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Works Cited

Ahmed, Azam, and Eric Schmitt. “Mexican Military Runs Up Body Count in Drug War.” The

New York Times, 21 Dec. 2017, (8)

Beaubien, Jason. “As Drug War Turns into Quagmire, Fear Rules Mexico.” NPR, NPR, 2 Aug.

2010, (1)

Beaubien, Jason. “Mexico's Drug Cartels Use Force to Silence Media.” NPR, NPR, 3 Aug. 2010, (6)

Beaubien, Jason. “Mexico's Vacation Paradise Marred by Drug Carnage.” NPR, NPR, 5 Aug.

2010, (5)

Craig, Brent Renaud. “Return to Juárez.” The New York Times, The New York Times, 17 Oct.

2009, (3)

Craig, Brent Renaud. “The Most Dangerous Beat.” The New York Times, The New York Times,

7 Dec. 2010,

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Falko, Ernst. “'The Training Stays with You': The Elite Mexican Soldiers Recruited by Cartels.”

The Guardian, Guardian News and Media, 10 Feb. 2018, (12)

Fisher, Max, and Amanda Taub. “Building a Mini-State with Avocados and Guns.” The New

York Times, 10 Oct. 2018, (13)

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Fischer, Max, and Amanda Taub. “Mexico's Record Violence Is a Crisis 20 Years in the

Making.” The New York Times, 20 Jan. 2018, (9)

Jarman, Janet, director. Reforming Mexico's Police. The New York Times, The New York Times,

12 Mar. 2011,

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Malkin, Elisabeth. “Mexico Strengthens Military's Role in Drug War, Outraging Critics.” The

New York Times, 16 Dec. 2017, (14)

Neuman, William. “As Drug Kingpins Fall in Mexico, Cartels Fracture and Violence Surges.”

The New York Times, 21 Dec. 2017, (11)

News, CBS, director. Bribes or Death in Mexico. CBS, CBS, 17 July 2011, (4)

Semple, Kirk, and Paulina Villegas. “Mexico Approves 60,000-Strong National Guard. Critics

Call It More of the Same.” The New York Times, The New York Times, 1 Mar. 2019, (15)

Tuckman, Jo. “Mexican Vigilantes Take on Drug Cartels - and Worry Authorities.” The

Guardian, Guardian News and Media, 28 Oct. 2013, (10)
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