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ELED Lesson Plan

Template 6-19-18
University of Nebraska Kearney Teacher Education 
Lesson Plan Template  
Red notes - Required for TE 312/313; Skip over grayed out areas

Name: Beth Revelo Date/Time: 4/9/2019 11 AM -12 PM

Subject: Math
Unit: Measurement
Lesson: Volume & Rectangular Prisms: Picture Book Lesson
The Best Vacation Ever by Stuart Murphy

Setting and Assessing Student Learning Outcomes/ Knowledge of Resources

Learning Goals (1f-2) MA 5.3.3.b: Use concrete models to measure the volume of rectangular prisms in cubic units by counting cubic
NE Standards​ and/or ​Developmental Indicators units.

Learning Objectives: Content ​(​1c-2​) Given an exit slip, that is Kahoot!, at the end of a lesson with dimensions (l x w x h), students will use snap cubes to
What do you want your students to know and do in represent the volume of a prism with 100% accuracy.
content areas? (Remember, these must be
observable and measurable and contain the
conditions, behavior, and criteria required for
One objective should align to your planned assessment at
the end of the lesson.

How does the learning objective connect to previous and This will build on previous measurement learning from 3​rd​ and 4​th​ Grade: MA 4.3.3.b ​Identify and use the appropriate tools, operations, and
future learning experiences? ​(1c-1)  units of measurement, both customary and metric, to solve real-world problems involving time, length, weight, mass, capacity, and volume.
Align previous and future learning indicators from the State Standards. MA 3.3.3.d ​Identify and use the appropriate tools nad units of measurement, both customary and metric, to solve real-world
problems involving length, weight, mass, liquid volume, and capacity (within the same system and unit).
It will connect to future learning experiences in 6th grade and beyond when they will compare and perform measurements as well as applying
MA 6.3.3.b Determine the surface area of rectangular prisms and triangular prisms using nets.
MA 6.3.3.c Apply volume formulas for rectangular prisms.

Essential Question (1a-1) ● What is the maximum volume for one piece of luggage under the restrictions? What are the dimensions of
Question for students to answer or demonstrate by end of a box of this volume?
What ​vocabulary​ do the students need to learn in ● Cube: A 3D four-faced square prism. All six of its faces are congruent.
order to meet the learning objective? ● Cubic Unit: A ​cubic unit​ is a measure of volume. It is equal to the volume of a ​cube​, which is 1 ​unit​ tall, 1
Please ensure that your math lesson’s vocabulary aligns
with Eureka (vocab). unit​ wide and 1 ​unit​ long.
● Rectangular Prism: A 3D rectangular-faced prism.
● Volume: A three-dimensional measure and is therefore expressed in cubic units.
● Length: One dimension of a two- or three-dimensional figure.
● Width: The distance (length) from side to side.
● Height: A perpendicular line segment from the base to the top of the figure.
Learner Characteristics (1b-1) (1b-4)
Describe the relevant student characteristics (e.g., races,
ethnicities, nationalities, languages, gender
identities/expressions, religions, political affiliations,
socio-economic backgrounds, and disclosed sexual
orientations),​ ​interests, and any other relevant
information regarding the students you will be teaching.

Click ​HERE​ to access a list of (ELED) characteristics.

Describe any students’ special learning and/or medical

needs (e.g., IEP/IFSP, 504) ​(1b-5) (1c-4)​.

Students’ Prior Knowledge ​(​1a-2​)

How will you know what prior knowledge your students
have in relation to these learning objectives (e.g.,
data from previous lessons or conducting
pre-assessment as part of current lesson)?

On-going (formative) Assessment (1f-3) I will ask math-related questions:

What will you do ​during the lesson​ to monitor ● How is a cubic unit different from a square unit? ​(Have students use a Snap Cube to demonstrate the
student understanding?  difference).
Be sure you copy/paste this into the (actual) ● How can you determine the number of cubes in the rectangular solid by looking at the completed model?
teaching sequence below.
○ Say: You can calculate the volume of a rectangular solid by finding the area of the solid’s base and
multiplying this by the solid’s height.
○ How do you write the formula represented by this method? ​ (Guide students to write V = B x h)
○ How do you find the area of the base?​ (Students should know how to multiply length by width).
Post Assessment (1f-1) The Exit Slip is congruent to the learning objective because by using snap cubes they are using concrete models to
How is the assessment ​(Exit Slip) ​congruent to the determine volume of a rectangular prism which is what multiple snap cubes make.
learning objective(s)? I will be using Kahoot! as an Exit Slip on their Chromebooks.

How will you know that your students have I will know that students have achieved the learning objective when the students can accurately answer how much
achieved the learning objective(s)? volume a prism is taking up by finding the amount of volume a luggage case takes up.
Discuss the degree of accuracy from your learning
objective(s) or the rubric you will use.

