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Final Exam Task ( Group ) Assessement in ELT


Group 1 ( Perceptive Reading ) ^^

Perceptive reading assessments address the beginning level of reading a second

language, the fundamentals. Perceptive tasks are also known as literacy tasks. One of the
assessments used to measure a student’s literacy is reading aloud. The assessment is of
reading comprehension and oral production. Students separate letters, words, and/ or
sentences and read them one by one. The teacher/ administrator can choose a story that is
appropriate for the student’s proficiency level. The examples are Reading Aloud, Written
Response, Multiple-choice, Picture-cued Items.

 Assessment Example: Reading Aloud

Birthday Cake
Birthday cakes areserved on a person’sb i r t h d a y . T h e c a k e
i s decorated with thewords “Happy Birthday” and the person’s name. I t i s
a t r a d i t i o n t o p u t o n e c a n d l e for each year that the birthdayp e r s o n
is celebrating. For example,if a child is turning eight years
o l d , the cake will have eight candles. After the candles are lit, family
members and friends sing “Happy Birthday”. The person celebrating their
birthday makes a wish and b l o w s o u t t h e c a n d l e s . I f t h e y b l o w o u t
a l l t h e c a n d l e s i n o n e b r e a t h , their wish will come true.
 Scoring Scale for Reading Aloud ( Elementary School )


Green Card Red Card

1. Good enough 1. The title become highligh doesn’t
2. Good explanation and used the appropriate in the materials
language are easy to understand 2. You can give the rubic
3. Good explanation. Menggunakan 3. Please add more example and picture
bahasa yang mudah dipahami 4. The title doesn’t appropriate with
4. Explanation is good enough. Please add material, a title receptive, content
the scoring perceptive
5. The explanation is good, they put the 5. Good, but there are some points that
explanation 2 materials too. must improved such as the materials,
6. Good definited, example
7. They layout is good and interesting and 6. Wrong title and add more examples
good explaination 7. There is no rubic assessment
8. The example very good and good 8. The explanation of picture cute is
explanation different among one presenter and
9. Quite clear explanation and more other.
creative and you can
Group 2 ( Selective )

 Using short text, focus on grammatical and lexical

 The examples are Editing Task (correcting the structure), Multiple Choice, Matching
Task, Picture-cued Task (Making definition), and Gap-filling Task (no choice, longer)

Group 3 ( Selective )

 This category is largely an artifact of assessment formats. In order to ascertain one’s

reading recognition of lexical, grammatical, or discourse features of language within a
very short stretch of language.

Group 4 ( Interactive )

 Combination of form-focus and reading-focus, students can interact with the text
(meaning-focus objective)
 The examples are Cloze Task (filling gap in a paragraph) and Short Answer Task
 The scoring for Cloze Task is each number gets 2 points while Short Answer Task is 10
points for each number
 The level is for 2nd grade of Junior High school

Group 5 ( Interactive )

 Focus on reading text

 The examples are Cloze Task (filling gap in a paragraph) and Short Answer Task
 The scoring based on the answer test

Group 6 ( Interactive )

 Students can interact with the text which is using short passage
 The examples are Cloze tasks, Impromptu Reading, Short Answer Tasks, Editing,
Scanning, and Ordering Tasks.
 The level is for 2nd grade Junior High School

Group 8 ( Extensive )

 Using texts which contain more than 200 words

 The kinds of text in extensive reading assessments are short story, article, and book
 The examples of the assessments are Skimming tasks, Summarizing and Responding, and
Note-Taking and Outlining
 The level is for 1st grade of Senior High School
 The scoring use scale from 0-2. The score 2 is if the students answer the questions use
their logic and the answer is right. The score 1 is if the students answer the questions by
copying the sentence from the text. Score 0 is if the students fill the wrong answer which
don’t have any relationship with the question.
Group 9 ( Extensive )

 Using long text

 The examples are skimming, summarizing and responding, and note taking outline
 The level is for Junior High School and senior High School
 The scoring use scale 1-4. The score focus on grammar and vocabulary.

Group 10 ( Extensive )

 Using long text, students read a lot and read often.

 Extensive reading is often referred to but it is worth checking on what it actually involves.
 The example of extensive reading are skimming, summarizing and responding, and note
taking outline.
 Skimming is the process of rapid coverage of reading matter to determine its gist or main
 The level is for Junior High School and senior High School.

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