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3rd World Conference on Photovoltoic Energy Conversion May 11-18.

2003 Os& Japan



Christian Bendel‘, Andreas Wagne?
1. lnstitut f i r Solare Energieversorgungstechnik (ISET) Kassel, Germany
2. University of Applied Sciences Dortmund, P.O.Box 10 50 18, D-44047 Dortmund, Germany

ABSTRACT means of equivalent circuit diagrams lies in the explicit

calculability of matching problems. A calculation method
The principal task of photovoltaic measurement is to for matching problems in photovoltaic engineering
monitor the correct function of all components of a PV- therefore demands the following options:
system, as defects will result in losses in energy yield. Explicit calculation of current-voltage-
Components are both the PV-generator and the peripheral characteristic equation V(I)
equipment as well. Quality control of the peripheral Explicit calculation of the parameters of the
equipment is approved electrical measurement characteristic equation from the measured
engineering. But quality control of the PV-generator needs parameters I,,, V,, I,,, V,,,,.
in addition the measurement of the actual sunlight. Not Degree of accuracy of approximation within the
only the irradiance, but also the spectral distribution of the range of degree of accuracy of measuring
irradiance has an important influence on the efticiency of method (state-of-the-art: I%)
the solar cell. For this reason, special sensors for The “Effective.Solar Cell Characteristic’’ [6] meets all
irradiance-measurement with the same spectral response three demanded options, as it has the same approximation
as the PV-modules to be measured have to be applied. accuracy as the two-diodes-model.


The daily electrical energy yield W, which can be

utilised by the user follows from the mean daily insolation
GA, rated with the area-factor AF, which describes the
change of the energy yield due to tilt and azimuth angle of
the PV-generator, the peak power PPkand the performance
ratio P R Fig. 1 Equivalent circuit diagram for the
rn2 Effective Solar Cell Characteristic
W = GA .AF .Ppk.PR .-
The equivalent circuit diagram contains a fictitious
photoelectric component which presents either a positive
Via the performance ratio all further losses can be
or a negative resistance. The new component is to be
desribed by their partial efficiencies q,.
presented by Rp. (photovoltaic resistance).
Important: the true internal series resistance R, must
not be confused with the photovoltaic resistance Rpv.The
determination of the actual R, is desribed later. Follows
the effective solar cell characteristic:
All parameters GA, AF, P,,, PRO, all qi are directly “+In#.
proportional to the energy yield. ~

GA and PRO depend on weather statistics and cannot I=lph-lO(e ”7 -1) (3)
be controlled. Also the area factor AF is determined by the Explicit version
orientation of the PV-generator. I -I+!.
But the peak power PPkand the effectivenesses vi of Y = V, I n ( L ) - I R~~ (4)
all the other components are directly proportional to the
With the introduction of the photovoltaic resistance
energy yield.
the explicit calculability of matching problems between
solar generators and several loads is possible with an
accuracy of I%, related to the maximum power of the
solar generator.
For the determination of the 4 independent equation
parameters R,,, V,, Io, IDhthere are also 4 independent
2.1 Effective Solar Cell Characteristic
measured parameters necessaly. In the present case these
Measurements of peak-power and internal series
measured parameters are I,,, V,,, I,,, V,,. If in
resistance under natural ambient conditions need
addition the slope M at open-circuit voltage is to be
mathematical corrections of the measured I-V-
characteristic, considering irradiance and cell temperature
[7]. The purpose of I-V-characteristic approximation by

Poster 2227
3rd World ConJerence on Photovoltaic Energy Converrion May 11-18, 2003 Osoko. Japan

dy I,, = 2.874 A Rg, =0.906 R

= 0)
M =-(/ (5)
dl V,, =22.662/1 ~ = - 2 , 4 5 4 v V, =4.804 V (13)
then for the 4 equation parameters 5 equations are l p - =2.099A A Io = 0.026 A
available. The following in general valid approximate V,- = 14.653 V I,, =2.874 A
function for the slope M could be derived [6].

