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team building organization context where there was a given

structure and culture.

W. Gibb Dyer, Jr. The goals of almost all team-building efforts
are to help group members develop a sense
In the general field of organization development of trust among themselves, open up channels
(OD), the title given to the process of inter- of COMMUNICATION so that all relevant issues
vening in organizations to improve productivity can be discussed, make sure that everyone
and morale has been called team building. It understands the goals and assignments, make
was probably the first innovation in the OD decisions with the commitment of all members,
movement, advancing the basic premise that prevent the leader from dominating the group,
before any group of people can begin to improve openly examine and resolve conflicts, carry out
their performance, group members must be able assignments, and regularly review and critique
to work together effectively and collaboratively. work activities to improve processes.
Team building, then, is a planned, systematic While it was recognized early on that groups
process designed to improve the collaborative differed along a series of important dimensions
efforts of people who must work together to (e.g., size, composition, length of life, nature
achieve goals. of the task, degree of interconnectedness of
Team-building methods grew out of an earlier individual tasks or assignments, sophistication
invention called the training group (or T- of team members in group dynamics, time
group). This learning process, developed in the frames and deadlines, management patterns,
late 1940s and 1950s, featured an unstructured and organization culture), there has been a
group, usually a collection of strangers, for the tendency to consider all groups (or teams)
purpose of allowing interaction to occur without as being similar and team-building methods
predetermined direction. Out of this interac- were commonly applied to all types of groups.
tion, participants were trained to observe how Practitioners began to consider that different
the dynamics and structure of a group emerges, actions needed to be taken if one was working
and to gain insights into their own and other with a new team, a team rife with conflict, an
members’ interaction styles. Emphasis was also apathetic team, a team dominated by a boss, or
placed on giving personal feedback to all group one split into cliques. An expanded set of actions
members, and as the T-group movement devel- and skills was developed to meet these various
oped, this latter emphasis began to predominate, conditions, and a repertoire of team-building
subordinating group dynamics analysis. models emerged (see CONFLICT AND CONFLICT
Participants in early T-groups were captivated MANAGEMENT).
by the impact the group had on them in terms of In recent years, the most dramatic difference
increased TRUST, openness, and cohesiveness. in team-building methods has been between
In an attempt to transfer these same conditions decision teams and work teams. A decision team
back to their organizational settings, T-group such as a management executive committee or a
trainers were asked to conduct the T-group university academic department, or a collection
training for organizational work teams. These of doctors or lawyers in a clinic or firm, must
early practitioners found that the T-Group function as a team primarily to make decisions.
methodology, which was appropriate for under- These team members do not have to coordinate
standing how a group forms and giving feedback their daily tasks to accomplish a goal. They do
to relative strangers, was less suited to groups of have to make decisions which people can accept
employees with specific assignments, common and implement with commitment. In contrast,
work goals, and a longstanding knowledge of a work team (e.g., a hospital operating unit, a
each other. The T-group methodology had to be police SWAT team, a NASA space crew, and
altered to take into account the conditions found some production units) must coordinate its
in work groups with common goals, specific efforts constantly every day. This has led to a
assignments, deadlines, allocation of important new set of methodologies around building the
rewards such as salary and advancements, and autonomous or semi-autonomous work team
often high task interdependence within an (see WORK GROUPS/TEAMS). It is apparent that

Wiley Encyclopedia of Management, edited by Professor Sir Cary L Cooper.

Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
2 team building
work teams must also make a range of decisions, All group members share their responses to
so effective decision making is a central activity. the above questions, a list of issues is developed
Another recent phenomenon has been the specifying changes needed, and change actions
advent of “virtual teams,” which are work teams are agreed upon and taken.
composed of individuals who work in different Another common design (Role Clarification
locations and therefore must communicate and Model) asks each person in the work group to
coordinate team activities primarily through describe their work or job assignment, obtains
information technologies. This creates unique clarification from others about the job, and then
challenges for creating common goals, values, encourages agreements from every other person
and effective working relationships in such about what is needed from them in order for the
teams (Thompson, 2004). person in question to get their job done. This is
Dyer (1995) found that many company execu- especially useful when work roles are not clear.
tives said that they believed team building to be A fundamental principle of team building
important but few (only 22%) actually engaged is that it is a process, not an event. Too many
in any ongoing team building. When asked why companies have a one-time team-building event,
team-building programs were not being used, with no long-lasting results. Research by Boss
the executives listed the following: (1989) has noted that personal management
interviews (regular interviews between the
Managers did not know how to do team building. team leader and team members concerning team
They did not understand the rewards. performance) in conjunction with team-building
They thought it would take too much time. activities reinforce and sustain positive changes
in teams over time.
Team building efforts were not rewarded in the
People felt they did not need team building. See also group decision-making
People felt it was not supported by their supe-
riors. Bibliography

Simple team-building activities focus on

Boss, R.W. (1989) Organization Development in Health
asking team members to address the following
Care, Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA.
Dyer, W. (1995) Team Building: Current Issues and New
Alternatives, Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA.
What keeps our work group from being an effec-
Fisher, K. (1993) Leading Self-Directed Work Teams,
tive team? McGraw-Hill, New York.
What changes would help us become a better Thompson, L.L. (2004) Making the Team: A Guide for
team? Managers, 2nd edn, Pearson, Upper Saddle River, NJ.
What are we currently doing that helps us work Zenger, J.H., Musselwhite, E. and Hurson, K. (1994)
together as a team? Leading Teams, Business One Irwin, Homewood, IL.

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