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UNIVERSITY EXAMINATIONS: UNIVERSITEITSEKSAMENS UNISA lesen SMN301S October/November 2011 SAFETY MANAGEMENT Iil Duraton 2 Hours 70 Marks EXAMINERS FIRST MR NJF VAN LOGGERENSERG SECOND MR P NAIDOO, This examination question paper consists of 2 pages This examination question paper remains the property ofthe University of South Africa and may not be removed from the examination venue ANSWER ALL THE QUESTIONS [TURN OVER] 2 SMN301S OCTOBERINOVEMBER 2011 QUESTION 1 The Safety Management Process can be divided into four (4) basic functions, in addition to these basic functions, there are six (8) additional functions which a manager must perform to achieve the enterprise's goals Explain what these functions entail with the aid of a diagramme (15) QUESTION 2 Good safety leaders usually possess certain qualities Descnbe ten (10) of these ae QUESTION 3 A key question that will always be asked is Why change? Descnbe ten (10) typical examples of why an organisation may want to or is forced to change [10] QUESTION 4 An effective investigation programme should be a fact-finding, not fault-finding exercise Identify and describe the key factors that you should consider during your investigation [10] QUESTION 5 Explain the following key elements of the following evaluation techniques in the context of Safety Management 51 Management access (5) 52 Budgeting (5) 53 Personal details (5) 115) QUESTION 6 There are a number of hazard categories that would be used when identifying hazards in a tisk assessment process Describe five (5) of these categories and provide an example of each type of nisk for each category [10] TOTAL: 70 ©. UNISA 2011

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