2. I

+ k, -+ k,)
with the equation-constants
(-5.41 I\
0 . 3 t 1 I I I I I I I j d
I (7)
'0 25 5 7.5 IO 12.5 I S 17.5 20 22.5 25
Vollage [VI

Fig.3 IV-cume approximation of an

amorphous PV-module
Important notice: these equation-constants are
independent of material properties of the solar cell. Fig. 2 and Fig.3. show both the good accord of the
measured I-V-curves with the effective solar cell
Using this nonlinear system of simultaneous equations characteristic,
the equation parameters can be determined [6]:
2.2 Peak Power Measurement
Peak power is the maximum power under standard test
conditions STC, [ 5 ] .

pp*= p,,, ( E , 1 TjO 1 (14)

Standard Test Conditions (STC):

Irradiance E 0 -- 1000&
Solar spectrum AM 1. S

Example 1: Monocrystalline PV-Module BP585F: Solar cell temperature r,, = 25 "C=298 K (17)
Check of approximation quality of the effective solar
cell characteristic: Comparison with measured values. The actual maximum power point (MPP) varies with
irradiance and temperature. Measurement of peak power
I,* = 1.015 A R,,, = 0.431R
under natural ambient conditions means comction of the
v ~ = 2 0 . 5 o s A M-&
,! V, =1.12V (12) actual MPP to STC.
I,,, = 0.95 IA A Io =1.142.10~'A Not only the irradiance, but also the spectral
V,- = 17.002V lph=1.015A distribution of the irradiance has an important influence
on the efficiency of the solar cell.The spectral response of
1.1 , ( , I ]/ , , , , I
the solar cell is expressed by its short-circuit current.
-.-.*__ Proposition: For a linear description of the spectral

"0 i
response a spectrally assessed effective irradiance is to be
introduced [7].
'ii Definition: The effective irradiance for a solar cell
i only consists of that part of the solar spectmm which takes
i 0.4 t \ - I part in energy-conversion in this solar cell. By analogy
with the unit Lux (Ix) of lighting technology, where
brightncss is spectrally assessed by the spectral sensitivity
'0 2 4 6 8 10 12 I 4 16 I 8 20 22 24
of the human eye, it is proposed here to describe the
v01lage (V) spectral sensitivity of the photovoltaic solar cell by an
effective irradiance with the new unit "Photovoltaic Lux"
Fig2 IV-curve approximation o f a (phox). The short-circuit current ofthe solar cell is a linear
crystalline PV-module measure for the effective irradiance. At AM 1.5 applies
Example 2: Amorphous PV-module Solarex MSX 40: Een = E phox=--; (18)
Check of approximation quality of the effective solar
cell characteristic: Comparison with measured values.

