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Yamaha: Positioning and Launching Strategy for

Motorcycle Marketplace
Dewi Annisa Y1, Hasrul Abdurahman2, Indra Tangkas PS3, Nagata Wiguna4, Zulfikar Nur R5
PPM School of Management

1. Introduction
Yamaha Indonesia, a manufacturer in motorcycle wants to launch a new model for motorcycle, there is
Nouvo, an automatic transmission motorcycle to market. Yamaha expect to gain market awareness about
the product. For that goal in mind, Yamaha creates a marketing program to boost awareness in Nouvo and
sales, with a problem in market, there is a perception in market about automatic transmission motorcycle
being not masculine enough for men and automatic transmission not tough enough compare to manual
transmission motorcycle. The results on marketing program was not satisfied enough. Rate people who
actually buy the product is relatively small compare to awareness to the product. The one who buy the
product mainly people with higher income and age above 40s, some of them are women. With that
disappointed in results, Yamaha see potential on motorcycle markets, they sees there is a potential market
for women especially in automatic transmission. So with that in mind, Yamaha trying to launch and repair
strategies for Nouvo and Mio. The problem with marketing program is not consistent and specific enough
on Target consumers and positioning the product also, the content of marketing program is not correct
enough to break through stigma in market. Yamaha should inspect the component of STP first, from their
marketing programs, we see that Yamaha doesn’t fit the Target and Positioning. Yamaha should set their
target as clear as possible, for example Nouvo will target to Men with higher income, Men with family of
course this decision was made by statement on the case. And Positioning, Yamaha should position Nouvo
as the first Tough automatic motorcycle in Indonesia. For the Content of marketing, Yamaha first should
break the stigma on market about automatic motorcycle, beside increase the awareness, they should increase
the image of Nouvo as a tough automatic motorcycle that could compare with manual transmission. As for
the Mio, they should target women with family that take care the children, and positioning it as the first
automatic motorcycle for women. For the content of marketing should emphasize about awareness and easy
to use and easy maintenance.
2. Problem Identification

3. Literature Review and Discussion

4. Conclusion and Recommendation

5. Reference

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