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Dawn Belanger

TPACK Template

Subject English

Grade Level 7th grade

Learning Objective 7.5 The student will read and demonstrate comprehension of a
variety of fictional texts, narrative nonfiction, and poetry.

a) Describe the elements of narrative structure including

setting, secondary character development, and theme


Complete the following sentences:

1. The online course I’m teaching in for this activity is asynchronous (asynchronous or
Pedagogy Planning

2. In this online activity, my online students will use a simulation on Harry Potter’s
setting, secondary character development, and theme to provide context to the book
to have an individual experience based upon their unique choices. Each child’s end result
will be different, and I will grade them online by a screen shot of the completion of the
simulation at least until Ch. 3 and a final essay describing the setting, the secondary
characters, and theme .
Online Activity -The students will read Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s
Stone by J. K. Rowling.
-The teacher will provide a video in Blackboard explaining
what setting, secondary characters, and theme are. The
teacher will also explain that these are the elements to look
for while going through the simulation that will help
provide context to the reading of Harry Potter.
-In Blackboard, the teacher will provide the instructions for
the assignment along with instructional videos on where
and how to download the “Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery”
app, how to get started in the app to start the simulation
(these instructions will include how to build an avatar in the
simulation), how to take a screenshot and send it through
email, how to set up Skype created in Screencast-o-matic
for any questions the students may have during the
assignment, and how to send their photo attachment in
Blackboard (also created in Screencast-o-matic).

-Students will download the “Harry Potter Hogwarts

Mystery” app from the Apple Store or Google Play on their
tablet or cell phone.
-The teacher will explain to the students that they will need
to go through the simulation at least until chapter 3. Once
they get to chapter 3, they will need to take a screen shot of
its completion to turn in.
-The students will be instructed to take notes on setting
(how did they get to Hogwarts, what does it look like, what
are the different shops and rooms the characters go to),
secondary characters (describe them, what is their role, how
do they act towards your avatar), and theme.
-Once the simulation is done to at least chapter 3, the
students will write an essay describing what they found out
about setting, secondary character development, and theme
of the simulation (1-2 paragraphs for each section). The
teacher will explain that they will need to keep this essay
for another writing assignment later.
-Students will submit their essays in the “Harry Potter
Context Assignment” link in Blackboard and send the
downloaded photo of their screenshot as an attachment.
-The teacher will assess the assignment by checking the
screenshots to make sure the simulation was completed and
by checking to make sure the major elements are described
accurately and sufficiently.

Technology -Computer to receive instructions for the assignment with

camera and microphone capabilities
-Blackboard program
-Email and/or Skype for questions during assignment
-Tablet or cell phone

-Downloaded app “Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery” from

Apple or Google Play
-Reference Website:

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