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Gavin’s Classroom Rules and Policies

2019 - 2020

Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s),

I am excited to welcome you and your student to Salem Middle School! My name is Ellie
Gavin and I will be your student’s English/Math teacher for the 2019 - 2020 school year.
Following this letter, you will see my classroom expectations, required materials,
grading and homework policies, and behavior plan.

A bit about me:​ I am a Double Duke! I received both my Master of Arts in Teaching
degree (‘19) and Bachelor of Science degree (‘18) from James Madison University. In
the state of Virginia, I am dual endorsed in English and Mathematics for grades 6 - 8. I
grew up in Virginia Beach; I attended Thoroughgood Elementary, Plaza Middle, and am
a graduate of Princess Anne High. I completed my student teaching here at Salem
Middle School and immediately knew that I wanted to teach here. I appreciate the
supportive culture and community Salem has to offer and I am excited for your student
to discover what it means to be a Shark!

This year, your student is going grow in many different ways, and I hope to positively
assist in their development from an elementary school student to a middle schooler. I
plan to get to know each of my students and cater to their individualized academic and
emotional needs. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please contact me
at ​​. I am looking forward to a great year!


Ellie Gavin
6th Grade English/Math Teacher
Ms. Gavin’s Classroom Rules and Policies
2019 - 2020

Contact Information:
Phone: TBD
Room: TBD
Conferences are available by appointment. The best way to reach me is by email.

Preparation:​ You are expected to come to class ready to learn each and every day. By
being prepared, you are ready for the lesson and your participation grade will benefit.
● Materials:​ binder, dividers, pencils, and a one-subject spiral notebook
*If you need assistance purchasing class materials, please let me know. I will
make sure your student has access to those materials.*
● Beginning of Class:​ Each day, there will be a warm-up on the screen as students
enter class. Students will be expected to have their homework out. The students
will work on their warm-up as I circulate the room checking homework.
● Extra Help:​ I offer tutoring to my students before school on Tuesdays and after
school on Wednesdays. All students are welcome to attend!

Classroom Rules:​ Students are expected to display the 6 Ps during class.

1. Participate:​ Engage in the work and discussions during class.

2. Prepared:​ Come to class with the necessary materials.
3. Produce:​ Deliver high quality work.
4. Prompt: ​Be on time.
5. Polite:​ Use good manners and treat yourself, your teacher, your
classmates, and the classroom with respect.
6. PMA (Positive Mental Attitude):​ Use only positive language and
comments about yourself and others.

Non-negotiable:​ There is zero-tolerance for bullying in this classroom. There will be no

teasing, put-downs, or name-calling.
Ms. Gavin’s Classroom Rules and Policies
2019 - 2020

Evaluation: ​You will be evaluated according to the following criteria:

● Participation (non-academic), 15%:​ Students will be expected to come to
class prepared be active learners throughout each class period. Each assignment
will have a participation component. I believe that coming to class prepared
increases all other evaluative areas.
● Formative assessments, 20%:​ Throughout a unit, students will be assessed
with quizzes and graded turn-in homework. This will better prepare students for
the test by analyzing what they know and don’t know.
● Classwork, 25%:​ Some of the assignments you complete in class will be
turned in for a grade. These will be both individual and group assignments.
● Tests and Projects, 40%:​ Summative assessments will assigned at least twice
during a quarter.

Extra Credit:​ This class does not provide any extra credit opportunities. Your grade in
this class will reflect your achievement and commitment to learning.

Late Work:
● You are encouraged to turn in all work, even if it is late. Points will be deducted
from your participation grade for submitting late, but the assignment itself can
still receive full credit. For each day late, your participation grade for the
assignment will drop by 10%.
● You must turn in a “Missing Assignment Form” for each missing assignment.
Three of these forms will result in a call home.

Absences: ​You are responsible for keeping track of your make-up work. When you
return from an absence make sure to do the following:
1. Go to the Absentee Station.
2. Look in the drawer for your class.
3. Find the packet with your name on it and read the entire packet.
4. If you have a question about the work, ask a classmate that was present. If you
are still unsure after asking your classmate, then ask Ms. Gavin. Please read the
entire packet before asking questions.
5. If you were absent during a graded assignment, see Ms. Gavin to set-up a date
to do the assignment.
If you do not have a packet, ask Ms. Gavin about it.
Ms. Gavin’s Classroom Rules and Policies
2019 - 2020

Grading Scale:​ ​We will follow the VBCPS grading scale for this class.

Letter Grade Score GPA

A 93 to 100 4.0

A- 90 to 92 3.7

B+ 87 to 89 3.3

B 83 to 86 3.0

B- 80 to 82 2.7

C+ 77 to 79 2.3

C 73 to 76 2.0

C- 70 to 72 1.7

D+ 67 to 69 1.3

D 64 to 66 1.0

F 63 and below 0.0

● Remind101:​ Students and parents/guardians and subscribe to my Remind101
alerts. I will send reminders about homework, assignments, and assessments at
least once week.
● Monthly Emails:​ The Parent/Guardian Survey sent out in the beginning of the
year had an area where parents/guardians can indicate if they would like to be
on the monthly email list. If you are not on the list, but would like to be added,
please email Ms. Gavin at ​​.
Ms. Gavin’s Classroom Rules and Policies
2019 - 2020


Following these guidelines will help you to succeed in this class. It will also help to
“streamline” our class period so that we will have more time for the challenging,
creative, and fun activities I have planned for us. Please remember that YOU are
ultimately responsible for your own success. I will do everything I can to help you
achieve this! Please come to me with any of your questions or concerns. I am looking
forward to a great year together; I hope you are too!


Ms. Gavin

Student’s Signature: _____________________________

Parent’s Signature: ______________________________

By signing, I indicate that I have thoroughly read and understand Ms. Gavin’s
Classroom Rules and Policies.

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