Dialog Adj Klause'

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Topic “ Hang out ”

Ahra : Hallo Nami.. !

Nami : Hi, Ahra! How’s today?
Ahra : Very well! And you?
Nami : Me too.. Thanks.
Ahra : How about your last night?
Nami : That was satisfying. I watched a film that we saw last week with my
Ahra : Really? Where did you watch?
Nami : I watched at XXI jayapura. How about you ?
Ahra : We had dinner at korean restaurant. That was my first time! I was very
Nami : And then?
Ahra : I ate sushi. It’s special menu that was made by rice.
Nami : Waw.. I want to try it so bad
Ahra : Uuuh.. Don’t worry, let’s go to there together!
Nami : When?
Ahra : The day that we are not going to college.
Nami : How about Friday?
Ahra : Brilliant! Good time!
Nami : I must try many kind of korean food. Kimbap.. Bibimyun.. waaah.. i
can’t wait for friday
Ahra : Haha.. I think, we have to bring a lot of money
Nami : Yes, you can buy me one.
Ahra : What???
Nami : Just kidding, girl.. hahaha
Ahra : Oh, I guest i will late to buy food for my mom now. Ahra, i must go
now. See you!
Nami : See you! Be carefull!
Ahra : Of course..

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