water. They will get a packet that tell them
step by step exactly what to do so they will also be working on reading directions. I will also be
doing it along step by step with them, until they sorta get the hang of what is going on.

15 Independent Practice: (YOU DO) Students work on activity, individually or in groups

Students will be in groups of three and they will reading the directions then I will come around
and make sure they know exactly what they are doing. As they are working I will be walking
around to make sure that the are on the right path.

16 Describe assessment strategies (How does teacher measure that students’ have reached the
objectives of lesson; how will work be graded or measured?
I will know students understand if they have made the fossil similar to the model and they are
able to tell anyone about it, the important parts of it, and how it is made in the real world.

17 Closure: (Review and Clarify Key Points)

Students will learn about fossils and learn how to analyze them and then they will be given
ingredients and make the mixture for the fossils they will be making. Next they will read the
directions and follow them. Last they will make their own fossil.

18 Differentiated Learning: (Modifications for students who learn differently)

Students who learn differently will work with students who are more advanced and they will
work together to help each other.

EDU-218, Integrated Lesson Plan. 4.6.2019

☐ Change pace of instruction ☐ Shortened assignments ☐ Audio-taped stories

☐ Preferential seating ☐ Highlighted texts ☐ Assistive technology
☐ Defined physical space ☐ Frequent feedbacks ☐ Oral responses
☐ Peer tutoring ☐ Oral tests ☐ Reduced paper/pencil tasks

Bilingual Modifications: English language learners will be grouped with bilingual students to assist
them with project. Spanish speaking students will write responses in their own language.
The ESL instructor will make student assessments in collaboration with Teacher.

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