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Prelab Questions


Buffer solution is an aqueous solution of a weak acid and its conjugate base or a weak base and its
conjugate acid.

A buffer solution is used to maintain pH constant during chemical reaction or in biological system as

Components required are:

Weak Acid+ Conjugate Base

Weak Base+ conjugate Acid

Consider a buffer:

HA  H   A 
HA Weak Acid
A - Conjugate Base

If a strong acid is added, A- consumes it and equilibrium is shifted to left.

If strong alkali is added, HA consumes it and equilibrium shifts to the right.

The weak acid is represented by HA and conjugate base by A-

Consider 4 molecules of each as exhibited in the diagram 1
According to Henderson equation:
conjugate base
pH  pK A  log
conjugate base
When 1; log value will be zero
pH  pKa
conjugate base
When 1; log value will be positive(c onjugate base exceeds pH of solution

pH  pKa  positive value

Hence pH will be greater th an the original solution..

Acid is added corresponding to half the amount of conjugate base. The original diagram had 4
molecules of A-.
Acid reacts with conjugate base giving equal amount of weak acid HA. So 2H+ react with 2A-
giving 2HA.
conjugate base
So amount of conjugate base will be decreased and will be lesser than 1. So
log of this item will be negative and
p H =p Ka+ (negative value)
Hence pH will be less than original solution.



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