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UNIVERSITY EXAMINATIONS UNIVERSITEITSEKSAMENS. UNISA lex SMN301S January/February 2013 SAFETY MANAGEMENT Ii Duraton 2 Hours 70. Marks EXAMINERS FIRST MR NJF VAN LOGGERENBERG SECOND MR P NAIDOO Closed book examination. ‘This examination question paper remains the property of the University of South Africa ‘and may not be removed from the examination venue ‘This examination question paper consists of 2 pages. [TURN OVER] 2 ‘SMN3O1S . January/February 2013 QUESTION 1 ‘The Safety Management Process can be divided into four (4) basic tasks In addition to these basic tasks, there are six (6) additional functions which a manager must perform to achieve the enterprise's goals Explain what these functions entail with the aid of a diagramme (15) QUESTION 2 Good satety leaders usually possess certamn personal qualities or charactenstics Describe ten (10) of these qualities [10] QUESTION 3 A key question that usually 1s asked: Why change? Describe ten (10) typical circumstances why an organisation may want to or is forced to change. [10) QUESTION 4 An effective investigation programme should be a fact-finding, not fault-finding exercise Identify and describe the key factors that you should consider during your investigation [19] QUESTION 5 Explain the following key elements of the following evaluation techniques in the context of Safety Management 5.1 Management access 6) 52 Budgeting (§) 53 Personal details 6) (15) QUESTION 6 ‘There are a number of hazard categories that would be used when identifying hazards in a risk assessment process. Describe five (5) of these categones and provide an example of each type of nsk for each category. [10] (TOTAL: 70} UNISA 2012

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