Materials (1e-2)
List materials (including technology) and attach any Each student will need:
activity and assessment sheet(s) used in the lesson. ● Snap cubes
Also include a ​reference​ for where you found the idea. ● Printed page for Student
● Paper
● Pencil
Teacher needs:
● Snap Cubes
● Question Flashcards
● The Best Vacation Ever by Stuart Murphy

● Jane Strawhecker
● AIMS: Luggage Limits

Justify the use of the materials used to engage P-12 The snap cubes are important because the students will be utilizing these to make the corners and the rectangular
students in meaningful learning. prisms over the problem sheet I give them. The AIMS activity will be provided for them to complete and they will
need some scratch paper to work over the volume math and a pencil to write this down. I will need question flash
cards to answer the supporting math question to encourage the math talk and discourse that Eureka Math
requires. I will also have the Best Vacation Ever book by Stuart Murphy so I can read it aloud to the class.

Lesson Sequence and Delivery:  

Regardless of the model, write the lesson with enough detail and teacher talk/questioning that the reader can picture the teacher candidate teaching the lesson in its entirety and/or 
another teacher could step in and use the plan with minimal assistance. 
  TE 312 candidates are assigned to plan a 50 to 60-minute math
Lesson  Differentiation (1e-1)  Student Engagement
  lesson that integrates a picture book, a high-cognitive task for
Components  8 students (up to the whole class), and a 1-2 item exit slip. 1. Within in the​ Lesson Sequence and Delivery​ ​label
  TE 312 will do this section later. examples for fostering ​Student​ ​Engagement
Time 1. Within Core Instruction (minimum), list (SCOR) with S for Success, C for Curiosity, O for
instructional tools, methods, and/or Originality, and R for Relationships.
strategies to meet differing student S (for math): Plan Talk moves; Emphasize C>P>A;
needs/interests. select tasks w/productive struggle or high cogn.
2. Explain your rationale. dem.
C (for math): purposeful context;
2. Explain your rationale in the boxes below.
​Introduction (1e-4) I will introduce myself as Miss Revelo. I will begin the Success​ (the need for mastery)
5 Develop background, foster class by asking them about vacations and if they have Curiosity​ (the need for understanding)
connections, facilitate ever flown or driven away before on a long trip. What Originality​ (the need for self-expression)
motivation for learning did they use to bring clothing and their stuff? Relationships​ (the need for involvement with
activity. (Luggage/Bags.) I will ask them how big was it, was it so others)
Emotion (​ ​the need of a student to be emotionally
big you could barely carry it or something smaller like a
Include students in knowing I will explain we will be learning more about volume, first
what they will be doing and in rectangular prisms. These prisms mostly resemble the
why it is important (e.g. bigger luggage cases, like the four wheeled rollers or
box-shaped luggage cases. I will discuss the restrictions
to present student-friendly
for some bags on airlines and difference between
checked baggage and carry-on luggage.
10 Core Instruction ​(1e-4) INSTRUCTIONAL INPUT & MODELING: Success​ (the need for mastery)
Include appropriate lesson Curiosity​ (the need for understanding)
content, clear sequence, Originality​ (the need for self-expression)
opportunities for practice Set up the following scenario for students: Relationships​ (the need for involvement with
and application. others)
Emotion (​ ​the need of a student to be emotionally
10 “You are planning a trip to go and
help in an area that was affected by a
natural disaster such as the floods here in Nebraska. You RATIONALE:
will be working
to rebuild a school. Let’s say Wood River or Fremont. As
5 part of your
contribution, you would like to
bring new school supplies and other
materials that will be needed to get
10 the school running again. You know
that airlines have restrictions on the
sizes of the luggage you can bring.
Your goal is to have as much room
as possible to carry the supplies
without having to pay extra fees for
oversized luggage.”

I will use snap-cubes to go through the provided scenario
about helping school and making a corner of the prism
rather than the entire prism.


Students will use a thumbs up and thumbs down as a
check for understanding as well as listening to the
answers of the questions I ask:
Math-related questions:
● How is a cubic unit different from a square unit?
(Have students use a Snap Cube to demonstrate
the difference).
● How can you determine the number of cubes in
the rectangular solid by looking at the completed
○ Say: You can calculate the volume of a
rectangular solid by finding the area of
the solid’s base and multiplying this by
the solid’s height.
○ How do you write the formula
represented by this method? ​ (Guide
students to write V = B x h)
○ How do you find the area of the base?
(Students should know how to multiply
length by width).

INDPT PRACTICE (w/formative assessment):

10 Closure (1e-4) DEBRIEF: Success​ (the need for mastery)
Include what you will 1. How did you approach this problem? Why did Curiosity​ (the need for understanding)
ask or say to you choose this method? Originality​ (the need for self-expression)
students to refocus 2. What is the maximum volume for one piece of Relationships​ (the need for involvement with
students on​ ​learning others)
5 luggage under the restrictions? What are the
objective. Emotion (​ ​the need of a student to be emotionally
dimensions of a box of this volume?
3. Did everyone get the same volume and
dimensions? If not, why were there differences? RATIONALE:
4. Why do we measure volume in cubic units, not
“square units” or units?

EXIT TICKET (assessment):
Post Lesson Reflection
What contributed to students meeting the instructional objective(s)?
Provide ​(2-3) ​specific examples. ​(4a-1)

Given another opportunity to teach your lesson, what ​(2-3) ​specific

suggestions for improving the lesson would you make? ​(4a-2) 

Student comments regarding feedback (4e-2): 

Peer feedback from TE 312 - w​ hat ​(2-3) ​specific suggestions for improving the lesson will you make?

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