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Steve’s Philosophy Statement 1

Steven Gonzalez’s Teaching Philosophy

Steve’s Philosophy Statement 2


This paper is over the way I will think about teaching and the different ideas I have for my future

students. I am very focused on making an impact in their lives because of the fact that I know

teachers possess the capability to do so, especially the good ones. I talk about how I plan on

implanting different life lessons into my day to day interactions with the kids and hoping to be a

person in their life that they can look up to. The idea of having all these young children with their

malleable minds excites me and makes me want to focus all my energy into making sure I am not

wasting the opportunity I have but also making it fun for the kids, so they do not realize how

deep the learning is going. It is a daunting task but one I am ready to dedicate a lot of tome and

energy to.
Steve’s Philosophy Statement 3

A lot of kids today feel as though they have many problems in life and they let those problems

consume them. I have seen this at many different points in my life. This is something that

worries me to no end. I do my part now by being there for people and helping them talk

through situations. I have gone through a lot of bad times in my life and because of this, I have

become very good at identifying depressive thought traps that people like to fall into. As I

continued to help more and more people, the reward I felt from doing so became more and

more greater. This is something that is at the fore front of my philosophy of teaching. The idea

that I will have hundreds of kids who are socially primed to listen to the things I say makes me

very excited and hungry to feed their developing brains with different information and

becoming a role model for them. I plan on having different ways of implanting life lessons and

promoting the role music can play in feeling better as a person. I want to push the idea that we

cannot let our past failures or hardships define who we are in the present moment of life. I

want to create lifelong learners who do not shy away from a task they know nothing about but

get excited to take in new knowledge and grow as a person in some way. There are so many

things I want to do, and I am aware that I will not get through to all the kids I teach but I will try

my hardest to develop a way to make these lessons learned subliminally and without directly

telling kids these heavy subject matters. I will be obsessed with finding new ways to get

through to my students and I am very. Excited to do so.

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