2228 Poste1
3rd World Conference on Photovoltaic Energy Conversion May 11-18,2003 Orah, Japan

Beyond AM 1.5 applies 3. EFFECTIVE IRRADIANCE

Ea = .KpW (19) Not only the irradiance, hut also the spectral
distribution of the irradiance has an important influence
The phox-constant for special sensors can he
on the efficiency of the solar cell. So the use of a special
measured at AM 1.5-conditions at a clear day under
sensor [I] for the measurement of the effective irradiance
natural ambient conditions. All further calculations will
is significant for the new method of peak-power-
refer to the "effective irradiance" E,n, measured in phox.
With the cell-temperature T, and the temperature
The following diagrams show the systematic error in
coefficient cT of power, the peak-power now can he
peak-power measurement, which results, if a pyranometer
calculated [7]. Correction to STC:
is used for the measurement of the irradiance instead of an
adequate sensor, such as SENSOLO-sensors [2].

~~~ ~~ .......... ~~~

follows the peak power

p* =~n"d"pd (22)
13 13.5 14 14.5 IS 15.5 16
For a complete presentation of the I-V-characteristic
Zcir [h]
under STC the following relations can be used. ..... Sensol
- Pyranorneter
Id = I, -
E, vmo= v, y--. (23)
4 vp- Fig. 5 Measurements by ISET Kassel, Germany
For the application of formula (23) two additional
informations are necessary.
Temperature coefficient cT of power
Cell temperature Tj
The temperature coefficient CT of power has to he
adopted from the data-sheet of the PV-module. If no
informations are available, the following value can he
used as default value for crystalline silicon cells:

typical C, K-'
= -0.00~ (24) -16

The cell temperature will he in balance with the -20

6 8 IO 12 14 16 18
temperature of a sensor for the effective irradiance, which Zeit [h]
is positioned under the same orientation as the PV-module
Fig.6 Systematic error for pyranometer
to he measuered. So the cell-temperature can be obtained
by a PtlOOO at the backside of the sensor.
For the measurement of the effective irradiance
The accuracy of this peak-power correction is 5%.

Fig4 Peak-Power Measuring Instrument

PVPM 6020C Iserlohn, Germany,

Poster 2229
3rd World Confirence on Phorovolroic Energy Conversion Mny 11-18,2003 Osaka, Japon

manipulation and then a second measurement with an

additional external resistor &,,=0.9 R was made.

0 5 10 I5 20 25
spannung ["I
Fig.8 BP 585F with(1eft) and without(right)
Measurement A without manipulation:

I,, = 5 A V,, =22.3V

ly,,,n=4.72A V,,, =18V
RSA= 0 . 4 0
Measurement B with manipulation +&,,=0.9n

As the actual spectrum during the measurement is not
relevant for the calculation of R,, the measurement of the
first characteristic can also take place under open air
IsCB= 5 A
lpmar =4.51A V,,,,
= 22.3 V

The manipulation can be detected here.

R, = 1 . 3 0 (34)

conditions with natural sunlight.

The second charcteristic can be obtained by the 5. CONCLUSIONS
following simulation, so a second measurement is
unnecessary. By measurement o f only one present IV-characteristic
Characteristic 1: Measurement under natural ambient conditions [7] in conjunction with
the measurement of the effective irradiance [I] and
I,, v,,, vpmd (29) temperature, thc complete information about P,,,, R, and
also parallel resistancc R, [6] is available.
Charactenstic 2: Simulation

[ I ] Bendel C., et al.: Solarzellensensor SENSOL' ~

(30) Qualitstsmesstechnik Wr den Massenmarkt.- 15.Symporium

PhotovoltaischeSolarenergie. Staffclstcin, March 2002.
FF if FF 2 0.7 [2] Bendel C., Ries M., Wagner A.: Der Einfluss der spektral
f; = { beweneten Bentrahlungssterkemessung auf dic
2.2.10-9.ezaFFotherwise Energieertragsprognoie - garantierte Energieertrage.
Proceedings l8.Symposium Photovoltaische Salarenergie.
Staffelstein, March 2003.
f,= 1 d no change in Voltage (31) [3] Gottschalg R. et al.: Experimental Investigation of Spectral
Effects on Amorphous Silicon Solar Cells in Outdoor
Operation. CREST, Department of Electronic and Electrjeal

Engineering, Laughborough University, LEI 1 3TU, UK,

[4] IEC60891: Procedures for temperarure and irradiance
correction^ to measured I-V characteristics of clystalline
Silicon photovoltaic devices. 1992.
[SI IEC60904-3: Photovoltaic devices Part 3: Measurement
principles for terrestrial photovoltaic (PV) solar devices with
reference spectral irradiance daw. 1993.
The determination of the series resistance R, of only [6] Wagner A,: Photovoltaik Engineerjng. Die Methode der
one measured IV-characteristic now is possible. The Effcktiven Solarzellen-Kennlinie. Springer-Verlag. Berlin,
following example shows the accuracy of this method. Heidelberg,New York. 1999.
In order to demonstrate the effect o f a higher &, the [7] Wagner A.: Peak-Power and lntemal Series Resistance
R, of a BP585F-module first was measured without any Measurement under N a ~ r a l Ambient Conditions. ~

Proceedings EuroSun 2000, Copenhagen, June 2000.

2230 Poster

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